Entomobrya guacimarae, Baquero & Jordana, 2018

Baquero, Enrique & Jordana, Rafael, 2018, Entomobrya (Collembola, Entomobryidae) for the Canary Islands, Zootaxa 4461 (2), pp. 151-195 : 174-176

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Plazi (2018-10-12 09:30:09, last updated 2024-11-28 22:42:46)

scientific name

Entomobrya guacimarae

sp. nov.

Entomobrya guacimarae View in CoL sp. nov.


Figs 2H View FIGURE 2 –H’, 4J–J’’, 12A–G, Table 2

Type material. Holotype: female on slide, SPAIN, Canary Islands, La Laguna , meadows, 25.V.1972, 160/84–01, coordinates 28.49329°N, 16.30695°W, 576 m a.s.l., (Loc. 33) A. Fjellberg leg. ( MZLU-VAR00001422 ) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: A. Fjellberg leg.: same data as Holotype, one female on slide ( MZLU-VAR00001431 ), eight specimens in ethyl alcohol ( MZLU-VAR00001423 to MZLU-VAR00001430 ) GoogleMaps

Additional material: Aguamansa, under stones, 7.IV.1972, coordinates 28.41538°N, 16.42589°W, 1400 m a.s.l., (Loc. 31) one female on slide (MZLU-VAR00001401) and two specimens in ethyl alcohol (MZLU-VAR00001402 and MZLU-VAR00001403); Monte de las Mercedes, in vegetation laurisilva (sweep net), 17.IV.1972, coordinates 28.52536°N, 16.28899°W, 725 m a.s.l., (Loc. 37) three females (MZLU-VAR00001404, MZLU-VAR00001419 and MZLU-VAR00001420) and three juveniles (MZLU-VAR00001417, MZLU-VAR00001418 and MZLU-VAR00001421) on slide and 12 specimens in ethyl alcohol (MZLU-VAR00001405 to MZLU-VAR00001416); Monte de las Mercedes, Casa Forestal, laurisilva, 1.VIII.1987, 039/87-03, coordinates 28.54201°N, 16.22956°W, 860 m a.s.l., (Loc. 37) two females on slide (MZLU-VAR00001514 and MZLU-VAR00001519) and 6 specimens in ethyl alcohol, four in laurisilva (MZLU-VAR00001515 to MZLU-VAR00001518) and two in rotten bark of a fallen tree (MZLU-VAR00001520 and MZLU-VAR00001521); Anaga, Solis, moss/bark, conifers, 26.VII.1987, 036/87-02, coordinates 28.53972°N, 16.32142°W, 750 m a.s.l., (Loc. 40) one female on slide (MZLU-VAR00001513); Anaga, Pico del Inglés, in vegetation, 7.VIII.1987, coordinates 28.5 3431°N, 16.26526°W, 950 m a.s.l., (Loc. 39) one female on slide (MZLU-VAR00001522) and 15 specimens in ethyl alcohol (MZLU-VAR00001523 to 00001537); Anaga, Cruz del Carmen, laurisilva, 8.VIII.1987, 052a/87, coordinates 28.5 3361°N, 16.28236°W, 930 m a.s.l., (Loc. 38) two females on slide (MZLU-VAR00001538 and MZLU-VAR00001539) and 40 specimens in ethyl alcohol (MZLU-VAR00001540 to MZLU-VAR00001579); Anaga, Las Bodegas, moss/grass, dry ridge, 15.X.1987, 155/ 87-4, coordinates 28.56345°N, 16.15611°W, 590 m a.s.l., (Loc. 46) one female on slide (MZLU-VAR00001580). Paratypes W.N. Ellis leg., Las Lagunetas, 26.I.1984, coordinates 28.41538°N, 16.42589°W, 1400 m a.s.l., (Loc. 31) one female on slide (MZLU-VAR00001432) and 20 specimens in ethyl alcohol (MZLU-VAR00001433 to MZLU-VAR00001452); Anaga, El Bailadero, 1.II.1983, unknown coordinates, one female (MZLU-VAR00001453) and one male (MZLU-VAR00001462) on slide and eight specimens in ethyl alcohol (MZLU-VAR00001454 to MZLU-VAR00001461); Taganana, 2 km S, 30.III.1984, unknown coordinates, 49 5–800 m a.s.l. approximately, one female on slide (MZLU-VAR00001463) and 17 specimens in ethyl alcohol (MZLU-VAR00001464 to MZLU-VAR00001480); Las Lagunetas, 6.IV.1984, 12 km SW, coordinates 28.41538°N, 16.42589°W, 1400 m a.s.l., (Loc. 31) two females (MZLU-VAR00001481 and MZLU-VAR00001482) and 30 specimens in ethyl alcohol (MZLU-VAR00001483 to MZLU-VAR00001512).

Description. Body length up to 2.70 mm, excluding antennae (Holotype: 2.00 mm; average: 2.09 mm, n = 12). Ground colour whitish, with specimens almost without pigment (only pale blue in dorsolateral patches from Abd I to Abd V), others almost totally pigmented ( Figs 3A View FIGURE 3 –A’) and intermediate. Antennae always well pigmented (Ant I–II with absence of pigment in the specimens less pigmented) ( Figs 2H View FIGURE 2 , 4J View FIGURE 4 ).

Head. Eight eyes, GH smaller than EF. Antennae length 1.33 mm (n = 10), 2.83 times the length of the head; Ant IV with apical vesicle bilobed; relative length of Ant I/II/III/IV = 1/1.80/1.81/2.35 (n = 10). Prelabral chaetae ciliated. Labral papillae smooth or slightly accuminated ( Fig. 12E View FIGURE 12 ). Lateral process of labial papilla E a little shorter than the papilla end.

Body. Length ratio of Abd IV/III = 4.70 (n = 12). Trochanteral organ with approximately 25 chaetae. Tibiotarsus not sub-segmented, without smooth chaetae, except for smooth terminal chaeta on legs III. Claw with four teeth: paired at 50% and first unpaired at 75% from basis; dorsal tooth basal ( Fig. 12F View FIGURE 12 ). Empodium lanceolate, with smooth external lamella in leg III (ciliated the posterior lamella). Tenent hair clavate. Length of manubrium and dens 0.43 and 0.58 mm, respectively (n = 5). Manubrial plate with 5–8 chaetae and two pseudopores. Mucro with teeth similar in size, mucronal spine reaching tip of subapical tooth ( Fig. 12G View FIGURE 12 ).

Macrochaetotaxy ( Figs 12A–D View FIGURE 12 ). Simplified Mc formula: 4-3-0-3-2/2-4/2-4/1-2-1/0-4(3)-3-2-2. Head: four Mc An on H1 area (An2, An2e,An3a1 and An3), three Mc (A5, A6 andA7) present on area H2; three Mc on Area H4 (S1, S3 and S4) and with Ps2 and Ps5 on Area H5. Mesothorax: area T1 with two Mc (m1 and m 2i); T2 with four Mc (a5, m4, m 4i, and m5; a5’ as mes is present in 30% of the specimens). Abdomen: Abd II area A1 with two Mc (a2 and a3), area A2 with four Mc (m3, m3ep, m3e or m3ea and m3eai); Abd III with one Mc each on areas A3 (a1) and A5 (m3) (m3e as mc in one specimen of 19) and two on A4 (a2 and a3); Abd IV with 3–4 Mc on A7 (A3, B2 and B3 always present, A2 absent in half of the studied specimens), three Mc on A8 (A4, B4 and C2a), and two Mc on A9 (A5 and B5) and A10 (A6 and B6).

Ecology. Found in meadows, vegetation in laurisilva, under stones, moss and bark in conifer forests.

Etymology. Guacimara was a princess of Anaga, daughter of Beneharo II.

Remarks. If the macrochaetotaxy of Th II and Abd II–III is considered simultaneously, only E. arvensis and E. palmensis among previously described species share this chaetotaxy and two new species described in this paper ( E. atteneri sp. nov. and E. airami sp. nov.). In addition to the differences in colour, five characters (as shown in Table 2) separate the sp. nov. from the others: The chaetotaxy of the head (H1 and H2 areas of E. arvensis , H4 and H5 areas of E. palmensis , H1 and H4 of E. airami sp. nov. and H1 of E. atteneri sp. nov.); E. arvensis is also separated by spinulate labral papilla, eyes G&H similar in size than E&F, and A7 area of Abd IV without Mc; E. palmensis is separated by the presence of 3-2 Mc on areas A6 and A7 and serrate external lamella of empodium; E. airami is differentiated by the lateral process of labial papilla E that reaches to 1/3 of the papilla end, empodium serrate and A6 area on AbdIV with 2 Mc; E. atteneri sp. nov. is separated by the lateral process of labial papilla E that reaches to the papilla end, empodium serrate and ratio Abd IV/Abd III <4.

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FIGURE 2. Entomobrya habitus: A, E. achuteygai sp. nov.; B and B’, E. airami sp. nov. from La Palma; B’’, E. airami sp. nov. from Tenerife; C, E. amelahuigei sp. nov. (C’ dark form); D, E. atteneri sp. nov. (D’ dark form, D’’, clear form); E, E. fainae sp. nov. (E’ paler form); F, E. gazmirae sp. nov. (in small size intermediate colorations); G, E. grimanesae sp. nov. (G’ dark form); H, E. guacimarae sp. nov. (H’ paler form; in small size intermediate colorations). Bar = 0.5 mm.

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FIGURE 3. Entomobrya habitus: A, E. guayarminae sp. nov.; B, E. icoae sp. nov. (at left AbdII–IV with a darker pattern); C– D’, E. irayae sp. nov. C, clear form, D–D’ dark form; D’’ E. naziridisi; E, E. multifasciata (E’ dark form); F, E. nairae sp. nov.; F’ E. nevadensis; G, E. nigrocincta, male (G’ female); H, E. palmensis; I, E. cf. quiquelineata; J, E. unostrigata. Bar = 0.5 mm.

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FIGURE 4. Entomobrya colouration pattern: A, E. achuteygai sp. nov.; B, E. airami sp. nov.; C, E. amelahuigei sp. nov. (C’. E. amelahuigei sp. nov., dark form); D, E. atteneri sp. nov.; E, E. nairae sp. nov.; F, E. atteneri sp. nov. (clear form); G; E. fainae sp. nov. (G’, E. fainae sp. nov., dark form); H, E. gazmirae sp. nov.; I, E. grimanesae sp. nov. (I’, E. grimanesae sp. nov., dark form); J, E. guacimarae sp. nov. (J’, intermediate colour form; J’’, pale form); K, E. guayarminae sp. nov.; L, E. icoae sp. nov.; M, E. irayae sp. nov.; N, E. multifasciata; O, E. nigrocincta male (O’, female); P, E. palmensis; Q, E. cf. quinquelineata; R, E. irayae sp. nov. dark form; S, E. unostrigata. Bar = 0.5 mm.

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FIGURE 12. E. guacimarae sp. nov.: A, head chaetotaxy; B, Th II chaetotaxy; C, Abd II–III chaetotaxy; D, Abd IV chaetotaxy; E, labral papillae; F, claw and empodium of leg III; G, tip of dens and mucro (bar for E, F and G = 0.025 mm).