Dolichopoda athosensis Alexiou, 2024

Alexiou, Sotiris, Bakolitsas, Kostas, Di Russo, Claudio & Rampini, Mauro, 2024, Four new Dolichopoda species from Greece, one Troglophilus new to Greece and new locality records (Orthoptera, Rhaphidophoridae), Contributions to Entomology 74 (1), pp. 103-111 : 103-111

publication ID 10.3897/contrib.entomol.74.e121614

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scientific name

Dolichopoda athosensis Alexiou

sp. nov.

Dolichopoda athosensis Alexiou sp. nov.

Figs 1 View Figure 1 , 2 View Figure 2

Type material.

Holotype: GREECE • ♂ ; Macedonia, Νomos Chalkidikis, Agion Oros peninsula, Mt. Athos, Zographou monastery, cave Skiti ; 40 ° 18.488 ' N, 24 ° 9.836 ' E ; 15 Jul. 2017 ; K. Bakolitsas leg. ( KMNH) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: GREECE • 5 nymphs, same data as for holotype GoogleMaps .


The new species is related to D. thasosensis Chopard, 1964 , endemic to the island of Thasos ( Chopard 1964). It differs in the less pronounced lateral lobes of the X tergite, the dramatically curved median process of the epiphallus and the subgenital plate, which has broader incision with larger styli.


Body pale testaceous, posterior margin of the terga dark. Legs elongated, hind femora unarmed. Fore tibiae with 4 spines on both sides of the ventral side, mid tibiae with 5 spines on both sides of the ventral side and hind tibiae with 18 spines on both sides of the dorsal side.

X tergum (last abdominal tergite) (Fig. 2 C View Figure 2 ) square, with a shallow section in the middle and with two lateral lobes. Lobes not very pronounced, with rounded apex.

Subgenital plate (Fig. 2 A View Figure 2 ) divided by a broad median incision, with triangular lateral lobes ; styli short.

Epiphallus sclerotized (Fig. 2 B View Figure 2 ). Median process of epiphallus with a broad base, strongly curved in lateral view, evenly leading to a rounded tip.

Measurements (length in mm): body 17, pronotum 4, fore femora 16, middle femora 17, hind femora 17.

Female. Unknown.


The new species is named after Athos, a mountain dominating the Agion Oros peninsula.


Known only from the type locality. Cave Skiti is located a few meters away from the Monastery of Zographou. The cave is about 10 m long, with the entrance facing south-east. The entrance is small (around 0.5 × 1.0 m), and well hidden by lush vegetation.