Phrurolithus lasiolepis, Fu & Chen & Zhang, 2016

Fu, Lina, Chen, Huiming & Zhang, Feng, 2016, New Phrurolithus species from China (Araneae, Phrurolithidae), Ecologica Montenegrina 7, pp. 270-290 : 276-278

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scientific name

Phrurolithus lasiolepis

sp. nov.

Phrurolithus lasiolepis View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs 3A–I, 4A–E

Type material. Holotype ♂, China, Yunnan Province, Lushui County, Pianma Town, Pianma River , Sanjishui power station (26°0.694′N, 98°37.839′E), 22 May 2015, Chi JIN leg GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 5♂ 8♀, same data as for holotype GoogleMaps ; 4♂ 2♀, Yunnan Province, Baoshan City, Mangkuan Town, Sandieshui (25°27.080′N, 98°52.416′E), 20 May 2015, Chi JIN leg GoogleMaps .

Etymology. The specific name is a combination of the Latin words ‘ lasio ’ which means wooley or downey and ‘ lepsis ’ meaning shiny or iridescent, and refers to visual characters on the abdomen; adjective.

Diagnosis. The new species is similar to P. palgongensis ( Seo, 1988: 90, figs 27–32) in having a similar SD, but can be distinguished from the latter by: 1) with one strong RTA (two different RTA in the latter); 2) embolus thick (thinner relatively in the latter); 3) thicker, shorter CD (thin, long in the latter); 4) BU crescent, ear-like (not crescent in the latter). The new species also can be distinguished from P. pennatus ( Yaginuma, 1967 b: 102, figs 3i–k) by: 1) with one strong RTA (two different RTA in the latter); 2) embolus thicker (thin relatively in the latter); 3) thicker, shorter CD (thin in the latter); 4) BU crescent, ear-like (not crescent in the latter).

Description. Male ( Fig. 3A). Total length 2.17–2.53 (n=7). Holotype: body 2.45 long; carapace 1.12 long, 0.93 wide; abdomen 1.31 long, 0.78 wide. Carapace dark brown, anteriorly abruptly narrow; fovea longitudinal, distinct. Eyes sizes and interdistances: AME 0.07, ALE 0.08, PME 0.05, PLE 0.06; AME– AME 0.03, AME–ALE 0.01, PME–PME 0.06, PME–PLE 0.02. MOA 0.16 long, front 0.18 wide, back 0.18 wide. Clypeus 0.08 high. Chelicerae with two strong anterior bristles; promargin with three well-separated teeth and retromargin with two teeth. Labium and gnathocoxae wider than long, brown. Legs light brown. Measurements of legs: leg I 4.17 (1.06, 0.32, 1.12, 1.06, 0.61), II 3.27 (0.89, 0.29, 0.71, 0.84, 0.54), III 2.95 (0.74, 0.27, 0.65, 0.79, 0.50), IV 4.64 (1.27, 0.36, 1.08, 1.24, 0.69). Leg formula: 4123. Femora I–IV basally with one dorsal spine, femur I with three prolateral spines and femur II without prolateral spine; tibia I with seven proventral spines and six retroventral spines, tibia II with six proventral spines and five retroventral spines; metatarsus I with four proventral spines and three retroventral spines, metatarsus II with four proventral spines and three retroventral spines. Abdomen oval, anterior half with a small dorsal scutum, posterior half dark brown dorsally.

Palp ( Figs 3E–G, 4A–C). Femur subdistally with an apophysis retroventrally. RTA strong, sharp apically, extending to the middle part of cymbium. Thick SD long, curved. Embolus blunt apically. Conductor membranous, long.

Female ( Fig. 3B). Total length 2.46–3.24 (n=8). One paratype: body 3.06 long; carapace 1.26 long, 1.08 wide; abdomen 1.65 long, 1.21 wide. Carapace brown, abruptly narrow anteriorly; fovea longitudinal. Eyes sizes and interdistances: AME 0.08, ALE 0.08, PME 0.04, PLE 0.06; AME–AME 0.02, AME–ALE 0.01, PME–PME 0.08, PME–PLE 0.04. MOA 0.18 long, front 0.17 wide, back 0.17 wide. Clypeus 0.09 high. Leg measurements: I 4.54 (1.14, 0.33, 1.29, 1.17, 0.61); II 3.73 (1.03, 0.32, 0.93, 0.86, 0.59); III 3.17 (0.87, 0.31, 0.67, 0.81, 0.51); IV 5.14 (1.46, 0.39, 1.18, 1.38, 0.73). Leg formula: 4123. Femora I–IV with one dorsal spine. Femur I with two prolateral spines and femur II with one prolateral spine; tibia I with seven pairs of ventral spines, tibia II with six proventral spines and five retroventral spines; metatarsus I with four pairs of ventral spines, metatarsus II with four proventral spines and three retroventral spines. Abdomen dark grey dorsally with several chevron-like stripes dorsally.

Epigyne ( Figs 3H–I, 4D–E). Dark CO connecting with a pair of shallow concavities anteriorly ( Figs 3H, 4D). short CD connecting with two transparent, ear-like BU, posteriorly. Spermathecae small, oval, located posteriorly.

Distribution. China (Yunnan).

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