Tetrix zhoushanensis, Gao & Liu & Yin, 2022

Gao, Guang-Zeng, Liu, Peng-Yuan & Yin, Zhan, 2022, Description of a new species of the genus Tetrix Latreille (Orthoptera: Tetrigoidea: Tetrigidae) from Zhejiang, China, Zootaxa 5138 (3), pp. 347-350 : 347

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5138.3.8



persistent identifier


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scientific name

Tetrix zhoushanensis

sp. nov.

Tetrix zhoushanensis , sp. nov.

Figs 1–7 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–7

Holotype ♀, paratype ♂ Zhoushan , Zhejiang, 2016-8-4, leg. Zhao Xue-Qian & Zhang Kai-Jian.

Female. Size small. Head not exserted. Anterior margin of vertex arched, slightly protruding beyond eyes, median carina slightly conspicuous. Width of vertex slightly equal to width of an eye (1:1.1), in profile, vertex and frontal ridge forming a curved; frontal ridge straight between lateral ocellus; Antenna filiform, 13-segmented, length of a segment in middle about 4 times longer than its width, inserted the lower margins of eyes. Eyes globose, lateral ocelli placed on middle of anterior margins of eyes. Pronotum tectiform slightly, disc of pronotum with numerous small granule; anterior margin of pronotum straight, midkeel of pronotum not completed, anterior half of disc of pronotum slightly arched, posterior half flat in profile. Lateral keels of prozona not parallel, sloping inward. Hind process of pronotum narrow, short cone-shaped, not reaching the knee of hind femur. Posterior margins of lateral lobes of pronotum with two concavities, posterior angles of lateral lobes of pronotum turned downwards, apex of angles round. Tegmina ovate. Hind wings not reaching top of hind process. Upper and lower margins of fore femur and midfemur straight, width of midfemur equal to width of tegmina. Length of hind femur 3.0 times longer than width, margins serrulate, preknee teeth and knee teeth obtuse. Outer side of hind tibia with 8~9 spines, inner side with 7~8 spines. Length of first segment of posterior tarsus longer than third, third pulvillus of first tarsus longer than a first and second, apices of three pulvilli sharp. Ovipositor wide and short, length of upper valvulae 1.4 times its width, upper and lower valvulae with shorter saw-like teeth. Length of subgenital plate equal to its width, middle of posterior margin of subgenital plate with a triangular convex.

Male: Body smaller than female, feature of structure similar to female. Width of vertex equal to width of an eye. Width of midfemur almost equal to width of tegmina. Subgenital plate brief cone-shaped, apex angular sharp.

Body brown, without white spots between shoulder. Wings brown. Fore and middle femora and tibiae without black transverse spot. Hind tibia yellowish brown.

Remarks. This species is similar to Tetrix transimacula Zheng, 1998 , but differs in: pronotm not waved behind the shoulder in profile; without white spots between shoulder and the apex of pronotum not reaching the knee of hind femur.

Measurement (in mm): Length of body: ♂ 7.8, ♀ 9.9. Length of Pronotum : ♂ 6.3, ♀ 8.5. Length of hind femur: ♂ 6.0, ♀ 6.2.

Etymology. The new species name was after the type locality, Zhoushan.















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