Parathlasia Li, Jiang, Li & Xing, 2023

Li, Yu-Jian, Jiang, Li-Na, Li, Zi-Zhong & Xing, Ji-Chun, 2023, Parathlasia gen. nov. (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Ledrinae, Ledrini), a new leafhopper genus from Guizhou, China, ZooKeys 1138, pp. 175-182 : 175

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scientific name

Parathlasia Li, Jiang, Li & Xing

gen. nov.

Parathlasia Li, Jiang, Li & Xing gen. nov.

Figures 1 View Figure 1 , 2 View Figure 2 , 3 View Figure 3

Type species.

Parathlasia guizhouensis Li, Jiang, Li & Xing, sp. nov.


Medium-sized, 7.5-8.0 mm long (including tegmen); yellowish to sordid brown. Head (Fig. 1A, B View Figure 1 ) with crown declivous, in dorsal view nearly twice as long and five times wider than eye; median carina complete but weakly elevated, weakly concave either side of midline, with some granular protuberances; ocelli (Fig. 1A View Figure 1 ) submarginal and close to posterior margin, closer to midline than corresponding eyes. Face (Fig. 1C View Figure 1 ) including eyes shorter than wide; frontoclypeus flattened. Pronotum slightly wider than head with anterior margin slightly convex, lateral margins oblique, slightly divergent posteriorly. Metanotum (Fig. 1A View Figure 1 ) two-thirds length of pronotum with distinct transverse depression. Forewing (Fig. 1A, B, D View Figure 1 ) with apical margin strongly oblique, three subapical cells, inner subapical open, middle subapical closed, extra apical cells present; appendix very narrow. Hind leg as in Fig. 1F, H View Figure 1 .

Male pygofer (Fig. 2A, E View Figure 2 ) with long ventrocaudal process; with some small stout setae subapically. Xth segment very short. Subgenital plates (Fig. 2A, H View Figure 2 ) fused basally, elongate, inner margin with short spine-like setae. Aedeagus (Fig. 2B, C, F, I View Figure 2 ) with shaft somewhat elongate, tubular, curved dorsally with a ventral medial process, gonopore apical on ventral surface; basal apodeme distinct. Style (Fig. 2C, D, F, I View Figure 2 ) elongate, apophysis curved ventrally, apex truncate. Connective (Fig. 2C, F, I View Figure 2 ) T-shaped.

Female unknown.


China (Guizhou) (Fig. 3 View Figure 3 ).


The name of the new genus refers to the similarity of the genus to Thlasia Germar externally.


The new genus is similar in appearance to Thlasia Germar, Midoria Kato and Yelahanka Viraktamath, Webb & Yeshwanth in its relatively small size with a short head and with similar extra apical forewing veins but lacking accessory cross veins. In addition, the oblique forewing apex in Parathlasia is also found in some species of Yelahanka (see Viraktamath et al. 2021) and long ventrocaudal pygofer process is found also in some species of Thlasia (see Zhang et al. 2004). It differs from these and other Ledrinae in having the aedeagus with a single ventral medial process (Fig. 2B, F View Figure 2 ); Midoria has paired ventral processes on the aedeagus ( Li and Li 2010, 2011).

The new genus also appears closely related to Parapetalocephala Kato. The main difference between Parathlasia and Parapetalocephala are the forewing veins which in the later genus are prominent (see Jones and Deitz 2009).