Uchuca ferreirai ( Piza, 1976 )

Tavares, Gustavo Costa, Sovano, Rafael Segtowick Da Silva & Gutjahr, Ana Lúcia Nunes, 2016, Clarification of the katydid genus Uchuca Giglio-tos, 1898 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae): A new species in the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest, Zootaxa 4139 (4), pp. 542-550 : 547-548

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4139.4.6

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scientific name

Uchuca ferreirai ( Piza, 1976 )


Uchuca ferreirai ( Piza, 1976) View in CoL

Ailtomia ferreirai Piza, 1976: 370 , Type locality: Humaitá , Amazonas, Brazil . Type: Male , ESALQ (Escola Superior de Agricultura " Luiz de Queiroz ")

Uchuca macroptera View in CoL Montealegre-Z & Morris, 2003 syn. nov.: 510; 513; 529 ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 C, H, M, R, W; Fig. 8, Table 7). Type locality: Route del Paujil Orito, Departamento del Putumayo, Colombia, Type: Male, MNHN (Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle); Chamorro-Rengifo et al., 2011: 8.

Uchuca ferreirai Chamorro-Rengifo & Braun, 2010: 44 View in CoL View Cited Treatment , 54 ( Table 1 View TABLE 1 ); Chamorro-Rengifo & Lopes-Andrade, 2014: 166; 167; 168; 170; 175; 181; 198 (Fig. 12, 13, 73, 98)

Uchuca ferreirai View in CoL and Uchuca macroptera View in CoL are the only two long-winged species known in the genus in which tegmina surpasses the abdomen’s apex. Both species are morphologically similar. Chamorro-Rengifo & Braun (2010) analyzed the type material of U. ferreirai View in CoL and concluded that the male cerci of both species were significantly different. However, these differences were not clarified in the work.

We also analyzed the type specimens of Piza (1976) and compared to the diagnostic characters of the original description of U. macroptera , present in Montealegre-Z & Morris (2003), and no differences were found on the male cerci of either species. No differences were found on tergite X and the subgenital plate. Chamorro-Rengifo & Lopes-Andrade (2014) also published images of phallus of what would become U. ferreirai . The phallus presented in that work was different from the one present by Montealegre-Z & Morris (2003), especially in the position and direction of the titillatory processes. However, after dissecting the phalli of some macropterous specimens, in an attempt to precisely clarify the correct identity of the specimens we had, we realize that the position and direction of the titillator sclerites changed accordingly with the eversion of the phallus. In other words, if the phallus is everted, it matches with the phallus presented in Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 W by Montealegre-Z & Morris (2003) to U. macropetra ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 A); on the other hand, if the structure is inverted, it matches with the phallus presented in Fig. 13 by Chamorro-Rengifo & Lopes-Andrade (2014) to U. ferreirai ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 B). So, we concluded that these purported species are actually the same.

In the type description of this species, Piza (1976) wrongly said that the city Humaitá belonged to Rondônia State, but in fact it belongs to Amazonas State. Here we also amplify the known occurrence of this species to Pará State (see Distribution of Uchuca ).

Distribution. BRAZIL, Amazonas, Pará (new record); COLOMBIA, Putumayo, Amazonas; PERU, Loreto; Madre de Deus; FRENCH GUIANA, Cayenne; ECUADOR, Napo ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 ).

Material Examined. 1 female: BRAZIL, Amazonas, Barcelos, Rio Acará, Comunidade Bacuquara , 00°09'15.5'0'N 63°10'35.20''W, 15.VI.2010, P. Dias, J.A. Rafael & R. Machado ; 1 female: Boca do Rio Curudum , 00°05'50.20''N 63°17'22.30''W, 15–19.VI.2010, R. Machado, J.A. Rafael, R. Cacichioli, D. Takiya & P. Dias GoogleMaps ; 1 male: Manaus , INPA, 22.III.1976 , 5 female and 2 male: Reserva Ducke , 02°55'49''S 58°58'31''W, 20.X– 30.XI.2010, V.S.O. Linard GoogleMaps ; 1 female: 25.III.2011, W. L. Porto; 1 female: 14–18.IV.2010, C. C. Gonçalves; 2 female: 20.II.2011, Martins, L.M. & Mendes, D.M.M.; 1 female: C. Univ. ICB., 03–16.VI.1988, M. C. Castilho, E. Binda & Q. L. Fermentado; 1 male: UFAM, 03°06'59.00''S 59°58'33.74''W, 24.IV.2012, L. P. Borges; 1 female: Novo Aripuanã, Reserva Soka Gakkay , 03.V.1999, F. Gouveia ; 1 female: Rio Nhamundá, Cuipiranga , 01°53'58.00''S 57°02'59.00''W GoogleMaps ; 1 male: Itacoatiara, Vila de Lindoá , 03°02'60.00"S 58°26'00.00"W, 22–24.V.2010, D. M. M. Mendes & R. F. Alves. Pará, Altamira, Castelo dos Sonhos, 03°19'35.00''S 55°12'45.54''W, 17.XI.2005, A.L. Nunes, MPEG ORT 16017581 About ORT GoogleMaps ; 1 male: Anapu , Ilha Bela Vista, 03°24’13.40''S 51°44'06.90''W, 23.I.2008. A. L. Nunes & C. E. Braga, MPEG ORT 16017590 About ORT GoogleMaps ; 1 male: Barcarena, Reserva Samauma , 01°29'35.61''S 48°42'28.65''W, 18–20.XI.2001, J. Dias, MPEG ORT 16017581 About ORT GoogleMaps ; 1 female: Belém, Parque Ecológico do Guamá , 01º24’50.60’’S 48º17’38.10’’W, 15.XII.2005, A. L. Nunes, C. E. Braga & W. A. Santos, MPEG ORT 16017592 About ORT GoogleMaps ; 1 male: Parque Ambiental , 01°25’18.48’’S 48°26’38.18’’W, 31.X.2005, A. L. Nunes, C. E. Braga & W. A. Santos, MPEG ORT 16017593 About ORT GoogleMaps ; 1 male: Melgaço, FLONA Caxiuanã , B-0-1000, 01º58'09.35''S 51º37'11.28''W, 10.XII. 2009, C. E. Braga, MPEG ORT 16011250 About ORT GoogleMaps ; 1 male and 2 females: B-2000-3000, 01º58'09.33''S 51º38'16.02''W, 18.X.2008, N. A. Araújo, MPEG ORT 16009749; MPEG ORT 16009748; 13.II.2009, A. V. Silva, MPEG ORT 16010288; 1 male: B-4000-5000, 01º58'09.30''S 51º39'20.75''W, 16.V.2009, M. R. Silva, MPEG ORT 16010828; 1 female: I-4000-5000, 02º00'03.32''S 51º37'59.87''W, 21.VIII.2009, C. E. Braga, MPEG ORT 16010958; 1 female: Novo Progresso, Aeroporto , 07º08'08.94''S 55º24'49.08''W, 24.XI.2005, A.L.Nunes, MPEG ORT 16017591 About ORT GoogleMaps ; 1 ninphy: Santa Bárbara, Fazenda Morelândia , 01°13’26.36’’S 48º17’41.36’’ W, 11.XI.1983, J. Tadai, MPEG ORT 16017471 About ORT GoogleMaps ; 2 female: 05.XI.2005, A. L. Nunes, C. E. Braga & W. A. Santos, MPEG ORT 16017588; MPEG ORT 16017589; 1 male: 10.XII.2005, A. L. Nunes, C. E. Braga & W. A. Santos, MPEG ORT 16017594; 1 female: 23.VIII.2008, G. C. Tavares, MPEG ORT 1 6017595; 1 male: São João de Pirabas , 00°46'29.00''S 47°10'38.00''W, 18.XII.1992, J. Dias, MPEG ORT 16017470 About ORT GoogleMaps ; 1 male: Vitória do Xingu , Ilha Grande, 03º36'55.50''S 52º21'57.30''W, 10.VIII.2008, A. L. Nunes & C. E. Braga, MPEG ORT 1 About ORT 6014612 GoogleMaps ;


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia


Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi


Instituto Canario de Investigaciones Agrarias (ICIA)














Uchuca ferreirai ( Piza, 1976 )

Tavares, Gustavo Costa, Sovano, Rafael Segtowick Da Silva & Gutjahr, Ana Lúcia Nunes 2016

Uchuca macroptera

Chamorro-Rengifo 2011: 8

Uchuca ferreirai

Chamorro-Rengifo 2014: 166
Chamorro-Rengifo 2010: 44

Ailtomia ferreirai

Piza 1976: 370
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