Nyssodrysternum colombianum, Monné & Tavakilian, 2011

Monné, Miguel A. & Tavakilian, Gerard L., 2011, New Species Of Nyssodrysternum Gilmour (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) From Central And South America, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 51 (29), pp. 453-464 : 458-459

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1590/S0031-10492011002900001

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scientific name

Nyssodrysternum colombianum

sp. nov.

Nyssodrysternum colombianum View in CoL sp. nov.

( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 7‑12 )

Etymology: The epithet is allusive to the country were the holotype was collected.

Male: Integument black. Pubescence mainly darkgreyish; pubescence yellowish as follows. occiput and posterior border of the upper lobes of the eyes; two longitudinal recurved lines each side of the middle of the pronotum, the external one shorter; in each elytron a curved line in the base and interrupted lines in the basal third, surrounding a round black mark, two transversal clearness lines in the posterior half, limiting anterior and posteriorly another black spot and short longitudinal lines near the suture in the apical fifth. Interrupted longitudinal lines of pubescence greyishblue behind the two black spots. Ventral face of the body and legs covered with clear-brown pubescence.

Antennae reaching the apices of the elytra in the distal extremity of antennomere V (lacking the others). Prothorax with developed lateral tubercles in the beginning of the posterior third. Pronotum with a row of punctures near the anterior and posterior margins. Apices of the elytra semicircularly emarginate, external angle projected in acute spine. Surface of the elytra densely punctate in the basal half, the punctures sparse in the distal half. Fifth urotergite and urosternite truncate in the apex. Metatarsome I as long as II+III.

Measurements (mm), male: Total length, 8,1; prothorax length, 1,5; prothorax width, 2,3; elytral length, 5,8; humeral width, 2,7.

Type material: Holotype male, COLOMBIA, Cundinamarca: Guayabetal , 20.VI.1965, J.A. Ramos col. ( MNRJ).

Comments: The elytral pattern with two clear-cut black spots limited anterior and posteriorly by lines of yellow pubescence is unique among species of Nyssodrysternum .


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro

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