Scaphioides reducta Bryant, 1942

Platnick, Norman I., Berniker, Lily & Kranz-Baltensperger, Yvonne, 2012, The Caribbean Goblin Spider Genera Scaphioides and Hortoonops (Araneae, Oonopidae), American Museum Novitates 2012 (3751), pp. 1-64 : 38-48

publication ID 10.1206/3759.2

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scientific name

Scaphioides reducta Bryant


Scaphioides reducta Bryant View in CoL

Figures 220–229 View FIGS

Scaphioides reducta Bryant, 1942: 327 View in CoL , figs. 6, 8 (female holotype from St. Croix , Virgin Islands, in MCZ; examined).– Platnick and Dupérré, 2010: 9.

Stenoonops reductus: Chickering, 1969a: 21 , figs. 53–58 (first description of male).– Burger, 2009: 346, figs. 17–21, 23H, I).

DIAGNOSIS: Members of this species resemble those of S. granpiedra in having relatively few, small sternal depressions that are “haloed” by distinct edges (figs. 221, 222), but have the proximal portion of the embolus longer than the distal portion (figs. 223, 224) and a larger base of the anterior genitalic process (figs. 228, 229).

MALE (PBI_OON 26341, figs. 220, 221, 223–226): Total length 1.47. Elevated portion of pars cephalica strongly reticulate, sides granulate. ALE separated by less than their radius. Sternum surface finely punctuate, without pits, microsculpture everywhere but front, furrows with rows of small pits, anterior margin with interrupted transverse groove. Endites with rebordered, rounded tip. Proximal portion of embolus larger than distal portion.

FIGS. 300–312. Scaphioides nitens (Bryant) , male (300, 301, 303–309) and female (302, 310–312). 300, 305. Carapace, dorsal view. 301, 302. Sternum, ventral view. 303, 308. Left embolus, prolateral view. 304, 309. Same, retrolateral view. 306. Left palp, prolateral view. 307. Same, retrolateral view. 310. Epigastric region, ventral view. 311. Genitalia, ventral view. 312. Same, dorsal view.

FIGS. 313–323. Scaphioides halatus (Chickering) , male (313–315, 319, 320) and female (316–318, 321–323). 313, 314, 316, 317. Carapace, dorsal view. 315, 318. Sternum, dorsal view. 319. Left palp, prolateral view. 320. Same, retrolateral view. 321. Epigastric region, ventral view. 322. Genitalia, ventral view. 323. Same, dorsal view.

FEMALE (PBI_OON 26342, figs. 222, 227–229): Total length 1.67. Anterior genitalic process gradually expanded anteriorly, on wide base including internal structures.

MATERIAL EXAMINED: WEST INDIES: Virgin Islands: St. Croix : no specific locality, Sept. 1–5, 1966 (A. Chickering, MCZ PBI_OON 26581), 3♂ , Sept. 8, 1966 (A. Chickering, MCZ PBI_OON 391), 5♂, 1♀ , Sept. 9–11, 1966 (A. Chickering, MCZ PBI_OON 390), 1♂, 1♀ ; Buck Island , June 12, 1972, Berlese, litter (W. Muchmore, FSCA PBI_OON 26342), 1♀ ; Christiansted (Beatty, MCZ PBI_OON 389), 2♀ (holotype, paratype) ; Frederiksted , Sept. 11, 1966 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71642, PBI_OON 26585), 2♂, 8♀ ; 1 mi N Frederiksted , Mar. 16, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71641, PBI_OON 26583), 1♂ ; vicinity of King’s Hill , Mar. 20, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71644, PBI_OON 26578), 3♂, 2♀ ; Lavaetz Gardens , Frederiksted, Mar. 24, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71643, 71646 About MCZ , PBI_OON 27516), 23♂, 13♀ ; Mahogany Road , Frederiksted, Mar. 21–23 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 68340, 71645 About MCZ , PBI_OON 26584, 26586), 3♂, 6♀ ; West Indies Lab , June 7, 1972, ground litter under tree (W. Muchmore, FSCA PBI_OON 26333, 26341), 2♂, 2♀ .

DISTRIBUTION: Virgin Islands (St. Croix).

Scaphioides reductoides , new species

Figures 230–239 View FIGS

Stenoonops reductus (misidentification): Chickering, 1969b: 21 (specimens from St. John only).

TYPES: Male holotype, female allotype, plus two male and one female paratypes from Virgin Gorda, no specific locality, Virgin Islands (Aug. 1966; A. Chickering), deposited in MCZ (71676, PBI_OON 26566) .

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name refers to the previous confusion of this species with S. reducta .

DIAGNOSIS: Members of this species resemble those of S. miches in having the sternum covered with tiny, deep depressions (figs. 231, 232), but have a white abdomen that is not iridescent, a smaller proximal lobe on the embolus (figs. 233, 234), and a wider anterior genitalic process (figs. 238, 239).

MALE (PBI_OON 21011, figs. 230, 231, 233–236): Total length 1.47. Elevated portion of pars cephalica granulate anteriorly, reticulate posteriorly, sides granulate. ALE separated by less than their radius. Sternum surface finely punctuate, without pits, microsculpture everywhere but front, furrows with rows of small pits, anterior margin with interrupted transverse groove. Endite tip with thickened, rounded, posteriorly directed protuberance. Proximal portion of embolus straight, scarcely widened distally.

FEMALE (PBI_OON 1771, figs. 232, 237–239): Total length 1.61. Anterior genitalic process long, wide, distally curved, situated on very short base.

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: WEST INDIES: Virgin Islands: St. John : no specific locality, July 25, 1966 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71662, PBI_OON 26563), 1♂ ; Annaberg Ruins , June 14, 1980, along old walls (W. Muchmore, FSCA 21336 View Materials ), 1♂ ; Brown Bay , June 19, 1980, in agave (W. Muchmore, FSCA PBI_OON 21332), 1♀ ; near Butler’s , June 6, 1974, base of turpentine trees (W. Muchmore, AMNH PBI_OON 1773), 1♂ ; hillside near Butler’s , June 15, 1974, Berlese, base of large turpentine tree (W. Muchmore, AMNH PBI_OON 1771), 1♂, 1♀ ; Catherineberg Estate , July 20, 1975, debris along wall of mill (W. Muchmore, AMNH PBI_OON 1770), 1♂ ; Centerline Road , 4 mi from Cruz Bay, Mar. 4, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71648, PBI_OON 26582), 1♂ ; Coral Bay , gut near Butler’s house, July 19, 1975, beneath overhang of large rocks (W. Muchmore, AMNH PBI_OON 1950), 1♂ ; Cruz Bay , Mar. 7, 1964 (A. Chickering, MCZ 71647, PBI_OON 26588), 1♂, 1♀ ; Denis Bay , June 16, 1980, base of old mill (W. Muchmore, FSCA PBI_OON 21333), 1♂ ; Great Lameshur Bay , May 21, 1979, litter under cactus (W. Muchmore, FSCA PBI_OON 21334), 1♀ , June 10, 1980, under mangrove bark ( FSCA PBI_OON 21329), 1♂ ; Lameshur Bay , Gray Gut, June 12, 1980, among rocks and pieces of fallen termite nest (W. Muchmore, FSCA PBI_OON 21335), 1♀ , same, crotches and treehole in large, old tamarind (W. Muchmore, FSCA PBI_OON 21331), 1♀ ; Lameshur Bay , Viers, June 3, 1980, under large tamarind tree (W. Muchmore, FSCA PBI_ OON 21330), 1♀ ; Windberg Ruins , May 31, 1979, litter along wall (W. Muchmore, FSCA PBI_OON 21337), 1♂ . Tortola : Greater Camanoe Island, July 1, 1965 (Island Project staff, AMNH PBI_OON 21011), 1♂ .

DISTRIBUTION: Virgin Islands (St. John, Tortola, Virgin Gorda).


Museum of Comparative Zoology


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


American Museum of Natural History














Scaphioides reducta Bryant

Platnick, Norman I., Berniker, Lily & Kranz-Baltensperger, Yvonne 2012

Stenoonops reductus: Chickering, 1969a: 21

Burger, M. 2009: 346
Chickering, A. M. 1969: 21

Stenoonops reductus

Chickering, A. M. 1969: 21

Scaphioides reducta

Bryant, E. B. 1942: 327
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