Phymaturus dorsimaculatus, Lobo & Quinteros, 2005

Lobo, Four New Species From Rgentina Fernando & Quinteros, Sebastián, 2005, A Morphology-Based Phylogeny Of Phymaturus (Iguania: Liolaemidae) With The Description Of Four New Species From Argentina, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) 45 (13), pp. 143-177 : 146-148

publication ID 10.1590/S0031-10492005001300001

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scientific name

Phymaturus dorsimaculatus

sp. nov.

Phymaturus dorsimaculatus View in CoL sp. nov.

Holotype ( Figure 1A and B View FIGURE 1 ): MCN 1573. Copahue, Dpto. Ñorquin. 37°49’S; 71°06’W. Neuquén, Argentina. Abdala, C.; Avila, L.; F. Lobo, & M. Morando, collectors. 13 January 1999. GoogleMaps

Paratypes: MCN 1571-72, 1574-75. Same data as holotype. MCN 1568-69. Termas de Copahue, Dpto. Ñorquin, Neuquén, Argentina GoogleMaps . 37°49’14”S; 71°05’12”W; 2050 m. 13 January 1999. MCN 1566-67. Copahue , Dpto. Ñorquin, Neuquén GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis: Phymaturus dorsimaculatus belongs to the palluma group (sensu Etheridge, 1995) because it has squareshaped non-imbricate superciliaries, rugose dorsal scales of the tail, usually a fragmented subocular, and the subocular-supralabials separation is two or more scale rows. It is distinguishable from all other species in the group by its unusual dorsal pattern. Dorsal pattern from occiput to the posterior region of trunk with black transverse bands interrupted medially ( Figure 1A View FIGURE 1 ). Phymaturus verdugo is a larger species (106-120 mm both sexes; Cei & Videla, 2003) than dorsimaculatus (76.1-92.6), has a different dorsal pattern, and a patternless tail (ringed in dorsimaculatus ). This new species has a different karyotype number (2n = 36) versus 2n = 26 of P. verdugo ( Morando et al., 2001; Cei & Videla, 2003). Adults of cf. palluma (PA) lack melanism on head and neck and all other members of the palluma group have patternless tails. Phymaturus dorsimaculatus never have a divided rostral scale as does many punae , antofagastensis , cf. antofagastensis SC (Sierra de Calalaste and Cuesta de Randolfo) , and punae LR (La Rioja) . Most specimens from northern Argentina of the palluma group exhibit a homogeneous and dense “spray” pattern on their dorsum ( Figure 12C View FIGURE 12 ) and lack black reticulation or spots.

Description of holotype: Female. Snout-vent length ( SVL) 92.6 mm. Head length 16.2 mm. Head width 16.8 mm. Head height (at parietal) 8.8 mm. Axilla-groin 46.7 mm (50.4% of SVL). Tail length (complete, not regenerated) 83.3 mm (0.9 times SVL). Body moderately wide, trunk width: 40.2 mm (43.4% of SVL). Eighteen dorsal head scales. Dorsal head scales smooth, with scale organs more abundant in prefrontal region. Six, five, five, and four scale organs in each postrostral. Nasal scale not in contact with rostral, bordered by nine scales. Canthal separated from nasal by one scale. Loreal region flat. Seven enlarged supralabial scales with seventh upturned posteriorly, contacting subocular. Nine enlarged infralabials. Auditory meatus oval; auricular scale absent, three to four projecting scales on anterior margin of auditory meatus (both sides). Nine convex, juxtaposed, smooth temporals. Rostral undivided. Mental subpentagonal, in contact with six scales. Interparietal bordered by five scales, parietals of similar size. Frontal region without an azygous scale. Supraorbital semicircles incomplete posteriorly on both sides. No distinctly enlarged supraoculars. Twelve non imbricate subquadrangular supercilliaries. Sixteen upper and thirteen lower ciliaries (right side). Subocular fragmented in two (left side) and three scales (right side), separated from supralabials by three to one row of lorilabials. Ten lorilabials. Preocular separated from lorilabial row by three scales. Postocular equal in length to preocular. Chinshields not enlarged (similar size of that of sublabials) forming a longitudinal row of five scales. Scales of throat round, flat, and juxtaposed. Seventy-four gulars between auditory meatus. Lateral nuchal folds well developed, with granular scales over longitudinal fold that are smaller than dorsals. Antehumeral pocket well developed. Fifty-six scales between auditory meatus and shoulder. In ventral view gular fold not well developed and posterior gular folds present with their anterior margins lacking enlarged scales on their borders. Dorsal scales round, smooth, juxtaposed. Thirty dorsal scales along midline of the trunk in a distance equivalent to head length. Scales around midbody 210. Mid-dorsal scales slightly enlarged, becoming smaller and granular on flanks and toward belly. Ventral scales larger than dorsals; 172. Between mental and precloacal area. No precloacal pores. Brachial and antebrachial scales smooth with round posterior margins. Supracarpals laminar, round, smooth. Subdigital lamellae of fingers with five keels (more conspicuous in proximal lamellae). Number of subdigital lamellae of fingers I: 9; II: 13; III: 17; IV: 19; V: 12. Claws moderately long. Supradigital lamellae convex, smooth, imbricate. Infracarpals and infratarsals with round margins and two to three obtuse keels. Supracarpals and supratarsals smooth, with round posterior margins. Subdigital lamellae of toes I: 8; II: 13; III: 20; IV: 23; V: 15.

Variation: Based on 15 specimens (4 females, 7 males, 2 juvenile females, and 2 juvenile males). Snout-vent length 62.2-92.6 mm (x = 79.3; SD = 9.4). Head length 0.17-0.22% (x = 0.20; SD = 0.01) of SVL. Tail length 0.81-1.04 (x = 10.95; SD = 0.07) times SVL. Scales around midbody 200-256 (x = 229.55; SD = 17.4). Dorsal head scales 17-24 (x = 19.4; SD = 1.7). Ventrals 160-199 (x = 176.5; SD = 11.3). Precloacal pores in males 5-10 (x = 8.3; SD = 2.1). Scales surrounding interparietal 5-8 (x = 6.5; SD = 0.9). Scales of neck along longitudinal fold from posterior border of auditory meatus to shoulder 62-87 (x = 76.6; SD = 9.1). Gulars 55-86 (x = 78.4; SD = 8.8). Scales between rostral and frontal 7-12 (x = 9.3; SD = 1.6). Subdigital lamellae of fourth toe 20-24 (x = 22.5; SD = 1.5). Dorsal pattern black-forked is typical in adult females and all juveniles, but less conspicuous or restricted to the region of the neck and shoulder in adult males. One male have completely melanic head.

Color of holotype in alcohol ( Figure 1A and B View FIGURE 1 ): Dorsal background color brown with a distinct pattern in black extended from occiput to the posterior region of trunk forming transverse bands that are interrupted medially. Finer irregular black reticulation distributed along the vertebral region reaching the base of the tail. The tail is ringed with darker brown bands two scales wide. Forearms and hindlimbs with fine reticulation. Head not melanic. Throat gray-light brown with reticulate brown more evident below jaws. Chest black. Abdominal region variegated.

Color in life: Not available.

Etymology: The epithet refers to the conspicuous pattern of black spots over the neck, shoulders, and dorsum of the trunk of this new species. It is a compound name (originated from two latin words dorsum that means back and macula that means spot, mark).

Distribution: Only known from the type locality, Copahue, Neuquén province, Argentina, 37°49’14”S, 21°05’12”W; 2050 m elevation.


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