Cytisus cantabricus (Willk.) Rchb.f. & Beck

Prieto, José Antonio Fernández, Nava Fernández, Herminio S., Casado, María De Los Ángeles Fernández, Gallastegui, Mercedes Herrera, Sánchez, Álvaro Bueno, Sanna, Mauro & Cires, Eduardo, 2017, What is (and what is not) Cytisus cantabricus?, Phytotaxa 308 (2), pp. 219-231 : 226

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.308.2.3

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scientific name

Cytisus cantabricus (Willk.) Rchb.f. & Beck


Cytisus cantabricus (Willk.) Rchb.f. & Beck View in CoL in Reichenbach (1867: 15)

Basionym: Sarothamnus cantabricus Willkomm (1851: 616) View in CoL .

Lectotype: Spain. Guipúzcoa and Vizcaya (“ In dumetis montium prope Yrun et alibi in Guipuzcoa et Vizcaya ”), ” Apr. Majo 1850 ”, M. Willkomm. P03454238. [Designated by Auvray & Malecot (2013)]. As it is indicated above, the herbarium sheet contains parts belonging to more than one taxon (Art. 9.11, Wiersema et al. 2015); on this basis, the branch on the left of the indicated herbarium sheet ( Figure 3 View FIGURE 3 ) is designated here as lectotype.

Sarothamnus scoparius subsp. cantabricus (Willk.) M. Laínz (1964: 195) View in CoL ; ≡ Cytisus scoparius subsp. cantabricus (Willk.) M.Laín ex Rivas. Mart. et al. (1971: 94) View in CoL .

= Genista scoparia ( Linnaeus 1753: 709) Lamarck (1779: 619) View in CoL proles richteri Rouy View in CoL in Rouy & Foucaud (1897: 205).

= Cytisus grandiflorus sensu Auvray & Malecot (2013: 88) View in CoL p.p., non Cytisus grandiflorus ( Brotero 1804: 80) De Candolle (1825: 154) View in CoL .

Diagnosis: Erect shrub, 100–200 cm. Branches and twigs with 8 ribs 5 ribs V-shaped in transverse section, pubescent when young, glabrous when older. Leaves 1-foliate, and sessile on young twigs; 3-foliate and petiolate on older twigs. Leaflets lanceolate to obovate, sparsely sericeous-villous or glabrous above, densely so beneath. Flowers solitary with pedicel twice as long as calyx glabrous. Corolla yellow. Legume plane, covered with long hairs.

Distribution: two vicariant areas: 1) east-centre of Guipúzcoa and Álava, and Navarra ( Spain) and Atlantic Pyrenees ( France); 2) western Asturias, mostly the Esva river basin (Asturias, Spain) ( Figure 7A View FIGURE 7 ). The dispersed range for C. cantabricus suggests a more detailed analysis of their populations in order to obtain solid and appropriate conclusions about their taxonomy.

Materials collected for this study: Eastern area:Ergoien (Guipúzcoa, Spain), 84 m, 43°17’8.49”N / 1°49’34.56”O. M. Herrera, E. Cires & J.A. Fernández Prieto, FCO 36529 / 36530. Between Ergoien and Aritxulegi (Guipúzcoa, Spain), 315 m, 43°16’19.04”N / 1°48’36.20”O. M. Herrera, E. Cires & J.A. Fernández Prieto, FCO 36533. Aritxulegi (Navarra, Spain), 435 m, 43°16’20.61”N / 1°47’26.47”O. M. Herrera, E. Cires & J.A. Fernández Prieto, FCO 36531 / 36532.

Western area: Between Piedratecha and Obona (Asturias, Spain), 740 m, 43°20’12.92”N / 6°28’37.04”O. M. Ceballos & J.A. Fernández Prieto, FCO 36546 / 36547. Between Obona and Murias (Asturias, Spain), 650 m, 43°20’35.61”N / 6°29’6.56”O. M. Ceballos, & J.A. Fernández Prieto, FCO 36548 / 36549 / 36550. Between Bárcena de Monasterio and Olleros (Asturias, Spain), 350 m, 43°22’26.35”N / 6°30’39.03”O. M. Ceballos, & J.A. Fernández Prieto, FCO 36373. Parada (Asturias, Spain), 300 m, 43°24’13.23”N / 6°36’22.53”O. M. Ceballos, & J.A. Fernández Prieto, FCO 36551 / 36552. Between Colinas de Arriba and Porciles (Asturias, Spain), 770 m, 43°18’28.51”N / 6°35’42.37”O. M. Ceballos, & J.A. Fernández Prieto, FCO 36553 / 36554 / 36555. Between Samblismo and Borres (Asturias, Spain), 660 m, 43°19’57.03”N / 6°33’44.40”O. M. Ceballos, & J.A. Fernández Prieto, FCO 36556 / 36557. Hervederas (Asturias, Spain), 470 m, 43°20’53.94”N / 6°32’40.43”O. M. Ceballos, & J.A. Fernández Prieto, FCO 36558 / 36559 / 36560 / 36561. Between El Castiello and La Llamiella (Asturias, Spain), 195 m, 43°27’50.15”N / 6°28’56.21”O. M. Ceballos, & J.A. Fernández Prieto, FCO 36562 / 36563 / 36564 / 36565. Between Merás and Brieves (Asturias, Spain), 150 m, 43°28’18.76”N / 6°26’42.53”O. M. Ceballos, & J.A. Fernández Prieto, FCO 36566 / 36567 / 36568. Between Ablanedo and El Pontigón (Asturias, Spain), 160 m, 43°27’35.67”N / 6°23’29.71”O. M. Ceballos & J.A. Fernández Prieto, FCO 36519. Between Ablanedo and El Pontigón (Asturias, Spain), 190 m, 43°27’36.77”N / 6°23’12.84”O. M. Ceballos & J.A. Fernández Prieto, FCO 36520. Playa de Oleiros (Asturias, Spain), 12 m, 43°34’26.17”N / 6°12’18.74”O. M. Ceballos & J.A. Fernández Prieto, FCO 36521. Between Lendequintana and Bustantigo (Asturias, Spain), 600 m, 43°21’55.37”N / 6°42’4.73”O. A. Bueno & J.A. Fernández Prieto, FCO 36580 / 36581. Between Lendequintana and Bustantigo (Asturias, Spain), 590 m, 43°21’53.75”N / 6°42’13.23”O. A. Bueno & J.A. Fernández Prieto, FCO 36582 / 36583 / 36584. Between Carrio and Lendequintana (Asturias, Spain), 480 m, 43°24’10.74”N / 6°42’3.61”O. A. Bueno & J.A. Fernández Prieto, FCO 36585 / 36586. Carrio (Asturias, Spain), 260 m, 43°25’33.07”N / 6°42’48.57”O. A. Bueno & J.A. Fernández Prieto, FCO 36587 / 36588 / 36589. Punta de Cuernos (Asturias, Spain), 30 m, 43°33’17.86”N / 6°22’20.27”O. A. Bueno & J.A. Fernández Prieto, FCO 36590 / 36591 / 36592.














Cytisus cantabricus (Willk.) Rchb.f. & Beck

Prieto, José Antonio Fernández, Nava Fernández, Herminio S., Casado, María De Los Ángeles Fernández, Gallastegui, Mercedes Herrera, Sánchez, Álvaro Bueno, Sanna, Mauro & Cires, Eduardo 2017

Cytisus grandiflorus sensu

Auvray, G. & Malecot, V. 2013: )
De Candolle, A. P. 1825: 80

Sarothamnus scoparius subsp. cantabricus (Willk.) M. Laínz (1964: 195)

Lainz, M. 1964: )

Cytisus cantabricus (Willk.) Rchb.f. & Beck

Reichenbach, H. - G. 1867: 15

Genista scoparia ( Linnaeus 1753: 709 )

Rouy, R. & Foucaud, G. 1897: 205
Lamarck, J. - B. 1779: 709
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