Paramonovius nightking, Li & Yeates, 2019

Li, Xuankun & Yeates, David K, 2019, A new genus and species of an unusual Australian winter bee fly (Diptera: Bombyliidae) with discussion on its phylogenetic position, Austral Entomology 58, pp. 92-203 : 96-99

publication ID

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persistent identifier

treatment provided by

Plazi (2019-07-01 21:25:59, last updated 2019-07-01 21:26:32)

scientific name

Paramonovius nightking

sp. nov

Paramonovius nightking sp. nov

( Figs 2–4 View Fig View Fig View Fig )

Material examined


♂ AUSTRALIA Western Australia, Wandoo National Park, Kent Road , York , -31.96443 116.51224, Scattered Banksia with low open shrubs on white sand. On Leucopogon oxycedrus , 19 May 2012, J. and F. Hort ( WAM: E97796 View Materials ).



7♂, 2♀: AUSTRALIA Western Australia, Wandoo National Park, Kent Road, York , -32.1180 116.60557, Jarrah open woodland with low open mixed shrubs. Feeding on Leucopogon oxycedrus , 19 May 2012, J. and F. Hort ( WAM: E97797 View Materials E97798, E97801 E97807 View Materials ) GoogleMaps .

Other material

2♂ AUSTRALIA Western Australia, Flynn State Forest, Kent Road , York , -31.96443 116.51224, Scattered Banksia with low open shrubs on white sand. On Leucopogon oxycedrus , 19 May 2012, J. and F. Hort ( WAM: E97799 View Materials E97800 View Materials ). GoogleMaps


Body mostly covered with thick pale pruinescence. Scape and pedicel brownish yellow, flagellum black. Scutum with large black square markings in each corner and one thin black stripe in the midline. Wing membrane infuscated on anterior half, with inconspicuous lighter markings.



Body length 8.7–10.9 mm, wing length 9.1–11.5 mm.

Head. Head about 2.2× wider than long, mostly blackish with thick pale pruinescence and covered in admixed white to black hairs and scales. Eye narrowly separate by 0.5× width of ocellus. Frons short, 2.0× length of ocellar tubercle, with thick pale pruinescence and few golden scales. Ocellar tubercle slightly raised, brown to blackish brown with grey pruinescence, with long black hairs turning dark yellow at base. Face with thick pale pruinescence and long black hairs except turning dark yellow at base, parafacial area with long white scales admixed with a few long hairs. Gena with thick pale pruinescence and long white scales admixed with few long hairs. Clypeus with sparse pale pruinescence and otherwise bare. Occiput with dense white hairs and scales, dorsal central area admixed with fine black hairs and strong yellow hairs. Posterior eye margin slightly convex. Antennal scape and pedicel brownish yellow with thick pale pruinescence, scape with long black hairs turning dark yellow at base, pedicel with short white to pale yellow hairs; flagellum black without pruinescence, subapex with 3–5 long hairs. Scape 3.4× as long as wide, and 2.8× as long as pedicel, uniform from base to apex. Pedicel 1.6× as long as wide. Flagellum 12.0× as long as wide, 1.9× as long as scape + pedicel, 2.6× as long as scape, conical and slightly laterally compressed, one-segmented with apical stylus ( Fig. 2c View Fig ). Palpus short, not extending beyond oral cavity, black with blackish brown hairs, one-segmented, without palpal pit. Mouthparts slender, 3.2× as long as eye length, 4.8× as long as head length, labellum thin and filiform ( Fig. 2f View Fig ).

Thorax. Integumental colour of scutum mostly black with dense pale pruinescence except postalar callus brownish yellow, scutum with large black square markings in each corner and one thin black stripe in the midline. Scutum covered with short white and golden scales, admixed with some long black hairs. Five brownish yellow notopleural setae present. Postalar callus with long black hairs. Scutellum brownish yellow with sparse pale pruinescence, with short white scales on anterior margin, dense short black scales and long black hairs on posterior margin, admixed with short golden scales. Pleura black with thick pale pruinescence, anepisternum with long white scales except anterior half with strong yellow hairs, katepisternum, katepimeron and dorsal margin of metepisternum with long white scales, coxae with dense long white scales, anepimeron, meron, laterotergite and mediotergite bare.

Legs. Legs mostly brownish yellow. Fore and mid femora with black scales on anterior face, hind femur with black scales on dorsal half, ventral half of femora with white to pale yellow hairs. Femora strong, with anterior blackish brown bristles. Other hairs and bristles on legs brown. Fore tibia 2.2× longer than fore basitarsus, mid tibia 2.5× longer than mid basitarsus, hind tibia 2.0× longer than hind basitarsus. Claw and pulvillus enlarged, as long as distitarsus ( Figs 2i View Fig and 3g View Fig ).

Wings. Wing membrane infuscated on anterior half, with inconspicuous light markings on the area around base of vein R 4, crossvein r-m, crossvein dm-cu and apex of cell bm. Cell r 5 widely open; cell br nearly as long as cell bm, crossvein r-m arising from base of cell dm; crossvein m-m long, 2.0× as long as crossvein r-m; cell cup open ( Fig. 2d View Fig ). Haltere stem yellow, knob dark yellow.

Abdomen. Integumental colour of tergites black with thick grey pruinescence. Tergite 1 with pale yellow hairs admixed with long black hairs on posterior margin; tergite 2 covered with white scales admixed with brown to black hairs on posterior half and short golden scales on posterior margin; tergites 3 to 7 compact, with golden scales admixed with black hairs, and with thick short white scales posterolaterally; tergites 2–6 with median stripe consisting of dense, decumbent short white scales. Tergites 7–9 rotated, with epandrium and gonocoxite rotated 180°. Genitalia. Epandrium nearly rectangular, anterior margin deeply concave, posterolateral corner with thick long hairs ( Fig. 4d View Fig ). Hypandrium fused with gonocoxite. Gonocoxite elongate, basal half wide and apical half abrupt narrowed. Ejaculatory apodeme large ( Fig. 4a,b View Fig ); gonocoxal apodeme strong and pointed anteriorly; anterior arm of aedeagal sheath long and wide, extending beyond gonocoxal margin; lateral ejaculatory process strong; inner apex of gonocoxite sharp; outer apex of gonocoxite sharp; dorsal bridge without lateral hollow; aedeagal sheath with acute projection on subapex; gonostylus small and strongly incurved; phallus long and strong ( Fig. 4c View Fig ).


Body length 10.8–11.0 mm, wing length 11.5–11.6 mm. Very similar to male, except frons black with thick pale pruinescence, 3.0× as wide as ocellar tubercle, frons with long brown to black hairs admixed with short golden scales ( Fig. 3c View Fig ). Tergite 8 fused and sclerotized, with some sparse hairs. Around 30 acanthophorite spines present on each side, slightly curved apically. Genital fork strong and broad, enlarged basally. Sperm pump strong and about as long as basal spermathecal duct, clothed in longitudinal muscle, with lateral papillae; sperm pump basal collars present and apical collars absent; common and basal spermathecal duct not elongate; apical spermathecal duct shorter than spermatheca; spermatheca elongate, cylindrical with apex spherical ( Fig. 4f View Fig ).


Wing with short stump vein sometimes present on crossvein m-cua.


This species is named after the Night King in the American fantasy drama Game of Thrones, because all the specimens were collected in winter and the fly is mostly covered in thick pale pruinescence. The specific name is treated as a noun in apposition.


Endemic to WA.

Gallery Image

Fig. 2. Paramonovius nightking sp. nov. ♂: (a) dorsal; (b) lateral; (c) flagellum; (d) wing; (e) head, dorsal; (f) head, lateral; (g) head, frontal; (h) head, profile; (i) hind tarsi and claw. Scale bars = 1 mm (a, b, d–i); = 0.1 mm (c).

Gallery Image

Fig. 3. Paramonovius nightking sp. nov. ♀: (a) dorsal; (b) lateral; (c) head, dorsal; (d) head, lateral; (e) head, frontal; (f) head, profile; (g) hind tarsi and claw. Scale bars = 1 mm.

Gallery Image

Fig. 4. Paramonovius nightking sp. nov. Genitalia (a–e (♂); f, g (♀)): (a) genital capsule, dorsal; (b) genital capsule, ventral; (c) genital capsule, lateral; (d) epandrium, dorsal; (e) sternite 8, ventral; (f) genitalia and spermathecae. Scale bars = 0.1 mm. Abbreviations: acant spi = acanthophorite spine; aed sh = aedeagal sheath; b spmth dt = basal spermathecal duct; cerc = cercus; d brg = dorsal bridge; d spmth dt = distal spermathecal duct; ej apod = ejaculatory apodeme; epand = epandrium; gen fk = genital fork; goncx = gonocoxite; goncx apod = gonocoxalapodeme; gonst = gonostylus; lat ej proc = lateral ejaculatory process; ph = phallus; spmth = spermatheca; spm pmp = sperm pump; tg 9+10 = tergites 9+10.


Western Australian Museum











