Aculodes capillarisi, Skoracka, 2003

Skoracka, A, 2003, New Species Of Aculodes (Acari: Eriophyoidea) From Grasses In Poland, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 49 (1), pp. 43-60 : 51-60

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12587220

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scientific name

Aculodes capillarisi

sp. nov.

Aculodes capillarisi sp. n.

( Figs 5–9 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig )

Female ( Figs 5–7 View Fig View Fig View Fig ) (holotype and 8 paratypes): Body slightly spindleform. Body length 232 (176–257); width 55 (48–52). Gnathosoma 24 (19–22) long; dorsal pedipalpal genual setae d 10 (8–11) long; v setae (sensory peg) 2 (2) long; ep setae (3–4) long; cheliceral stylets 20 (19–22) long. Prodorsal shield triangular-oval, with a distinct, pointed frontal lobe over the gnathosoma; 46 (41–46) long, 41 (38–40) wide. Sculpture of prodorsal shield: median line absent; admedian lines entire, from anterior lobe base diverging to rear margin, submedian lines, with conical microtubercles, present on rear half of shield, almost parallel to lateral margin of shield, its posterior fragment outside the tubercles of sc setae. Large, conical microtubercles present on surface near shield. Tubercles of setae sc located on rear margin of shield, 4 (3–5) long, 4 (4–5) wide, 26 (22–26) apart; setae sc 45 (35–42) long, projecting to rear.

Leg I 45 (36–40) long; femur 10 (10–11) long, with seta bv (10–14) long; position of seta bv 4 (4–5) from ventral, proximal margin of femur; genu 6 (5–6) long, with seta l” 32 (23–29) long, position of seta l” 4 (3–4) from dorsal, proximal margin of genu; tibia 8 (7–8) long, with seta l’ 12 (9–11) long; position of seta l’ 4 (3–4) from ventral, proximal margin of tibia. Tarsus 8 (7–8) long, with three setae: ft” 26 (24–28); ft’ 22 (18–23) long, u’ 8 (5–8) long; position of setae ft” and ft’ 3 (2–3) from proximal margin of tarsus; position of seta u’ 6 (4–5) from proximal margin of tarsus. Tarsal solenidion w 10 (8–10) long; tarsal empodium simple, 8 (7–8) –rayed, symmetrical, 11 (10–11) long. Leg II 33 (30–36) long; femur 10 (10–11) long, with seta bv 15 (11–16) long; position of seta bv 4 (4) from ventral, proximal margin of femur; genu 6 (4–6) long, with seta l” 16 (11–15) long; position of seta l” 4 (2–3) from dorsal, proximal margin of genu; tibia 6 (6) long. Tarsus 8 (7–8) long, with three setae: ft” 27 (23–27) long, ft’ 12 (8–10), u’ 8 (6) long; position of setae ft” and ft’ 3 (2) from proximal margin of tarsus; position of seta u’ 4 (4) from proximal margin of tarsus. Tarsal solenidion w 10 (9–10) long; tarsal empodium 8 (7–8)-rayed, symmetrical, 10 (10–11) long.

Coxae with a pattern of numerous lines (most of them short) and numerous conical microtubercles. Sternal line distinct. Setae 1b 10 (10) apart; setae 1a 8 (6–8) apart, 19 (21–24) long; setae 2a 24 (18–22) apart, (45–46) long; distance between setae 1b and 1a 8 (8–10), distance between setae 1a and 2a 8 (7–10).

Opisthosoma with 61 (54–60) dorsal annuli, 68 (61–71) ventral annuli, (5–6) coxigenital annuli. Annuli with microtubercles; dorsal microtubercles minute, conical but with blunt top, set along annuli margins, on telosomal annuli more numerous and minute, pointed; ventral microtubercles conical, pointed, set along annuli margins, on telosomal annuli elongated.

Setae c2 29 (21–29) long, located on 7th (7th–8th) ventral annulus from coxae II; tubercles c2 52 (38–43) apart; ventral setae d (29–48) long, located on 20th (18th–21st) ventral annulus; tubercles d 30 (26–30) apart; setae e 29 (19–36) long, located on 38th (36th–41st) ventral annulus; tubercles e 14 (12–15) apart; setae f 27 (22–27) long, located on 54th (57th–67th) ventral annulus, 5th (5th) annulus from rear; tubercles f 24 (19–27) apart.

Setae h1 (4–5) long, 8 (6–8) apart; setae h2 95 (81–87) long, 12 (10–11) apart; distance between h1 and h2 – 2 (2).

Genital parts 12 (11–14) long, 23 (20–24) wide, genital coverflap with 12 (11–13) longitudinal striae; setae 3a 28 (17–33) long, 16 (13–15) apart.

Male ( Fig. 7 View Fig ) (n=5): Body slightly spindleform. Body length 166–218; width 40–48. Gnathosoma 17–23 long; setae d 8–9 long; v setae (sensory peg) 2 long; ep setae 3 long; cheliceral stylets 18–20 long. Shape and sculpture of prodorsal shield like those in female. Prodorsal shield 38–41 long, 33–34 wide. Tubercles of setae sc located on rear margin of shield, 3 long, 4–5 wide, 21–24 apart; setae sc 31–35 long, projecting to rear.

Leg I 27–36 long; femur 8–10 long, with seta bv 8–13 long, 3–4 from proximal margin of femur; genu 5 long, with seta l” 19–21 long, 3 from proximal margin of genu; tibia 6–8 long, with seta l’ 6–9 long, 3–4 from proximal margin of tibia. Tarsus 6–8 long, with three setae: ft” 21–22, ft’ 17 long, both 2 from proximal margin of tarsus; u’ 6–7 long, 3–4 from proximal margin of tarsus. Tarsal solenidion w 8–9 long; tarsal empodium simple, 7-rayed, symmetrical, 9–10 long. Leg II 25–35 long; femur 8–9 long, with seta bv 11–14 long; 3–4 from proximal margin of femur; genu 4–5 long, with seta l” 10–13 long, 2–3 from proximal margin of genu; tibia 5 long. Tarsus 6–8 long, with three setae: ft” 21–23 long, ft’ 7–10 long, both 2 from proximal margin of tarsus; u’ 6–7 long, 4–5 from proximal margin of tarsus. Tarsal solenidion w 8–10 long; tarsal empodium 6–7-rayed, symmetrical, 8–10 long.

Coxae with a pattern similar to that of female. Setae 1b 9–10 apart, 8–9 long; setae 1a 6–7 apart, 15–17 long; setae 2a 16–20 apart, 30–38 long; distance between setae 1b and 1a 7–8, distance between setae 1a and 2a 6–8.

Opisthosoma with 47–52 dorsal annuli, 49–60 ventral annuli, 5–6 coxigenital annuli. Annuli with microtubercles; dorsal microtubercles minute, semirounded or conical with blunt top, set along annuli margins, on telosomal annuli more narrow and minute; ventral microtubercles minute, semirounded or conical and acute, slightly ahead of annuli margins, on telosomal annuli elongated.

Setae c2 28–34 long, located on 7th–9th ventral annulus from coxae II; tubercles c2 37–43 apart; ventral setae d 31–43 long, located on 15th–20th ventral annulus; tubercles d 23–27 apart; setae e 19–22 long, located on 26th–36th ventral annulus; tubercles e 11–12 apart; setae f 18–27 long, located on 45th–56th ventral annulus, 5th annulus from rear; tubercles f 17–18 apart.

Setae h1 4–6 long, 6–7 apart; setae h2 9–10 apart; distance between h1 and h2 – 2.

Genital parts 12–15 long, 16–19 wide; surface near the genital parts with minute microtubercles; setae 3a 17–24 long, 12–14 apart.

Nymph ( Fig. 8 View Fig ) (n=9): Body spindleform. Body length 154–208; width 42–48. Gnathosoma 18–20 long; setae d 6–10 long; v setae (sensory peg) 2 long; ep setae 2 long; cheliceral stylets 15–21 long. Prodorsal shield triangular, 35–40 long, 33–40 wide, with small, subrounded lobe reaching cheliceral base. Sculpture of prodorsal shield and surface near the shield similar to those in female. Tubercles of setae sc located on rear margin of shield, 2–3 long, 4 wide, 20–24 apart; setae sc 23–30 long, projecting to rear.

Leg I 25–32 long; femur 6–7 long, seta bv 7–9 long, 3–4 from proximal margin of femur; genu 4 long, with seta l” 17–23 long, 2–3 from proximal margin of genu; tibia 4–5 long, with seta l’ 6–8 long, 2–3 from proximal margin of tibia. Tarsus 5–6 long, setae ft” 16–21 long, ft’ 14–17 long, both 2–3 from proximal margin of tarsus; seta u’ 5–6 long, 3–4 from proximal margin of tarsus. Tarsal solenidion v 6–8 long; tarsal empodium simple, 6–7-rayed, symmetrical, 7–8 long. Leg II 24–27 long; femur 6–9 long, with seta bv 8–11 long; 2–4 from proximal margin of femur; genu 3–4 long, with seta l” 10–12 long, 2–3 from proximal margin of genu; tibia 3–4 long. Tarsus 5–6 long, setae: ft” 17–22 long, ft’ 7–11 long, both 2 from proximal margin of tarsus; u’ 4–5 long, 3 from proximal margin of tarsus. Tarsal solenidion w 7–8 long; tarsal empodium 6–7-rayed, symmetrical, 7–9 long.

Coxae with relatively few lines and conical microtubercles. Setae 1b 8–10 apart, 6–9 long; setae 1a 7–8 apart, 13–15 long; setae 2a 18–21 apart, 34 long; distance between setae 1b and 1a 6–7, distance between setae 1a and 2a 7.

Opisthosoma with 46–55 dorsal annuli, 48–55 ventral annuli, 8–10 coxigenital annuli. Annuli with microtubercles; dorsal microtubercles sparse, well separated, conical with blunt top, set along annuli margins, on telosomal annuli more numerous and pointed; ventral microtubercles conical with blunt top, slightly ahead of annuli margins, on telosomal annuli elongated.

Setae c2 18–24 long, located on 6th–8th ventral annulus from coxae II; tubercles c2 35–41 apart; ventral setae d 22–37 long, located on 16th–22nd ventral annulus; tubercles d 21–27 apart; setae e 10–22 long, located on 28th–34th ventral annulus; tubercles e 10–14 apart; setae f 14–27 long, located on 44th–51st ventral annulus, 5th annulus from rear; tubercles f 17–20 apart.

Setae h1 3–6 long, 5–6 apart; setae h2 8–10 apart; distance between h1 and h2 – 2.

Setae 3a 8–16 long, 7–8 apart.

Larva ( Fig. 9 View Fig ) (n=3): Body vermiform. Body length 154; width 42–49. Gnathosoma 19 long; setae d 4 long; v setae (sensory peg) 2 long; cheliceral stylets 17–18 long. Prodorsal shield triangular-oval, 28–30 long, 28–30 wide, without lobe over gnathosoma. Sculpture of prodorsal shield: median and admedian lines like those in female; submedian lines present on rear 1/3 of shield, subparallel to admedian. Tubercles of setae sc ahead from the margin of shield, 2–3 long, 3–4 wide, 14–17 apart; setae sc 13–16 long, projecting to center of shield.

Leg I 20–27 long; femur 5 long, seta bv 6–7 long, 2–4 from proximal margin of femur; genu 3–4 long, with seta l” 16–18 long, 2 from proximal margin of genu; tibia 3–4 long, with seta l’ 5–9 long, 2 from proximal margin of tibia. Tarsus 4 long, setae ft” 15 long, ft’ 13 long, both 2 from the proximal margin of tarsus; seta u’ 5 long, 3 from proximal margin of tarsus. Tarsal solenidion w 5–7 long; tarsal empodium simple, 5–6-rayed, symmetrical, 6–7 long. Leg II 19–22 long; femur 5 long, with seta bv 7–8 long; 2–3 from proximal margin of femur; genu 3–4 long, with seta l” 8–10 long, 2 from proximal margin of genu; tibia 3–4 long. Tarsus 4–5 long, setae: ft” 16–20 long, ft’ 5 long, both 1–2 from proximal margin of tarsus; u’ 4–5 long, 3 from proximal margin of tarsus. Tarsal solenidion ù 6 long; tarsal empodium 5-rayed, symmetrical, 6 long.

Coxae with relatively few lines and conical microtubercles. Setae 1b 8–10 apart; setae 1a 6–8 apart, 13–20 long; setae 2a 19–21 apart, 28 long; distance between setae 1b and 1a 6, distance between setae 1a and 2a 7.

Opisthosoma with 39–40 dorsal annuli, 29–32 ventral annuli, 5–7 coxigenital annuli. Annuli with microtubercles; dorsal microtubercles sparse, well separated, conical, set along annuli margins; ventral microtubercles conical, distinctly ahead of margins of annuli.

Setae c2 15–19 long, located on 6th–7th ventral annulus from coxae II; tubercles c2 36–43 apart; ventral setae d 12–15 long, located on 12th ventral annulus; tubercles d 21–24 apart; setae e 7–10 long, located on 17th–18th ventral annulus; tubercles e 10–13 apart; setae f 16–17 long, located on 23rd–28th ventral annulus, 3rd–4th annulus from rear; tubercles f 16–19 apart.

Setae h1 3 long, 5 apart; setae h2 9–10 apart; distance between h1 and h2 – 2.

Setae 3a 5–6 long, 6–7 apart.

Etymology: the specific designation is derived from the specific host plant name – A. capillaris .

Host plant: Agrostis capillaris L. ( Poaceae ).

Relation to host plant: mites are vagrants on the upper leaf surface, mostly near the top.

Type locality: Western Poland, Biedrusko near Poznań (16°55’ E, 52°29’ N), forest path; 12.08.1998; leg. A. Skoracka. GoogleMaps

Material examined: holotype female ( ACUCAP51 F1), 11 female paratypes ( ACUCAP51 F2- ACUCAP51 F11), 7 male paratypes ( ACUCAP51 M1- ACUCAP51 M7), 24 nymphs paratypes ( ACUCAP51 N1- ACUCAP51 N24), 4 larvae paratypes ( ACUCAP51 L1- ACUCAP51 L4) .

Diagnosis: Aculodes capillarisi sp. n. is most similar to A. dubius ( NALEPA,

1891) ( Avena pratensis L., Poaceae , Austria) ( NALEPA 1891) by absence of median line, similar number of dorsal annuli (about 54–64), conical shape of ventral microtubercles and number of empodial rays (7–8 in A. capillarisi , 8–9 in A. dubius ). Aculodes capillarisi can be distinguished from A. dubius by the sculpture of submedian lines and proportion of prodorsal shield. In A. dubius submedian lines are arched, present on ľ posterior part of the shield, and reach admedian lines; the prodorsal shield is wider than long or its length and width are equal. In A. capillarisi submedian lines are on the rear half of the shield and do not reach admedian lines; the prodorsal shield is longer than wide. Width of prodorsal shield is less than 45 µm in A. capillarisi , while in A. dubius it is more than 45 µm. Those two species differ also in the length of setae sc (more than 60 µm in A. dubius , less than 50 µm in A. capillarisi ), c2 setae (more than 50 µm in A. dubius , less than 30 µm in A. capillarisi ), and the location of tubercles of sc setae (more than 30 µm apart in A. dubius , less than 30 µm apart in A. capillarisi ). Also, A. dubius is more spindleform in shape than A. capillarisi .

Remarks – Species belonging to Aculodes were found in many geographical regions, mainly in Palaearctic and Nearctic regions, and on various species of plants. Most of them (13 species; 81%) are grass-associated. In addition to the two new species, the following are known to occur on Poaceae plants: A. agropyronis ( KEIFER, 1960) , A. deschampsiae (SUKHAREVA, 1972) , A. dubius ( NALEPA, 1891) , A. fulleri (KEIFER, 1966) , A. koeleriae SUKHAREVA, 1985 , A. kransnovi SUKHAREVA, 1994 , A. levis HUANG, 2001 , A. mckenziei (KEIFER, 1944) , A. mongolicus SKORACKA et SHI, 2001 , A. ponticus SUKHAREVA, 1986 , A. ventricosae CHAND- RAPATYA, 1998 ( AMRINE & STASNY 1994, SUKHAREVA 1994, HUANG 2001, SKORACKA etal. 2001). Others, like: A.hibisci HUANG, 1992 , A.rubivgrans SHI et BOCZEK, 2000 , A. salicis KUANG, 1997 were found on non-poaecous hosts ( HUANG 1992, KUANG & PANG 1997, SHI & BOCZEK 2001). Various degree of specificity to their hosts was also noticed. Some were found associated with single plant species, others with many hosts (more than 20). A. dubius and A. mckenziei are the most numerous and frequent species, recorded from about 30 species of grasses in Australia, Europe, Africa, Asia, North America ( PROESELER 1972, AMRINE & STASNY 1994, SKORACKA 2002). No Aculodes species is known to vector plant disease, and none was reported to be of serious agricultural significance. Feeding of A. mckenziei and A. dubius can cause rolling and discoloration of leaves, while A. hibisci and A. salicis are gall-makers ( AMRINE & STASNY 1994, SKORACKA & BOCZEK 2000, SKORACKA 2002).

Acknowledgements – I am grateful to Dr. WOJCIECH MAGOWSKI, Dr. LECHOSŁAW KUCZYŃSKI, Dr. ZIEMOWIT OLSZANOWSKI (A. Mickiewicz University) and anonymous reviewer for their comments on the manuscript.

The study was supported by the Polish Scientific Research Committee (research grant No. 6 P04 C0 5418).

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