Gonatocerus (Gonatocerus) fuscicornis ( Walker, 1846 )

Triapitsyn, Serguei V., 2013, Review of Gonatocerus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) in the Palaearctic region, with notes on extralimital distributions, Zootaxa 3644 (1), pp. 1-178 : 17-26

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.3644.1.1

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scientific name

Gonatocerus (Gonatocerus) fuscicornis ( Walker, 1846 )


Gonatocerus (Gonatocerus) fuscicornis ( Walker, 1846) View in CoL View at ENA

( Figs 16–27 View FIGURE 16 View FIGURES 17, 18 View FIGURES 19, 20 View FIGURES 21 – 24 View FIGURES 25 – 27 )

Mymar fuscicornis Curtis 1829: 112 . Nom. nud.

Anaphes fuscicornis Curtis 1837: 134 (as “ A. fuscicornis Walk. ”). Nom. nud.

Lymaenon fuscicornis Walker 1846: 51 View in CoL .

Type locality: unknown (? UK).

Rachistus sulphuripes Foerster 1847: 204 View in CoL , 232 (list).

Type locality: Aachen area, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Syn. n.

Gonatocerus sulphuripes View in CoL (Foerster [or Förster]): Kirchner 1867: 201 (catalog); Dalla Torre 1898: 430 (catalog); Soyka 1946: 37 (diagnosis, record from Prudnik, Opole, Poland [as “Neustadt, O. S.”—Oberschlesien, Germany]); Hellén 1974: 10 (diagnosis, distribution); Sahad 1982c: 198 (key, likely misidentified); Matthews 1986: 218 –219 (member of the sulphuripes species group View in CoL , synonymy, diagnosis, records from Ireland, England, and Scotland); Donev 1987: 74 (distribution); Huber 1988: 34 (mentioned, sulphuripes species group View in CoL ); Donev 1990: 69 (records from Bulgaria); Zeya & Hayat 1995: 88 –89 (redescription, distribution), 144 (illustrations); Dimitriu 2001: 25 (record from Romania); Baquero & Jordana 2003: 13 –15 (diagnosis, redescription, distribution); Donev 2005: 378 (diagnosis, distribution); Pricop 2009a: 74 (records from Romania, illustration); Pricop 2009b: 125 –126 (list, references on the records from Romania); Pricop 2009c: 21 –22 (records from Romania); Pricop 2010a: 81 (records from Romania), 83 (illustration); Guo et al. 2011: 55 (key), 57–58 (redescription, records from Xinjiang, China; illustrations).

Gonatocerus fuscicornis (Walker) View in CoL : Dalla Torre 1898: 429 (catalog).

Lymaenon sulphuripes (Förster) View in CoL : Bakkendorf 1934: 29 –30 (illustrations, biology, record from Denmark); Debauche 1948: 81 (list), 107–109 (redescription); Boţoc 1963: 96 (diagnosis), 98 (illustrations); Mathot 1969: 10 (key).

Gonatocerus pictus (Haliday) View in CoL : Soyka 1946: 37 (misidentification, specimen from Austria).

Gonatocerus pictosimilis Soyka 1946: 38 View in CoL .

Type locality: Ramiszów (near Wrocław, Gmina Długołęka, Wrocław County), Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Poland [mentioned in original description (p. 38) as “Ramischau bei Breslau” (Schlesien, at the time of collection part of Germany; the place name was changed in 1937 to Fürstengrund); Noyes (2012) incorrectly listed it in Germany]. Synonymized under G. sulphuripes by Matthews 1986: 218. Syn. n.

Lymaenon flavicornis [sic] (Haliday) Walker: Debauche 1948: 80 (misspelling).

Lymaenon fuscicornis (Haliday) Walker View in CoL : Debauche 1948: 81 (list).

Lymaenon synaptus Debauche 1948: 102–104 View in CoL , plate XI (illustrations).

Type locality: Egenhoven (as Eegenhoven in original description), Leuven, Flemish Brabant, Belgium. Synonymized under G. sulphuripes by Matthews 1986: 218. Syn. n.

Lymaenon alecto Debauche 1948: 105–107 View in CoL , plate XI (illustrations).

Type locality: Egenhoven (as Eegenhoven in original description), Leuven, Flemish Brabant, Belgium. Synonymized under G. sulphuripes by Matthews 1986: 218. Syn. n.

Lymaenon crassipes Debauche 1948: 109–111 View in CoL , plate XI (illustrations).

Type locality: Egenhoven (as Eegenhoven in original description), Leuven, Flemish Brabant, Belgium. Synonymized under G. sulphuripes by Matthews 1986: 218. Syn. n.

Lymaenon alecto Debauche: Radu & Boţoc 1958: 62 View in CoL –64 (redescription and illustrations of female); Mathot 1969: 2 (list, record from Norway), 10 (key).

Lymaenon crassipes Debauche View in CoL : Boţoc 1964: 80 –81 (measurements of a female, record from Romania), 84 (illustrations); Mathot 1969: 2 (list, record from Belgium), 10 (key).

Lymaenon synaptus Debauche View in CoL : Mathot 1969: 9 (key).

Gonatocerus alecto (Debauche) View in CoL : Donev 1988a: 177 –178 (distribution); Donev 1988c: 186 (records from Greece); Donev 1988d: 194 (distribution); Donev 1988e: 204 (distribution); Donev 1990: 68 (record from Bulgaria); Dimitriu 2001: 25 (record from Romania).

Gonatocerus crassipes (Debauche) View in CoL : Donev 1988c: 187 (records from Greece); Donev 1990: 68 (record from Bulgaria); Dimitriu 2001: 25 (record from Romania).

Gonatocerus (Gonatocerus) sulphuripes (Foerster) View in CoL : Triapitsyn 2010: 9 (mentioned from Austria); Triapitsyn et al. 2010: 24 (fore wing diagnostic features).

Type material examined. Lymaenon fuscicornis Walker : lectotype female [ MVMA], here designated to avoid ambiguity about the status of the type specimen(s) of this species, on card without an original label, labeled later: “ Anaphes fuscicornis *1 Curtis Collection”. The lectotype was initially in good condition although it is somewhat shriveled, mounted laterally, and complete ( Fig. 16 View FIGURE 16 ) but unfortunately after examining it and confirming its identity the body was accidentally destroyed when I tried to insert the very short pin into the hard bottom of the mailing box. The following appendages of the specimen remain: 1 entire antenna and F7, F8, and clava of the other antenna; 1 fore wing and apex of the other fore wing; 1 hind wing and apex of the other hind wing; 2 legs without the coxae and 1 tarsus without the basitarsus. Paralectotype: 1 complete female [ MVMA] on F. Walker-style card without an original label, labeled later: “NATIONAL MUSEUM VICTORIA 50716 Anaphes fuscicornis Europe ”. The specimen actually belongs to G. litoralis .

Rachistus sulphuripes Foerster : lectotype female [ NHMW], here designated to avoid the existing confusion regarding the status of the type specimens of this species, on slide labeled ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 17, 18 ): 1. [in A. Foerster’s handwriting] “ Gonatocerus sulphuripes m.”; 2. [partially in?A. Foerster’s handwriting, partially printed] “ Gon. sulphuripes Förster, Type”; 3. [printed] “Collect. G. Mayr”; 4. [W. Soyka’s slide number] “41”; 5. [red, Soyka’s label] “Holo-Type”; 6. [Soyka’s label] “ Gonatocerus Ƥ sulphuripes Förster Type”. The lectotype was poorly remounted by Soyka from a minuten pin, only several parts of the specimen remain ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 17, 18 ): head and mesosoma with scape, pedicel, and F1–F4 of one antenna, 1 fore wing and 2 hind wings attached; the other antenna is detached and incomplete (F8 and clava are missing). Paralectotype Ƥ [ NHMW] on slide labeled: 1. “ Gon. sulphuripes Förster, Type”; 2. “Collect. G. Mayr”; 3. “42”; 4. [red] “Type”; 5. “ Gonatocerus sulphuripes Förster ”. The paralectotype is also incomplete: only head and a part of mesosoma remain, with one antenna attached ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 19, 20 ); detached are scape, pedicel, and F1–F3 of the other antenna and 1 fore wing ( Fig. 20 View FIGURES 19, 20 ). Matthews (1986: 218) mentioned the holotype of Rachistus sulphuripes (on Soyka’s slide No. 41) but that was not a valid designation (Article 74.5, [ICZN] 1999) because the original description mentioned 4 female and 1 male specimens, all of which were thus syntypes.

Gonatocerus pictosimilis Soyka : holotype female [ NHMW] on slide labeled: 1. “ Gonatocerus Ƥ pictosimilis (Soyka) Type”, 2. [red] “Type”, 3. “814”, 4. “Ramischau bei Breslau [a long illegible word] Juli 1934 lg Soyka coll. Soyka Canadabalsam”.

Lymaenon synaptus Debauche : holotype female [ ISNB] on slide labeled: 1. “Dr. H. DEBAUCHE det. Lymaenon synaptus Deb. Ƥ Type“; 2. “Université de Louvain LAB. ENTOMOLOGIE Eegenhoven 16.V.42 – 180”. The holotype is complete, uncleared, poorly mounted more or less laterally. Paratype: allotype male [ISNB] on slide labeled: 1. “Dr. H. Debauche det. Lymaenon synaptus 1943 3 Deb. ALLO TYPE [sic, on red rectangle glued onto the label]“; 2. “Université de Louvain LAB. ENTOMOLOGIE Eegenhoven 16.V.42 – 180”.

Lymaenon alecto Debauche : holotype female [ ISNB] on slide labeled: 1. “ Lymaenon sulphuripes alecto Deb. Ƥ TYPE [on red rectangle glued onto the label]”; 2. “Eegenhoven 4.IX.41 – n o 153 23,7/74,2”. The holotype is complete, uncleared; the body is mounted laterally separate from the head under the same coverslip. Paratypes: 1 Ƥ [ISNB] on slide labeled: 1. “Dr. H. Debauche det. Lymaenon alecto Deb. 1943 Ƥ PARA TYPE [sic, on red rectangle glued onto the label]”, 2. “Héverlé 1.VI.41 – n o 140”; 1 3 [ISNB] on slide labeled: 1. “ Lymaenon sulphuripes alecto Deb. 3 ALLO TYPE [sic, on red rectangle glued onto the label]”, 2. “Eegenhoven 4.IX.41 – n o 153”; 1 3 [ISNB] on slide labeled: 1. “Dr. H. Debauche det. Lymaenon alecto Deb. 1943 3 PARA TYPE [sic, on red rectangle glued onto the label]”, 2. “Eegenhoven 4.IX.41 – n o 154”; 1 3 [ISNB] on slide labeled: 1. “Dr. H. Debauche det. Lymaenon alecto Deb. 19.43 Ƥ PARA TYPE [sic, on red rectangle glued onto the label]”, 2. “Eegenhoven 4.IX.41 – n o 154”. Matthews (1986) was first to notice that the latter male paratype was incorrectly labeled by H.R. Debauche as a female.

Lymaenon crassipes Debauche : holotype female [ ISNB] on slide labeled: 1. “Dr. H. Debauche det. Lymaenon crassipes Deb. 1943 Ƥ TYPE [on red rectangle glued onto the label]”; 2. “Lab. d’Entomologie de l’Université Louvain Eegenhoven 11.V.42. 177. 26 [in pencil]”. The holotype is complete, uncleared, mounted laterally. Paratypes (all on individual slides labeled “Dr. H. Debauche det. Lymaenon crassipes Deb. 1943 [respective female or male symbol] PARA TYPE [sic] (or ALLO TYPE [sic] for one male paratype) [on red rectangle glued onto the label]” on the first label, and with the heading “Lab. d’Entomologie de l’Université Louvain” on the second label), each also labeled: 1 Ƥ, “Eegenhoven 11.V.42. 178 8 [in pencil]”; 1 Ƥ, “Eegenhoven 11.V.42. 178 9 [in pencil]”; 1 3, “Eegenhoven 11.V.42. 177”; 3 3, “Eegenhoven 11.V.42. 178” (one of them is the allotype); 2 3, “Eegenhoven 16.V.42. 180”; 1 Ƥ, “Héverlé 1.VII.42. 224 12 [in pencil]”; 1 Ƥ, “Héverlé 22.VII.42. C/ III.34 229 39 [in pencil]”; 1 Ƥ, “Héverlé 22.VII.42. C/ III.34 229”; 1 Ƥ, “Héverlé 22.VII.42. C/ III.34 229 35 [in pencil]”; 1 Ƥ, “Héverlé 22.VII.42. C/ III.34 229 37 [in pencil]”; 1 Ƥ, “Tervueren [sic] Bois des Capucins 20.VI.42. 205 23 [in pencil]”.

Material examined. ARMENIA. SYUNIK, above Lichk , 3000 m, 18.vi.1953, V.A. Trjapitzin (blooming meadows at snow level) [2 3, ZIN]. AUSTRIA. LOWER AUSTRIA: Hainburg an der Donau , 48°08’45’’N 16°55’31’’E, 142 m, 17.vi.2007, S.V. Triapitsyn, C. Thuróczy [15 Ƥ, 6 3, UCRC]. GoogleMaps 1 km W of Hollern , 48°04’22’’N 16°52’37’’E, 150 m, 16.vi.2007, C. Thuróczy, S.V. Triapitsyn [19 Ƥ, 3 3, UCRC]. GoogleMaps Hundsheim : 2.ix.1941, S. Novicky [1 Ƥ, NHMW]; 14.v.1942, H. Bischoff [1 Ƥ, NHMW]; 19.v.1942, H. Bischoff [1 Ƥ, NHMW]; 16.vii.1943, W. Soyka (from hay on window) [1 Ƥ, 1 3, EMEC; 2 Ƥ, 1 3, NHMW]; 26.vii.1943 [1 Ƥ, NHMW]; vii.1943, W. Soyka (from hay on window) [2 Ƥ, 2 3, NHMW]; 12.ix.1944 [1 3, NHMW]; 27.vii.1946 [1 3, NHMW]; 16.ix.1956, W. Soyka (from hay on window) [1 Ƥ, NHMW]. TYROL: Gschnitztal , 16.ix.1948, E. Pechlaner [1 3, NHMW]. Near Innsbruck , 6.viii.1950, E. Pechlaner [2 Ƥ, NHMW]. Krössbach, W. Soyka: 24.vi.1945 [1 3, NHMW] (misidentified as G. pictus ( Haliday) by W. Soyka); 7.vii.1945 (on window) [3 Ƥ, NHMW] (one female misidentified as G. pictus by W. Soyka); 8.vii.1945 [1 Ƥ, NHMW]; 11.vii.1945 [1 Ƥ, NHMW]; 20.vii.1945 [1 Ƥ, NHMW] (misidentified as G. pictus by W. Soyka); 5.ix.1945 (on window) [1 Ƥ, NHMW]; 7.viii.1947 [1 Ƥ, NHMW]; 8.viii.1950 [4 Ƥ, 1 3, NHMW] (two females and 1 male misidentified as G. pictus by W. Soyka); 1.viii.1954 [1 Ƥ, NHMW]; 15.viii.1956 [1 Ƥ, NHMW] (misidentified as G. pictus by W. Soyka); ix.1956 [1 Ƥ, NHMW]; 1.viii.1957 [1 Ƥ, NHMW]; 5.viii.1957 [3 Ƥ, 1 3, NHMW]; 8.viii.1957 [1 Ƥ, NHMW]; 15.vii.1958 [2 Ƥ, NHMW]; 30.viii.1959 [1 Ƥ, NHMW]; 1.vii.1960 [1 3, NHMW]; 7.vii.1960 [1 Ƥ, NHMW]; 27.vii.1960 [1 3, NHMW]; 30.vii.1960 [4 Ƥ, NHMW]; 30.vii.1962 [1 Ƥ, NHMW]; 31.vii.1962 [1 Ƥ, NHMW]; 9.viii.1962 [1 Ƥ, NHMW]; 16.viii.1962 [3 Ƥ, NHMW]. Lienz , 7.ix.1941, S. Novicky [1 Ƥ, NHMW]. Locality unclear, E. Pechlaner [1 Ƥ, NHMW]. VIENNA, Vienna, Kalksburg , 8.vii.1915, F. Ruschka [1 Ƥ, NHMW]. BELGIUM. FLEMISH BRABANT, Leuven, Heverlee (as Héverlé on the label), 22.vii.1942, [H.R. Debauche] [1 3, ISNB] (incorrectly labeled by H.R. Debauche as a female paratype of Lymaenon alecto Debauche : it was not listed by him as part of the type series in the original description). LIÈGE, Wanze, Antheit , Corphalie, R. Detry : 25.viii–8.ix.1989 [1 Ƥ, ISNB]; 8–22.ix.1989 [2 Ƥ, ISNB]; 11–25.v.1990 [4 Ƥ, ISNB]. WALLOON BRABANT, Waterloo , P. Dessart: 30.vi.–5.vii.1992 [1 Ƥ, ISNB]; 26.vii–2.viii.1992 [1 Ƥ, ISNB]; 30.viii–9.ix.1992 [1 Ƥ, ISNB]; 10–20.ix.1992 [1 Ƥ, ISNB]. BULGARIA. KYUSTENDIL, Kyustendil, 1928, L. Biró [1 Ƥ, NHMW / HNHM]. CHINA. BEIJING, Mentougou District, Xiaolongmen Station , 39°59.22’N 115°31.48’E, 1095 m, 28.vii.2002, G. Melika [1 Ƥ, 7 3, UCRC]. GoogleMaps CZECH REPUBLIC. KARLOVY VARY, Sokolov District, Dolní Rychnov , 50°09’18.902’’N 12°39’38.824’’E, 461 m, 27.viii.2007, J. Macek [1 3, CUPC]. GoogleMaps HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ, Králický Snĕžník Mt. , 50°09’50.2’’N 16°51’23.4’’E, 1198 m, 26.ix.2005, J. Jažek [1 Ƥ, CUPC]. GoogleMaps ÚSTÍ NAD LABEM, České Švýcarsko National Park , 50°52’37.823’’N 14°22’07.665’’E, 424 m, 18.vii.2007, J. Macek [1 Ƥ, CUPC]. GoogleMaps DENMARK. HOVEDSTADEN: Copenhagen, Grøndalsparken , 4.vi.1976, T. Munk [1 Ƥ, ZMUC]. Dyrehaven ( Jaegersborg Dyrehave , Zealand Island): 15.i.1928, O. Bakkendorf (emerged from unknown eggs on Phalaris arundinacea [as “ Baldingera arundinacea ”]) [2 Ƥ, 2 3, ZMUC]; 18.vii.1935, J.P. Kryger [1 3, ZMUC]; 21.viii.1953, O. Bakkendorf (“ Ex ovum Rhopaloto-mus ater … in Poa ” [1 larva (on slide), ZMUC]; Fortunen : 21.vii.1924, O. Bakkendorf [1 Ƥ, 1 3, ZMUC]; Fortunens Indelukke , O. Bakkendorf: 23.vii.1948 [1 Ƥ, 1 3, ZMUC]; 23.vii.1951 [1 Ƥ, ZMUC]; 29.vii.1951 [1 Ƥ, ZMUC]; 4.ix.1959 [1 Ƥ, ZMUC]; “ Ridestien ”, 9.v.1952, O. Bakkendorf: “ Bred 7–11/ 6 ex ovae Rhopalotomus ater Linn. in Cynosurus cristatus” [2 Ƥ, 3 3, ZMUC]; “ Bred 17.6.52 e ovum Rhopalotomus ater L. in Cynosurus cristatus” [1 Ƥ + host egg, ZMUC]; “ Bred 18.6 ex ovae Rhopalotomus ater Lin. in Cynosurus cristatus” [1 Ƥ, ZMUC]. MIDTJYLLAND: Ramten , 17.viii.1997, T. Munk [1 Ƥ, ZMUC]. Samsø Island, Vejrø (7 km E of Samsø ), 22.viii.1997, T. Munk [1 3, ZMUC]. Skramsø , 56°17’N 10°40’E, 11.viii.1997, T. Munk [1 Ƥ, ZMUC]. GoogleMaps Sillerup (12 km SW of Silkeborg ), T. Munk: 17.v.1986 [1 3, ZMUC]; 26.v.1986 [1 Ƥ, 1 3, ZMUC]; 11.ix.2000 [2 Ƥ, ZMUC]. SJAELLAND, 22.viii.1925, O. Bakkendorf [1 Ƥ, ZMUC]. SYDDANMARK, Rømø , 24.ix.2000, T. Munk [1 3, ZMUC]. FRANCE. GIRONDE, Sainte Colombe , 44°54’N 00°02’W, M. van Helden: 2.vii.1998 [1 Ƥ, 1 3, UCRC]; GoogleMaps 30.vii.1998 [1 Ƥ, UCRC]; 13.viii.1998 [3 Ƥ, UCRC]; 27.viii.1998 [1 Ƥ, UCRC]. LOIR-ET-CHER, Ouchamps , 24.vi.2000, S.V. Triapitsyn [10 Ƥ, 8 3, UCRC]. GEORGIA. ADJARA, Shuahevi district, Olodauri , Chirukhi River bank, 5.viii.1953, V.A. Trjapitzin [3 Ƥ, ZIN]. GERMANY. BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG, Altglashütten , 13.ix.1962, M. Boness [1 3, NHMW]. NORTH RHINE-WESTPHALIA: [no locality indicated]? Aachen [1 Ƥ, NHMW] (misidentified by A. Foerster as “ Gon. pictus Hal ”). Near Burscheid , 13–20.ix.1962, M. Boness [1 3, NHMW]. Cologne , M. Boness: 20.ix.1962 [1 Ƥ, NHMW]; 28.vii.1963 [1 3, NHMW]. Leverkusen , M. Boness: 1–8.x.1965 [2 Ƥ, NHMW]; 1.ix.1966 [1 Ƥ, NHMW]; 12–16.ix.1966 [2 Ƥ, NHMW]; 19–29.ix.1966 (at Rhine River bank) [1 Ƥ, NHMW]; 6.x.1966 [1 Ƥ, NHMW]. Rheinbach , 26.v.1959, B. Petersen [1 Ƥ, ZMUC]. “ Schmerten-Eifel ” [sic], 19.ix.1963, M. Boness [1 Ƥ, NHMW]. GREECE. CENTRAL MACEDONIA, Lake Kerkini, Ecotourism site, 41°08’15.6’’N 23°13’01.2’’E, 65 m, G. Ramel: 16–22.v.2006 [4 Ƥ, UCRC]; GoogleMaps 30.v–5.vi.2006 [2 Ƥ, UCRC]; 20–26.vi.2006 [6 Ƥ, BMNH, UCRC]. HUNGARY. BÁCS-KISKUN, Tompa , J. Erdös: 30.viii.1948 [1 Ƥ, NHMW / HNHM]; 18.ix.1948 [1 Ƥ, NHMW / HNHM]. ITALY. CAMPANIA: Benevento Prov., 1.8 km E of Faicchio , 41°16.329’N 14°29.884’E, 210 m, 7.vi.2003, M. Bologna, J. Munro, A. Owen, J.D. Pinto [1 3, UCRC]. GoogleMaps Caserta Prov.: 2.2 km SW of Passo di Miralago , 41°23.421’N 14°24.784’E, 1025 m, 7.vi.2003, M. Bologna, J. Munro, A. Owen, J.D. Pinto [1 Ƥ, 1 3, UCRC]. GoogleMaps Salerno Prov., 2.5 km SW of Acerno , 40°43.54’N 15°02.36’E, 560 m, 6.vi.2003, M. Bologna, J. Munro, A. Owen, J.D. Pinto [4 3, UCRC]. GoogleMaps LAZIO: Roma Prov.: Castelporziano Presidential Estate , coastal dunes in N corner, 41°41.954’N 12°21.060’E, 3 m, 12.vi.2003, J. Munro, A. Owen [1 3, UCRC]. GoogleMaps 0.8 km W of Sasso , 42°02.209’N 12°02.209’E, 264 m, 9–10.vi.2003, M. Bologna, J. Munro, A. Owen, J.D. Pinto [1 3, UCRC]. GoogleMaps Viterbo Prov., Roccaccia , 42°19.809’N 11°45.671’E, 125 m, 10.vi.2003, M. Bologna, J. Munro, A. Owen, J.D. Pinto [1 Ƥ, UCRC]. GoogleMaps MOLISE, Campobasso Prov., 2.5 km SW of Guardiaregia , 41°26.322’N 14°32.635’E, 860 m, 7.vi.2003, M. Bologna, J. Munro, A. Owen, J.D. Pinto [1 Ƥ, UCRC]. GoogleMaps KYRGYZSTAN. CHUY, KaragajlyBulak, 9 km W of Ak-Tyuz , 42°52’47’’N 76°0213’’E, 2180–3400 m, 26.vii.2000, C.H. Dietrich [10 Ƥ, 3 3, UCRC]. DZHALAL-ABAD: Near jct. Kara Kysmak and Chatkal River , 42°04’00’’N 71°35’41’’E, 2240 m, 18– 19.vi.1999, C.H. Dietrich [7 Ƥ, INHS, UCRC]. GoogleMaps 18 km WSW of Kazaeman , 41°21’01’’N 73°48’37’’E, 1550 m, 15.vii.2000, C.H. Dietrich [1 Ƥ, UCRC]. GoogleMaps 5 km E of Kosh Bulak, 41°28’12’’N 74°24’58’’E, 1820 m, 30.vi.1999, C.H. Dietrich [1 Ƥ, UCRC]. GoogleMaps ISSYK-KUL, S Shore of Lake Issyk-kul, 10 km E of Kadzhi-Saj , 42°10’33’’N 77°18’55’’E, 1675 m, 2–6.vii.1999, C.H. Dietrich [1 Ƥ, UCRC]. GoogleMaps NARYN: Alabuga River, 25 km W of Baetov , 41°17’47’’N 74°39’20’’E, 1700 m, 29.viii.1998, C.H. Dietrich [1 Ƥ, 2 3, UCRC]. GoogleMaps Dzhaman-Davan River near Saz , 41°17’31’’N 74°42’29’’E, 1826 m, 29.viii.1998, C.H. Dietrich [1 Ƥ, UCRC]. GoogleMaps Kichi-Kara-Kudzhur Ravine, 7 km ESE of Dolon Pass , 41°49’28’’N 75°48’06’’E, 2958 m, 31.viii.1998, C.H. Dietrich [2 Ƥ, INHS, UCRC]. GoogleMaps Moldo-Too Ridge, E of Kara-Go Pass , 41°30’22’’N 74°44’11’’E, 2260 m, 1.vii.1999, C.H. Dietrich [1 3, UCRC]. GoogleMaps OSH, Gulcha Ravine, 50 km SSW of Gulcha , 39°52’17’’N 73°21’26’’E, 2530 m, 23.viii.1998, C.H. Dietrich [1 Ƥ, UCRC]. GoogleMaps TALAS: near Boo-Terek , 42°35’15’’N 71°45’49’’E, 1000 m, 15.vi.1999, C.H. Dietrich [5 Ƥ, 1 3, UCRC]. GoogleMaps Kara Buura Ravine (20 km S of Kyzyl-Adyr ), 42°26’23’’N 71°3316’’E, 1300 m, 15.vi.1999, C.H. Dietrich [3 Ƥ, 2 3, UCRC]. Talas Valley, Kirov Reservoir , 42°3919’’N 71°35’44’’E, 930 m, 15.vi.1999, C.H. Dietrich [1 3, UCRC]. 18 km WSW of Taldy Bulak, 42°26’31’’N 72°49’12’’E, 1930 m, 15.vi.1999, C.H. Dietrich [2 Ƥ, INHS, UCRC]. GoogleMaps NETHERLANDS. LIMBURG, Epen , 23.v.1959, B. Petersen [1 Ƥ, ZMUC]. POLAND. LESSER POLAND VOIVOIDESHIP, Babica , 14.ix.1935, S. Novicky [1 Ƥ, EMEC] (identified by W. Soyka as G. pictosimilis Soyka ). LOWER SILESIA: “Hoke Eule ” (unclear locality in former Schlesien, Germany), 6.vi.1934 [1 Ƥ, NHMW]. Ramiszów (labeled as “ Ramischau bei Breslau , Schlesien ”), vii.1934, W. Soyka [3 Ƥ, NHMW] [one female incorrectly labeled as “ Co-Type of G. pictosimilis by W. Soyka: the species was described from a single holotype ( Soyka 1946)]. Wrocław, Świniary (labeled as “ Weidenhof , Schlesien ”), vii.1934, W. Soyka [1 Ƥ, NHMW]. Near Wrocław: 27.viii.1933, H.- J. Stammer [1 Ƥ, EMEC] (det. by W. Soyka); vii.1934, W. Soyka [2 Ƥ, EMEC] [one female misidentified by W. Soyka as G. pictus ( Haliday) ]. LUBUSZ, Sława Lake (near Sława ; on the original label as “ Schlawa-See , Schlesien ”, now Jezioro Sławskie ), 22.vii.1934, H.- J. Stammer [1 Ƥ, NHMW]. OPOLE, Prudnik , v.1934, W. Soyka [1 Ƥ, NHMW]. REPUBLIC OF KOREA. GANGWON-DO, Pyengchang, Jinbu , Cheokchun , 23.ix.1998, J.- Y. Choi [3 Ƥ, UCRC]. GYEONGGI-DO, Suwon-si, Seodun-dong: Seoul National University : 10.x.1997, J.- Y. Choi [3 Ƥ, UCRC]; 17.ix.2002, J.- W. Kim [1 Ƥ, UCRC]. Yeogisan , 7x.1997, J.- Y. Choi [4 Ƥ, 1 3, UCRC]. RUSSIA. KRASNODARSKIY KRAY, Krasnodar, All-Russian Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection , viii.2001, V.V. Kostjukov [1 3, UCRC]. LENINGRADSKAYA OBLAST’, 69-km Railway Station (near Sosnovo ), 25–26.viii.1985, V.A. Trjapitzin [1 3, ZIN]. MOSKOVSKAYA OBLAST’: Noginskiy rayon, Fryazevo, M.E. Tretiakov : 2–15.vi.2000 [4 Ƥ, 1 3, UCRC]; 25.vi–2.vii.2000 [6 Ƥ, 3 3, UCRC, ZIN]; 3–8.vii.2000 [5 Ƥ, 2 3, UCRC, ZIN]; 7–15.vii.2000 [11 Ƥ, 2 3, UCRC, ZIN]; 22.vii–14.viii.2000 [7 Ƥ, 2 3, UCRC, ZIN]; 15–25.viii.2000 [2 Ƥ, UCRC]; 25–31.viii.2000 [2 Ƥ, UCRC]; 6–26.vi.2001 [1 Ƥ, UCRC]; 21.vi.2001 [1 Ƥ, UCRC]; 8.vii.2001 [2 Ƥ, UCRC]; 20.vii.2001 [2 Ƥ, UCRC]; 14.vii.2002 [1 Ƥ, UCRC]; 1.viii.2002 [1 Ƥ, UCRC]. Pushkinskiy rayon, Pushkino , Mamontovka, E. Ya. Shuvakhina : 10–20.vii.2000 [1 Ƥ, UCRC]; 20– 31.viii.2000 [1 Ƥ, ZIN]; 5–15.vii.2001 [1 Ƥ, UCRC]. PRIMORSKIY KRAY: Ussuriyskiy rayon, Gornotayozhnoye, M.V. Michailovskaya : 11–14.vii.1999 [1 Ƥ, UCRC]; 27.vii–1.viii.1999 [1 Ƥ, UCRC]; 12–17.viii.1999 [2 Ƥ, UCRC, ZIN]; 28.viii–5.ix.1999 [2 Ƥ, IBPV, UCRC]; 6–14.ix.1999 [2 Ƥ, UCRC]; 15–31.v.2000 [1 Ƥ, UCRC]; 11–21.vi.2000 [1 Ƥ, UCRC]; 21–30.vi.2000 [5 Ƥ, IBPV, UCRC, ZIN]; 1–10.vii.2000 [2 Ƥ, UCRC]; 15–17.vii.2000 [1 Ƥ, UCRC]; 21–31.vii.2000 [1 Ƥ, UCRC]; 1–10.viii.2000 [1 Ƥ, UCRC]; 26–31.viii.2000 [1 Ƥ, UCRC]; 15–30.ix.2000 [1 Ƥ, UCRC]; 10–19.vii.2002 [1 Ƥ, UCRC]; 24.ix–5.x.2002 [3 Ƥ, IBPV, UCRC, ZIN]; 17–23.vii.2003 [1 Ƥ, UCRC]. SAKHALINSKAYA OBLAST’, Sakhalin Island, 6 km E of Sokol, near Belaya River , D.J. Bennett, T. Anderson: 24.vii.2001 [5 Ƥ, 1 3, CAS]; 31.vii.2001 [8 Ƥ, CAS]; 16.viii.2001 [1 Ƥ, CAS]. SAMARSKAYA OBLAST’, Zhigulevskiy zapovednik [ Zhiguli National Park ], Bakhilova Poliana , 17.vii.1985, V.A. Trjapitzin [1 Ƥ, ZIN]. STAVROPOL’SKIY KRAY: Achikulak , V.V. Kostjukov: 21.viii.2002 [1 Ƥ, UCRC]; 26.viii.2002 [2 Ƥ, UCRC]. Apanasenkovskiy rayon, 15 km N of Kievka , “ Dundinskoye ” hunting establishment, 4.vii.2003, E.V. Khomchenko [1 Ƥ, UCRC]. Prietokskiy , V.V. Kostjukov: 29.viii.2002 [1 Ƥ, UCRC]; 7.ix.2002 [3 Ƥ, UCRC]; 13.vii.2003 [10 Ƥ, UCRC, ZIN]; 16.vii.2003 [4 Ƥ, UCRC]; 27.vii.2003 [10 Ƥ, 2 3, UCRC, ZIN]; 7.viii.2003 [2 Ƥ, UCRC]. Stavropol’, “ Yagodka ” Agricultural Station , 14.v.2003, E.V. Khomchenko [1 Ƥ, UCRC]. UK. ENGLAND: Lancashire Co., Wesham, Kings Downs , 14.vii.1924, J.P. Kryger [1 3, ZMUC]. London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, Richmond Park , J.S. Noyes: 28.vii.1995 [5 Ƥ, 3 3, CNCI, UCRC]; 15.viii.1997 [17 Ƥ, 19 3, CNCI, UCRC]. Surrey Co.: Barnes Common , 8.vii.1995, J.S. Noyes [1 Ƥ, 1 3, CNCI]. Dorking: Box Hill , J.S. Noyes: 4.ix.1988 [2 Ƥ, CNCI]; 16.vii.1994 [2 Ƥ, 1 3, CNCI]; White Downs , 21.ix.1986, J.S. Noyes [5 Ƥ, CNCI]. Pyrford , 26.vi.1914, C.O. Waterhouse [1 Ƥ, BMNH]. WALES: Bridgend Co. Borough, Kenfig Pool National Nature Reserve , J.S. Noyes: 18.viii.1988 [1 Ƥ, CNCI]; 4.viii.1994 [1 Ƥ, CNCI]. Vale of Glamorgan Co. Borough, Pendoylan, Hensol, Llanerch Vineyard, 9.ix.1999, S.V. Triapitsyn [1 3, UCRC].

Extralimital records. UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. RAS AL-KHAIMAH, Wadi Shawkah , 31.x– 27.xi.2006, A. van Harten [1 Ƥ, CNCI]. USA. ALASKA, Fairbanks North Co., Fairbanks, H. Andersen: 18.vii.1985 [1 Ƥ, UCRC]; Chena & Tanana Rivers confluence bank, 19.vii.1985 [1 Ƥ, UCRC].

Distribution. Most previous records of this species were as G. sulphuripes , unless stated otherwise. PALAEARCTIC: Armenia *, Austria ( Hellén 1974), Belgium, Bulgaria ( Donev 1986 [also as G. alecto and G. crassipes ], 1987, 1988d [also as G. alecto ], 1988e [also as G. alecto ], 1990, 2005), China ( Guo et al. 2011), Czech Republic *, Denmark ( Bakkendorf 1934), Finland ( Hellén 1974), France *, Georgia *, Germany, Greece ( Donev 1988c [also as G. alecto and G. crassipes ], 2005), Hungary *, Ireland ( Matthews 1986), Italy *, Kyrgyzstan *, Macedonia ( Donev 1988a [as G. alecto ], 2005), Netherlands *, Norway ( Hellén 1974), Poland, Republic of Korea *, Romania (Radu & Boţoc 1958 [as Lymaenon alecto ]; Boţoc 1963; Pricop 2009b, 2010a), Russia ( Hellén 1974), Spain ( Baquero & Jordana 2003), Sweden ( Hedqvist 2003), Turkey ( Donev 2001, 2005), and UK ( England, Scotland, and Wales *). AFROTROPICAL*: United Arab Emirates *. NEARCTIC*: USA * (Alaska). ORIENTAL: India ( Zeya & Hayat 1995).

Redescription. FEMALE (lectotype of Lymaenon fuscicornis , lectotype and paralectotype of Rachistus sulphuripes , holotype and paratype of L. alecto , holotype and paratypes of L. crassipes , holotype of L. synaptus , and non-type specimens from Europe). Body length 730–1120 µm (dry-mounted specimens). Body normally mostly brown to dark brown except mesosoma often with some yellow or light brown and basal gastral terga light brown, occasionally mesosoma mostly yellow-orange with brown or dark brown areas; scape and pedicel light brown to brown, flagellum brown to dark brown; legs light brown to brown.

Antenna ( Figs 18 View FIGURES 17, 18 , 19 View FIGURES 19, 20 , 21 View FIGURES 21 – 24 ) with radicle 0.27–0.35× total length of scape, rest of scape 2.5–2.9× as long as wide, faintly striate; pedicel a little longer than F1; F2 longer than F1 and following funicle segments (but sometimes F2 about as long as F3); F1–F6 almost always without mps except very rarely either F3 with 1 mps (in one aberrant non-type specimen only) or F6 apparently with 1 mps on one antenna only [as in the holotype of L. synaptus which otherwise is a typical G. fuscicornis ], F7 and F8 each with 2 mps; clava with 8 mps, 3.1–4.4× as long as wide, about as long as combined length of F5–F8 or slightly shorter.

Mesosoma ( Figs 18 View FIGURES 17, 18 , 23 View FIGURES 21 – 24 ). Propodeum ( Fig. 22 View FIGURES 21 – 24 ) with submedian lines more or less distinct. Fore wing ( Figs 18 View FIGURES 17, 18 , 20 View FIGURES 19, 20 , 24 View FIGURES 21 – 24 ) 3.6–3.8× as long as wide; longest marginal seta 0.33–0.4× maximum wing width. Fore wing disc infumate throughout, setose from about middle of submarginal vein and beyond. Hind wing ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 17, 18 ) 22–26× as long as wide; disc mostly bare except for rows of setae along margins and a few additional setae; longest marginal seta 3.1–3.3× maximum wing width.

Metasoma ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 21 – 24 ). Metasoma with petiole wider than long. Ovipositor 0.7–0.8× length of gaster, not exserted beyond its apex; ovipositor length: mesotibia length ratio 1.1–1.4:1.

Measurements (µm) of the lectotype of Rachistus sulphuripes . Mesosoma 462. Antenna: radicle 75; rest of scape 133; pedicel 69; F1 49; F2 69; F3 64; F4 56; F5 49; F6 46; F7 55. Fore wing: width 381; longest marginal seta 97.

MALE (non-type specimens from Europe). Body length 630–1120 µm (dry-mounted specimens). Similar to female except for normal sexually dimorphic features and the following. Basal gastral terga sometimes a little darker than in female. Antenna ( Fig. 25 View FIGURES 25 – 27 ) with scape minus radicle 2.1–2.3× as long as wide. Fore wing ( Fig. 26 View FIGURES 25 – 27 ) 3.7–4.0× as long as wide. Genitalia as in Fig. 27 View FIGURES 25 – 27 .

Diagnosis. Gonatocerus (Gonatocerus) fuscicornis is characterized by the combination of its female antenna ( Fig. 21 View FIGURES 21 – 24 ) with mps almost always only on F7 and F8 and the fore wing disc setose from about middle of the submarginal vein ( Figs 20 View FIGURES 19, 20 , 24 View FIGURES 21 – 24 , 26 View FIGURES 25 – 27 ).

The lectotype of Lymaenon fuscicornis ( Fig. 16 View FIGURE 16 ) differs in some details of coloration (particularly the legs being notably lighter) from Walker’s (1846) original description (p. 51): “Nigro-piceus, antennis pedibusque piceis” [= pitchy-black (or black with a reddish tinge), antenna and legs pitch-black], probably due to some fading of the specimen over the years.

Hosts. Capsus ater (Linnaeus) (Miridae) [new record]. The record of Oscinella frit (Linnaeus) ( Diptera : Chloropidae ) by Thompson (1958) is probably incorrect ( Noyes 2012).

Comments. I wondered how could it happen that both Haliday (1833) and Walker (1846) failed to describe a species conspecific with G. sulphuripes , arguably the second most common European species of Gonatocerus after G. litoralis . It turned out that the long forgotten Lymaenon fuscicornis , poorly described by Walker (1846), was that species. Apparently no mymarid taxonomist had seen its type specimen(s) since J. Curtis/ A.H. Haliday/F. Walker time, and Graham (1982) did not even mention it. After reading Graham’s (1972) article about the type material of Lymaenon acuminatus Walker being discovered among the John Curtis’ specimens in MVMA, and with a similar hint from John T. Huber (CNCI), I asked Ken Walker (MVMA) to check for the type material of L. fuscicornis . He found it and sent me its digital image ( Fig. 16 View FIGURE 16 ), which I recognized as being conspecific with G. sulphuripes . Examination of the specimen, later received on loan, confirmed the conspecificity, hence the synonymy of Foerster’s species.


Australia, Victoria, Abbotsford, Museum of Victoria


Austria, Wien, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


Belgium, Brussels, Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique


Russia, St. Petersburg, Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute


USA, California, Berkeley, University of California, Essig Museum of Entomology


Hungary, Budapest, Hungarian Natural History Museum


Denmark, Kobenhavn [= Copenhagen], University of Copenhagen, Zoological Museum


United Kingdom, London, The Natural History Museum [formerly British Museum (Natural History)]


USA, Illinois, Champaign, Illinois Natural History Survey




USA, California, San Francisco, California Academy of Sciences


Canada, Ontario, Ottawa, Canadian National Collection of Insects


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum


University of California, Riverside


Essig Museum of Entomology


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen


Illinois Natural History Survey


California Academy of Sciences


Canadian National Collection Insects














Gonatocerus (Gonatocerus) fuscicornis ( Walker, 1846 )

Triapitsyn, Serguei V. 2013

Gonatocerus alecto

Dimitriu 2001: 25
Donev 1990: 68
Donev 1988: 177
Donev 1988: 186
Donev 1988: 194
Donev 1988: 204

Gonatocerus crassipes

Dimitriu 2001: 25
Donev 1990: 68
Donev 1988: 187

Lymaenon synaptus

Mathot 1969: 9

Lymaenon crassipes

Mathot 1969: 2
Botoc 1964: 80

Lymaenon flavicornis

Debauche 1948: 80

Lymaenon fuscicornis

Debauche 1948: 81

Lymaenon synaptus

Debauche 1948: 102

Lymaenon alecto

Debauche 1948: 105

Lymaenon crassipes

Debauche 1948: 109

Gonatocerus pictus

Soyka 1946: 37

Gonatocerus pictosimilis

Soyka 1946: 38

Lymaenon sulphuripes (Förster)

Mathot 1969: 10
Botoc 1963: 96
Debauche 1948: 81
Bakkendorf 1934: 29

Gonatocerus fuscicornis

Dalla 1898: 429

Gonatocerus sulphuripes

Guo 2011: 55
Pricop 2010: 81
Pricop 2009: 74
Pricop 2009: 125
Pricop 2009: 21
Donev 2005: 378
Baquero 2003: 13
Dimitriu 2001: 25
Zeya 1995: 88
Donev 1990: 69
Huber 1988: 34
Donev 1987: 74
Matthews 1986: 218
Sahad 1982: 198
Hellen 1974: 10
Soyka 1946: 37
Dalla 1898: 430
Kirchner 1867: 201

Rachistus sulphuripes

Foerster 1847: 204

Lymaenon fuscicornis

Walker 1846: 51

Anaphes fuscicornis

Curtis 1837: 134

Mymar fuscicornis

Curtis 1829: 112

Lymaenon alecto

Mathot 1969: 2
Lymaenon alecto Debauche: Radu & Boţoc 1958: 62 –64

Gonatocerus (Gonatocerus) sulphuripes

Triapitsyn 2010: 9
Triapitsyn et al. 2010: 24
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