Cryptantha acrimuricata J. M. André, L. M. Simpson, & M. G. Simpson, 2024
publication ID | 10.3897/phytokeys.250.138635 |
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Cryptantha acrimuricata J. M. André, L. M. Simpson, & M. G. Simpson |
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Cryptantha acrimuricata J. M. André, L. M. Simpson, & M. G. Simpson sp. nov.
United States • California, San Bernardino County, New York Mountains: Mojave Natl. Preseve ; Caruthers Canyon , 2.3 road miles north of junction New York Mtns Rd, at base of steep ascent to Giant Ledge Mine (historic), along closed dirt road paralleling perennially moist drainage, California, San Bernardino Co., 35.24875, - 115.299217, 1768 m elevation, pinyon-juniper-oak woodland, among granitic outcrops, associates: Pinus monophylla , Quercus turbinella , Garrya flavescens , Arctostaphylos pungens , Bouteoua gracilis , Yucca baccata , Brickellia californica , Opuntia phaeacantha , Dudleya saxosa aloides , J. M. André 40457, 10 May 2019 (holotype: RSA 0633491 ; isotypes: ASU, GMDRC, SBBG, SD, SDSU, UC, UCR) GoogleMaps .
Cryptantha acrimuricata resembles C. muricata and varieties in having ovoid fruiting calyces with nutlets that are typically four per fruit, homomorphic, ovate in shape, with margins thickened and bearing tuberculate to muricate processes, with a median dorsal ridge, and with surfaces densely tuberculate to muricate. Cryptantha acrimuricata differs from C. muricata and varieties in having dense whitish-strigose stems, with spreading trichomes absent to sparsely present, and in having nutlets with relatively large and densely spaced, conic, often whitish, muricate processes with relatively wide bases and sharp apices, surfaces between the processes often shiny.
(Figs 1 View Figure 1 , 2 View Figure 2 ). Plants annual herbs, 10–35 cm tall, mostly gray-green. Root a taproot, brown to red-purple, sometimes staining paper. Stems generally erect to ascending, some plants with a dominant, erect primary axis bearing several short to elongate, ascending, secondary branches, others with numerous, subequal, inclined to ascending branches arising from plant base; stem surface light green, vestiture strigose with dense, white, tapered, antrorsely appressed, basally white-pustulate trichomes, ca. 0.5–0.7 mm long; hispid vestiture scattered to absent, if present with few, white, tapered, spreading (horizontal to inclined), basally white-pustulate trichomes, ca. 1 mm long. Leaves mostly gray-green, sessile, linear to narrowly oblanceolate, midrib grooved adaxially, thickened abaxially, apex rounded to obtuse, both surfaces and margin appressed to ascending hirsute, trichomes white pustulate, especially in basal leaves; basal-most leaf pair apparently opposite, perhaps remnants of cotyledons, all others alternate-spiral; basal leaves 2–5 cm × ca. 2–3 mm, in a loose rosette withering at anthesis, cauline leaves 1–2 cm × ca. 1 mm, extending to base of cymule inflorescence units, slightly reduced upwards. Inflorescence cymules mostly in clusters of 2–3 (bifurcate or trifurcate), occasionally solitary, rarely up to 5, a terminal flower / fruit typically at junction of cymule bases; bracts occasionally at base of cymules, these linear to narrowly oblong; cymules elongated in fruit, 2–12 flowers per unit, lower fruits not touching at maturity. Flowers mostly ebracteate, pedicellate, pedicels in fruit more elongate, ascending, thickened apically, 0.5–1 mm long, surface densely hirsute, trichomes horizontal to ascending. Calyx symmetric, ca. 3 mm long at anthesis, sepals distinct; fruiting calyx ovoid, base truncate, apex acuminate, 3.5–5 mm long, sepals lance-ovate to lanceolate, apices erect; abaxial surface densely hirsute ascending along margins, marginal surfaces hirsute appressed, midrib strongly thickened, hispid, the trichomes stout, straight, tapered, pustulate, inclined, horizontal, or reflexed; adaxial surface glabrous basally, appressed short hirsute on surface of extreme apex. Corolla rotate, inconspicuous, white, fornices white, tube as long as calyx, limb 1–2 mm wide, not showy, appendages present ca. 1 / 3 from base of corolla tube in vertical line with anthers. Androecium of five stamens, attached at slightly different levels ca. 2 / 3 from base of corolla tube between and below fornices; anthers ca. 0.4 mm long, ellipsoid, dithecal, introrsely dehiscent, dorsifixed; filaments filiform, ca. 0.1 mm long. Gynoecium four-lobed, lobes ca. 0.3 mm long, globose, style gynobasic, ca. 0.7 mm long, protruding ca. 0.4 mm beyond ovary; stigma minute, discoid. Gynobase narrowly pyramidal, extending nearly to nutlet apices; style extending 0.1–0.3 mm beyond nutlet apices. Nutlets 4, erect, homomorphic, ca. 2–2.4 mm × 1.7 mm (at widest width), whitish to tan, sometimes dark brown-mottled, surface typically shiny, appearing varnished, ovate, abaxially flattened to low convex, adaxially shallowly 2 - planed-convex, base truncate, margins sharp-angled with a thickened, usually whitish rim appearing “ beaded ” / ” toothed ” from marginal tuberculate to muricate protuberances, nutlet apex acute-rounded (blunt), surface irregularly transversely ridged, papillate and densely white tuberculate to muricate, these processes generally widely conic, densely spaced on surface, especially abaxially; spinal ridge present, sometimes obscure; attachment scar edges abutted at upper two-thirds, strongly bifurcate in lower one-third, delimiting a narrowly triangular, basal areole.
Distribution and habitat.
Cryptantha acrimuricata occurs in the eastern part of the Peninsular Ranges, in the eastern and central Transverse Ranges, in higher elevations of the Mohave and Sonoran Deserts, and in scattered regions of the Sierra Nevada, of California and Arizona in the United States and Baja California in Mexico (Fig. 3 View Figure 3 ). Its habitat ranges from sandy to coarsely gravelly substrates, usually granitic, sometimes limestone, sometimes adjacent to boulders, of chaparral, desert scrub / wash, pinyon-juniper woodland, or pine / oak woodland vegetation. The documented elevation range is 180–2621 m (average 1270 m).
Based on data from available specimens, the species typically flowers April – July, rarely in the fall following warm-seasonal rains (J. M. André, personal observation).
Rarity and conservation status.
Cryptantha acrimuricata has been somewhat sparsely collected compared to the close relative Cryptantha muricata . Where encountered, populations of C. acrimuricata tend to be relatively isolated and restricted in areal extent, with few total numbers of individual plants. Though we are not aware of any imminent threats to existing populations, based upon its fairly limited distribution and small populations, this taxon may warrant conservation status.
The specific epithet acrimuricata means “ sharply muricate, ” from the Latin acri -, sharp, and muricata (derived from Latin murex, conch), hard-pointed. The name refers to the stout, widely-based, and sharply pointed conic tubercles, shaped like miniature mountain peaks, as contrasted with the more cylindrical or rounded tubercles of the varieties of Cryptantha muricata .
Suggested common name.
We suggest Sharp-Pointed Prickly Cryptantha as a common name.
Arranged by country, then alphabetically by collector; * = estimated from label data.
Mexico • Baja California. San Rafael, Sierra San Pedro Mártir; west side of Cerro Blanco ; 3 k SSW of San Rafael, Baja California, 31.09333, - 115.65167, 1550 m elevation, west facing slope, granite rock and gravel, associates: Adenostoma fasciculatum , Arctostaphylos , Chorizanthe fimbriata , Eriogonum fasciculatum , Lotus rigidus , Lupinus concinnus , Mimulus pilosus , Rhus ovata , Salvia apiana , Swertia albomarginata , and Trichostemma parishii , M. A. Baker 12915 with Robert Johnson, 12 May 1998 ( ASU 0014635 !, BCMEX 11466 !) GoogleMaps ; • Cerro San Luis , Baja California, 29.3167, - 114.1167, 1300 m elevation, open gravelly place, north side, gravelly, R. Moran 10296 with Jim Henrickson, 2 March 1963 ( RSA 165004 !, SD 54579 , UC 1235600 ) GoogleMaps ; • Sierra Juarez , 5 km W of La Rumorosa, Baja California, 32.55, - 116.1, 1325 m elevation, colony under piñon, granitic area, associates: Piñon, R. Moran 24108, 15 May 1977 ( CAS 612817 !, SD 97068 !) ; • Sierra Juarez , 1 km NW of Tres Pozos, Baja California, 32.37917, - 116.075, 1350 m elevation, under shrubs along arroyo, R. Moran 27383, 26 May 1979 ( RSA 292842 !, SD 103648 !) GoogleMaps ; • Sierra Juarez , 1.5 km NW of El Mezquite, Baja California, 32.35833, - 116.0667, 1400 m elevation, semishade of piñones, piñon-juniper-pine wood, associates: piñon-juniper-pine wood, R. Moran 27437, 27 May 1979 ( POM 369185 !, SD 103689 ) GoogleMaps ; • Sierra Juarez, arroyo Agua Grande , 10 km south of La Rumorosa, Baja California, 32.4625, - 116.0333, 1225 m elevation, in semishade, among rocks, R. Moran 30751, 16 May 1982 ( SD 110999 !) GoogleMaps ; • San Salvador: Bridge over branch of Rio San Carlos near Rancho San Salvador , Baja California, 31.8333, - 116.0667, 1000 m elevation, R. F. Thorne 60086 with Dave Charlton, 19 April 1985 ( RSA 346809 !) GoogleMaps ; • Canon de Guadalupe , Baja California, 32.15, - 115.8, 450 m elevation, dry slopes along canyon above resort area, sandy areas and rocky, R. F. Thorne 61750 with Steve Boyd, etc., 23 March 1986 ( RSA 349247 !) ; 1.5 mi NW Village of Valle Trinidad , Baja California, 31.423618 *, - 115.739987 *, 989 m elevation *, granitic hillside, I. L. Wiggins 16061 A, 3 April 1960 ( DS 506948 !) ;
United States • New York Mtns, [above Brant Siding] in canyon above old mine site , California, San Bernardino Co., 35.27667, - 115.34556, 1364 m elevation, granite, talus, gravel, J. M. André 4153 with G. L. Clifton, 7 May 2003 ( GMDRC 1194 !, UCR -164170 !) GoogleMaps ; • New York Mountains: growing in bottom of main drainage, just above main parking area / camp. Caruthers Canyon , Mojave National Preserve, California, San Bernardino Co., 35.224817, - 115.303467, 1675 m elevation, at base of boulders in creek bottom, granite, alluvium, gravel, associates: Salix exigua , Baccharis sergiloides , Carex alma , Ericameria cuneata , Pinus monophylla , J. M. André 9554 with T. La Doux, G. L. Clifton, 5 May 2008 ( GMDRC 2793 !, SDSU 18622 !) GoogleMaps ; • Joshua Tree National Park, Little San Bernardino Mountains: Long Canyon, up side canyon approx. 400 m. west of main canyon drainage , California, Riverside Co., 34.063517, - 116.443033, 1172 m elevation, south-facing slope, decomposed granite, alluvium, associates: Juniperus californica , Ephedra nevadensis , Coleogyne ramosissima , Mentzelia involucrata , Calycoseris parryi , Eriophyllum confertiflorum , J. M. André 21088 with T. La Doux, R. B. Kelley, 4 May 2011 ( GMDRC 5506 !, GMDRC 5507 !, UCR 0005646 !) GoogleMaps ; • Hualapai Mountains: along dry creekbed at Moss Wash trailhead, just below Wild Cow Campground, 4.0 mi. south of Hualapai Mtn Ranger Sta. , Arizona, Mohave Co., 35.064183, - 113.8672, 1836 m elevation, yellow pine - oak woodland, granite, alluvium, gravel, associates: Pinus ponderosa , Quercus turbinella , Q. gambelii , Q. chysolepis , Ptelea trilobata , Symphoricarpos rotundifolius , Prunus virginiana , Eriogonum davidsonii , J. M. André 30870, 29 May 2014 ( ASU 0307471 !, GMDRC 6806 !) GoogleMaps ; • Cerbat Mountains: west side of range c. 12 mi north of Kingman, 0.3 mi along faint dirt road north of Mineral Park Road, 2.7 mi east of Hwy 93 , Arizona, Mohave Co., 35.35557, - 114.17613, 1166 m elevation, upper alluvial fan, mixed, alluvium, gravel, associates: Juniperus californica , Coleogyne ramosissima , Larrea tridentata , Salvia dorrii , Acamptopappus sphaerocephala , Krameria erecta , Camissoniopsis pallida , J. M. André 32653, 24 April 2015 ( GMDRC 7523 !, UCR -275600 !) GoogleMaps ; • Granite Mountains; UC GM Desert Research Center; upper Granite Cove in wash 0.1 mile south of Granite Cove Spring, 0.2 mile north of Staples cabin , California, San Bernardino Co., 34.786, - 115.65863, 1338 m elevation, under granite boulder, sand, associates: Acacia greggii , Ambrosia eriocentra , Prunus fasciculata , Eriophyllum wallacei , Plagiobothrys arizonicus , Descurainia pinnata , J. M. André 33209, 4 April 2015 ( GMDRC 7681 !, RSA 0087609 !, UCR 0004260 !) GoogleMaps ; • Peninsular Ranges: along north side of Hwy 74 approx 1 mile east of Pinyon Flats, south facing slopes of Sugarloaf Mtn , California, Riverside Co., 33.583617, - 116.437467, 1210 m elevation, granitic gravelly soils among boulders, granite, alluvium, gravel, associates: Juniperus californica , Adenostoma sparsifolium , Arctostaphylos glauca , Cercocarpus betuloides , Mentzelia veatchiana , Phacelia fremontii , Saltugilia latimeri , J. M. André 41103, 5 April 2019 ( GMDRC 11665 !) GoogleMaps ; • Peninsular Ranges: southeastern end of San Jacinto Mountains, along Hwy 74, 12.6 miles SW of Palm Desert (Hwy 111), 1.2 miles NNE of Sugarloaf Mtn , California, Riverside Co., 33.603767, - 116.4199, 1081 m elevation, granitic boulders, granite, alluvium, gravel, associates: Pinus monophylla , Rhus ovata , Ericameria linearifolia , Encelia actoni , Phacelia distans , Chaenactis fremontii , Acmispon argophyllus , Cryptantha lepida , J. M. André 42565, 14 April 2020 ( GMDRC 12668 !) GoogleMaps ; • Peninsular Ranges; Anza Bench region: Hills north of Warner Springs, Indian Flats Campground of Cleveland National Forest along Road 9 S 05 , California, San Diego Co., 33.349, - 116.661, 1097 m elevation, slopes and shallow draws bordered by Quercus agrifolia , thin soils over granitic bedrock with extensive boulder outcrops and on sandy benches, associates: Adenostoma sparsifolium , Ceanothus greggii , C. perplexans , Adenostoma fasciculatum , Gutierrezia sarothrae , Muhlenbergia rigens , Lonicera subspicata , Rosa californica and Rhus trilobata , S. Boyd 11034 with LeRoy Gross, 4 May 2004 ( RSA 726843 !, UCR 0004357 ) GoogleMaps ; • Kernville , California, Kern Co., 35.755333 *, - 118.425998 *, 812 m elevation *, T. S. Brandegee s. n., 13 May 1892 ( UC 79312 !) ; Canon wash, 1 mi w of Morengo , California, San Bernardino Co., 34.047071 *, - 116.621009 *, 898 m elevation *, J. R. Bruff 99 a, 2 April 1928 ( RSA 699336 !) ; • Local landmark: Cerbat Mountains, Chloride Quad , Arizona, Mohave Co., 35.464472, - 114.179333, 1584 m elevation, Rocky Hillside; Slope Aspect: North, Slope Position: Lower Third; Vertical Slope Shape: Smooth; Horizontal Slope Shape: Smooth, G. L. Clifton 14473, 28 April 1986 ( PUA 32315 (Card # 64080)!) GoogleMaps ; • Whitewater Canyon Rd. (exit from Interstate- 10 ca. 2.5 mi. W of jct I- 10 with State 62); near start of Angeles [Pacific] Crest Trail , California, Riverside Co., 33.99178 *, - 116.663304 *, 610 m elevation, riparian woodland (through creosote bush scrub) along rocky sandy stream channel joining the main Whitewater wash, rocky, sandy, associates: Encelia farinosa , Baccharis , Quercus , C. Davidson 5578 with B. Gustafson, 7 April 1977 ( RSA 499703 !) ; • Near Dos Palmas Spring , San Jacinto Mts, California, Riverside Co., 33.61841 *, - 116.424376 *, 914 m elevation, H. & M. Dearing 4851, 29 March 1942 ( SBBG 6266 !) ; • Rincon Mountains, Chimenea Canyon above Madrona Ranger Station , Arizona, Pima Co., 32.183772 *, - 110.593461 *, 1219 m elevation, riparian forest in desert scrub, associates: Quercus , Juglans , Fraxinus , Baccharis , Ambrosia , M. Fishbein 2013, 15 April 1994 ( ARIZ 315946 !) ; • South fork of San Joaquin river , California, Madera Co., 37.437614 *, - 119.239026 *, 2621 m elevation, H. M. Hall 650 B with H. P. Chandler, July 1900 ( UC 79530 !) ; 0.5 west of Peg Leg monument along Henderson Canyon Road , Anza Borrego Desert State Park, California, San Diego Co., 33.3004, - 116.314, 180 m elevation *, sandy wash, sandy wash, overlain with dry silty ash from 2003 fire above Coyote Canyon, associates: Larrea tridentata , Atriplex lentiformis , Phacelia brachyloba , Melilotus indica , Palafoxia arida var. arida , Geraea canescens , Abronia villosa var. villosa , Antirrhynum coulterianum , Calycoseris parryi , Chaenactis artemisiifolia , L. Hendrickson 53 with L. Louise Jee, 9 April 2004 ( SD 161807 !) GoogleMaps ; • San Felipe Valley. Cigarettes Hills. San Felipe Wildlife Area, California Department of Fish & Game property. 1.8 air miles W of SW intersection of State Hwy. 78 and County Rd S- 2 and. 7 mile N of hwy 78, on south side of prominent hill (2765) , California, San Diego Co., 33.0963, - 116.5064, 769 m elevation, decomposing pegmatite dike, coarse gravel and sandy soil, associates: Agave deserti , Juniperus californica , Prunus fremontii , Ziziphus parryi , Ericameria brachylepsis , Eriogonum fasciculatum var polifolium , L. Hendrickson 3928, 10 May 2009 ( BSCA 1213 , SD 214894 !) GoogleMaps ; 5 mi. se. of Nevada-Arizona border along Lime Kiln Canyon BLM rd. 242 , Arizona, Mohave Co., 36.680548 *, - 114.009796 *, 1000 m elevation, mixed desert shrub community, gravelly limestone soils, associates: Quercus , Juniperus , L. C. Higgins 25212, 6 April 2004 ( BRYV 0155702 , HSC 202913 !, KHD 00031415 ) ; • Lime Kiln Canyon , Virgin Mountains, Arizona, Mohave Co., 36.646315, - 114.019191, 1250 m elevation, Pinyon, juniper, oak community, limestone soil., L. C. Higgins 25402 with G. Green, 4 May 2004 ( BRYV 0155701 , RENO 81684 !, UNM 0026372 ) GoogleMaps ; • Arizona, Skull valley , Arizona, Yavapai Co., 34.504684 *, - 112.687251 *, 1311 m elevation, M. E. Jones 7028, 28 April 1903 ( UC 78720 !) ; • Arizona, Skull valley , Arizona, Yavapai Co., 34.504684 *, - 112.687251 *, 1311 m elevation, M. E. Jones s. n., 1 May 1903 ( POM 71271 !) ; • Arizona, Skull valley , Arizona, Yavapai Co., 34.504684 *, - 112.687251 *, 1311 m elevation, M. E. Jones s. n., 1 May 1903 ( POM 71274 !) ; • Pinal Mts. above road to Madera Peak on road to Signal Peak and Pinal Peak , Arizona, Gila Co., 33.2822 *, - 110.821 *, 2384 m elevation *, upper south facing slopes, D. Keil 4628, 12 May 1969 ( ASU 69306 !) ; • Little San Bernardino Mountains, ridge along Upper East Deception Canyon, Joshua Tree National Park , California, Riverside Co., 33.97936, - 116.30985, 1319 m elevation, associates: Yucca schidigera , Juniperus californica , Eriogonum wrightii nodusum , Peucephyllum schotii , T. LaDoux 3724 with E. Babich, N. Pietrasiak, 21 April 2008 ( JOTR 00914 !) GoogleMaps ; 2 miles east of Banner on San Felipe Wash , California, San Diego Co., 33.083288 *, - 116.516252 *, 773 m elevation, K. McCully 92, 17 May 1925 ( POM 97231 !) ; • Traverse Ranges; San Bernardino Mountain region: Whitewater Canyon; Along Whitewater River drainage and adjacent slopes below Whitewater Visitor Center (Whitewater Trout Farm) in the vicinity of Bonnie Bell , California, Riverside Co., 33.95477, - 116.64248, 525 m elevation, riparian woodland along water course to desert sage scrub on adjacent flats and slopes, O. Mistretta 4627 with Duncan Bell, Jill Beckman, Joy England, Katie Kane, Jamie Hall, Chris McDonald, Lucila Reccia, Lonnie Rodriguez, April Sall, Tracy Tennant, 12 April 2010 ( RSA 772061 !) GoogleMaps ; • Traverse Ranges; San Bernardino Mountain region: Whitewater Canyon; Along Whitewater River drainage and adjacent slopes below Whitewater Visitor Center (Whitewater Trout Farm) , California, Riverside Co., 33.97538, - 116.65119, 600 m elevation, riparian woodland along water course to desert sage scrub on adjacent flats and slopes, O. Mistretta 4702 a with Duncan Bell, Jill Beckman, Joy England, Katie Kane, Jamie Hall, Chris McDonald, Lucila Reccia, Lonnie Rodriguez, April Sall, Tracy Tennant, 12 April 2010 ( RSA 771786 !) GoogleMaps ; • Northwest slope of Santa Rosa Mtns. , California, Riverside Co., 33.555223 *, - 116.487153 *, 2134 m elevation, dry banks, northwest slope, P. A. Munz 15086, 30 May 1937 ( BRYV 0155683 , RSA 0079225 , UC 662529 !) ; • Pines to Palms Highway # 74 , 15 miles west of Palm Desert, California, Riverside Co., 33.581968 *, - 116.459557 *, 1219 m elevation, D. Myrick 833, 30 April 1964 ( SBBG 28428 !) ; • Colorado Desert , California, San Diego Co., 33.05 *, - 116.12 *, m elevation, C. R. Orcutt s. n., April 1889 ( UC 280510 !) ; Walker Canyon Ecological Preserve: between Boulevard and Jacumba on the north side of Interstate 8, along arroyo bottom near stream , California, San Diego Co., 32.66306, - 116.22333, 915 m elevation, Chaparral / desert transition, granitic substrates, associates: Quercus cornelius mulleri , Adenostoma sparsifolium , Rhus ovata , Juniperus californica , Cylindropuntia ganderi , J. P. Rebman 8530 with Jeannie Gregory, 17 April 2003 ( SD 159509 , UC 1787644 !, UCR 0004378 ) GoogleMaps ; • San Jacinto Mountains, along the trail toward Spitler Pk from the Hurkey Crk camp to Bonita Vista Rd , California, Riverside Co., 33.6961 *, - 116.6392 *, 1707 m elevation, along trail; chaparral & some yellow pine forest, A. C. Sanders 6537, 1 June 1986 ( DES 00030658 , OBI 131801 , SBBG 87639 !, UCR 0004196 , UNLV 23020 ) ; • Along FS road 22 S 82, east base of the Needles , approx. 3 miles from Pyles Camp., California, Tulare Co., 36.10939 *, - 118.484532 *, 2419 m elevation, granitic sandy soils, J. R. Shevock 5114, 18 June 1976 ( LOB 100364 !) ; • SW Imperial Co, near SE boundary of San Diego Co., In-Ko-Pah Mountains, access road to Valley of the Moon , California, Imperial Co., 32.639288 *, - 116.100194 *, 1031 m elevation, transition area from scrub oak-yucca to diverse high desert scrub, steep N-facing bouldery drainage, rocky slopes, steep N-facing bouldery drainage; granitic outcrops and soils, mostly coarse particle size;, associates: C. pterocarya var. cycloptera , C. p. var. purpusii , C. clevelandii , C. intermedia , Microsersis douglasii , Gilia caruifolia , Phacelia distans , Lotus scoparius , Quercus cornelius-muelleri , Yucca schidigera , Nolina parryi , Rhus ovata , Simmondsia chinensis , Acacia greggii , Encelia actoni , Salvia apiana , Cylindropuntia ganderi , C. wolfii , Ericameria brachylepsis , and Lupinus excubitus var. medius , D. Silverman 3964 with Jon Rebman, 23 April 2001 ( JEPS 103093 !, SBBG 116573 !) ; • Wash adjacent to and just west of jeep road , Rodriguez Canyon, ca. 2.0 miles southwest of Granite Mtn. peak., California, San Diego Co., 33.03111, - 116.50361, 946 m elevation, wash adjacent to exposed, sparse desert scrub, sandy, gravelly soil, associates: Prunus fremontii , Rhus ovata , Baccharis sergiloides , Quercus sp. , M. G. Simpson 2790 with K. Hasenstab, M. Silveira, and L. Simpson, 7 April 2007 ( SDSU 19296 !) GoogleMaps ; • Wash adjacent to and just west of jeep road , Rodriguez Canyon, ca. 2.0 miles southwest of Granite Mtn. peak., California, San Diego Co., 33.03111, - 116.50361, 946 m elevation, wash adjacent to exposed, sparse desert scrub, sandy, gravelly soil, associates: Prunus fremontii , Rhus ovata , Baccharis sergiloides , Quercus sp. , M. G. Simpson 2794 with K. Hasenstab, M. Silveira, and L. Simpson, 7 April 2007 ( SDSU 17573 !) GoogleMaps ; • Pacific Coast Trail, ca. 0.1 mile north of parking area at Hwy 74. , California, Riverside Co., 33.56416, - 116.57673, 1499 m elevation, beneath Adenostoma fasciculatum . Adjacent to open Adenostoma sparsifolium - Adenostoma fasciculatum - Ceanothus greggii scrub, coarse sand, associates: Adenostoma sparsifolium , Adenostoma fasciculatum , Ceanothus greggii , M. G. Simpson 3080 with Lori Simpson, 26 April 2009 ( SDSU 21885 !) GoogleMaps ; • Pacific Coast Trail, ca. 0.6 mile north of parking area at Hwy 74. , California, Riverside Co., 33.56977, - 116.57572, 1526 m elevation, side of trail. Open Adenostoma sparsifolium - A. fasciculatum - Ceanothus greggii scrub., coarse sand, associates: Adenostoma sparsifolium , Adenostoma fasciculatum , Ceanothus greggii , M. G. Simpson 3085 with Lori Simpson, 26 April 2009 ( SDSU 21647 !) GoogleMaps ; • Anza Borrego Desert State Park. Wash of Bitter Creek Canyon, ca. 1.0 mile north of Grapevine Mountain peak. , California, San Diego Co., 33.13444, - 116.46798, 739 m elevation, along base of canyon wall rocks of wash, open scrub of desert wash, gravelly sand, associates: Agave deserti , Chenopodium sp. , Encelia farinosa , Opuntia basilaris , Senegalia greggii , M. G. Simpson 3790 with Amanda Everett, Andy Siekkinen, Lee Ripma, Matt Newcomb, 15 February 2014 ( SDSU 20519 !) GoogleMaps ; • Anza Borrego Desert State Park, Cool Canyon, ca. 1,000 m west-southwest of parking area at end of dirt road, ca. 1.8 km east-southeast of Granite Mountain peak. , California, San Diego Co., 33.04362, - 116.44427, 869 m elevation, desert succulent scrub, brown, sandy loam, associates: Juniperus californica , Cylindropuntia ganderi , Prunus fremontii , Encelia farinosa , Bahiopsis parishii , M. G. Simpson 3795 with SDSU Taxonomy of California Plants Class, 29 March 2014 ( SDSU 23021 !) GoogleMaps ; • Anza Borrego Desert State Park, Bitter Creek Canyon, ca. 2.3 kilometers southwest of Grapevine Canyon Road (dirt). , California, San Diego Co., 33.13402, - 116.47022, 745 m elevation, wash of canyon, desert succulent scrub, silty, coarse sand, associates: Prosopis glandulosa , Encelia farinosa , Chenopodium murale , Bromus rubens , M. G. Simpson 3800 with Makenzie E. Mabry, 3 April 2014 ( SDSU 23020 !) GoogleMaps ; • Anza Borrego Desert State Park, Culp Valley, along hiking trail at camping area. , California, San Diego Co., 33.22376, - 116.45312, 1033 m elevation, flat, coarse sand / fine gravel, organic material beneath, associates: Rhus ovata , Ziziphus parryi var. parryi , Cylindropuntia ganderi scrub, M. G. Simpson 3856 with Makenzie Mabry & Andy Siekkinen, 1 April 2015 ( SDSU 23271 !) GoogleMaps ; • Culp Valley, ca. 0.1 mile along dirt road, to parking lot at left, then 10 meters west of northern end of lot. , California, San Diego Co., 33.22209, - 116.45791, 1014 m elevation, desert transtion vegetation, brownish, gravelly sand, growing adjacent to boulder, associates: Prunus fremontii , Ziziphus parryi var. parryi , M. G. Simpson 4186 with Jepson 2019 workshop members, 14 April 2019 ( SDSU 22965 !) GoogleMaps ; • San Gabriel Mountains, east side of Cabin Canyon, c. 200 m north of canyon mouth, west of Aliso Cyn. Rd., 0.5 mi west of Angeles Forest Hwy , California, Los Angeles Co., 34.4169444, - 118.0925, 1183 m elevation, shallow canyon bottom with flowing stream; chaparral dominant, associates: Ceanothus leu., Adenostoma f., Quercus wis., Prunus ili., Eriodictyon tri., with Layia gla., Phacelia fre., Calyptridium mon., Penstemon cen., Malacothrix gla., Camissoniopsis hir., Bromus tec., Antirrhinum cou., Cirsium occ., Chaenactis gla., etc, R. G. Swinney 14663, 12 May 2011 ( RSA 0091168 !, SDSU 22957 !) GoogleMaps ; • San Gabriel Mountains, 0.3–0.5 miles south of Aliso Canyon Road, 2 miles west of Angeles Forest Hwy., nameless cyn. To the east of Beartrap Cyn. , California, Los Angeles Co., 34.42778, - 118.11639, 1066 m elevation, Station Fire burn of 2009, shallow ravine and adj. slopes, chaparral, associates: Adenostoma f., Prunus i., Lonicera su., Rhus ar., Cercocarpus b., also w / Opuntia ba., Malacothamnus fr., Lupinus bi., Camissonia s., Uropappus , Mentzelia co., Delphinium pat., Phacelia fr., Leptosiphon a., etc, R. G. Swinney 14845, 26 May 2011 ( RSA 0092147 !, SDSU 22955 !) GoogleMaps ; • San Gabriel Mountains: Colby Ranch (Camp Colby), S end of Inspiration Canyon tr., in a N-flowing tributary of upper Coldwater Cyn. , California, Los Angeles Co., 34.29861, - 118.11361, 1226 m elevation, Station Fire burn of ‘ 09, canyon wih slopes; chaparral, coarse granite and fine brown loam, associates: Ceanothus , Eriodictyon , Quercus , Pinus , Nicotiana , Eschscholzia , Phacelia , Adenostoma , Mimulus , Chaenactis , Keckiella , Calyptridium , Salvia , Galium , Penstemon , Argemone, Erhendorferia , Dendromecon , Eriogonum , Mentzelia , Solanum , R. G. Swinney 15440, 7 July 2011 ( RSA 0091783 !, SDSU 22954 !, UCR 0004166 !) GoogleMaps ; • San Gabriel Mountains: Colby Ranch (Camp Colby), S end of Inspiration Canyon tr., in a N-flowing tributary of upper Coldwater Cyn. , California, Los Angeles Co., 34.29861, - 118.11361, 1226 m elevation, Station Fire burn of ‘ 09, canyon wih slopes; chaparral, coarse granite and fine brown loam, associates: Ceanothus , Eriodictyon , Quercus , Pinus , Nicotiana , Eschscholzia , Phacelia , Adenostoma , Mimulus , Chaenactis , Keckiella , Calyptridium , Salvia , Galium , Penstemon , Argemone, Erhendorferia , Dendromecon , Eriogonum , Mentzelia , Solanum , R. G. Swinney 15442, 7 July 2011 ( RSA 0091784 , SDSU 22946 !, UCR 0039547 ) GoogleMaps ; • San Gabriel Mountains: Strawberry Peak summit (Chilao Flat) ., California, Los Angeles Co., 34.28389, - 118.12028, 1869 m elevation, Station Fire burn of 2009, entire summit burned; resprouting chaparral, associates: Eriodictyon trichocalyx , E. parryi , Quercus wislizeni , Q. chrysolepis , Penstemon centranthifolius , Eriastrum densifolium , Ericameria nausiosa , Camissoniopsis hirtella , Bromus tectorum , B. carinatus , Eriophyllum confertiflorum , Cryptantha muricata , Garrya flavescens , Tauschia parishii , Eriogonum saxatile , Orobanche fasciculata , Sidotheca trilobata , etc, R. G. Swinney 15527, 21 July 2011 ( RSA 0089514 , SDSU 22959 !, UCR 0004165 ) GoogleMaps ; • San Gabriel Mts., n. e. boundary ridge top of San Dimas Experimental Forest, c. 0.14 miles s. w. of summit at far s. e. end of ridge, 1.7 air miles w. of Cow Cyn. Saddle at Glendora Ridge Rd. to 1.8 land miles ESE along SDEF boundary ridge to ridge top at 5595 ft. (1706 m.), and east via level ridge connection to ridge top at 5560 ft., 04 air miles NNE of Sunset Pk. summit. This is the highest elev. within SDEF, Mt. Baldy Quad , California, Los Angeles Co., 34.209722, - 117.695278, 1695 m elevation, Ridge top, chaparral, Big Cone Spruce / Quercus woodland, associates: Pseudotsuga macrocarpa , Quercus wislizeni subsp. frutescens , Q. chrysolepis , Ceanothus crassifolius , Eriogonum fasciculatum subsp. foliolosum , Bromus tectorum , R. G. Swinney 18319, 4 May 2016 ( SDSU 23973 !) GoogleMaps ; • North of Azusa, WCA’s Azusa Foothills Open Space, ridgetop overlooking mouth of San Gabriel Cyn., within 50 meters of Vasquez Ranch Flagpole, last burned 2014 - Cobly Fire, 0.55 air miles n. of jct. of Sierra Madre Ave. and Hilltop Dr., Azusa Quad 7.5 ’ , California, Los Angeles Co., 34.156355, - 117.904528, 450 m elevation, ridge top, coastal sage scrub and chaparral surrounding previously slightly-disturbed area, granitic-loam, associates: Malosma laurina , Bromus diandrus , Encelia farinosa , Artemisia californica , Hirschfeldia incana , Malacothrix saxatilis var. tenuifolia , R. G. Swinney 24723 A, 5 May 2021 ( SDSU 25595 !, UCR 0164808 ) GoogleMaps ; • San Bernardino Mountains: unnamed ridgetop (7,582 ’) and adjacent slope just W of Heart Bar Peak and SE of Cienaga Seca Creek ., California, San Bernardino Co., 34.1667, - 116.775, 2222 m elevation, ridgetop recently bulldozed for firebreak; adjacent N and W slopes w / Quercus chrysolepis and Pinus jeffreyi , etc., Quercus chrysolepis and Pinus jeffreyi , etc., S. D. White 13324 with Marissa Caringella, 24 July 2009 ( RSA 752962 !, UC 1949977 , UCR 0004334 , UCSB 029502 ) GoogleMaps ; • Peninsular Ranges: Santa Rosa Mountains , California, Riverside Co., 33.539 *, - 116.457 *, 2310 m elevation, R. S. Woglum 3072, 12 June 1941 ( RSA 611564 !) ; • San Bernardino Mountains: Unnamed canyon and ridgeline immediately SW of Cienega Seca (Blue Sky Meadow) , California, San Bernardino Co., 34.1833, - 116.725, 2476 m elevation, yellow pine forest with somes areas of pinyon / juniper woodland, J. M. Wood 948 with Dustin Ray, 18 June 2009 ( RSA 752329 !) GoogleMaps ; • San Bernardino Mtns., Santa Ana River, unnamed canyon and ridgeline E of Wildhorse Canyon, N of Hwy 38 , California, San Bernardino Co., 34.17083, - 116.8, 2100 m elevation, dry canyon wash, riparian woodland and adjacent uplands, J. M. Wood 1013 with Dustin Ray, 30 June 2009 ( RSA 750733 !) ; • Borrego Palm Canyon , California, San Diego Co., 33.276836 *, - 116.426169 *, 322 m elevation, F. Youngberg 103, 11 April 1935 ( POM 209514 !) .
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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