Eucharitolus Bates, 1885

Monné, Miguel A., Botero, Juan Pablo, Olivier, Renan Da Silva & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2024, South American Acanthocinini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae): new species, synonymy, description of females, and notes, Zootaxa 5519 (3), pp. 345-383 : 346-351

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5519.3.2

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scientific name

Eucharitolus Bates, 1885


Eucharitolus Bates, 1885 View in CoL

( Figs 1–31 View FIGURES 1–6 View FIGURES 7–13. 7–9 View FIGURES 14–17 View FIGURES 18–23 View FIGURES 24–31 )

Eucharitolus Bates, 1885: 408 View in CoL ; Botero & Monné, 2012: 43, 44; Monné, 2024b: 60 View Cited Treatment (cat.).

Note: for full references see Monné (2024b) and Tavakilian & Chevillotte (2023).

Remarks. Bates (1885) described Eucharitolus to include E. pulcher Bates, 1885 , as follows (translated): “Body oblong, slightly convex, without erect setae and tubercles. Frons wide and short; eyes coarsely faceted, lower eye lobe large, suborbicular. Antennae very long and slender, very sparsely setose, scape subflexuous ventrally, antennomeres III–X subequal, XII (in male and female) twice longer than the others. Thorax [prothorax] wide, with lateral tubercle with acute apex, located after middle, and lateral area after lateral tubercles straight. Elytra as in Anisopodus , epipleura vertical, apex obliquely, widely truncate. Pro- and mesosternum [prosternal and mesoventral processes] very wide, flat. Femora gradually, enough clavate; metatarsus very slender, metatarsomere I as long as II–III together. Male—Last abdominal tergite strongly emarginate apically; apex of ventrite 5 wide, spiniform laterally. Female—Ovipositor long, distinctly surpassing elytral apex; last tergite very acute apically, apex of ventrite 5 obtuse.” Botero & Monné (2012) redescribed Eucharitolus as follows: “Superior eye lobes well separated, the distance between them at least twice the width of upper lobe. Antennal tubercles not elevated, antennae filiform. Prothorax transverse, armed with a prominent lateral tubercle situated in posterior third, directed backwards. Pronotum without prominences. Prosternal process flattened. Metasternal suture not reaching anterior margin. Elytra at least in anterior subparallel; without setae, centro-basal crista and lateral or dorsal carinae. Femora subclavate. First metatarsomere longer than the two followings combined.”

Currently, besides the type species, Eucharitolus includes the following species: E. bellus (Melzer, 1927) , transferred by Monné (1985); E. depressus Botero & Monné, 2012 ; E. dorcadioides (White, 1855) , transferred by Botero & Monné (2012); E. geometricus (Tippmann, 1960) , transferred by Monné (1985); E. lecossoisi Audureau & Demez, 2015 ; E. lituratus (Melzer, 1934) , transferred by Monné (1985); E. longus Botero & Monné, 2012 ; E. novemlineatus ( Gilmour, 1960) , transferred by Monné et al. (2020b); and E. spilotus Botero & Monné, 2012 . Studying these species, some of them only through photographs, descriptions, and redescriptions, we observed inconsistencies, which suggest the existence of more than one genus within Eucharitolus . Two species are transferred to other genera, but the others will require a much more detailed study and, above all, specimens of species that we do not have at our disposal. Therefore, we are provisionally dividing Eucharitolus into two species groups:

1. Group of E. bellus : punctures close to the posterior margin of the pronotum following toward the sides of the prothorax; sides of the prothorax from distinctly convergent to substraight from lateral tubercles to posterolateral angles; prosternal process moderately variable, from distinctly narrower to almost as wide as procoxal width; mesoventral process moderately variable, from 1/3 to 2/3 of mesoventral width; ovipositor in females long, distinctly surpassing elytral apex, from moderately long to distinctly long. With seven species: E. bellus ( Figs 1–6 View FIGURES 1–6 ); E. depressus ; E. dorcadioides ( Figs 7–9 View FIGURES 7–13. 7–9 ); E. lituratus ( Figs 10–13 View FIGURES 7–13. 7–9 ); E. pulcher ; E. spilotus ( Figs 14–17 View FIGURES 14–17 ); and E. thomazi sp. nov. ( Figs 24–31 View FIGURES 24–31 );

2. Group of E. longus : punctures close to the posterior margin of the pronotum not following toward the sides of the prothorax; sides of the prothorax convergent from lateral tubercles to posterolateral angles; prosternal and mesoventral processes distinctly narrower on their narrowest area than the respective procoxal width; and last tergite and ventrite not forming a distinct ovipositor and not surpassing elytral apex. With a single species: E. longus ( Figs 18–23 View FIGURES 18–23 ).

Eucharitolus can be provisionally defined as follows:pronotum abundantly, coarsely punctate, without tubercles; lateral tubercles of the prothorax large, acutely apically, located on posterior third, quarter, or between middle and posterior third; punctures close to posterior margin of pronotum following or not toward sides of the prothorax; prosternal process never laminiform; elytra without centrobasal crest, erect setae, or humeral carina; metatarsi slender and metatarsomere I at least slightly longer than II–III together.

Eucharitolus lecossoisi cannot belong to this genus because it has not the most conspicuous feature of the genus: the pronotum densely and coarsely punctate throughout. Although we have not examined specimens and the original description does not make it clear how the punctures on the pronotum are actually distributed, we have examined photographs of a specimen, dorsal and latero-oblique habitus, which without a doubt, belongs to this species. Therefore, it was possible to see that there are no abundant coarse punctures on sides of the pronotum. Apparently, it belongs to Atrypanius Bates, 1864 , another problematic genus of Acanthocinini. As we have no information about the sex of the specimen, examined through photographs (not the male holotype), we cannot known if the ovipositor surpass the elytral apex in females (feature present in Eucharitolus ). The punctures close to posterior margin of the pronotum follow toward the sides of the prothorax (information not present in the original description), but the original description did not describe the size of the prosternal and mesoventral processes. Despite this, this species will remain temporally allocated in Eucharitolus , but we cannot include, even provisionally, E. lecossoisi in any group of the genus.

Nyssodrys geometrica Tippmann, 1960 (currently E. geometricus ) is transferred to a new genus, Omorfia gen. nov.

Material examined personally (see also the description of the female of E. longus ).

Eucharitolus bellus BRAZIL, São Paulo : São Paulo, 1 male ( MZSP 60902 ) , 8.XII.1922, no collector indicated ( MZSP); 1 male ( MZSP 60899 ) , 16.XII.1928, no collector indicated ( MZSP) . Santa Catarina: Joinville , lectotype male, 2 females ( MZSP 60898 ; MZSP 60903), XII.1920, Schmith leg. ( MZSP); 1 female ( MZSP 60900 ) , I.1921, Schmith leg. ( MZSP) ; Rio Vermelho (currently, São Bento do Sul ), 1 female ( MZSP 60901 ) , III.1963, formerly Diringshofen collection ( MZSP); 2 females ( MZSP 60904 , MZSP 60905), II.1963, formerly Diringshofen collection ( MZSP) .

Eucharitolus lituratus BRAZIL, Minas Gerais (new state record): Serra do Caraça , 1 male ( MZSP 60909 ) , 2.XII.1972, Exp. Mus. Zool. leg. ( MZSP) . São Paulo: São Paulo, Água Funda , 1 female ( MZSP 60907 ) , 16.VIII.1965, Curso Ent. D.Z. leg. ( MZSP) ; Cantareira , 1 male ( MZSP 60908 ) , 15.I.1941, Nick leg. ( MZSP) . Santa Catarina: Joinville , 1 male ( MZSP 60910 ) , no date indicated, formerly Diringshofen collection ( MZSP). Rio Grande do Sul: Porto Alegre , holotype female ( MZSP 60906 ) , 22.X.30, Buck leg. ( MZSP).

Eucharitolus spilotus BRAZIL, São Paulo: Monte Alegre, Fazenda Santa Maria , 1100 m, 1 female ( MZSP 60911 ), 24–30.XI.1942, F. Lane leg. ( MZSP) ; São Paulo, Jabaquara , 1 male ( MZSP 60913 ), 19.XII.1940, Nick leg. ( MZSP) ; 1 female ( MZSP 60912 ), 6.XII.1941, Nick leg. ( MZSP) ; Cantareira , 1 female ( MZSP 60914 ), 16.III.1941, Nick leg. ( MZSP) ; Amparo , 1 male ( MZSP 60915 ) , no more data ( MZSP). Paraná (new state record): Rolândia , 1 male ( MZSP 60916 ), 20.II.1946, Nick leg. ( MZSP) .

Eucharitolus dorcadioides BRAZIL, Mato Grosso: 12º31’S 51º46’W [Currently, Bom Jesus do Araguaia ], 1 female ( MZSP 60917 ), 19.X.1968 GoogleMaps , RS / RGS Exp. Brazil [Royal Society / Royal Geographical Society —known as “ Expedição Mato Grosso ”], R.A. Beaver leg. ( MZSP) .


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo












Eucharitolus Bates, 1885

Monné, Miguel A., Botero, Juan Pablo, Olivier, Renan Da Silva & Santos-Silva, Antonio 2024


Monne, M. A. 2024: 60
Botero, J. P. & Monne, M. A. 2012: 43
Bates, H. W. 1885: 408
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