Ephucilla hejunhuai Lelej, 2020

Lelej, A. S., 2020, Three new species of velvet ants from the tribe Smicromyrmini (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae) with unusual color syndrome, Far Eastern Entomologist 421, pp. 1-9 : 2-4

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.25221/fee.421.1

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scientific name

Ephucilla hejunhuai Lelej

sp. nov.

Ephucilla hejunhuai Lelej , sp. n.

http://zoobank.org/NomenclaturalActs/ BB574DEA-C989-429C-974A-FBB37AF053C6

Figs 1–3 View Figs 1–9. 1–3

TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype – ♀, China: Guangdong, Xiang Tai Shan near

Guangzhou, near wood house, 7.VIII 2016, A. Lelej & V. Loktionov [ IBSS].

DIAGNOSIS. FEMALE. Mesosoma long, 1.40 × maximal width, with more or less parallel sides. Scutellar scale distinct, nail-like. T2 except black transverse preapical band and T3 with ferruginous-red cuticle. Pygidial area slightly convex,

glabrous, weakly carinated laterally. T2 posterad and T3 with band of yellowish setae. MALE unknown.

DESCRIPTION. FEMALE. Body length 7.5 mm. Ratio of head width and pronotal maximal width 90:90. Ratio of mesosoma length and pronotal maximal width

125:90. Inner margin of mandible with two weak teeth near apex. Clypeus with strong transverse setose carina which limit anterior concave shiny part, basally subtriangular,

elevated, with median tubercle. Antennal tubercle carinated above; first flagellomere

0.9 × as long as its maximal width, 1.1 × as long as flagellomere 2. Genal carina distinct, forming small tooth at hypostomal carina junction. Frons, vertex and gena with dense coarse punctures. Humeral angle of mesosoma prominent. Ratios of width at humeral angle, widest point of pronotum, anterior spiracle, propodeal spiracle and narrowest point of propodeum dorsally 80:90:90:80:75. Scutellar scale distinct,

nail-like. Mesosoma dorsally slightly convex, with dense coarse punctures larger that on head. Mesopleuron smooth with vertical row of large punctures along mesopleural carina; metapleuron smooth shiny with few punctures along metapleuro-propodeal suture. Propodeum laterally smooth with few shallow punctures. Lateral and posterior propodeal faces separated by wavy carina. Metacoxa carinated mesally. Meso- and metatibia each with two rows of 4–5 weak fuscous spines. Metatibio-tarsal ratios of

75:32:21:16:12:16. T2 with dense small separate punctures, posteriorly smaller and not visible under dense setae. T3–5 with fine dense small punctures. S1 with simple longitudinal carina. S2 with large dense separate punctures. S3–5 posteriorly with fine dense punctures. Pygidial area slightly convex, glabrous, weakly carinated laterally.

Color and setation. Head ferruginous-red, clypeus, mandible, except brownish apex, and antennae, except brownish scape, pedicel and flagellomere 1, ferruginousred; palps pale brown. Mesosoma totally ferruginous-red. Legs ferruginous. Tibial spurs whitish. T1 ferruginous-red. T2, except black transverse preapical band, and

T3 with ferruginous-red cuticle. S1–6 ferruginous-red. Frons and vertex with sparse suberect and erect yellowish setae; gena with sparse recumbent yellowish setae.

Mesosoma dorsally with sparse suberect blackish setae. Posterior propodeal face with sparse suberect whitish setae. Meso- and metapleuron with few suberect white setae, without supracoxal spot of dense recumbent silver setae. T1 with sparse erect whitish setae. T2 medially with small subbasal spot of yellowish recumbent setae. T2

posterad and T3 with band of yellowish setae. T2, except yellowish spot and band,

and T4–5 with sparse recumbent black setae. T6 laterally with long, sparse erect whitish to brownish setae. Lateral felt line on T2 rufous. Metasomal sterna with sparse whitish setae, which form apical fringe on S2–5.

DISTRIBUTION. China (Guangdong).

REMARKS. In having most part of T2 with ferruginous-red cuticle, this species differs from other known Ephucilla .

ETYMOLOGY. The specific name is dedicated to Prof. He Jun-hua (Zhejiang

University, Hangzhou, China), for his valuable contribution to the study of Hymenoptera in China.

n., ♀, holotype; 7–9 – Smicromyrme burgeri sp. n., ♀, paratype. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 – habitus (1,

4, 7 – dorsal view; 2, 5, 8 – lateral view); 3, 6, 9 – T6, pygidial area.


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