Hauptenia Szwedo, 2006

Sui, Yong-Jin, Yang, Lin, Long, Jian-Kun, Chang, Zhi-Min & Chen, Xiang-Sheng, 2023, Review of the genus Hauptenia Szwedo (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Derbidae), with descriptions of two new species from China, ZooKeys 1157, pp. 95-108 : 95

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scientific name

Hauptenia Szwedo, 2006


Taxonomy of the genus Hauptenia Szwedo, 2006 View in CoL

Figs 1-4 View Figures 1–4 , 5-13 View Figures 5–13 , 14-22 View Figures 14–22

Hauptenia Szwedo, 2006: 331-332; Rahman et al. 2012: 63; Jhan et al. 2016: 2.

Type species.

Malenia magnifica Yang & Wu, 1994: by original designation.

Diagnostic characters.

Combination of the following characters: head (Figs 1 View Figures 1–4 , 3 View Figures 1–4 , 5 View Figures 5–13 , 14 View Figures 14–22 ) with eyes distinctly narrower than pronotum. Vertex (Figs 1 View Figures 1–4 , 3 View Figures 1–4 , 5 View Figures 5–13 , 14 View Figures 14–22 ) trapezoidal, at base slightly wider than at apex, slightly projecting in front of eyes. Frons (Figs 6 View Figures 5–13 , 15 View Figures 14–22 ) longer in middle line than widest part ~ 1.48-1.84: 1 and shorter than clypeus ~ 1: 1.1-1.53, without median carina. Antennae (Figs 6 View Figures 5–13 , 7 View Figures 5–13 , 15 View Figures 14–22 , 16 View Figures 14–22 ) short, subantennal process well developed. Fore wing (Figs 8 View Figures 5–13 , 17 View Figures 14–22 ) longer than widest part ~ 2.6-3.1: 1, RA with one or two terminal(s). Hind wing (Figs 9 View Figures 5–13 , 18 View Figures 14–22 ) with vein ScP+RA very short, CuA with two or three terminals; spinal formula of hind leg 7-6-5. Male terminalia (Figs 10 View Figures 5–13 , 19 View Figures 14–22 ) with gonostyli symmetrical, short and stout, dorsobasal projection distad; pygofer with dorsocaudal angle not produced into finger-shaped process; anal tube not distinctly elongated, dorsal margin shorter than ventral margin in lateral view, usually with apex not reaching level of apex of gonostyli, epiproct turned ventrad or nearly so, slightly notched at apex in lateral view.

Checklist and distributions of species of Hauptenia Szwedo, 2006

H. bandarbanensis Jhan & Rahman, 2016; Bangladesh.

H. beibengensis Sui & Chen, sp. nov.; China (Xizang).

H. daliensis Sui & Chen, sp. nov.; China (Yunnan).

H. fellea (Yang & Wu, 1994); China (Guizhou, Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan).

H. glutinosa (Yang & Wu, 1994); China (Chongqing, Fujian, Guizhou, Hainan, Hunan, Taiwan, Zhejiang).

H. idonea (Yang & Wu, 1994); China (Guizhou, Taiwan).

H. jacula (Yang & Wu, 1994); China (Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Taiwan).

H. magnifica (Yang & Wu, 1994); China (Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Taiwan, Yunnan).

H. palgongsanensis Rahman, Kwon & Suh, 2012; Korea.

H. tripartita Rahman, Kwon & Suh, 2012; Korea; China (Anhui, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hunan, Liaoning, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Zhejiang); new record for China.












Hauptenia Szwedo, 2006

Sui, Yong-Jin, Yang, Lin, Long, Jian-Kun, Chang, Zhi-Min & Chen, Xiang-Sheng 2023


Szwedo 2006