Neoscona Simon, 1864

Li, Jian Yong, Liu, Jie & Chen, Jian, 2015, Bibliographic checklist of Korean spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) ver. 2015, Journal of Species Research 4, pp. 1-112 : 48-50

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Felipe (2024-07-30 19:20:51, last updated 2024-07-30 19:57:16)

scientific name

Neoscona Simon, 1864


Genus Neoscona Simon, 1864 View in CoL 어ƞÿHŔẂ

Neoscona adianta ( Walckenaer, 1802) View in CoL 각Ṅ어ƞÿHŔ Ş ♂

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Palearctic.

Aranea adianta Walckenaer 1802: 199 .

Neoscona adianta View in CoL ; Paik 1957: 44, Kim 1998a: 1, Namkung 2001: 265, 2003: 267, Kim and Kim 2002: 214, Kim and Cho 2002: 268, Kim and Lee 2012b: 89.

Neoscona adiantum ; Paik and Namkung 1979: 46.

Neoscona doenitzi View in CoL ; Paik and Namkung 1979: 46, Kim 1998a: 1, Yoo and Kim 2002: 28.

Neoscona melloteei (Simon, 1895) 검ê테ồş어ƞÿHŔ Ş ♂

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ China, Korea, Taiwan, Japan.

Araneus mellotteei Simon 1895a: 812 .

Neoscona melloteei ; Namkung 2001: 266, 2003: 268, Kim and Lee 2012b: 90.

Neoscona mellotteei View in CoL ; Kim and Kim 2002: 215, Kim and Cho 2002: 268 (lapsus).

Neoscona multiplicans ( Chamberlin, 1924) View in CoL ďήmḑ어ƞÿHŔ Ş ♂

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ China, Korea, Japan.

Aranea multiplicans Chamberlin 1924: 18 .

Neoscona minoriscylla View in CoL ; Namkung and Kim 1999: 213.

Neoscona multiplicans View in CoL ; Namkung 2001: 263, 2003: 265, Kim and Kim 2002: 216, Kim and Lee 2012b: 92.

Neoscona nautica (L. Koch, 1875) View in CoL 집ÿHŔ Ş ♂

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Cosmotropical.

Epeira nautica L. Koch 1875: 17 .

Neoscona nautica View in CoL ; Namkung 2001: 260, 2003: 261, Kim and Kim 2002: 217, Kim and Cho 2002: 269, Yoo and Kim 2002: 28, Kim and Lee 2012b: 93.

Neoscona pseudonautica Yin et al., 1990 View in CoL 어ƞ집ÿHŔ Ş ♂

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ China, Korea.

Neoscona pseudonautica Yin et al. 1990: 107 View in CoL , Namkung and Kim 1999: 234, Namkung 2001: 261, 2003: 262, Kim and Kim 2002: 217, Kim and Lee 2012b: 94.

Neoscona punctigera ( Doleschall, 1857) ṆĚ View in CoL 어ƞÿHŔ Ş ♂

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Réunion to Japan.

Epeira punctigera Doleschall 1857: 420 .

Neoscona opima View in CoL ; Paik 1957: 44.

Neoscona punctigera View in CoL ; Namkung 2001: 264, 2003: 266, Kim and Kim 2002: 218, Kim and Lee 2012b: 96.

Neoscona scylla ( Karsch, 1879) View in CoL mḑ어ƞÿHŔ Ş ♂

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Russia, China, Korea, Japan.

Epeira scylla Karsch 1879: 71 .

Neoscona scylla View in CoL ; Paik 1978e: 107, Namkung 2001: 264, 2003: 264, Kim and Kim 2002: 219, Kim and Cho 2002: 269,

Yoo and Kim 2002: 28, Kim and Lee 2012b: 97.

Neoscona scylloides ( Bösenberg and Strand, 1906) View in CoL ồş어ƞÿHŔ Ş ♂

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ China, Korea, Taiwan, Japan.

Aranea scylloides Bösenberg and Strand 1906: 217 .

Neoscona scylloides View in CoL ; Namkung 2001: 267, 2003: 269, Kim and Kim 2002: 220, Kim and Lee 2012b: 99.

Neoscona semilunaris ( Karsch, 1879) View in CoL ä각șLjÿHŔ Ş ♂

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ China, Korea, Japan.

Atea semilunaris Karsch 1879: 73 .

Araneus semilunaris ; Namkung 2001: 255.

Neoscona semilunaris View in CoL ; Namkung 2003: 263, Kim and Lee 2012b: 100.

Neoscona subpullata ( Bösenberg and Strand, 1906) ḆÿHŔ Ş View in CoL

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ China, Korea, Japan.

Aranea subpullata Bösenberg and Strand 1906: 234 .

Araneus subpullatus ; Paik 1970b: 85.

Neoscona subpullata View in CoL ; Namkung 2001: 270, 2003: 272, Kim and Kim 2002: 221, Kim and Lee 2012b: 101.

Neoscona theisi ( Walckenaer, 1842) View in CoL «어ƞÿHŔ Ş ♂ ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ India, China to Pacific Is .

Epeira theis Walckenaer 1842: 53 .

Neoscona theisi View in CoL ; Namkung 2001: 269, 2003: 271, Kim and Kim 2002: 221, Kim and Lee 2012b: 102.

Neoscona tianmenensis Yin et al., 1990 View in CoL ūȅ어ƞÿHŔ Ş ♂

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ China, Korea.

Neoscona tianmenensis Yin et al. 1990: 126 View in CoL , Namkung 2001: 268, 2003: 270, Kim and Lee 2012b: 104.

Bosenberg, W. and E. Strand. 1906. Japanische Spinnen. Abh. Senck. Naturf. Ges. 30: 93 - 422.

Chamberlin, R. V. 1924. Descriptions of new American and Chinese spiders, with notes on other Chinese species. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 63 (13): 1 - 38.

Cho, J. H. and J. P. Kim. 2002. A revisional study of family Salticidae Blackwall, 1841 (Arachnida, Araneae) from Korea. Korean Arachnol. 18: 85 - 169.

Doleschall, L. 1857. Bijdrage tot de Kenntis der Arachniden van den Indischen Archipel. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder. - Ind. 13: 339 - 434.

Karsch, F. 1879. Baustoffe zu einer Spinnenfauna von Japan. Verh. Naturh. Ver. Preuss. Rheinl. Westfal. 36: 57 - 105.

Kim, J. P. 1998 a. Taxonomic study of N. adianta and N. doenitzi in the genus Neoscona from Korea. Korean Arachnol. 14 (1): 1 - 5.

Kim, J. M. and J. P. Kim. 2002. A revisional study of family Araneidae Dahl, 1912 (Arachnida, Araneae) from Korea. Korean Arachnol. 18: 171 - 266.

Kim, S. T. and S. Y. Lee. 2012 b. Arthropoda: Arachnida: Araneae: Araneidae. Araneid spiders. Invertebrate Fauna of Korea 21 (16): 1 - 146.

Koch, L. 1875. Aegyptische und abyssinische Arachniden gesammelt von Herrn C. Jickeli. Nurnberg, pp. 1 - 96.

Namkung, J. and S. T. Kim. 1999. Two orb weavers of the genus Neoscona (Araneae: Araneidae) from Korea. Korean J. applied Ent. 38: 213 - 216.

Namkung, J. 2001. The spiders of Korea. Kyo-Hak Publishing Co., Seoul, 648 pp.

Namkung, J. 2003. The Spiders of Korea, 2 nd. ed. Kyo-Hak Publ. Co., Seoul, 648 pp.

Paik, K. Y. 1957. On fifteen unrecorded spiders from Korea. Korean J. Biol. 2 (1): 43 - 47.

Paik, K. Y. 1970 b. Spiders from Geojae-do Isl., Kyungnam, Korea. Thes. Coll. Grad. Sch. Educ. Kyungpook Univ. 1: 83 - 93.

Paik, K. Y. 1978 e. Araneae. Illustrated Flora and Fauna of Korea 21: 1 - 548 pp.

Paik, W. H. and J. Namkung. 1979. Studies on the rice paddy spiders from Korea. Seoul National Univ., 101 pp.

Simon, E. 1895 a. Histoire naturelle des araignees. Paris, 1: 761 - 1084.

Walckenaer, C. A. 1802. Faune parisienne. Insectes. ou Histoire abregee des insectes de environs de Paris. Paris 2: 187 - 250.

Walckenaer, C. A. 1842. Histoire naturelle des Insects. Apteres. Paris, 2: 1 - 549.

Yin, C. M., J. F. Wang, L. P. Xie and X. J. Peng. 1990. New and newly recorded species of the spiders of family Araneidae from China (Arachnida, Araneae). In Spiders in China: One Hundred New and Newly Recorded Species of the Families Araneidae and Agelenidae. Hunan Normal Univ. Press, pp. 1 - 171.









