Uropoda schusteri HIRSCHMANN, 1972

Kontschán, J., 2010, New And Little Known Uropodina Species From Brazil (Acari: Mesostigmata), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 56 (4), pp. 317-334 : 320

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12584308



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scientific name

Uropoda schusteri HIRSCHMANN, 1972


Uropoda schusteri HIRSCHMANN, 1972

( Figs 6–8 View Figs 6–8 )

Material examined: Two females. Brazil, Pico Itatiaia, mountain forest, 1700–1800 m.a.s.l., from leaf litter, 27.05.1992 Leg. J. BALOGH .

Distribution. Brazil (WIŚNIEWSKI & HIRSCHMANN 1993).

Remark. HIRSCHMANN (1972) described only males of the species, females were unknown so far. During this investigation, female specimens were found and observed as well, which are described below.

Description of females. Length of idiosoma 1470–1500 µm, width 1140–1150 µm (n = 2). Shape oval, posterior margin rounded.

Dorsal idiosoma ( Fig. 6 View Figs 6–8 ). Marginal and dorsal shields completely separated. Dorsal shield hypotrichous, most of dorsal setae on the central region long, smooth, thickend and needle-like, other dorsal setae on margins four times shorter than setae on central region and smooth and needle-like. Setae i1 and I4 apically pilose, others smooth. Marginal shield reduced and its posterior margins reaching to setae I4. Marginal setae as long as dorsal setae, six pairs of setae can be found on caudal and lateral parts of dorsal idiosoma situating on small platelets on membranous cuticle. Irregular web-like sculptural pattern can be seen on the central region of dorsal shield.

Ventral idiosoma ( Fig. 7 View Figs 6–8 ). Sternal and ventral shields without sculptural pattern. Sternal setae short, smooth and needle-like, St1 placed near to the anterior margin of genital shield, St2 near to the central region of coxae II, St3 near to the anterior region of coxae III, St4 near to the central region while St5 situated near to the posterior margins of coxae IV. Four pairs of ventral setae on central region long, smooth, thickend and needle-like, other ventral setae on the margins half as long as setae on central region and needle-like. One pairs of adanal setae smooth, needle-like, and as long as setae on margins of ventral shield. Postanal seta half as long as adanal setae. Stigmata situated between coxae II and III. Peritremes L-shaped. Genital shield scutiform, without ornamentation and with a long, spine-like anterior process. Base of tritosternum wide, subdivided into three parts, central part bearing tritosternal laciniae, which long and subdivided branches ( Fig. 8 View Figs 6–8 ).

Gnathosoma ( Fig. 8 View Figs 6–8 ). Corniculi horn-like, internal malae long, apical part pilose. Hypostomal setae are the follows: h1, long, smooth and placed near the anterior margin of gnathosoma, h2 smooth and five times shorter than h1, h3 similar in length and shape to h2, h4 two times longer than h2, but their margin serrate. Epistome and chelicerae not clearly visible.













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