Eustroma Hübner

CHOI, SEI-WOONG, 2001, Phylogeny of Eulithis Hübner and Related Genera (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), with an Implication of Wing Pattern Evolution, American Museum Novitates 3318, pp. 1-40 : 32-33

publication ID 10.1206/0003-0082(2001)318<0001:POEHBA>2.0.CO;2

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scientific name

Eustroma Hübner


Eustroma Hübner View in CoL

Figures 8A, D View Fig , 10D View Fig , 13C View Fig , 14A View Fig

Eustroma Hübner, 1816 , Verz. Bekannter Schmett.: 335. Type species: Geometra reticulata [Denis and Schiffermüller], 1775, Ankündung syst. Werkes Schmett. Wienergegend: 114, by subsequent designation (Warren, 1893, Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1893: 335).

DIAGNOSIS: Members of the genus have filiform antennae in both sexes, but bipectinate male antennae in several species (e.g., E. elistum , E. promachum ). Sexual tufts are present on the underside of male forewing. Forewing is brownish, with white or yellowish transverse lines toward the termen; ante­ and postmedial lines form a central fascia, but the size of fascia is variable. Hindwing is lighter in color than forewing, often orange (e.g., E. aurantiarium ); and termen with waved medial and subterminal lines. The male genitalia (figs. 10D, 13C) are similar to Eulithis , but differ in the juxta­anellus lobe complex and the less developed cornutus on the vesica. The female genitalia (fig. 14A) are distinguished by having a funnel­shaped antrum, a moderate, membranous ductus bursae with a colliculum, and long, patchlike signa of the corpus bursae.

BIOLOGY: Larvae of E. reticulatum feed on Impatiens ( Balsaminaceae ) in England (Skinner, 1984). Sato and Nakajima (1987) noted that E. melancholicum was reared on Vitis ( Vitaceae ).

DISTRIBUTION: The genus Eustroma is northern Oriental and Palearctic in distribution. Many species occur exclusively in the Oriental region: northern India, southwestern China, and Taiwan ( aurantiarium , aurigenum, elistum , chalcopterum, hampsoni , promachum , changi ). E. melancholicum occurs from northern India to Japan, and E. reticulatum occurs in all parts of the Palearctic, from Europe to the Far East.

DISCUSSION: The monophyly of Eustroma is supported (fig. 18, node 53) by several synapomorphies: frons with distinct marginal scales, dorsa of head, thorax, and abdomen with parallel white lines, foreleg tibial joints distinct, with white scales, distal end of valva vertical, and the signum arranged in a minute circle. Species relationships of Eustroma are well resolved. E. aerosum and E. japonicum form the sister group of E. melancholicum . These three species are known from Asia. E. reticulatum occurs widely throughout the Old World and is similar to E. aerosum in the forewing patterns and the presence of a sexual marking in the fore­ and hindwing. This species differs from E. aerosum in characters of the male genitalia, particularly the vesica.

Members of Eustroma can be divided into three subgroups based on the wing patterns: reticulatum group, melancholicum group, and elistum group. The first two groups are similar in the male and female genitalia, and the third group is distinguished by the large anellus lobe of the male genitalia. The wing pattern of each group shows resemblances with the relatives: the reticulatum group with Evecliptopera ; the elistum group with Lobogonodes ; and the melancholicum group with Ecliptopera . This suggests that each wing pattern has also evolved independently within the Cidariini . Two species of reticulatum group, aerosum and japonicum , have spines on the juxta, a feature that also occurs in Hysterura Warren. The present cladistic study using four species has revealed two limitations: the basal clade supported by homoplasious characters, and taxon sampling. Due to the recognition of three species­groups in Eustroma , future phylogenetic studies will be needed to test the monophyly and recover more detailed relationships among the species.

SPECIES INCLUDED (* indicates unexamined taxon):

reticulatum group

aerosum (Butler, 1878)

changi Inoue, 1986

hampsoni Prout, 1958

inextricatum (Walker, 1866)

japonicum Inoue, 1986

mixtilineatum (Hampson, 1895) NEW COMBINATION reticulatum ([Denis and Schiffermüller], 1775) ssp. dictyotum (Prout, 1937)

*ssp. obsoletum Diakonoff, 1929

elistum group

aurigenum (Butler, 1880)

chalcopterum (Hampson, 1895)

elistum Prout, 1940

melancholicum group

aurantiarium (Moore, 1868)

melancholicum (Butler, 1878)

= venulatum (Oberthür, 1880) NEW SYNONYMY ssp. venipictum Warren, 1893

ssp. brunnearium Leech, 1897

= interruptum (Wileman, 1911) NEW SYNONYMY promachum Prout, 1940


* mardinatum Staudinger, 1895 ( Lygris )


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