Lepturdrys capixaba, Monné & Botero & Olivier & Santos-Silva, 2024

Monné, Miguel A., Botero, Juan Pablo, Olivier, Renan Da Silva & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2024, South American Acanthocinini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae): new species, synonymy, description of females, and notes, Zootaxa 5519 (3), pp. 345-383 : 361-364

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5519.3.2

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scientific name

Lepturdrys capixaba

sp. nov.

Lepturdrys capixaba sp. nov.

( Figs 46–51 View FIGURES 46–51 )

Description. Holotype female ( Figs 46–49 View FIGURES 46–51 ). Head capsule opaque brown, more dark reddish brown on vertex and behind upper eye lobes depending on light intensity, except shiny dark brown behind lower eye lobes and sides of gulamentum, and shiny light brown central area of gulamentum; scape reddish brown, slightly darkened apically; pedicel reddish brown; antennomeres III–XI orangish brown, gradually lighter toward XI, except brown apex of III–X, brown area gradually lighter toward X. Prothorax opaque brown, more reddish brown depending on light intensity, except dark orangish brown centroapical area of pronotum. Ventral surface of meso- and metathorax, and abdomen dark brown. Scutellum dark brown, slightly lighter apically. Elytra brown basally, gradually light brown toward apex. Femora mostly dark orangish brown. Tibiae dark orangish brown basally, orangish brown about remaining basal half, dark brown on remaining surface. Tarsi dark orangish brown.

Head. Frons densely, finely, shallowly punctate; with moderately abundant whitish pubescence distinctly not obscuring integument, slightly denser centrally close to median groove, except denser yellowish-white pubescence close to antennal tubercles and glabrous median groove; with one long, erect seta close to eyes, setae dark brown basally, gradually yellowish toward apex. Vertex and antennal tubercles with abundant yellowish-white pubescence partially obscuring integument, except glabrous median groove and triangular central area between upper eye lobes. Area behind eyes with narrow yellowish-white pubescent band close to upper eye lobes, pubescence gradually whitish and widened toward ventral surface close to lower eye lobes; remaining surface glabrous. Genae about three times shorter than lower eye lobe; with abundant whitish pubescence not obscuring integument, except glabrous apex; with a few moderately short, erect dark setae interspersed. Wide central area of postclypeus with abundant, bristly whitish pubescence close to glabrous central region, and abundant yellowish-white pubescence laterally; with long, erect setae interspersed, setae dark brown basally, gradually yellowish-brown toward apex. Sides of postclypeus glabrous. Labrum with abundant white pubescence on posterior third, glabrous on remaining surface, except depressed anterocentral are with abundant, short yellow setae directed forward; with long, erect setae interspersed on posterior third, setae dark brown basally, gradually yellowish-brown toward apex. Gulamentum smooth, glabrous, except intermaxillary process with whitish pubescence not obscuring integument. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.22 times distance between outer margins of eyes; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.46 times distance between outer margins of eyes.Antennae 3.4 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at apex of antennomere V. Antennomeres with abundant yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, slightly sparser and appearing to be darker due to integument color on apex of antennomeres III–X; pedicel with one short, erect, thick blackish seta ventrally; antennomeres III–IV with a few short, erect, thick blackish setae ventrally; antennomeres V–IX with sparse, short, erect, thick blackish setae throughout; antennomere X with one short, erect, thick blackish seta dorsally and another on apex of ventral surface; antennomere XI with short, erect whitish setae interspersed throughout. Antennal formula based on length of antennomere III: scape = 1.37; pedicel = 0.12; IV = 1.19; V = 1.12; VI = 1.19; VII = 1.19; VIII = 1.19; IX = 1.22; X = 1.34; XI = 1.37.

Thorax. Prothorax wider than long; anterior constriction narrow, well marked; sides strongly widened, rounded close to anterior constriction, divergent from this point toward lateral tubercles, then strongly convergent toward posterolateral angles; lateral tubercles located on beginning of posterior fifth, as a continuation of the sides of the prothorax, with acute apex directed backward. Pronotum densely, minutely, shallowly punctate, except smooth anterior constriction and posterior transverse sulcus and coarse punctures near posterior margin, punctures distinctly not following toward sides of prothorax; with a few long, erect dark brown setae behind lateral tubercles of prothorax; with abundant yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument except: irregular yellowish-white pubescent macula on sides of anterior third; large, irregular whitish pubescent macula on center of anterior third; longitudinal, wide whitish pubescent band centrally, from middle to coarse punctures, pubescence mostly absent on narrow, longitudinal center of this area; and large, wide, somewhat zig-zag whitish pubescent band from longitudinal central band to lateral tubercles of prothorax, pubescence distinctly shorter than on longitudinal central band; L-shaped whitish pubescent macula laterally, from zig-zag band to posterior margin; and sparse whitish pubescence on remaining surface close to posterior margin, pubescence slightly denser centrally. Sides of prothorax with abundant whitish pubescence not obscuring integument, except yellowish-white pubescence close to pronotum on anterior third. Prosternum with abundant whitish pubescence not obscuring integument, except glabrous anterior sulcus. Prosternal process with pubescence as on prosternum; narrowest area 0.15 times procoxal width, 0.66 times narrowest area of mesoventral process. Ventral surface of meso- and metathorax with abundant whitish pubescence not obscuring integument, except mesanepisterna with abundant light yellowish-brown pubescence. Narrowest area of mesoventral process 0.19 times mesocoxal width; apex 0.29 times mesocoxal width. Scutellum with sparse, minute yellowish-brown pubescence on anterior 2/3 and abundant yellowish-brown pubescence on posterior third.

Elytra. Subparallel-sided on anterior half, gradually convergent toward apex on posterior half; apex strongly obliquely truncate, making the outer angle triangularly projected, slightly concave between outer and sutural angles; moderately abundantly, coarsely punctate on anterior half, punctures gradually finer and sparser toward apex on posterior half; pubescence mostly brownish not obscuring integument, interspersed with white pubescence forming complex designing, not reaching anterior margin, except anterior region partially pale yellow; sides of dorsal surface of anterior half with irregular area without dense light pubescence. Legs. Femora with abundant grayish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, except apex with slightly sparser yellowish-brown pubescence. Protibiae with abundant whitish pubescence basal 2/3, brown on apical third, except apical half of ventral surface with bristly brown pubescence. Mesotibiae with abundant whitish pubescence on basal 2/3, sparser brown pubescence on apical third; dorsal surface of apical third with dense, short, erect, thick dark-brown setae. Metatibae with abundant whitish pubescence about basal half and abundant brown pubescence on remaining surface; with sparse, short, erect, thick dark-brown setae on apical 2/3, especially on apical half. Dorsal surface of tarsomeres with abundant yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument; metatarsomere I 2.3 times longer than II–III together.

Abdomen. Ventrites with abundant grayish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, except glabrous central apex of ventrites 1–4; apex of ventrite 5 strongly concave.

Male ( Figs 50–51 View FIGURES 46–51 ). Similar to females, differing: femoral clubs stouter; apex of abdominal ventrite 5 truncate.

Variation. Prothorax entirely brown or slightly dark brown; ventral surface of abdomen entirely brown, brown or dark brown on basal segments and orangish or orangish brown on apical segments; elytra entirely brown or dark brown; femora mostly brown or mostly orangish; tarsomeres I–II brown apically; basal tarsomeres entirely brownish; irregular yellowish-white pubescent macula on sides of pronotum yellow; anterocentral macula on pronotum mostly yellow; L-shaped pubescent macula on sides of posterior area of pronotum partially yellow; width of the narrowest area of prosternal process variable, from sublaminiform to distinctly not laminiform; scutellum with abundant yellowish-brown pubescence throughout; shape of whitish pubescence on anterior half of elytra somewhat variable, but always with irregular area without dense light pubescence on sides of dorsal surface of anterior half.

Dimensions (mm) (holotype female/ paratypes male/ paratypes female). Total length, 7.10/8.95–9.60/8.45–9.85; prothoracic length, 1.20/1.55–1.55/1.25–1.65; anterior prothoracic width, 1.20/1.40–1.40/1.35–1.65; prothoracic width close to anterior constriction, 1.55/1.70–1.85/1.60–2.20; posterior prothoracic width, 1.35/1.75–1.90/1.70– 2.10; maximum prothoracic width, 1.95/2.50–2.55/2.30–2.75; humeral width, 2.25/2.85–3.00/2.65–3.50; elytral length, 5.05/6.50–6.75/5.75–7.20.

Type material. Holotype female ( MZSP 60897 ) from BRAZIL, Espírito Santo: Linhares, XI.1972, P.C. Elias leg. ( MZSP) . Paratypes — BRAZIL, 1 female ( MZSP 60895 ) , no more data ( MZSP) . Bahia: Aracatu, Fazenda Lagoa do Tamburi , área de Caatinga arbórea, 14º30.295’S 41º27.982’W GoogleMaps , 1 female ( MZSP 60985 ), 20–21.XII.2012, A.S. Ferreira & L.G.F. Sodré leg. ( MZSP) . Minas Gerais: Passa Quatro , 1 female ( MZSP 60888 ), XI.1915, name of collector illegible ( MZSP) . São Paulo: Barueri , 1 female ( MZSP 60889 ), XI.1966, K. Lenko leg. ( MZSP) ; Botucatu , 1 male ( MZSP 60894 ), 4.II.1967, V.C Jesus leg. ( MZSP) ; Piracicaba , 22°42’37.10”S 47°37’25.84”W GoogleMaps , 1 female ( MZSP 61218 ), 15.XII.1922, W.D. Silva leg. ( MZSP) . Santa Catarina: Nova Teutônia , 27°11’S 52°23’W GoogleMaps , 1 female ( MZSP 60890 ), 1.I.1941, F. Plaumann leg. ( MZSP) ; 1 female ( MZSP 60886 ), XI.1965, F. Plaumann leg. ( MZSP) ; 1 male ( MZSP 60892 ), X.1941, B. Pohl leg. ( MZSP); 300–500 m , 1 male ( MZSP 60896 ), XI.1965, F. Plaumann leg. ( MZSP) ; Anita Garibaldi, 1 female ( MZSP 60891 ), XI.1950, formerly Diringshofen collection ( MZSP) ; 1 male, ( MZSP 60893 ), XI.1951, formerly Diringshofen collection ( MZSP) ; Timbó , 1 female ( MZSP 60887 ), XII.1952, formerly Diringshofen collection ( MZSP) .

Etymology. Capixaba is the gentilic of people born in the Brazilian state of Espírito Santo, the state of the type locality of the new species.

Remarks. Lepturdrys capixaba sp. nov. differs from L. novemlineata only by the elytral pubescent pattern: without longitudinal pubescent bands or with sparse and partial longitudinal pubescent bands; without subcircular whitish pubescent macula dorsally just after middle; and the large whitish pubescent macula dorsally on anterior half is projected backward. In L. novemlineata , the elytra have abundant longitudinal pubescent bands, including on the large patch of whitish pubescence on the anterior half, there is a subcircular whitish pubescent macula dorsally after middle, and the large whitish pubescent macula dorsally on anterior half is not projected backward. All these areas of pubescence are constant in the holotype and paratypes of the new species, as well as in the three specimens of L. novemlineata from Bolivia, examined by photographs, female holotype ( Figs 39–41 View FIGURES 39–41 ) and two males ( Figs 42–45 View FIGURES 42–45 ). Therefore, we think impossible to consider the differences as intraspecific variation.


Brazil, Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo













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