Trichina azizi Zouhair & Grootaert, 2022

Zouhair, Laila, Grootaert, Patrick & Kettani, Kawtar, 2022, First records of Trichina Meigen, Euthyneura Macquart and Oedalea Meigen (Diptera, Hybotidae) from North Africa, with descriptions of two new species, ZooKeys 1124, pp. 43-58 : 43

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scientific name

Trichina azizi Zouhair & Grootaert

sp. nov.

Trichina azizi Zouhair & Grootaert sp. nov.

Figs 3A-D View Figure 3 , 7D View Figure 7

Material examined.

Holotype. 1♂. Morocco, Rif , Bouslimane, NPTL, 1350 m, 28.iv.2019, sweep net, leg. K. Kettani, PCLZ.


(S6: Bouslimane) (Fig. 2 View Figure 2 ): The holotype was swept from the foothills of Bouslimane mountain located at the south of the national park of Talassemtane. The habitat consists of a fir forest ( Abies marocana ) dominated by a humid bioclimate as part of the mesomediterranean zone. This fir formation grows on brown fersiallitic soil.

Differential diagnosis.

Trichina azizi sp. nov. has 3rd antennal segment considerably long and slender like in T. elongata according to the specimen we have and to the description in Chvála (1983), but it differs in length since it is less than 3.4 times as long as broad in T. elongata ( Barták and Kubík 2009) whereas it is more than 3.6 times as long as broad in the new species. Both species differ also in the length of the stylus, which in the new species is little longer than half-length of 3rd segment; while in T. elongata , the stylus is less than half the length of the 3rd segment. The bare terminal part of antennae is shorter than the pubescent thicker basal part which is the same in both. The new species has only two pairs of scutellar setae, like in T. elongata and also in T. clavipes and T. bilobata . In addition, it can be recognized by yellowish hind trochanter, femora, tibiae and metatarsi, and by the lack of a ventral spine on hind trochanters, like in T. opaca . Male terminalia with the hypandrial projection is rather long, like in T. elongata , but in the latter it is more slender than in the new species. The left surstylus is similar in structure to that of T. elongata , but it is not sharpened apically like in T. elongata . The right surstylus is spiny apically and sub-apically, which is the most important diagnostic character in this new species. Cerci are long and well developed but the left cercus is longer than the right one.


This species is dedicated to the father (Aziz Zouhair) of the first author.


Male. Small brown species (2.8 mm) (Fig. 7D View Figure 7 ).

Head. Brown in ground colour. Ommatidia bicoloured. Antennae brown, with postpedicel considerably long and slender with 0.22 mm long over 0.06 mm wide, stylus is 0.134 mm long (0.6 × the length of postpedicel hence a little longer than half the length), its bare terminal part shorter than the pubescent thicker basal part. Palpus small, brownish, with a brownish bristle. Proboscis paler. Face narrow, less than width of scape.

Thorax. Entirely brown, (unfortunately, all thoracic setae are broken, but according to setae follicles, 2 pairs of scutellar setae). Mesonotum shining black except for the extreme anterior border that bears some sparse microtrichia, the notopleural depression with some denser microtrichia, but is still subshining black. Wings very faintly brown yellowish infuscated, veins pale brown, pterostigma yellowish brown and indistinct, costa running to tip of M1, squamae including fringes brown, halters brown yellowish. Legs almost uniformly brownish leaving hind trochanter, femora, tibia, and hind metatarsi yellowish. Fore femur slender with paler hairs; mid femur with 2 ventral rows of dark and thick bristles; hind femur longer than mid and fore femora, with a row of thick and long spine-like bristles. No spine on the hind trochanter. Fore tibia more slender at base, covered with small paler hairs; mid tibia very slender than fore tibia and covered mostly with dark hairs; hind tibia much longer than fore and mid tibiae, laterally compressed and dilated towards tip.

Abdomen. Brown, tergites and sternites covered with scattered black setulae. Terminalia somewhat large and blackish brown, with spiny right surstylus in apical and sub-apical parts (Fig. 3B, D View Figure 3 ), left surstylus longer and slender in comparison with right surstylus, hypandrial projection moderately long, slender (Fig. 3D View Figure 3 ). Cerci longer than wider, the left cercus longer than the right cercus (Fig. 3B View Figure 3 ).

Female. (Unknown).

Abbreviations: ae: aedeagus (phallus); cer: cercus; hyp: hypandrium; hypp: hypandrial projection; lel: left epandrial lamella; ls: left surstylus; rel: right epandrial lamella; rs: right surstylus.















