
Cranston, Peter S. & Tang, Hongqu, 2024, An identification guide to the genera of aquatic larval Chironomidae (Diptera) of south-east Asia, Zootaxa 5497 (2), pp. 151-193 : 162-174

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5497.2.1

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Chironominae View in CoL : tribes and genera

This subfamily, the largest in the family, is almost exclusively aquatic although some immature stages can survive dry conditions by construction of larval or pupal cocoons or by desiccation tolerance, resuming development when rehydrated ( Cranston 2014, Cornette et al. 2017). These exceptional taxa are not reported yet from south-east Asia. The tribal classification is not stable and can be inconsistent with emerging molecular data (e.g. Cranston et al. 2010, Cranston & Tang 2019). For example, the ‘tribe’ Pseudochironomini may be a grade. The Xiaomyiini for south-east Asian species is strongly supported, and the Tanytarsini appears to be monophyletic if the extralimital Nandeva Fittkau is included. Tribe Chironomini for the largest cluster of taxa is monophyletic, with distinctive included groupings of the ‘ Harnischia -complex’ and for genera related to Chironomus Meigen. Other emergent groupings may eventually be formalised but their validity and composition are not discussed here.

1 Ventromental plate lacks striae, with few weak distal hooks / lappets ( Fig. 2E, F View FIGURE 2 ).................................. 2

1' Ventromental plate striate, usually also with some distal hooks / lappets ( Fig. 2C, D View FIGURE 2 )............................... 5

2(1) Head conventional, not flattened dorsoventrally or wedge-shaped ( Fig. 7F View FIGURE 7 ). Mentum with median tooth protruding ( Fig. 7A, B View FIGURE 7 ). Thoracic segments dilate only in pharate P. Abdomen cylindrical, not tapering, with well-developed procercus..................................................................................... tribe Xiaomyiini View in CoL .......... 3

2' Head dorsoventrally flattened, tapered, wedge-shaped ( Fig. 2E View FIGURE 2 ). Mentum strongly concave with characteristic arrangement of teeth ( Figs. 2F View FIGURE 2 , 7C, D View FIGURE 7 ). Thoracic segments swollen prior to pre-P. stage ( Fig. 7E View FIGURE 7 ). Abdomen tapers, without or with reduced procercus............................................................................................ 4

3(2) Median tooth of mentum sagittate (like arrow head) ( Fig. 7A View FIGURE 7 ).......................... Shangomyia Saether & Wang View in CoL [ S. impectinata Saether & Wang View in CoL , lotic, L. wood miner; regionally widespread, India to Borneo, oriental China, Cranston 2003; Tang & Cranston 2019]

3’ Median tooth of mentum rounded, less protruding ( Fig. 7B View FIGURE 7 )............................... Xiaomyia Saether & Wang [ X. aequipedes Saether & Wang , lotic. Regionally widespread, India, Thailand to oriental China. Tang & Cranston 2019]

4(2) 3rd antennal segment short, subequal to 5th; 3rd & 5th each 1/2 length of 4th ( Fig. 7G View FIGURE 7 )................ Harrisius Freeman [tentative L, P, wood-mining, Thailand; Australia, N.Z.; Borkent 1984]

4' 3rd antennal segment shorter than 4th, both longer than 5th ( Fig. 7H View FIGURE 7 )......................... Stenochironomus Kieffer [abundant, L, wood- or leaf-miners;> 12 spp., inc. Thailand, Malaysia, oriental China; global, Borkent 1984]

5(1) Lauterborn organs large, alternate on segments 2 and 3 ( Fig. 7I, O, P View FIGURE 7 ). Antenna 6-segmented (rarely 5 or 7).............. 6

5' Lauterborn organs absent to small, rarely large, opposite ( Fig. 8E, F View FIGURE 8 ), rarely alternate. Antenna 5–9 segmented........... 18

6(5) Ventromental plate wedge-shaped ( Fig. 7J View FIGURE 7 ). Body with dorsal hump on segment 11 ( Fig. 7F View FIGURE 7 ), with long lateral tubules. L. in transportable case...................................................................... Zavreliella Kieffer [ Z. marmorata (v. d. Wulp), oriental China, Z. cranstoni Reiss , Sarawak ( Malaysia), Reiss 1990; Z. shidai Cao & Tang , oriental China, Cao & Tang 2017; global]

6' Ventromental plate elongate, rarely wedge-shaped. Body without dorsal hump on segment 11, lacking lateral tubules. L. free-living, tubicolous or with fixed case ( Rheotanytarsus )........................................................ 7

7(6) Median tooth of mentum single, domed, pale ( Fig. 7K View FIGURE 7 ).................................... Paralauterborniella Lenz [widespread, P. nigrohalteralis (Malloch) , Thailand, P. ershanensis Tang , oriental China, Tang 2016; Holarctic, Neotropical]

7' Median mentum with 2–4 pale teeth, or mentum all dark...................................................... 8

8(7) Mandibular and mental teeth all uniformly brown-black or yellow............................................... 9

8' At least dorsal mandibular tooth pale. Median 3–4 teeth of mentum contrastingly pale.............................. 16

9(8) Median mentum not clearly delimited as dorsomentum ( Fig. 7L, N View FIGURE 7 )............................................ 10

9' Median mentum delimited as dorsomentum by anteriorly-directed median ventromental plate, comprising 4 or 6 median mental teeth ( Fig. 2C View FIGURE 2 )...................................................................................... 11

10(9) Median mentum with 2 recessed small teeth, ventromental plate semilunar ( Fig. 7L View FIGURE 7 ). Mandible with basal striae ( Fig. 7M View FIGURE 7 ).................................................................................. Xylochironomus Cranston [L. wood-mining, 1–2 undescribed spp., L, P. ♂, Thailand, oriental China; Australia; Cranston 2006]

10' Median mentum with 2 large teeth, ventromental plate fan-like ( Fig. 7N View FIGURE 7 ). Mandible lacks striae........ Polypedilum Kieffer [part: P. nubifer Skuse , P. tobaseptimum Kikuchi & Sasa , widespread; P. quasinubifer Cranston , Singapore, Thailand; Australia. Cranston et al. 2016a]

11(9) Basal Lauterborn organ in mid-3rd segment, 2nd apical on 3rd ( Fig. 7O View FIGURE 7 )............................ Skusella Freeman [lotic, perhaps hyporheic, Singapore, Malaysia (inc. Brunei), Thailand, 3 spp., oriental China. Australia, Neotropics; Cranston & Tang 2018]

11’ Lauterborn organs apical on 2nd and 3rd antennal segments ( Fig. 7P, Q View FIGURE 7 )......................................... 12

12(11) 4th antennal segment narrowed alongside apical Lauterborn organ, curved ( Fig. 7P View FIGURE 7 )................................ 13

12’ 4th antennal segment parallel-sided, straight ( Fig. 7Q View FIGURE 7 )....................................................... 15

13(12) Ventromental plate elongate ( Fig 2C, D View FIGURE 2 ). Antennal ring organ near middle.................... Conochironomus Freeman [lotic, lentic, modestly speciose, C. tobaterdecimus (Kikuchi & Sasa) , Indonesia (Sumatra), Thailand, Malaysia; C. nuengthai Cranston , Thailand, oriental China; C. sawngthai Cranston , Thailand, C. jat Tang , oriental China (Hainan). Australia, Afrotropical; Cranston 2016, Pramual et al. 2016, Tang 2018]

13’ Ventromental plate triangular. Antennal ring organ basal..................................................... 14

14(13) Mentum pale, median flat, comprising similar-sized teeth across ventromentum..................... Kribiodosis Kieffer [lotic or lentic, K. cantonensis Tang , oriental China (Guangdong) Han et al. 2021b; 1 sp. Malaysia ( Sarawak); Brunei; Afrotropical]

14’ Median mentum comprising paired dark central teeth protruding well beyond first laterals in 4 toothed ventromentum..................................................................................... Yaeprimus Sasa & Suzuki [oriental China, Y. isigaabeus Sasa & Suzuki , Y. balteatus Han & Tang ; Japan, Afrotropical; Yamamoto & Yamamoto 2009, Han et al. 2020]

15(12) Mentum black, with 4 median ventromental teeth comprising small paired centrals flanked by larger teeth.1st lateral teeth of dorsomentum shorter than subequal remainder, diminishing to outermost ( Fig. 8A View FIGURE 8 )................ Imparipecten Freeman [L, P. Thailand; Australia, Neotropics]

15’ Mentum paler, not black, median ventromental teeth various, including Chironomus -like triple tooth ( Fig. 8B View FIGURE 8 ); first lateral teeth of dorsomentum scarcely reduced relative to outer dorsomental teeth ( Fig. 8C View FIGURE 8 )................. Stictochironomus Kieffer [ S. affinis India, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, oriental China ( Cranston & Tang 2018), Thailand; S. translucens Johannsen , Indonesia, oriental China, plus S. multannulatus (Tokunaga) , S. simantomaculatus (Sasa, Suzuki & Sakai) , S. quadrimaculatus Song & Qi , S. trifuscipes Song & Qi ( Song et al. 2024) , oriental China, Japan; global]

16(8) Mentum with 3 median teeth (but may lack small central tooth) ( Fig. 8G View FIGURE 8 )........................ Microtendipes Kieffer [ M. umbrosus Freeman , regionally widespread, common ( Tang & Niitsuma 2017); diverse ( Song et al. 2023), Burma, Thailand to oriental China; global]

16’ Mentum with even number of 4 or more median teeth ( Fig. 8H View FIGURE 8 )............................................... 17

17(16) Mandible with 2 inner teeth. Basal Lauterborn organ subapical on segment 2 ( Fig. 8D, E View FIGURE 8 )............ Paratendipes Kieffer [Lotic, widespread, Burma as ♂ (Reiss, ZSM); Pe common in lotic drift in Malaysia, Thailand; L in Malaysia, Indonesia; oriental China, 5 spp. as ♂♂; global]

17' Mandible with 3 inner teeth. Basal Lauterborn organ apical on segment 2....................... Paraskusella Cranston [ad, Borneo ( Sarawak); L, Africa, Australia ( Cranston 2018b).

18(5) S1 setal bases fused, SII on pedestals ( Fig. 8I View FIGURE 8 ). Antenna 5 segmented with distinct Lauterborn organs ( Fig. 8K, L, M View FIGURE 8 ) sometimes on pedestal. Ventromental plates approximated ( Figs. 8J View FIGURE 8 , 3B View FIGURE 3 ) or separated by up to 3 teeth width ( Fig. 9B, L View FIGURE 9 )......................................................................................tribe Tanytarsini ............ 19

18’ S1 setal bases rarely fused, SII rarely on pedestal. Antenna 5–8 segmented, not on pedestals, Lauterborn organs prominent, opposite, rarely alternate or indistinct. Ventromental plates well separated medially ( Fig. 10B, D, F View FIGURE 10 ).................. 33

19(18) Ventromental plates medially separated by> width of 3 median mental teeth ( Fig. 8P, Q View FIGURE 8 )............................ 20

19’ Ventromental plates meet or separated only by width of median mental tooth ( Figs. 8J View FIGURE 8 , 9B View FIGURE 9 )......................... 25

20(19) Antennal pedestal with large multispined / palmate process ( Fig. 8N View FIGURE 8 )........................................... 21

20’ Antennal pedestal simple, without such palmate process..................................................... 22

21(20) Antennal pedestal with spur and multispined process....................................... ... Neostempellina Reiss [lotic, Burma, Reiss, ZSM; N. simantoneoa (Sasa, Suzuki & Sakai) , oriental China. Holarctic, Afrotropical]

21’ Antennal pedestal with only multispined process ( Fig. 8N View FIGURE 8 )...................................... Stempellina Bause [L., Indonesia (Java) (Zavřel 1934; ♂ S. clavata Guo & Wang ( Guo & Wang 2004) , oriental China (Yunnan); spp. Thailand, Singapore; Burma, Reiss, ZSM; Holarctic, Neotropical, Australia]

22(20) Lauterborn organs alternate on 2nd antennal segment ( Fig. 8O View FIGURE 8 )................................................ 23

22’ Lauterborn organs opposite, apical on 2nd antennal segment ( Figs. 8K, L View FIGURE 8 ; 9D–F View FIGURE 9 ).................................. 24

23(22) Premandible with 4 teeth. Postoccipital plate well developed, continuous............................. Zavrelia Kieffer [ Thailand, oriental China Z. bragremia Guo & Wang as ♂; Ekrem & Stur 2009; Neotropical]

23’ Premandible with 2–3 teeth; if 4 teeth, then postoccipital plate split........................... Stempellinella Brundin [ Thailand, S. tamaseptima (Sasa) +2 spp. unreared ♂♂ oriental China; Japan, Holarctic, Neotropical]

24(22) Mentum with concave anterior margin. Clypeal seta S3 simple (seldom bifurcate) on small pedestal.. Thienemanniola Kieffer [lentic, oriental China; T. motoharui (Tokunaga) ; includes Biwatendipes Tokunaga , Japan]

24’ Mentum with straight or convex anterior margin ( Fig. 8Q View FIGURE 8 ). Clypeal seta S3 simple (seldom bifurcate) on prominent pedestal.................................................................................... Yuasaiella Tokunaga [ Y. kyotensis Tokunaga , widespread N. China, Japan, e. Palaearctic, perhaps = C. tokunagaia Zorina ;? senior syn. of Constempellina Brundin ]

25(19) Premandible with 3–5 main teeth....................................................................... 26

25’ Premandible with 2 main teeth (additional lateral spine or basal tooth may be present)............................. 29

26(25) Mentum with 4 pairs of lateral teeth. Lauterborn organs small, sessile. Maritime .................................. 27

26’ Mentum with 5 pairs of lateral teeth. Lauterborn organs on pedestals ( Fig. 9E, F View FIGURE 9 ). Freshwater....................... 28

27(26) Posterior parapod claws numerous (c. 60). Abdominal segment VIII tapered....................... Pontomyia Edwards [coastal and open ocean; 3 regional spp., Huang et al. 2014; Pacific, Indian and Western Atlantic]

27’ Posterior parapod claws sparse (less than 20). Abdominal segment VIII conventional................. Yaetanyarsus Sasa [coastal, North Pacific, Thailand (Andaman Sea),> 14 Pacific spp., Tang et al. 2022b]

28(26) Antennal segment 2 wedge-shaped, not longer than 3rd; Lauterborn organs large, on pedicels usually shorter than organs ( Fig. 8L, M View FIGURE 8 ). Posterior parapod claws smooth or some with fine internal serrations.................... Cladotanytarsus Kieffer [lotic, lentic, diverse, widespread; taxonomy uncertain; global]

28’ Antennal segment 2 cylindrical, longer than 3rd; Lauterborn organs small, on long pedicels ( Fig. 8K View FIGURE 8 ). Posterior parapod claws simple, or some serrate / combs, or with pad or row of hooklets; none serrate...................... Tanytarsus v.d. Wulp [lotic, lectic, diverse, speciose, widespread:>24 spp. oriental China; T. oscillans Johannsen nuisance in Singapore reservoirs; global]

29(25) Antennal segment 2 subequal to 3 rd. Premandible with lateral spine and 2 apical teeth............ Neozavrelia Goetghebuer [Burma (Reiss ZSM), Thailand, Pe; oriental China: 5 spp, ♂, only, Guo & Wang 2005; Holarctic, Neotropical, Australia]

29’ Antennal segment 2 usually longer than segment 3 ( Fig. 9D, F View FIGURE 9 ). Premandible lacks lateral spine...................... 30

30(29) Mandible with lateral hump ( Fig. 9A View FIGURE 9 ). Mentum with 3 central teeth projecting well beyond more lateral teeth ( Fig. 9B View FIGURE 9 )........................................................................................... Sublettea Roback [ S. wilesi Ashe & O’Connor , Sulawesi; 2+ undescribed regional spp., Pe common Borneo, oriental China; Nearctic, Neotropical]

30’ Mandible without lateral hump (apex may be constricted). Central mental teeth weakly projecting.................... 31

31(30) Pedicels of Lauterborn organs short ( Fig. 9D View FIGURE 9 ). Ventromental plate striae appear block-like ( Fig. 9C View FIGURE 9 ). Pecten epipharyngis plate multitoothed comb or incompletely divided in three parts..................................... Rheotanytarsus Bause [Rheophilic, widespread,> 20 described regional spp., few immature stages; Kyerematen et al. 2000; global]

31’ Lauterborn organs, sessile, placed on short or long pedicels ( Fig. 9E, F View FIGURE 9 ). Ventromental plate striae fine. Pecten epipharyngis plate 3–5 distally rounded, pointed or serrated scales ( Fig. 9G, H View FIGURE 9 ).............................................. 32

32(31) Lauterborn organs sessile or on pedicels no more than 2× longer than antennal segments 3–5 combined ( Fig. 9F View FIGURE 9 ). Pecten epipharyngis 3–5 pointed or lobe-like scales ( Fig. 9G View FIGURE 9 ), occasionally 3 serrate plates............... Paratanytarsus Bause [widespread, lotic and lentic, moderately speciose, 7+ from oriental China, 2 as P, no L; Li & Tang 2021; P. grimmii Schneider , parthenogenetic; global]

32’ Lauterborn organs placed on pedicels always more than 2× longer than antennal segments 3–5 combined. Pecten epipharyngis always 3 apically serrate scales ( Fig. 9H View FIGURE 9 ).................................................. Micropsectra Kieffer [lotic, lentic, immature stages difficult, regional status unclear, M. atrofasciata Kieffer , oriental China, sp. indet. N. Burma (Reiss, unpubl. ZSM; global exc. Australia]

33(18) Labrum with S I partially or fully plumose, S II never blade-like; labral lamella usually well-developed ( Fig. 9I View FIGURE 9 ). Pecten epipharyngis plate wide, distally toothed ( Fig. 9J View FIGURE 9 ) or divided into 3, usually toothed, rarely finger-like. Pecten mandibularis strong ( Fig. 9K View FIGURE 9 ), rarely absent.......................................................................... 34

33' Labrum with S I and S II simple, frequently bladelike, S I rarely divided into 3–5 slender lobes. Labral lamella usually absent. Pecten epipharyngis single scale, sometimes large, toothed, more commonly small, without distinct teeth though sometimes lobed or serrate. Pecten mandibularis absent or few lamellae......... ' Harnischia complex’, tribe Chironomini ........56

34(33) Ventromental plate bar-like, in near-contact medially ( Fig. 9L View FIGURE 9 ). Insertion of seta subdentalis on same side (dorsal) of mandible as seta interna ( Fig. 9M View FIGURE 9 ).......................................................... ..’tribe Pseudochironomini’ [♂ Manoa Fittkau , M. xianjuensis Qi & Lin , oriental China (Zhejiang) Qi et al. 2017; ♂, Pe, oriental China (Guangdong, Yunnan); Pe, Thailand; Neotropical ]

34’ Ventromental plate very variable, not bar-like or rarely in near median contact. Seta subdentalis inserted opposite side (ventral) of mandible to seta interna............................................................................ 35

35(34) Median tooth or teeth of mentum recessed ( Fig. 9P, R, S View FIGURE 9 ).................................................... 36

35' Median mentum not recessed (e.g., Fig. 10D, F View FIGURE 10 )........................................................... 39

36(35) Mentum shining black; 1st lateral tooth broad, slightly flanged; anterior margin of ventomental plate scalloped ( Fig. 9N View FIGURE 9 ). Mandible with well-developed seta interna. Separate frons, clypeal and labral sclerites..............? Hyporhygma Reiss [lotic, leaf-miner, oriental China: Pe nr genus, Wei & Tang 2019. Nearctic]

36' Mentum brown; 1st lateral tooth lower than 2nd, ventromental plate with smooth anterior margin ( Fig. 9P, S View FIGURE 9 ). Mandible lacks seta interna ( Fig. 9S, T View FIGURE 9 ). Dorsal head sclerites differ......................................................... 37

37(36) Mentum with single median tooth in shallow recess; 1st lateral tooth lower than 2nd ( Fig. 9P View FIGURE 9 ). Mandible with 4 inner teeth; seta subdentalis narrow and straight ( Fig. 9Q View FIGURE 9 ). Pecten epipharyngis scales distally toothed. Clypeal and labral sclerites fused into single sclerite........................................................................ Kribiodorum Kieffer [syn. Stelechomyia Reiss. Wood-mining, K. malicky Cranston , Thailand, K. belalong Cranston , Brunei, Borneo; Cranston 2018a; Afrotropical, Nearctic, Neotropical]

37’ Mentum deeply cleft without median teeth ( Fig. 9S View FIGURE 9 ). Mandible with clumped 3 inner teeth; seta subdentalis broad, long, sinuous ( Fig. 9S, T View FIGURE 9 ). Pecten epipharyngis scales simple. Clypeal sclerite fragmented, labral sclerite small, medial to SI seta....... 38

38(37) Occipital margin with triangulum occipitale. Ventromental plate> 2× as long as high ( Fig. 9R View FIGURE 9 ). Antenna blade extending wellbeyond flagellum........................................................................ Nilodosis Kieffer [L, Indonesian Borneo: Kalimantan; Malaysia, Thailand, oriental China; Tang & Yamamoto 2012; N. austrosinensis Tang & Cranston 2017 ; previously confused with extralimital Fissimentum Cranston & Nolte ]

38’ Occipital margin conventional. Ventromental plate squat, seldom wider than high ( Fig. 9S View FIGURE 9 ). Antenna blade ends short of flagellum........................................................................... Kribiocosmus Kieffer [L, Peninsular Malaysia, as Fissimentum sp. ( Ahmad & Siti Hafizah 2017), undescribed ♂, China (Hainan, Yunnan), Japan (Okinawa) as K. kanazawai Yamamoto ]

39(35) Mental and mandibular teeth pale ( Fig. 10A, B View FIGURE 10 ). Mentum characteristic ( Fig. 10B View FIGURE 10 ). Small, <7 mm ..... Nilothauma Kieffer [lotic, Thailand, 8 spp. oriental China, ♂♂, Yan et al. 2005a; Adam & Saether 1999; global].

39' Mental and mandibular teeth dark (brown or black) in part at least. Mentum teeth different. Usually> 5 mm ............ 40

40(39) Labrum with lamellar setal brush ( Fig. 10C View FIGURE 10 ). Typical mentum ( Fig. 10D View FIGURE 10 ) often worn flat.......... Xenochironomus Kieffer [sponge-feeder (hence worn teeth); X. xenolabis (Kieffer) , X. canterburyensis (Freeman) , X. glaber Yu & Wang. oriental China ( Yu & Wang 2010); L, Thailand; Holarctic, Australia, N.Z., Neotropics]

40' Labrum conventional, lacking lamellar brush. Mentum teeth otherwise arranged.................................. 40

41(40) Mandible with basal striae ( Fig. 10E View FIGURE 10 ). Median mentum with tripartite central tooth ( Fig. 10F View FIGURE 10 ). Premandible with 2 ( Fig. 10G View FIGURE 10 ) or rarely 5–7 teeth ( Fig. 10H View FIGURE 10 ). Typically,1–2 pairs of ventral tubules ( Fig. 10I View FIGURE 10 )...................... Chironomus Meigen [speciose, morphological taxonomy difficult, 5, 6 or 7 pmd teeth in C. javanus Kieffer , C. vitellinus Freeman and C. okinawanus Hasegawa & Sasa. Benthalia Kieffer is included; molecular data Pramaul et al. 2016; global]

41' Mandible without basal striae. Ventral tubules absent or with 1 pair. Premandible variably toothed.................... 42

42(41) Ventromental plate>1.5 x width of mentum, contiguous medially, narrowly drawn-out laterally ( Fig. 10 K, N View FIGURE 10 ). Premandible teeth 2, or 5+....................................................................................... 43

42' Ventromental plate <1.5 × as wide as mentum, not narrowly drawn-out laterally and not contiguous medially ( Fig. 10F, W, X, Z View FIGURE 10 ). Premandibles with no more than 3 teeth............................................................... 45

43(42) Frons with +/- ovoid fenestra (fen, thinned cuticle) ( Fig. 10J View FIGURE 10 ). Premandible with>5 teeth ( Fig. 10T View FIGURE 10 )... Kiefferulus Goetghebuer [Lentic, widespread, 5–6 spp. oriental China, saline coastal-subcoastal K. longilobus (Kieffer) is potential nuisance; K. nodulosus Hashimoto (? = K. trigonum Song et al. ) eutrophic inc. Thai rice-fields, oriental China (Hainan, Guangdong, Yunnan) ( Hashimoto et al. 1981, Song et al. 2020); Nilodorum and Carteronica of regional auctt. are synonyms; L key for Thailand ( Cranston 2007); Molecular data, Pramual et al. 2016; global]

43’ Frons usually lacks fenestra ( Fig. 10M, O, Y View FIGURE 10 ).............................................................. 44

44(43) Frons fused with tuberculose clypeus ( Fig. 10M View FIGURE 10 ). Mandible with pale dorsal tooth and 3 inner teeth, dorsally with hump; seta subdentalis simple ( Fig. 10L View FIGURE 10 ).............................................................. Lipiniella Shilova [L., ♂, oriental China (Yunnan, Guangdong); Holarctic inc. Japan]

44' Frons, clypeus and labral sclerites separate ( Fig. 10O View FIGURE 10 ). Mandible with 4 flattened inner teeth, dorsal tooth absent ( Fig. 10P View FIGURE 10 ).......................................................................................... Axarus Roback [L., Thailand, 1 sp., oriental China (Guangdong, Zhejiang). Holarctic, Neotropical ]

45(42) Ventromental plate distinctly narrower than mentum width ( Fig. 10Q View FIGURE 10 ). Pecten epipharyngis single, with <13 broad, blunt apical teeth ( Fig. 10S View FIGURE 10 )....................................................................... Dicrotendipes Kieffer [ D. pelochloris (Kieffer) , widespread regionally, 7+ spp. oriental China; marine D. inouei Hashimoto , others lentic freshwater. L key Thailand ( Cranston 2007); global]

45' Ventromental plate as wide or wider than mentum width ( Fig. 10T View FIGURE 10 ). Pecten epipharyngis 3 separate scales, or if single, often with> 15 pointed, mostly slender teeth, also on surface ( Fig. 10S View FIGURE 10 )............................................. 46

46(45) Frons or frontoclypeus with fenestra of thinned cuticle ( Fig. 10W View FIGURE 10 )............................................. 47

46' Dorsal head smooth without fenestra ( Fig. 10Y View FIGURE 10 )............................................................ 49

47(46) Premandible with>5 sharp teeth ( Fig. 10T View FIGURE 10 ). Seta subdentalis broad, distally serrate ( Fig. 10U View FIGURE 10 )........... Kiefferulus (part) [see couplet 39 for details]

47' Premandible with 2 pointed apical teeth. Seta subdentalis simple, slender....................................... 48

48(47) Separate clypeal sclerite present; frons smooth, anteriorly with oval fenestra or small distal-median depression or mark, with concave anterior margin ( Fig. 10V View FIGURE 10 )..................................... Glyptotendipes Keiffer (s.g. Heynotendipes) [ G. (Heytotendipes) cf. signatus Kieffer , oriental China; Holarctic]

48' Frontoclypeus fused, with large cordate to subovate fenestra, sclerite granular in mid-section, with convex anterior margin ( Fig. 10W View FIGURE 10 )............................................................................. Einfeldia (s.s.) Kieffer [= Einfeldia ‘group A’; minimally E. pagana (Meigen) in oriental China, Japan; Holarctic, Australia; Cranston et al. 2016b]

49(46) Mentum divided into median ventromentum; anteromedially-directed ends of ventromental plate links to base of teeth delimitating from more lateral dorsomental teeth ( Fig. 10X, Z View FIGURE 10 )................................................ 50

49' Inner (median) margins of ventromental plate not directed anteriorly, or if weakly indicated, then fused to mentum posterior to bases of mental teeth; median/central ventromentum indistinct................................................ 55

50(49) Mandible with deeply incised mola proximal to teeth ( Fig. 10X View FIGURE 10 ). Mentum strongly arched ( Fig. 10X, Z View FIGURE 10 )........ Endotribelos Grodhaus [L, Thailand, Chiang Mai, L, Phrae; L/P, oriental China ( Endotribelos of Qi et al. 2013 = Endochironomus pekanus ), Li & Tang 2024]

50’ Mandible with smooth rounded mola. Mentum less arched.................................................... 50

51(50) SI plumose on inner side only ( Fig. 11A, B View FIGURE 11 )............................................................... 52

51’ SI plumose on both sides.............................................................................. 54

52(51) Premandible with 4 distinct teeth. Pecten epipharyngis only with apical teeth ( Fig. 11C, D View FIGURE 11 )... Ainuyusurika Sasa & Shirasaka [marine, 2 spp. oriental China; Japan, Korea ( Russia: Sakhalin); Han & Tang 2019, inc. Zhouomyia Saether & Wang ]

52' Premandible with 2–3 teeth. Pecten epipharyngis with additional basal teeth ( Fig. 11E View FIGURE 11 )............................. 53

53(52) Anterior margin of cardo tuberculate ( Fig. 11F View FIGURE 11 ). Mandible with 3 inner teeth ( Fig. 11G View FIGURE 11 ), seta premandibularis apically divided........................................................................... Endochironomus Kieffer [L, Thailand; in oriental China, E. pekanus (as Endotribelos of Qi et al. 2013) ( Li & Tang 2024). Holarctic]

53’ Anterior margin of cardo smooth or tuberculate. Mandible with 4 inner teeth ( Fig. 11H View FIGURE 11 ), seta premandibularis apically divided, or mandible with 3 inner teeth and simple seta praemandibularis........................... Synendotendipes Grodhaus [L, oriental China; Holarctic]

54(51) Mandible usually with 4 inner teeth ( Fig. 11I View FIGURE 11 ).................................................. Sergentia Kieffer [ S. kizakiensis (Tokunaga) oriental China, Zhejiang, Wang et al. 2019; Holarctic (*? inseparable from Phaenopsectra )]

54’ Mandible with 3 inner teeth........................................................... Phaenopsectra Kieffer [ P. flavipes Meigen , oriental China; Holarctic]

55(49) Clypeus and frons fused as frontoclypeus, with straight anterior margin, broadened into lobes anterolaterally ( Fig. 11J, K View FIGURE 11 )....................................................................................... Polypedilum Kieffer [very speciose, taxonomy based on ♂, keys Pe, L cannot reliably differentiate even to subgenus; Cranston et al. 2016; Tang et al. 2022a; global]

55' Clypeus and frons distinct, anterior margin concave ( Fig. 11L View FIGURE 11 )....................... Glyptotendipes Kieffer (s.s., part) [ Thailand; oriental China, inc. G. (s.s.) tokunagai Sasa & Kawai; Japan; widespread Holarctic]

56(33) Antenna> half head length, with 7–8 segments ( Fig. 11M, N, O View FIGURE 11 ).............................................. 57

56’ Antenna <half head length, with 5 or indistinctly 6 segments ( Fig. 11Q, R View FIGURE 11 )...................................... 58

57(56) Abdominal segments 1–7 subdivided.Antenna 8-segmented. Posterior parapods ventrally directed. Head long, narrow anteriorly. Mentum untoothed, ventromental plate weak............................................... Chernovskiia Saether [Pe, oriental China (Yunnan); Holarctic; Japan]

57’ Abdominal segments conventional. Antenna 7-segmented ( Fig. 11M View FIGURE 11 ) (including hyaline ‘bubble’ at apex). Long thin posterior prolegs and procercus apical setae directed posteriorly.Mentum toothed, ventromental plate distinct ( Fig. 12U View FIGURE 12 ). Head rectangular ( Fig. 11N View FIGURE 11 )............................................................................... Robackia Saether [2–3 spp., Borneo, Malaysia, oriental China (Yunnan, Guangdong); Holarctic, Japan, Australia]

58(56) Mentum concave, with broad pale median tooth flanked by inward-directed, well sclerotized dark teeth ( Fig. 11P, S View FIGURE 11 ). Ventromental plate> 3 × as wide as long ( Fig. 11P View FIGURE 11 )......................................................... 59

58’ Mentum convex (arched) or linear; if concave than mentum completely pale. Ventromental plate <2× as wide as long.... 61

59(58) Antenna 7-segmented ( Fig. 11Q View FIGURE 11 ). Mentum with 7 pairs of lateral teeth ( Fig. 11P View FIGURE 11 )............ Demicryptochironomus Lenz [7 spp., oriental China, in 2 subgenera, s.s., Irmakia , D. (I.) bullum (Song & Wang) (based on newly associated material), unidentified Pe, Malaysia (inc. Borneo); Holarctic, Japan, Australia]

59’ Antenna 5-segmented ( Fig. 11R View FIGURE 11 )........................................................................ 60

60(59) Mentum with 4–6 pairs of lateral teeth ( Fig. 11S View FIGURE 11 ). Ventromental plate conventional.............. Cryptochironomus Kieffer [widespread, abundant, 5+ spp. oriental China; global]

60 Mentum with 7 pairs of lateral teeth, Ventromental plate elongate, wrapped around ventral head............ Gillotia Kieffer [lotic, lentic, perhaps rare, ♂ C. distractus Johannsen, Indonesia (Java) likely belongs; distinctive Pe oriental China (Yunnan, Luosuo R); Holarctic, Afrotropical, India]

61(58) Antenna 5 segmented ( Fig. 11T View FIGURE 11 )........................................................................ 62

61’ Antenna 6–7 segmented ( Fig. 12R, T View FIGURE 12 )................................................................... 67

62(61) Pecten epipharyngis plate broad, multitoothed ( Fig. 11U View FIGURE 11 ). Premandible with 2–4 teeth.............. Parachironomus Lenz [lotic, lentic, Thailand, 4–5 spp. inc. widespread P. atrophus (Kieffer) , P. gracilior (Kieffer) oriental China; Yan et al. 2015; Japan; global]

62’ Pecten epipharyngis plate simple, rounded or weakly lobed; premandible bifid ( Fig. 11X View FIGURE 11 ) or pecten epipharyngis plate triangular, shallowly trifid and premandible with several small inner teeth................................................ 63

63(62) Premandible apically bifid............................................................................. 64

63’ Premandible with>2 teeth............................................................................. 66

64(63) Outline of mentum nearly linear, median tooth trifid ( Fig. 11W View FIGURE 11 ); antennal blade extends to or beyond flagellum ( Fig. 11V View FIGURE 11 )................................................................................. Microchironomus Kieffer [lentic, some saline tolerance, 4+ spp., Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, oriental China; inc. M. lacteipennis (Kieffer) Taiwan, widespread M. tener (Kieffer) ; Holarctic, Australia]

64’ Outline of mentum convex (arched), with median tooth single ( Fig. 12A, D View FIGURE 12 ) or notched laterally, appearing trifid, medially notched, or double; antennal blade shorter than flagellum.................................................... 65

65(64) Median tooth of mentum broadly rounded or laterally notched to appear trifid, set well forward of lateral teeth so median mentum slopes sharply ( Fig. 12A View FIGURE 12 ); basal segment of antenna about 2–2.5 × longer than wide and subequal to length of flagellum ( Fig. 12B View FIGURE 12 ).......................................................................... Cryptotendipes Lenz [4–5 spp. Key to L., oriental China, Yan et al. 2005b, C. nodus Yan, Tang & Wang , ♂. oriental China, Hainan; Holarctic, Australia]

65’ Median tooth of mentum usually double or notched medially, may be broadly rounded but not extending far forward of lateral teeth, so mentum less sloped ( Fig. 12D View FIGURE 12 ); basal segment of antenna 2.8–4×> than flagellum ( Fig. 12C View FIGURE 12 )... Cladopelma Kieffer [many regional synonyms, 2 spp. oriental China, widespread C. edwardsi (Kruseman) ; Japan, Holarctic, Australia]

66(63) Antennal segments 2 and 3 subequal ( Fig. 12G View FIGURE 12 ); ventromental plate weakly striate ( Fig.12E, F View FIGURE 12 )......... Harnischia Kieffer [ Thailand; 4 spp. oriental China; Holarctic, Australia]

66’ Antennal segment 2 much longer than 3rd ( Fig. 12H View FIGURE 12 ); ventromental plate coarsely striate ( Fig. 12I View FIGURE 12 )............................................................................... Paracladopelma Harnisch [ Thailand, Malaysia, 2 spp. oriental China; Holarctic]

67(61) Antenna 6-segmented ( Fig. 12R View FIGURE 12 ); mandible with seta interna ( Fig. 12O View FIGURE 12 )......................................... 68

67’ Antenna 7-segmented ( Fig. 12T View FIGURE 12 ); mandible without seta interna ( Fig. 12V, X View FIGURE 12 ).................................... 72

68(67) Mandible with dorsal tooth ( Fig. 12K View FIGURE 12 ).................................................................... 69

68’ Mandible lacks dorsal tooth ( Fig. 12V, X View FIGURE 12 )................................................................. 70

69(68) Each anterior abdominal segment 1–7 subdivided, thus appearing 17 segmented. Posterior parapod elongate. Premandible with 2 broad teeth, at least 2 procercus setae> 50% body length ( Fig. 12L View FIGURE 12 )........................ Olecryptotendipes Zorina [lotic, psammophilic, ♂ O. exilis , O. melasmus , both Yan, Wang & Bu, oriental China (Hainan, Fujian, Shaanxi), Yan et al. 2012; e. Palaearctic]

69’ Abdominal segmentation conventional, 10 segmented. Posterior parapod short. Premandible with 6 small teeth, procercus setae conventional ( Fig. 12J View FIGURE 12 )................................................................. Hanochironomus Ree [marine/seashore, H. tumerestylus Ree , Korea, Japan, oriental China]

70(68) Procercus anal setae> 50% body length ( Fig. 12M View FIGURE 12 ). Mentum with 4 dark teeth flanking broad pale median tooth ( Fig. 12N View FIGURE 12 )................................................................................. Anuncotendipes Cranston [L, distinctive, lotic (burrows in clay banks), Thailand; Australia]

70’ Procercus anal setae conventional, <25% of body length ( Fig. 12P View FIGURE 12 ). Mentum with 5 or more lateral teeth ( Fig. 12Q, U View FIGURE 12 )... 70

71(70) Most ventromental plate striae complete to anterior margin ( Fig. 12Q View FIGURE 12 ).............................. Saetheria Jackson [psammophilic, c. 4 spp, oriental China, S. tylus (Townes) ; Malaysia, Thailand. Japan. Holarctic, Australia, Neotropics]

71’ Ventromental plate striae not reaching anterior margin, separate row of short striae near anterior of plate ( Fig. 12S View FIGURE 12 ).............................................................................................. Kloosia Kluseman [lotic, K. koreana Reiss , Korea, oriental China; Japan. Holarctic, Afrotropical]

72(67) Mentum with even number of teeth ( Fig. 12U View FIGURE 12 ); mandible with elongate apical tooth, innermost teeth enlarged ( Fig. 12V View FIGURE 12 )........................................................................................... Robackia Saether [Lotic, lentic, psammophilic; R. pilicauda Saether , R. parallela Yan & Wang , oriental China; Pe common Malaysia inc. Borneo, Thailand +; Holarctic, Australia]

72’ Mentum with odd number of teeth, median tooth trifid ( Fig. 12W View FIGURE 12 ) but simple if worn; mandible conventional with modestlength apical tooth ( Fig. 12X View FIGURE 12 )............................................................... Beckidia Saether [Lotic, psammophilic, Thailand, oriental China, L, Pe,? B. tethys Saether. Holarctic, Afrotropical ]


Bavarian State Collection of Zoology











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