Coniatus Germar, 1817

Legalov, Andrei A. & Reshetnikov, Sergei V., 2022, First record of Coniatus splendidulus (Fabricius, 1781) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) from Western Siberia, Ecologica Montenegrina 55, pp. 31-37 : 32-36

publication ID 10.37828/em.2022.55.4

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scientific name

Coniatus Germar, 1817


Genus: Coniatus Germar, 1817 View in CoL

Subgenus: Bagoides Capiomont, 1868

Species: Coniatus (Bagoides) splendidulus (Fabricius, 1781) ( Figs. 1 View Figure 1 , 3-4 View Figure 3 View Figure 4 )

Material: RUSSIA, 10 males ( ISEA) , 16 males ( CSRN) , 9 females ( ISEA) , 30 females ( CSRN), Altaiskii Krai , Mikhailovsky District, 3.7 km NW of Malinovoe Ozero vill., shore of Malinovoe lake, on Tamarix laxa Willd. , 51.71343º N, 79.76146º E, 16‒17. VI GoogleMaps .2022, A. & V GoogleMaps . Legalov, S . Reshetnikov ; 2 males ( ISEA) , 3 females ( CSRN), Kulundinsky District , 10 km SW of Orlean, S shore of Dzhira lake , 52.65980º N, 79.43857º E, on Tamarix gracilis , 17. VI GoogleMaps .2022, A. & V GoogleMaps . Legalov, S . Reshetnikov .

Description. Body black, with metallic lustre, covered with dense rounded scales with greenish or bluish metallic sheen. Rostrum (without base), antennae, apices of femora, and tibiae yellow-brown. Pronotal disc with black scales, and with yellowish-brown or pinkish-brown scales in middle. Elytra with two oblique transverse bands of pinkish scales, which bordered with black scales. Male: Rostrum weakly curved, subcylindrical, slightly flattened dorso-ventrally, subglabrous from place of antennal insertion to apex, densely punctate in basal half, about 2.7 times as long as wide at apex, about 2.9 times as long as wide in middle, about 2.2 times as long as wide at base, slightly shorter than pronotum. Antennal scrobes visible dorsally at apical part. Forehead flattened, wide, about 1.4‒15. Times as wide as rostrum width in middle, 1.1 times as wide as rostrum base width. Eyes large, rounded, weakly protruding from contour of head, finely faceted. Vertex densely punctate. Temples subequal to eye length. Antennae geniculate, inserted laterally near middle of rostrum, rather long. Funicle 7-segmented. Antennomere 1 elongate-trapezoidal, about 4.8 times as long as wide at apex, not reaching eye. Antennomere 2 quite large, conical, 2 about 1.8 times as long as wide, 0.5 times as long as and about 1.2 times as wide as antennomere 1. Antennomere 3 conical, two times as long as wide at apex, about 0.5 times as long as and 0.5 times as narrow as antennomere 2. Antennomeres 4‒8 subconical. Antennomeres 3‒5 equal in width. Antennomeres 4‒8 subequal in length. Antennomere 4 about 1.3 times as long as wide at apex, about 0.7 times as long as antennomere 3. Antennomere 5 equal to antennomere 4. Antennomere 6 equal in length and width, about 1.3 times as wide as antennomere 5. Antennomere 7 equal to antennomere 6. Antennomere 8 about 0.8 times as long as wide, about 1.3 times as wide as antennomere 7. Club compact, about 1.6 times as long as wide in middle, about 0.4 times as long as antennomeres 2-8 combined. Pronotum almost campaniform, about 1.2 times as long as wide at apex, about 0.8 times as long as wide in middle and about 0.9 times as long as wide at base. Sides weakly rounded. Disk densely punctate. Greatest width in middle. Scutellum small. Elytra suboval, convex, about 1.7 times as long as base width, about 1.6 times as long as wide in middle, about 2.2 times as long as wide in apical quarter, about 2.6 times as long as pronotum. Greatest width after middle. Humeri distinct. Striae regular. Interstriae wide, slightly convex, punctate. Elytral apices rounded separately. Pre- and postcoxal portions of prosternum short. Procoxal cavities rounded and contiguous. Mesocoxal cavities separated. Metacoxal cavities transversely extended. Metaventrite about 1.1 times as long as metacoxa, weakly convex, punctate. Andomen convex, densely punctate. Ventrites 1 and 2 fused. Ventrite 1 about 1.2 times as long as metacoxal length. Ventrite 2 about 0.8 times as long as ventrite 1. Ventrite 3 about 0.6 times as long as ventrite 2. Ventrite 4 slightly shorter than ventrite 3. Ventrite 5 about 1.5 times as long as ventrite 4. Legs long. Procoxae conical. Femora slightly clavate. Tibiae almost straight, rather thick. Pro- and mesotibiae with apical mucro. Tarsi long. Tarsomere 1 conical. Tarsomere 2 wide-conical. Tarsomere 3 bilobed. Tarsomere 5 long-conical. Claws large, free, simple. Length of body: 2.7‒3.1 mm. Length of rostrum: 0.6‒0.7 mm.

Female: Rostrum about 2.8 times as long as wide at apex, about 3.0 times as long as wide in middle, about 2.2 times as long as wide at base, about 0.9 times as long as pronotum. Pronotum about 1.3 times as long as wide at apex, about 0.9 times as long as wide in middle and slightly shorter than wide at base. Elytra about 1.6 times as long as base width, about 1.5 times as long as wide in middle, about 1.9 times as long as wide in apical quarter, about 2.5 times as long as pronotum. Metaventrite about 1.7 times as long as metacoxa. Ventrite 1 about 1.5 times as long as metacoxal length. Ventrite 2 1.2 times as long as ventrite 1. Ventrites 3 and 4 equal in length. Ventrite 3 about 0.6 times as long as ventrite 2. Ventrite 5 about 1.8 times as long as ventrite 4. Length of body: 2.7‒3.3 mm. Length of rostrum: 0.7‒0.9 mm.

Remarks. This species was collected from Tamarix gracilis Willd. and T. laxa Willd. (fig. 2). Adults (figs. 3‒4) and empty larval cocoons (fig. 5) were found on branches.

Distribution. Southern Europe, Caucasus, Asia minor, Kazakhstan, Middle Asia, South-east of Western Siberia (fig. 6).


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