Dolichopoda karoutsosi Alexiou, 2024

Alexiou, Sotiris, Bakolitsas, Kostas, Di Russo, Claudio & Rampini, Mauro, 2024, Four new Dolichopoda species from Greece, one Troglophilus new to Greece and new locality records (Orthoptera, Rhaphidophoridae), Contributions to Entomology 74 (1), pp. 103-111 : 103-111

publication ID 10.3897/contrib.entomol.74.e121614

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scientific name

Dolichopoda karoutsosi Alexiou

sp. nov.

Dolichopoda karoutsosi Alexiou sp. nov.

Figs 1 View Figure 1 , 4 View Figure 4 , 6 View Figure 6

Type material.

Holotype: GREECE • ♂ ; Sterea Ellas, Nomos Etolias-Akarnanias, Aetos, Agios Nikolaos, cave Siko ; 38 ° 43.435 ' N, 21 ° 6.977 ' E ; 344 m a. s. l. ; 7 Aug. 2017 ; K. Bakolitsas leg. ( KMNH) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: GREECE • 2 ♂, 1 nymph, same data as for holotype GoogleMaps .


The new taxon presents one morphological character unique for the genus: the presence of a notch at the median process of the epiphallus (present at both dissected males). The shape of the lateral lobes of X tergum of the males shows resemblance to D. bakolitsasi , a species known from a cave a few km away. The elevated ridge at the posterior margin of the concavity of the X tergite and the rather slender median process of epiphallus connects the new species with the species of the south Ionian region, e. g. D. garparoi , D. ithakii , D. giachinoi and D. patrizii (Fig. 4 View Figure 4 ).


Body pale brownish-yellow, legs elongated, hind femora unarmed. Fore tibiae with 4 spines on both sides of the ventral side, mid tibiae with 5 spines on both sides of the ventral side and hind tibiae with 19 spines on both sides of the dorsal side.

X tergum (last abdominal tergite) (Fig. 6 A View Figure 6 ) with two lateral lobes, shallowly bilobed at apex. Bilobed apex very unequal, the external side elongated, cylindrical, pointing dorso-posteriorly. The two lobes are separated by a large concavity showing an elevated ridge on the posterior margin.

Subgenital plate convex, with a wide median incision that runs for 1 / 3 of the total length; lateral lobes rounded, styli short, inserted at the side of the lateral lobes.

Epiphallus sclerotized, median process rather slender and acute, the last ¼ curved inwards, an obvious notch is present at the beginning of the curve (Fig. 6 B, C View Figure 6 ).

Measurements (length in mm): pronotum 3.6, fore femora 17, middle femora 18, hind femora 26, body 16.

Female. Unknown.


The new species is named after our friend, geologist Panos Karoutsos, a dear companion of the second author who visited the type locality and many other caves together.


Known only from the type locality. Siko is a pit fall 7 m deep, with a spacious 8 × 7 m room at its base, without decoration and with high humidity. The entrance is about 0.5 × 1 m, facing east and on the floor there are many bones belonging to animals that have fallen from the cave entrance.