Navarrahomola hispanica Artal, Van Bakel, Fraaije, Jagt, Klompmaker, 2012

Starzyk, Natalia, Van Bakel, Barry W. M., Klompmaker, Adiël A., Schweigert, Günter & Fraaije, René H. B., 2023, A new approach to the systematics of Laeviprosopon (Brachyura: Homolidae), with remarks on the molting process of early brachyurans, Palaeontologia Electronica (a 10) 26 (1), pp. 1-24 : 15-16

publication ID 10.26879/1204

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scientific name

Navarrahomola hispanica Artal, Van Bakel, Fraaije, Jagt, Klompmaker, 2012


Navarrahomola hispanica Artal, Van Bakel, Fraaije, Jagt, Klompmaker, 2012 View in CoL

2012 Navarrahomola hispanica Artal et al. , p. 405, figure 3.1, 3.3 (non 3.2).

2013 Navarrahomola hispanica Artal et al. – Klompmaker, p. 171, figure 12.

Diagnosis. As for the genus.

Remarks. Navarrahomola hispanica was described from the upper Albian reefal limestones of Spain (Monte Orobe and Koskobilo quarries). One of the paratypes (MGSB28141) is not conspecific to the holotype and the other paratype because the lateral borders of the mesogastric region are more continuously curved and the anterior carapace contains fewer large tubercles compared to N. hispanica (Artal et al., 2012: pl. 3.1, 3.3; Klompmaker, 2013: figure 12). Instead, MGSB28141 likely represents the largest known specimen of Laeviprosopon hispanicum , a species also reported from Koskobilo (Klompmaker, 2013). This specimen compares best to the specimen figured in Klompmaker (2013: figure 6H), which also shows evenly spaced granules, unlike on smaller specimens in which no clear granules are visible. Thus, we ascribe MGSB28141 to Laeviprosopon hispanicum for now. Apparently, granules become only visible on the internal mold in larger specimens for this species.

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