Lobogonodes Bastelberger, 1909

CHOI, SEI-WOONG, 2001, Phylogeny of Eulithis Hübner and Related Genera (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), with an Implication of Wing Pattern Evolution, American Museum Novitates 3318, pp. 1-40 : 33-34

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1206/0003-0082(2001)318<0001:POEHBA>2.0.CO;2

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scientific name

Lobogonodes Bastelberger


Lobogonodes Bastelberger View in CoL

Figures 2B View Fig , 12A View Fig

Lobogonodes Bastelberger, 1909 , Dt. Entomol. Z. Iris 22: 168. Type species: Hypenorhynchus permarmorata Bastelberger, 1909 , Entomol. Z. Frankf. M. 23: 34, by original designation.

Microlygris Prout, 1914, Gross­Schmett. 4: 207. Type species: Cidaria multistriata Butler, 1889, Illust. typical specimens in Lepid. Heterocera Coll. Br. Mus. 7: 24, 119, pl. 137, fig. 21, by original designation. NEW SYNONYMY

DIAGNOSIS: Species of Lobogonodes are distinguished by the long labial palp, the brownish wings with many transverse lines in both fore­ and hindwings, the medially projected transverse lines, and the distinct discoidal dot and black, triangular marking between antemedial and postmedial lines (fig. 2B). They are similar to Eustroma in wing pattern, but differ in the direction of transverse lines toward the inner margin, the pattern of the hindwing, and the presence of a saccus process in the male genitalia. The male genitalia (fig. 12A) are distinguished by the bilobed apical part of the anellus lobe, the U­shaped connection between anellus lobe and juxta, the medially strongly projected saccus with a large process, the distally wider valva, and the membranous vesica without cornutus. Female genitalia are variable within the genus (based on L. multistriata and L. permarmorata ): antrum straight or funnel­shaped; colliculum present; length of ductus bursae moderate to very long, twice the length of seventh segment; and signum in corpus bursae comprising small dots arranged in a circle with one large dot, or one dot.

BIOLOGY: Sato and Nakajima (1987) noted that L. erectaria feeds on Hydrangea ( Saxifragaceae ) and L. complicata on Parthenocissus ( Vitaceae ).

DISTRIBUTION: Members of the genus are Asian. Two species are known from northern India ( porphyriata , multistriata ) and three species are from Taiwan ( permarmorata , taiwana , complicata ). Three species, multistriata , erectaria , and complicata , occur in Korea, Japan, and south Primorye.

DISCUSSION: The apomorphic characters of L. multistriata in the present study are the frons with uniform scales, the dorsa of head, thorax and abdomen with distinct parallel, white lines, the foreleg without distinct joints, the wing pattern with lines, the termen of the hindwing same as the rest of the wing, the large saccus process, the short anellus lobe hairs, and the absence of a cornutus. Prout (1937–38) divided the genus Lobogonodes into two groups, Microlygris Prout and Lobogonodes , based on the presence of hair pencils under the male forewing and the state of vein M 1. Since Prout, these two subgroups have been treated as separate genera (e.g., Inoue, 1992; Xue and Zhu, 1999). The character, presence of hair pencils, is a good diagnostic character at the species level, but is often inconsistent in the generic level (e.g., Antepirrhoe ). Thus, grouping based on this character is unreliable.

The morphological characters of Lobogonodes permarmorata are distinct from L. multistriata in the dentate lines of forewing, the absence of sexual tufts, and the shape of the female genitalia. However, most species of Lobogonodes and Microlygris sensu Inoue (1992) are indistinguishable in wing pattern and male genitalia. Thus, I synonymize Microlygris with Lobogonodes .


complicata (Butler, 1879) NEW COMBINATION

ssp. dactylotypa Prout, 1940 NEW COMBINATION erectaria (Leech, 1897)

multistriata (Butler, 1889) NEW COMBINATION

= tensa Prout, 1940 NEW SYNONYMY

= athernia Prout, 1937 NEW SYNONYMY

= clasis Prout, 1937 NEW SYNONYMY permarmorata (Bastelberger, 1909)

porphyriata (Moore, 1888)

taiwana (Wileman and South, 1917)


University of Newcastle











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