Meridindia kaniza Ghauri, 1982

Salini, S., Gracy, R. G. & Sushil, S. N., 2024, Revision of Meridindia (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), an endemic genus, with description of a new species from India, Zootaxa 5428 (2), pp. 207-234 : 213-219

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5428.2.3

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scientific name

Meridindia kaniza Ghauri, 1982


Meridindia kaniza Ghauri, 1982 ( Figs. 4–29 View FIGURES 4–6 View FIGURES 7–9 View FIGURES 10–11 View FIGURES 12–16 View FIGURES 17–21 View FIGURES 22–25 View FIGURES 26–29 )

Meridindia kaniza Ghauri, 1982: 18–19 , 23, figs. 60–77, 88.

Meridindia kaniza Ghauri : Salini & Viraktamath (2015): 22 (distribution).

Meridindia farhata Ghauri, 1982: 19–20 , 23, figs. 78–87, 89–92, syn. nov.

Meridindia farhata Ghauri : Salini & Viraktamath (2015): 22 (distribution).

Type localities. Meridindia kaniza : India, South India, Kerala, Malabar, ‘Nedungayam 200’ ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 4–6 ). Meridindia farhata : India, Kerala, Travancore, Thekkadi, Periyar Dam ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1–3 ).

Type material Meridindia kaniza ( Figs. 4–5 View FIGURES 4–6 , 7–9 View FIGURES 7–9 ): Holotype: INDIA: 1 ♂, S. India / Malabar / ‘Nedungayam 200' / 16–22-IX-38 [P] // Pres. by Comm. Inst. Ent. B. M. 1983-1 [P] // Meridindia kaniza gen et. sp. n. [hw] / det M.S.K. Ghauri, 1982 [P+hw] // Dalpada clavata or species close to [hw] // NHMUK 013589990 [P] ( BMNH; Fig. 6 View FIGURES 4–6 ). Holotype is pinned, the dissected male genitalia placed in a glass microvial with glycerol and stain attached in a different pin, lodged adjacent to holotype specimen ( Figs. 4–5 View FIGURES 4–6 ).

Paratype: 1 ♂ (head missing), same data as that of holotype, dissected male genitalia placed in a glass microvial with glycerol and attached to the same pin ( BMNH; Fig. 9 View FIGURES 7–9 ) ; 1 ♀, same data as that of holotype, dissected female genitalia placed in a glass microvial with glycerol and attached to the same pin ( BMNH; Figs. 7–8 View FIGURES 7–9 ) .

Meridindia farhata ( Figs. 1–2 View FIGURES 1–3 ): Holotype: INDIA: 1 ♂, India, Kerala, Thekkadi / Periyar Dam / Travancore , 6–10-v-1937 [P+hw] // Pres. by Comm. Inst. Ent. B. M. 1983-1 [P] // Meridindia farhata gen et. sp. n. (hw) / det M.S.K. Ghauri, 1982 [P+hw] // NHMUK 013589989 About NHMUK [P] ( BMNH; Figs. 1–2 View FIGURES 1–3 ) . Holotype is pinned, the dissected male genitalia placed in a glass microvial with glycerol and stain attached in a different pin, lodged adjacent to holotype specimen.

Additional material examined. The materials were identified by Salini. S and deposited in NIM ( ICAR-NBAIR) unless mentioned otherwise. INDIA: KERALA: Thrissur, KAU, Vellanikara , no date, 2♀, Students coll.; KARNATAKA: Bangalore , Hebbal , N 13 o 02 E 77 o 35,, 1♀; Bannerghatta / 11.02.2009, 1♂, Yeshwanth, H. M. //coll. on Butea monosperma // NBAII GoogleMaps ; Kodagu, Fraserpet , 11.ii.1930, 1♂, Sandal Insect Survey, Dalpada deplanata Breddin , det B. Uvarov, 1931, on Quercus incana (FRI, Dehradun) ; No locality and date, 1♂, NBAIR .

Redescription. Colouration. Body above ( Figs. 4 View FIGURES 4–6 , 10 View FIGURES 10–11 ) ochraceous, occasionally with reddish brown shades except with the presence of more or less well-expressed markings as follows: 1+1 spots at basal angles of scutellum, sometimes apex of scutellum pale yellow; anterior and posterior one fourth of connexival segments, black.Antennae concolorous to dorsum. Scutellar pit, black. Hemelytra concolorous to dorsal body colour, membrane fuscous with veins reddish brown. (But see variability section below.)

Ventral side ( Figs. 5 View FIGURES 4–6 , 11 View FIGURES 10–11 ) bright yellow except the following: lateral sides of head, thorax and abdomen and 1+1 large spots on either side of mesosternal median carina, black. Labium ochraceous with apex, black. Legs concolorous to ventral side except posterior one third of femora, anterior and posterior one third of tibiae and apex of tarsomere III, black. Sometimes, legs with reddish streaks. Margins of abdominal spiracles, and anterior and posterolateral angles of ventrites III to VII, black.

Integument and vestiture. Body above densely covered with coarse, round, brown to black punctures, clusters of punctures forming irregular spots over dorsum of body. Connexivum with fine, dense and concolorous punctures. Legs, head (ventral), pleura and lateral margins of ventrites II–VII with dense, round, black punctures. Abdominal venter medially with punctures fine and concolorous. Male genitalia with posterior half of ventral side of genital capsule with sparse, light brown, round punctures; median process on ventral side of genital capsule with fine, light brown punctures. Coalescence of dark brown punctures forming brown patch on disc of valvifers VIII (restricted to inner diagonal half), valvifers IX (narrow caudal margin); laterotergite IX (at the middle of outer margin) and laterotergite VIII (anterior half of disc and circumference except caudal margin).

Body glabrous except the following: antennae and legs with sparse, golden setae. Male genitalia with posteroventral margin of genital capsule dorsally bordered with row of erect, elongate, golden yellow setae; posterior half of ventral side of genital capsule including posterolateral angles with short, fine, golden yellow setae; median process of dorsal rim of genital capsule with short, erect, setae, golden yellow. Disc of valvifers VIII including mesial and posterior margin with semierect, moderately elongate brown setae; disc of valvifers IX medially and disc of laterotergite IX with dense, elongate, yellowish brown setae; disc of laterotergite VIII with sparse, short, yellowish brown setae.

Structure. Head ( Figs. 12–14 View FIGURES 12–16 ) nearly as long as or slightly shorter than wide. Apex of mandibular plates, sinuate with anterior apex of inner lobe rounded or truncate; lateral margins of mandibular plates with nearly indistinct denticle in front of compound eyes, sometimes with minute protuberance. Compound eyes rounded and protruded.Antennomeres from shortest to longest: I<IIa<IIb<IV<III. Bucculae partly covering the labiomere I from beneath; anterior apex of bucculae with minute denticle. Labiomere I as long as bucculae; apex of labium reaching or passing posterior margin of ventrite III. Pronotum ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 12–16 ) with humeri slightly variable, usually subrounded. Membrane of hemelytra with six simple veins. Other characters as in generic redescription.

Male genitalia ( Figs. 17–25 View FIGURES 17–21 View FIGURES 22–25 ). Genital capsule ( Figs. 17–19 View FIGURES 17–21 ) roughly quadrangular with posterolateral lobes (= caudal lobes) broad and rounded. Ventral rim posteriorly divided into dorsal ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 17–21 : dm) and ventral margin ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 17–21 : vm); dorsal margin deeply and widely excavated medially, bordered with elongate, golden yellow setae and gradually becoming indistinct laterad, ventral margin with deep, median U-shaped emargination, laterally delimited by 1+1 internal vertical ridges ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 17–21 : ivr); infoldings of ventral rim strongly impressed, produced posteriad, fused with infoldings of dorsal rim and forming 1+1 moderately deep pouch-like concavity inner to caudal lobes, on either side of 1+1 internal vertical ridges on ventral wall of genital capsule. Dorsal rim broadly concave, deep towards laterad; moderately broad median process ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 17–21 : mp) at middle of dorsal rim; posterior margin of median process shallowly concave. Superior processes of dorsal rim absent. Paramere ( Figs. 20–21 View FIGURES 17–21 ): Crown roughly Lshaped, slightly narrowed towards apex, apical margin broadly rounded; black, sclerotized, narrow longitudinal ridge ( Fig. 20 View FIGURES 17–21 : sr) inner to dorsal margin of crown; stem short with short apodeme. Articulatory apparatus ( Fig. 22 View FIGURES 22–25 ): Basal plate and support bridge complex fused to form cup-like structure with roughly triangular capitate processes (cp) attached through dorsal connectives (dc). Phallus ( Figs. 23–25 View FIGURES 22–25 ): Phallotheca, convex dorsally, sclerotized and constricted towards both ends; proximal end slightly twisted ventrad possessing short angular process ( Fig. 25 View FIGURES 22–25 : vt) ventromedially (= ventral tubercles of theca by Gapon & Konstantinov 2006); four pairs of conjunctival processes ( Figs. 23–25 View FIGURES 22–25 : cj), inner dorsal pair ( Fig. 25 View FIGURES 22–25 : cj1) short, membranous and sessile; outer dorsal pair ( Figs. 23–24 View FIGURES 22–25 : cj2) elongate, semisclerotized (distal apex membranous), pear-shaped; inner ventral pair ( Fig. 25 View FIGURES 22–25 : cj3) finger-like, sclerotized apically and membranous and fused basally, curved ventro-posteriad; outer ventral pair ( Fig. 25 View FIGURES 22–25 : cj4), membranous and sessile; a pair of processes of aedeagus (= penial lobes) ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 22–25 : pa) sclerotized, basally fused with U-shaped notch between arms, adpressed to base of aedeagus; aedeagus ( Figs. 23, 25 View FIGURES 22–25 : ae) elongate, sickle-shaped, tubular longer than conjunctival processes and processes of aedeagus.

Female genitalia ( Figs. 26–29 View FIGURES 26–29 ). Terminalia ( Figs. 26–28 View FIGURES 26–29 ): Valvifers VIII ( Figs. 26–27 View FIGURES 26–29 : vlf8) subtriangular with inner lateral margins (mesial margins) straight, inner posterior angles truncate. Valvifers IX ( Figs. 26–27 View FIGURES 26–29 : vlf9) nearly trapezoidal. Laterotergite IX ( Figs. 26–27 View FIGURES 26–29 : lt9) elongate, oblique, trapezoidal shape with posterior apex narrowly rounded. Laterotergite VIII ( Figs. 26–27 View FIGURES 26–29 : lt8), triangular, caudal margin of laterotergite VIII with minute, black denticle at the middle. Gynatrium ( Fig. 28 View FIGURES 26–29 ) with an inverted V-shaped sclerite ( Fig. 28 View FIGURES 26–29 : vs) surrounding spermathecal opening; ring sclerites ( Fig. 28 View FIGURES 26–29 : rs) developed into elongate, oval-shaped sclerites (medially transparent). Spermatheca ( Fig. 29 View FIGURES 26–29 ): Spermathecal dilation regularly, obliquely fluted externally; intermediate part of spermtheca (= spermthecal pump) short with distal flange larger than proximal flange; apical receptacle ( Fig. 29 View FIGURES 26–29 : ar) suborbicular with three finger-like ductules.

Measurements (mm). Males (n = 3; median (minimum–maximum)). Body length 13.14 (12.24–14.66); head: length 2.76 (2.59–3.08), width (including eyes) 2.94 (2.91–3.08), interocular width 1.69 (1.62–1.78); lengths of antennomeres: I—0.77 (0.68–0.81), II—1.65 (1.58–1.81), III—1.82 (1.79–1.83), IV—2.34 (2.29–2.39), V—2.07; lengths of labiomeres: I—1.21 (1.12–1.26), II—2.16 (2.15–2.36), III—1.91 (1.87–2.10), IV—1.28 (1.28–1.51); pronotum: length 2.47 (2.41–2.81), width (including humeri) 5.54 (5.46–6.06); scutellum: length 3.96 (3.73–4.43), width (at basal angles) 3.33 (3.33–3.82).

Females (n = 3; median (minimum–maximum)). Body length 15.18 (14.81–15.80); head: length 3.61 (3.48– 3.60), width (including eyes) 3.58 (3.33–3.74), interocular width 2.02 (1.90–2.09); lengths of antennomeres: I—0.86 (0.83–0.98), II—1.74 (1.61–1.81), III—1.96 (1.90–2.02), IV—2.67 (2.53–2.80), V—2.17; length of labiomeres: I—1.38 (1.38–1.42), II—2.48 (2.45–2.84), III—2.42 (2.18–2.58), IV—1.29 (1.13–1.38); pronotum: length 3.18 (3.14–3.51), width (including humeri) 6.77 (6.76–7.37); scutellum: length 5.19 (5.07–5.60), width (at basal angles) 4.30 (4.24–4.49).

Variation. Body colour usually ochraceous with black markings formed due to coalescence of coarse brown punctures. Corium sometimes more reddish than ochraceous. Size of the ochraceous spot at basal angles of scutellum variable, sometimes moderate sized or elongate and subtriangular.

Bionomics. Examined specimens were collected on bark of Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub. ( Fabales : Fabaceae ), however, without finding of nymphs there is not enough evidence to consider it a true host plant (viz Burckhardt et al. 2014).

Distribution. India: Karnataka (Bangalore, Kodagu) (new record); Kerala (Idukki, Nadungayam, Thekkady, Thrissur) ( Ghauri 1982, as M. kaniza and M. farhata ; this paper).

Remarks. Ghauri (1982) differentiated M. kaniza and M. farhata mainly based on minor differences in male genital capsule (depth of median emargination in median septum and minor size difference in dorsomedian marginal appendages and ventral internal ridges), paramere head (breadth when viewed laterally), width of head, and size of basal scutellar spots. Based on examination of type material, the diagnostic characters used for distinguishing M. farhata from M. kaniza were found to be within the variability usually found among specimens of various species of Meridindia . The characters such as width of head and size of scutellar spots were found to be same in the male holotype of M. farhata ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 4–6 ) and female paratype of M. kaniza ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 7–9 ) and therefore, cannot be considered as a diagnostic character for M. farhata . Moreover, the paramere and phallus of M. farhata and M. kaniza were found to be the same, which justifies the need of synoymization of the former with M. kaniza . Unfortunately, the genital capsule of the sole available specimen of M. farhata , the holotype, could not be re-examined as it was in completely destroyed condition. However, based on the above mentioned evidence the following subjective synonymy is proposed: M. kaniza Ghauri, 1982 = M. farhata Ghauri, 1982 , syn. nov.


Natural History Museum, London














Meridindia kaniza Ghauri, 1982

Salini, S., Gracy, R. G. & Sushil, S. N. 2024

Meridindia kaniza

Salini, S. & Viraktamath, C. A. 2015: 22

Meridindia farhata

Salini, S. & Viraktamath, C. A. 2015: 22

Meridindia kaniza

Ghauri, M. S. K. 1982: 19

Meridindia farhata

Ghauri, M. S. K. 1982: 20
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