Scolytus undetermined

Petrov, A. V., Mandelshtam, M. Yu. & Beaver, R. A., 2019, A key to species of the tribe Scolytini Latreille, 1804 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) from Russia and adjacent countries, Russian Entomological Journal 28 (3), pp. 286-302 : 288-298

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.28.3.08

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Scolytus undetermined



1. One or several abdominal sternites (ventrites) with a distinct denticle or separate denticles or with thickening and elevation at posterior margins of ventrites 3, 4 or both ( Figs 32 View Figs 26–40 , 64, 66, 75 View Figs 64–75 , 78 View Figs 78–85 ) .............................................. 2

— Abdominal sternites (ventrites) without denticles or thickened and elevated posterior margins of ventrites 3–4 ( Figs 71 View Figs 64–75 , 82–91 View Figs 78–85 View Figs 86–87 View Figs 88–97 ) .................................................................. 44

2. Ventrite 2 with distinct median denticle or tubercle ( Figs 35–36 View Figs 26–40 , 43, 52 View Figs 41–55 ) .............................................................. 3

— Ventrite 2 without median denticle or tubercle ( Figs 64, 66 View Figs 64–75 ) .............................................................................. 28

3. Median denticle on ventrite 2 is situated in the middle of ventrite base; ventrite 2 steeply ascending, nearly vertical, forming an angle of 70–85°with the surface of ventrite 1 ( Figs 27, 29–32, 35 View Figs 26–40 ) .................................................... 4

— Median denticle on ventrite 2 is not situated at the extreme ventrite base, but shifted towards centre or posterior margin of ventrite; ventrite 2 gradually ascending forming a smooth arc with ventrite 1 in profile ( Figs 52–55 View Figs 41–55 ) 24

4. Apex of the ventrite 2 denticle is situated at the same horizontal level as its base or slightly elevated relative to it; punctures on elytral striae distinctly larger than punctures on interstriae ....................................................... 5

— Apex of the ventrite 2 denticle is situated below its base, denticle directed obliquely downwards; punctures on elytral striae and interstriae are approximately of the same size ............................................................................. 21

5. Median part of pronotal base with triangular projection directed towards scutellum and scutellar impression ( Figs 26, 29 View Figs 26–40 ), length of pronotum with prescutellar projection almost equal to elytral length; frons in male flat, with long bristle-shaped setae laterally, ventrite 2 with short tubercle ( Fig. 27 View Figs 26–40 ); female with weakly convex frons, with long thin hair-like setae over its entire surface, ventrite 2 with tiny tubercle ( Fig. 28 View Figs 26–40 ); stout beetles, length to width ratio 2.1; 2.0– 2.8 mm ......... S. butovitschi View in CoL (male and female)

— Pronotal base straight, without triangular projection directed backwards ( Fig. 33 View Figs 26–40 ) .......................................... 6

6. Lateral sides of ventrites 3 and 4 with small acute denticles ( Figs 30–32, 34 View Figs 26–40 ) .......................................................... 7

— Lateral sides of ventrites 3 and 4 without small acute denticles ( Figs 36 View Figs 26–40 , 43 View Figs 41–55 ) ................................................. 9

7. Elytral apices with numerous long setae forming sparse brush-like structures laterally; abdomen with long bristle-shaped setae; frons in male with short sparse hair-like setae ( Fig. 30 View Figs 26–40 ), in female with dense thin pale hair-like setae; 2.2–2.8 mm. ....... S. orientalis (male and female)

— Elytral apices and abdomen with short and sparse hair-like setae; frons in males with dense long hair-like setae ( Figs 31, 33 View Figs 26–40 ) .......................................................................... 8

8. Anterior margin of ventrite 2 with blunt, dorsoventrally flat, wide horizontal process ( Figs 34–35 View Figs 26–40 ); in male posterior margin of ventrite 3 with obtuse median tubercle, ventrite 4 thickened in the middle, sometimes this thickening triangularly raised ( Fig. 35 View Figs 26–40 ); frons in female convex, with short pale hair-like setae, no denticles present on ventrites 3 and 4; 2.5–3.8 mm ( Fig. 33 View Figs 26–40 ). ....................... ........................................ S. ecksteini View in CoL (male and female)

— Process on anterior margin of ventrite 2 with narrow base and middle, may be slightly expanded at the apex, nearly circular in cross-section; in male posterior margin of ventrite 3 with obtuse median denticle ( Fig. 32 View Figs 26–40 ), median parts of posterior margins of ventrites 3 and 4 in males slightly thickened (sometimes thickened areas may bear tiny tubercles); frons in females with sparse short hair-like setae, no denticles present on ventrites 3 and 4; 2.3–4.1 mm ( Figs 15 View Figs 15–25 , 31–32 View Figs 26–40 ) ...................... S. multistriatus View in CoL (male and female)

9. Median part of the suture on the posterior margin of ventrite 4 thickened and strongly elevated relative to the base of the next ventrite ( Figs 36, 38 View Figs 26–40 , 43 View Figs 41–55 ) ................ 10

— Suture on the posterior margin of ventrite 4 not thickened, but only weakly elevated relative to the base of the next ventrite ....................................................................... 13

10. Ventrite 2 process long, two times greater than the width of sternite 1, with the apex bent upwards; posterior margin of ventrite 4 elevated as triangular protrusion ( Figs 36, 38, 40 View Figs 26–40 ) .............................................................................. 11

— Ventrite 2 median denticle short, its length less than width of ventrite 1; in males, elevated suture at posterior margin of ventrite 4 rounded in the median part ................... 12

11. Frons flat or slightly depressed (shape variable), its lateral edges not keeled, lateral areas of frons with abundant long pale hair-like setae inwardly curved; 1.6–3.2 mm ......... ............................................................. S. ensifer View in CoL (male)

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36 37

— Frons depressed, lateral edges of depression keeled, elevated; frons similar; 1.6–3.2 mm S.varshalovitchi (male)

12. Apex of the ventrite 2 denticle with distinct median impression, surrounded by inverted horseshoe-shaped lateral edges; median parts of sutures on posterior margins of ventrites 3 and 4 thickened ( Fig. 41 View Figs 41–55 ); punctures on elytral striae shallow, slightly elongate, elliptical; apices of elytra with erect acutely pointed setae; 2.0– 2.3 mm ................. ......................................................... S. kononovi View in CoL (male)

— Apex of the ventrite 2 denticle without median impression, evenly obtusely rounded ( Figs 42–43 View Figs 41–55 ); punctures on elytral striae deeper, round; apices of elytra with indistinct sparse and short setae; frons in males flat, lateral areas with abundant long hair-like setae, in females frons convex, with short sparse hair-like setae, suture on posterior margin evenly weakly raised; 1.8–2.5 mm .................... ...................................... S. semenovi View in CoL (male and female)

13. Frons flat or depressed, lateral areas with long bristle-like setae, process of ventrite 2 with widened and upturned apex, bearing small depression on top; males ........... 14

— Frons convex, entire surface with thin pale hair-like setae, denticle of ventrite 2 laterally compressed; females .... 15

14. Frons depressed; elytral interstriae 9 convex, with small denticles; ventrite 2 with large dorsoventrally flat process, its length equal to or greater than width of ventrite 1; elytra and abdomen with appressed short hair-like setae; 3.3– 5.3 mm .............................................. S. claviger View in CoL (male)

— Frons flat; elytral interstriae 9 flat without acute denticles; ventrite 2 with shorter process, its length shorter than width of ventrite 1; elytral apices and ventrites with abundant long hair-like setae ( Fig. 44 View Figs 41–55 ); 2.9–3.4 mm; ... ........................................................ S. pubescens View in CoL (male)

15. Denticle of ventrite 2 with obtuse, vertically cut or round- ed apex ....................................................................... 16

— Ventrite 2 with short keel-like denticle or with long denticle with acute and elevated apex ....................... 18

16. Ventrite 2 with large, laterally flattened denticle directed horizontally, almost parallel to the longitudinal body axis, its lower edge slightly rounded, base of denticle narrow, laterally compressed, denticle without strong widening towards apex and without apical notch, apex rounded, denticle length greater than half of ventrite 1 width; ventrite 2 with abundant erect hair-like setae of the same length as the denticle ( Figs 46–47 View Figs 41–55 ); frons evenly covered with thin short hair-like setae; 3.4–4.1 mm ................... ............................................................ S. koltzei View in CoL (female)

— Ventrite 2 with small denticle vertically cut at apex 17

17. Punctures on elytral striae deeper, rounded; elytral apices with pale, sparse and short, indistinct hair-like setae .... ...................................................... S. semenovi View in CoL (female)

— Punctures on elytral striae only slightly impressed, elongate, elliptic; elytral apices with erect pointed hair-like setae; 2.0– 2.3 mm ........................ S. kononovi View in CoL (female)

18. Size of ventrite 2 denticle strongly variable, but abdominal setae always shorter than denticle and never reach its apex; lateral and lower areas of frons always with long setae ............................................................................ 19

— Setae on ventrite 2 long, extending to or longer than denticle apex .............................................................. 20

19. Ventrite 2 with short keel-like median denticle (sometimes, denticle is longer than width of ventrite 1) ( Figs 37, 39 View Figs 26–40 ); frons with long hair-like setae in lower part, apices of setae directed medially; 1.6–3.2 mm .......... S. ensifer View in CoL (female)

— Ventrite 2 with long median process as in male ( Fig. 40 View Figs 26–40 ), its apex upturned; 1.6–3.2 mm ...................................... ............................................. S. varshalovitchi View in CoL (female)

20. Elytral interstriae 9 convex, with acute denticles; ventrite 2 with small keel-like denticle, its apex acute; ventrites 2– 4 with dense long hair-like setae, curved towards the centre of ventrites, setae on ventrite 2 of the same length as median denticle; 3.3–5.3 mm .... S. claviger View in CoL (female)

— Elytral interval 9 flat, without denticles; ventrite 2 with tiny, keel-like, strongly laterally compressed denticle, its apex acute; hair-like setae on ventrite 2 long and abundant, their length two times greater than median denticle; 2.9–4.0 mm ................................. S. pubescens View in CoL (female)

21. Abdomen with appressed hair-like setae, on the base of ventrite 2 only, long erect setae form a single row, at the base of denticle long setae are grouped more densely and so especially prominent. In males, denticle of ventrite 2 with narrow base, strongly widening towards apex, with a groove at the top; in females denticle narrow, without apical widening .......................................................... 22

— Abdomen with erect hair-like setae on all ventrites, short appressed setae present inbetween long ones. Ventrite 2 tubercle short, oval, not longer than wide, with the apex oriented slightly downwards, rounded, not split by groove at apex in both sexes ( Figs 50–51 View Figs 41–55 ) ............................ 23

22. Frons with very dense, longitudinal deep wrinkles,puncturation not visible ( Fig. 48 View Figs 41–55 ); frons in males flat with long, dense hair-like setae in lateral areas, in females frons convex, with very sparse, thin, short setae, nearly glabrous; elytra with dark transverse band running from the middle of the disc towards apical edge; male genitalia with long narrow apophyses, penis tube is narrow and long (11.6–12.3 times longer than wide), 1.48 times longer than apophyses ( Fig. 2 View Figs 1–14 ), penis apex evenly round- ed ( Fig. 3 View Figs 1–14 ); 2.3 — 4.0 mm .............................................. ........... S. schevyrewi View in CoL (male and female) ( Figs 2–3 View Figs 1–14 , 48 View Figs 41–55 )

— Frons with sparse, longitudinal shallow wrinkles, intervals between wrinkles with small punctures ( Fig. 49 View Figs 41–55 ); frons in males weakly impressed, with long, dense hair-like setae in lateral areas, in females frons convex, with very sparse, thin, short setae; elytra without dark transverse band, base of the disc just slightly paler than the rest of elytra; male genitalia with short wide apophyses, medi- an lobe is wider (8.4–8.6 times longer than wide), 2.0 times longer than apophyses ( Fig. 4 View Figs 1–14 ); penis apex triangularly acute ( Fig. 5 View Figs 1–14 ); 3.5–4.2 mm ..................................... ............................... S. transcaspicus (male and female)

23. Frons in males convex, completely covered with short pale more sparsely set hair-like setae, in females frons glabrous with sparse hairs present over clypeus. Body uniformly brown or dark-brown, not strongly shining, semi-matt; 2.1–3.0 mm ( Figs 50–51 View Figs 41–55 ) ............................. ........................... S. kirschii kirschii (male and female)

— Frons in males weakly convex, almost flat; frontal pubescence in males and females more strongly developed, frons with longer yellow hair-like setae. Body brown or dark brown, usually with dark transverse band behind the middle of reddish brown elytra. 2.0– 3.5 mm ................. .......................... S. kirschii fasciatus View in CoL (male and female)

24. Median denticle present only on ventrite 2 ( Figs 52–55 View Figs 41–55 ) .................................................................................... 25

— Median denticles present on keel-like raised sutures between ventrites 2, 3 and 4 .......................................... 27

25. Denticle on ventrite 2 situated in the middle of ventrite in males and near posterior margin in females; ventrite 2 nearby denticle covered with dense long erect hair-like setae; ventrite 5 with oval median transverse depression, lateral areas with raised callus-like elevations covered with long dense setae; in addition to long hairs at second ventrite all ventrites with short appressed setae; small species; 1.7–2.5 mm ....... S. zaitsevi (male and female)

— Ventrite 2 in the middle of posterior margin with short, acute denticle both in males and females ( Fig. 55 View Figs 41–55 ); ventrite 5 without median depression and raised lateral areas; all ventrites with short appressed setae; elytral puncturation uniform, punctures on striae and interstriae of the same size; large species; 2.0–5.0 mm ....................... 26

26. Male frons flat with faintly impressed central area, covered with abundant very long hair-like setae, but fine median keel from epistoma to upper level of eyes without setae ( Fig. 60 View Figs 56–63 ); female frons convex with median keel poorly raised from epistoma to the lower level of eyes, surface covered with short hairs; pronotal disc with small elliptical punctures, larger species ( Figs 56–59 View Figs 56–63 ); 3.5–5.0 mm ....... .......... S. jaroschewskii jaroschewskii View in CoL (male and female)

— Male frons usually faintly convex, less often flat, surface covered with sparse moderately long, straight, hair-like setae ( Fig. 63 View Figs 56–63 ); female frons convex with short hairs; frons of males and females without median keel; pronotal disc with large and deep elliptical punctures, smaller species ( Figs 61–62 View Figs 56–63 ); 2.0–4.0 mm ....... S. jaroschewskii kostini View in CoL

27. Elytra black or brownish-black, tibia and tarsi reddish-brown; frons convex, lateral areas of epistoma covered with short pale hair-like setae (more abundant in males); ventrites 2–4 with very small, barely distinct denticles (sometimes denticles may be absent), ventrites with very short sparse pale hair-like setae; 3.3–4.7 mm ................ ...................................... S. chikisanii View in CoL (male and female)

— Elytra reddish-brown; frons slightly convex, faintly shining, covered with sparse short yellowish-brown setae, median area with very few setae; ventrites 2–4 with distinct median denticles; 3.4–5.4 mm .......................... .................................................... S. triarmatus View in CoL (female)

28. Thickened sutures on posterior margins of ventrites 3–4 with large or small median denticles ......................... 29

— Sutures on posterior margins of ventrites 3–4 without median denticles, in some species sutures between ventrites keel-like elevated, but lack distinct denticles .... 44

29. Posterior margin of ventrites 3 or 4 with large median denticle ....................................................................... 30

— Median denticles on posterior margins of ventrites 3–4 small, with acute apices (sometimes, denticles are indistinct, can be observed only under high magnification). .................................................................................... 33

30. Posterior margin of ventrite 3 with long flat horizontal (parallel to longitudinal body axis) process ( Figs 64–65 View Figs 64–75 ); 3.0– 5.1 mm ..................................... S. jacobsoni View in CoL (male)

— Denticles of ventrites 3–4 not directed parallel to longitudinal body axis, usually directed vertically downwards .. .................................................................................... 31

31. Frons with elevated median keel; posterior margin of ventrite 3 with vertical large denticle, its apex distinctly thickened (sometimes, denticle of ventrite 3 small, without apical thickening or absent); median part of posterior margin of ventrite 4 with elevated thickening bearing shallow notch in the middle ( Figs 66–67 View Figs 64–75 ); body surface shiny, dark brown, almost black, elytra paler ( Fig. 17 View Figs 15–25 ), in some specimens reddish-brown; punctures on elytral striae much larger than on interstriae; frons flat with strong longitudinal wrinkles and long yellow hair-like setae; 4.0– 6.6 mm .................................. S. ratzeburgii View in CoL (male)

— Frons without median keel; denticle of ventrite 3 substantially smaller or absent; posterior margin of ventrite 4 elevated, with median denticle ( Figs 68–69 View Figs 64–75 ) ............ 32

32. Frons flat, slightly depressed medially; posterior margins of ventrites 3–4 keeled, ventrite 3 with very small median denticle, ventrite 4 with flat vertical protrusion occupying about 1/3 of the suture length ( Figs 68–69 View Figs 64–75 ); pronotal and elytral surfaces weakly shiny; small species, body 2.2–2.3 times longer than wide ( Fig. 18 View Figs 15–25 ); 1.5–2.5 mm .............. ........................................................ S. pygmaeus View in CoL (male) — Frons flat, not depressed medially; posterior margins of ventrite 2 keeled, with median triangular projection, looking like a small tubercle in some males; posterior margin of ventrite 4 keeled, with trapezoid median denticle (occasionally, it has central notch) occupying about 1/5 of the suture length ( Fig. 70 View Figs 64–75 ); pronotal and elytral surfaces shiny; larger species, body 2.5–2.6 times longer than wide; 3.2–4.5 mm ................................. S. laevis View in CoL (male)

33. Setae on ventrite 5 apex arranged in dense bunches or brushes ( Figs 72, 74 View Figs 64–75 , 78, 80–81 View Figs 78–85 ) ............................... 34

— Setae on ventrite 5 apex not arranged in bunches or brushes, ventrite 5 with longitudinal median depression, its lateral sides weakly elevated as rounded swellings ( Figs 73, 75 View Figs 64–75 , 79 View Figs 78–85 ) ........................................................ 39

34. Setae on ventrite 5 apex arranged in three separate dense bunches with pointed apices ( Figs 72, 74 View Figs 64–75 ); median denticles of ventrites 3–4 very small, barely visible even under high magnification ..................................................... 35

— Setae on ventrite and tergite 5 apices arranged into wide

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brush, median denticles on ventrites 3–4 distinct ..... 36

35. Posterior margin of ventrite 5 triangular; central bunch of setae wider and shorter than lateral ones, which diverge at an angle of 5–10° from the central one ( Fig. 72 View Figs 64–75 ); depression in the median part of ventrite 5 V-shaped; frons flat, covered with hair-like setae, which are longer in upper part; 3.6–6.5 mm ............................... S. esuriens View in CoL (male)

— Posterior margin of ventrite 5 straight; bunches of setae are arranged in line, central and lateral bunches of approximately the same sizes and with the same directions ( Fig. 74 View Figs 64–75 ); depression in the median part of ventrite 5 circular; 3.6–6.5 mm .................................. S. trispinosus View in CoL (male)

36. Frons flat or slightly depressed, with long longitudinal wrinkles, long and dense hair-like setae on lateral areas of frons; setose brush on posterior margins of ventrite 5 and tergite 8 continuous, without breaks ( Fig. 78 View Figs 78–85 ); the rest of ventrites covered with appressed bristle-like setae; 3.0– 6.0 mm ....................... S. eichhoffi View in CoL (male) ( Figs 19 View Figs 15–25 , 78 View Figs 78–85 )

— Frons flat or slightly convex, covered with short hair-like

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setae ............................................................................ 37

37. Frons with very short yellowish-brown setae and longitudinal wrinkles, gular area almost glabrous, with shiny surface; setose brush of ventrite 5 continuous, with hair-like setae of similar sizes, in central and lateral areas, lateral setae of the brush of tergite 8 longer than setae in the middle; 3.4–5.4 mm ................ S. triarmatus View in CoL (male)

— Frons and gular area with abundant short setae, frontal surface covered with small granules and sparse very short longitudinal wrinkles ................................................. 38

38. Entire surface of frons with dense, short erect setae; abdominal apex with continuous setose brush: ventrite 5 with continuous setose brush, hair-like setae in lateral parts of it two times longer than median setae; tergite 8 with two setose bunches laterally ( Fig. 80 View Figs 78–85 ); 3.5–6.0 mm ........................................................... S. scolytus View in CoL (male)

— Lateral parts of frons with dense short erect setae, its median part with a patch covered only with very sparse, short setae; abdominal apex with broken setose brush looking like six closely packed, but distinct bunches; tergite 8 with two narrow long setose bunches laterally ( Figs 20 View Figs 15–25 , 81 View Figs 78–85 ); 3.5–6.5 mm ............. S. sulcifrons View in CoL (male)

39. Denticles on posterior margins of ventrites 3–4 very small, lateral profile of abdomen convex .................. 40

— Denticles on posterior margins of ventrites 3–4 large, distinct, lateral profile of abdomen incurved, from posterior margin of ventrite 1 to ventrite 5 apex forming an angle of about 45° ...................................................... 41

40. Third elytral interstriae on disk with punctures arranged in a single or double rows ( Fig. 76 View Figs 76–77 ); 3.8–6.5 mm ............. ........................................................ S. esuriens View in CoL (female)

— Third elytral interstriae on disk with punctures arranged in three rows ( Fig. 77 View Figs 76–77 ); 4.0– 6.5 mm ( Fig. 75 View Figs 64–75 ) ................... ................................................... S. trispinosus View in CoL (female)

41. Frons with longitudinal wrinkles .............................. 42

— Frontal surface granulate-tuberculate ........................ 43

42. Frons flat, covered with dense hair-like setae of medium length; elytra reddish-brown; posterior margins of ventrites 3–4 with well-defined median denticles ( Fig. 79 View Figs 78–85 ); 3.0–6.0 mm ................................... S. eichhoffi View in CoL (female)

— Frons convex, lateral sides of epistoma with short pale hair-like setae (more abundant in males); elytra black or dark-brown; 3.3–4.7 mm ....... S. chikisanii View in CoL (male and female)


43. Frons evenly covered with short yellowish-brown hair-like setae; 3.0–6.0 mm ................... S. scolytus View in CoL (female)

— Frontal setae irregularly distributed, lateral areas have dense cover of short yellowish-brown setae, median parts lack setae, granular surface is distinct in this area; 3.3–6.2 mm ............................................... S. sulcifrons View in CoL (female)

44. Ventrite 5 with median depression and rounded elevated lateral swellings or protrusions densely covered with long hair-like setae ............................................................. 45

— Ventrite 5 without median depression and lateral swellings or protrusions, setae on ventrite 5 not arranged into brushes or bunches, their lengths do not differ from lengths of setae on ventrites 2–4 ............................... 48

45. Frons convex, with granulate surface, lacks longitudinal wrinkles; posterior margin of ventrite 2 thickened; ventrite 5 short, with small median depression and weakly raised callosities covered with long pale setae barely extending beyond posterior edges of elytra; 2.6–4.0 mm ........................................................ S. morawitzi View in CoL (male)

— Frons flat or weakly convex, with longitudinal wrinkles .................................................................................... 46

46. Ventrite 5 with median depression, its lateral areas elevat- ed as large protrusions with flat tops; these protrusions covered with long bristle-like setae arranged into wide bunches, extending well beyond elytral apical margins, apices of setae bent medially, ( Fig. 82 View Figs 78–85 ); frons flat, its surface longitudinally wrinkled, long hair-like setae with medially directed apices localized on lateral parts of epistoma ( Fig. 89 View Figs 88–97 ); 4.1–4.5 mm .... S. dahuricus View in CoL (male)

— Ventrite 5 with wide median depression and elevated lateral tubercles, their tops not drawn back towards elytral apices and not flattened ............................................. 47

47. Frons weakly convex, with sparse, thin, short, hair-like setae, somewhat longer on epistoma; entire surface of ventrite 5 covered with dense pale setae not arranged into separate bunches, apices of setae extend evenly beyond elytral margin forming a regular brush ( Fig. 86 View Figs 86–87 ); 2.0– 3.5 mm ........................................................ S. aratus View in CoL (male)

— Lateral sides of epistoma covered with numerous setae of medium length; ventrite 5 with wide median depression, its lateral sides elevated as swellings and covered with abundant setae of moderate length ( Fig. 83 View Figs 78–85 ); 4.4–5.0 mm ..................................................... S. dahuricus View in CoL (female)


48. Frons convex, with granulate surface, lacking longitudinal wrinkles; abdomen with sparse, erect, pale, hair-like setae, posterior margin of ventrite 5 with abundant pale setae; 2.6–4.0 mm ....................... S. morawitzi View in CoL (female)

— Frons with longitudinal wrinkles ............................... 49

49. Elytral disk with straight, distinct, punctate striae, strial punctures much larger than punctures on interstriae ... 50

— Punctures on striae and interstriae on elytral disk almost of the same sizes and shapes, in some species punctures on striae and interstriae are confused ............................. 56

50. Vertex with narrow longitudinal depression ............. 51

— Vertex without longitudinal depression .................... 54

51. Frons with medial longitudinal keel running from epistoma to vertex, with narrow longitudinal wrinkles and sparsely granulate; elytral disk with narrow striae and wide interstriae; posterior margins of ventrites not elevat- ed, surface of ventrite 5 flat, with evenly distributed large punctures; 4.0– 6.8 mm ............ S. ratzeburgii View in CoL (females)

— Frons without medial longitudinal keel..................... 52

52. Vertex with deep narrow longitudinal depression forming at the frons a flat area or shallow depression at the level of upper margin of eyes; strial punctures on elytral disc distinctly deepened, interstriae flat; posterior margin of ventrite 5 with shallow transverse depression; 3.0– 5.1 mm ............................................... S. jacobsoni View in CoL (female)

— Vertex with short narrow longitudinal depression not forming a transverse depression at the level of upper margin of eyes ............................................................ 53

53. Frons with few minute, scattered, thin, hair-like setae, vertex depression deep and distinct; 3.2–4.5 mm .......... ............................................................ S. laevis View in CoL (female)

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— Frons with numerous short, thin, erect brown setae, vertex depression very shallow, indistinct; 3.0– 4.6 mm ( Figs 21 View Figs 15–25 , 85 View Figs 78–85 ) ........................................................ S. mali (female)

54. Frons convex; ventrite 5 with wide transverse depression occupying most of the ventrite surface; 1.5–2.5 mm .... ..................................................... S. pygmaeus View in CoL (female)

— Frons flat; 3.04. 6 mm ................................................ 55

55. Frons with short, pale, hair-like setae; abdominal profile from ventrite 2 to apex angled at about 45°; surface of ventrite 5 flat, without local depressions, all abdominal ventrites covered in dense yellow setae ( Fig. 45 View Figs 41–55 ); male genitalia of highly extended form, with pointed apex ( Figs 6–7 View Figs 1–14 ); 3.0– 4.6 mm ................................ S. koltzei View in CoL (male)

— Frons laterally with short, yellowish-brown, hair-like setae, longer on epistoma; posterior margin of ventrite 4 keeled, its central part with triangular protrusion, apical portion of ventrite 5 slightly impressed ( Fig. 84 View Figs 78–85 ); abdominal ventrites with very sparse, short, indistinct setae, surface nearly glabrous; 3.0– 4.6 mm ..... S. mali View in CoL (male)

56. Frons with median acute, triangular denticle in epistomal area, directed longitudinally, and strongly impressed laterally ( Fig. 90 View Figs 88–97 ); frons flat in epistomal area and with convex area at the level of eyes, with dense brown hair-like setae; elytra with large punctures, punctures on striae and interstriae of the same size and shape, interstriae on disk with erect pale hair-like setae; posterior margin of ventrite 2 keeled, all ventrites covered with erect pale setae; 2.2–2.5 mm ( Fig. 22 View Figs 15–25 ) ..... S. gretschkini View in CoL (female)

— Frons without median acute denticle ......................... 57

57. Frons flat, epistoma above mandibles with a pair of erect pointed brushes of dense setae .................................. 58

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— Frons without a pair of erect pointed brushes above mandibles ................................................................... 59

58. Frons with depression from epistoma to vertex, its surface glossy shining, epistoma with short median keel, brushes above mandibles with reddish-brown setae, elevated lateral sides of frons bear long setae with apices oriented medially ( Fig. 23 View Figs 15–25 ); from eye level to vertex setae become longer and their tips hang over the middle of the frons ( Fig. 88 View Figs 88–97 ); elytral striae regular, punctures on striae and interstriae do not differ in size and shape, striae not impressed on elytral disc; ventrite 5 with strongly elevat- ed posterior margin; hair-like setae on ventrites 1–2 very long, two times longer than setae on other ventrites; male genitalia with an extended median lobe and short apophyses, apical third with sclerotized pointed tubercles ( Figs 13–14 View Figs 1–14 ); 3.3–4.7 mm ............ S. tadzhikistanicus View in CoL (male)

— Frons flat, its surface dull, brushes above mandibles with yellowish-brown setae, lateral sides of frons bear short and thin hair-like setae; ventrite 5 with weakly elevated posterior margin; setae on ventrites short and sparse; 2.4– 4.3 mm ............................................ S. intricatus View in CoL (male)

59. Abdominal profile convex, smoothly arched at the juncture of ventrites 1 and 2 ............................................. 60

— Abdominal profile concave, angled at 60–70° at the juncture of ventrites 1 and 2 ............................................. 64

60. Suture between ventrites 1 and 2 poorly visible ( Fig. 71 View Figs 64–75 , 91 View Figs 88–97 ); pronotal puncturation rugose, punctures elliptical, often longitudinal wrinkles present on surface, especially in antero-lateral areas, where punctures often fuse; frons in males with short erect hair-like setae ( Fig. 92 View Figs 88–97 ), in females with sparse short pale setae ( Fig. 93 View Figs 88–97 ); male genitalia with short straight median lobe (fig 1); 1.4–3.3 mm ............................... S. rugulosus View in CoL (male and female)

— Suture between ventrites 1 and 2 clearly visible ....... 61

61. Ventrite 5 triangular, with pointed apex and elevated lateral borders ( Fig. 87 View Figs 86–87 ); puncturation of pronotum and elytra variable, surface may be shiny or dull, punctures may be small to large and rugose; male genitalia with sickle-shaped median lobe ( Fig. 8 View Figs 1–14 ); 1.5–3.5 mm .......... ...................................... S. japonicus View in CoL (male and female)

— Ventrite 5 with rounded apex and without elevated lateral borders ........................................................................ 62

62. Frons with longitudinal keel from epistoma to vertex ( Fig. 97 View Figs 88–97 ), in males with pale, hair-like setae with apices directed medially ( Fig. 96 View Figs 88–97 ), in females with sparse, short, thin setae; sutures between ventrites 2–4 thickened and elevat- ed; elytra reddish-brown with dark band in the middle of the disc; 2.0– 3.5 mm ... S. amygdali View in CoL (male and female)

— Frons without longitudinal keel, elytra without dark band on disc ........................................................................ 63

63. Frons convex with short, sparse, pale setae on lateral parts of epistoma; pronotum with few scattered appressed setae in antero-lateral areas; elytra reddish-brown with sparse, pale setae on declivity; posterior end of ventrite 5 with round depression occupying half of posterior part of ventrite; 2.0– 3.5 mm ......................... S. aratus View in CoL (female)

— Frons flat with long pale hair-like setae; pronotum covered with numerous long erect setae; elytral interstriae with erect bristle-like setae; ventrite 5 without depression; 2.2–2.5 mm .................................. S. gretschkini View in CoL (male)

64. Frons flat, male .......................................................... 65

— Frons convex, female ................................................. 66

65. Frons with median depression, lateral areas weakly raised and covered with dense yellow setae ( Fig. 19 View Figs 15–25 ); elytra with round deep punctures arranged into regular striae on disc; outer edge of elytral apex dentate; sutures between ventrites 2–5 not raised, with abundant erect brown setae; 3.2–4.4 mm ........................................ S. koenigi View in CoL (male)

— Frons flat, lateral areas not raised, covered with short erect pale setae; outer edge of elytral apex not dentate; sutures between ventrites 2–5 keeled (especially between ventrites 2 and 3), with sparse appressed pale setae; 2.0– 4.2 mm ....................................................... S. carpini View in CoL (male)

66. Posterior part of ventrite 5 with local elliptical depression; frons densely covered with setae of medium length, their apices directed medially; ventrites covered with very sparse, short, indistinct setae; 3.6–4.7 mm .................... ........................................... S. tadzhikistanicus View in CoL (female)

— Ventrite 5 without depression ................................... 67

67. Entire surface of frons covered with dense, short, erect, brown setae; outer edge of elytral apex dentate; ventrites covered with short erect brown setae; 3.2–4.4 mm ....... ......................................................... S. koenigi View in CoL (female)

— Frons with short sparse setae only laterally .............. 68

68. Elytral surface dull, disc with shallow punctures on striae and interstriae, with oblique wrinkles between them; outer edge of elytral apex dentate; ventrites dull, with dense short erect pale setae; 2.4–4.3 mm ....................... ...................................................... S. intricatus View in CoL (female)

— Elytral surface weakly shining, disc with shallow punctures on striae; outer edge of elytral apex not dentate; ventrites shining, with short sparse setae; 2.0– 4.7 mm. .......................................................... S. carpini View in CoL (female)













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