Melanopsis aetolica var. carinatocostata Oppenheim, 1891

Neubauer, Thomas A., 2016, A nomenclator of extant and fossil taxa of the Melanopsidae (Gastropoda, Cerithioidea), ZooKeys 602, pp. 1-358 : 70

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scientific name

Melanopsis aetolica var. carinatocostata Oppenheim, 1891


Melanopsis aetolica var. carinatocostata Oppenheim, 1891 View in CoL

Original source.

Oppenheim 1891: 468, pl. 27, figs 1-2.

Type horizon.

Gelasian, early Pleistocene.

Type locality.

“Stamna”, Greece.


Not available from Oppenheim (1890b), where he gave it as “mutation”, which is not ruled by the provisions of the Code. In 1891 he introduced the name as " carinato-costata ".