Diamesinae, Kieffer, 1922

Cranston, Peter S. & Tang, Hongqu, 2024, An identification guide to the genera of aquatic larval Chironomidae (Diptera) of south-east Asia, Zootaxa 5497 (2), pp. 151-193 : 175-177

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5497.2.1

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Diamesinae View in CoL View at ENA : Tribes and genera

This subfamily comprises the austral tribes Heptagyiini, Lobodiamesini , South African Harrisonini, and the boreal Diamesini and Boreoheptagyiini ( Semenchenko et al. 2024) . Larvae are lotic, largely cool stenothermic. Boreoheptagyia , Diamesa , Pagastia , Potthastia , Pseudodiamesa , Sasayusurika , Sympotthastia and Syndiamesa all occur in oriental China ( Sun et al. 2019) and may be expected at elevation in south-east Asia.

1 Dorsal head capsule tuberculose ( Fig. 14A View FIGURE 14 ). Parapod claws arranged in circlet ( Fig. 14B View FIGURE 14 ). Body with multipointed spines ( Fig. 14C View FIGURE 14 )................................................. Tribe Boreoheptagyiini ........ Boreoheptagyia Brundin [L. in forest streams, seeps. B. sasai Makarchenko & Endo common oriental China (Fujian). B. alulasetosa Makarchenko, Wu & Wang , B. kurobebrevis (Sasa & Okazawa) , B. zhengi Lin & Liu in sw China (Guizhou, Yunnan) ( Makarchenko et al. 2008, Lin et al. 2021). B. cf. ambigua & B. rotunda Serra-Tosio near Sino-Burma border; Holarctic]

1’ Head lacks tubercles. Body not spinose. Parapod claws irregular ( Fig. 14D View FIGURE 14 )................... Tribe Diamesini ...... 2

2(1) Mentum toothless ( Fig. 14E View FIGURE 14 ). Premandible with c.15 small, pointed teeth. Mandible lacks seta interna.................................................................................................. Potthastia longimanus gp. [lotic Potthastia cf. longimanus (Kieffer) rare oriental China (Guangdong); Holarctic]

2’ Mentum toothed ( Fig. 14F View FIGURE 14 ). Premandible with 13 or fewer broader teeth. Mandible with or without seta interna.......... 3

3(2) Median mentum with 3 subequal teeth separated from lateral teeth ( Fig. 14F View FIGURE 14 )................ Pseudodiamesa Goetghebuer [ P. nivosa Goetghebuer from 3500 m. oriental China, n. Yunnan, e. Tibet, Hengduan Mt.; Holarctic)

3’ Median mentum abutting to narrowly separated from first lateral tooth........................................... 4

4(3) Maxillary palp with setal fan each side ( Fig. 14G View FIGURE 14 ). Mandible without seta interna. Premandible with 1 tooth............................................................................................ Sasayusurika Makarchenko [2 spp., S. nigatana (Tokunaga) , ♂ Zhejiang Province ( Sun et al. 2019): Pe oriental China (Fujian and Yunnan., inc. Gaoligong Mt.), e. Palaearctic]

4’ Maxillary palp lacks setal fans. Mandible with seta interna ( Fig. 14H View FIGURE 14 ). Premandible with 2 + teeth.................... 5

5(4) Mentum evenly curved, with>16 subequal distinct teeth ( Fig. 14J View FIGURE 14 ). Procercus small or absent; 4 anal setae arise from body wall; if procercus lacking, subapical seta arises anterior to anal setae ( Fig. 14I View FIGURE 14 )....................... Diamesa Meigen [ D. cranstoni Willassen , e. Malaysia, Sabah, G. Kinabalu, 3200 m., 3 undescribed spp. in montane oriental China (Nanling Mt. and Wuyi Mt.) from 1000–1500 m., Holarctic, montane Afrotropics]

5’ Mentum with fewer teeth ( Fig. 14N View FIGURE 14 ) or teeth indistinct beneath ventromentum ( Fig. 14M View FIGURE 14 ). Distinct procercus bears 5–7 anal and 2 subapical setae ( Fig. 14K View FIGURE 14 )......................................................................... 6

6(5) Mentum apically truncate with 4–6 ridge-like median projections ( Fig. 14M View FIGURE 14 ). Setae submenti displaced posteriorly, nearer to postoccipital margin than mentum ( Fig. 14M View FIGURE 14 )................................................... Pagastia Oliver [ P. lanceolata (Tokunaga) , P. tianmumontana Makarchenko & Wang , oriental China (Guangdong), in montane subtropical streams at maximum elevation of 500 m., Pe from 1000–1500 m., oriental China (Yunnan, Fujian); Holarctic]

6’ Mid-mentum rounded, not ridged ( Fig. 14L, N View FIGURE 14 ). Setae submenti nearer mentum than postocciput..................... 7

7(6) Mid-mentum broad, median tooth dome-shaped. 5–6× width of 1st lateral tooth ( Fig. 14L View FIGURE 14 )........... Potthastia gaedii gp. [montane streams, Potthastia cf gaedii , Potthastia montium Edwards , oriental China; Holarctic]

7’ Median tooth of mentum rounded or bi-lobed, <3× width of 1st lateral tooth...................................... 8

8(7) Median mental teeth (sometimes also first laterals) paler than outers ( Fig. 14N View FIGURE 14 ). Premandible with dominant apical tooth and 2–4 small inner teeth; labral lamellae comprising 2 rounded scales............................... Sympotthastia Pagast [ S. takatensis (Tokunaga) Korea, S. wuyiensis Liu, Ferrington & Wang , Jiangxi, transitional oriental and palaearctic China ( Liu et al. 2016); Holarctic]

8’ Mental teeth unicoloured ( Fig. 14O View FIGURE 14 ). Premandible apical tooth no stronger than 1st of 5 distinct inner teeth; labral lamellae comprising 5 well-developed scales ( Fig. 14P View FIGURE 14 )............................................... Syndiamesa Kieffer [ S. montana Tokunaga , S. yosiii Tokunaga , oriental China; Holarctic]











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