Moralesonia? frauenfeldii (Grunow) D. M. Williams, Ts. Georgiev, T. M. Schust. & C. E. Wetzel

Williams, David M., Georgiev, Tsvetoslav, Schuster, Tanja M. & Wetzel, Carlos E., 2024, The relationships of Eunotogramma frauenfeldii (Bacillariophyta) I. An account of its structure and description of the new genus Moralesonia, Plant Ecology and Evolution 157 (3), pp. 270-290 : 270-290

publication ID 10.5091/plecevo.121829


persistent identifier

treatment provided by

by Pensoft

scientific name

Moralesonia? frauenfeldii


Moralesonia? frauenfeldii

Figs 9 J View Figure 9 , 10 View Figure 10

Analysed material.

MOZAMBIQUE • East Africa, Ibo; BM Adams TS 457! ( E. Leonard, no. 7); BM Adams TS 459! ( E. Leonard, two specimens) (figured in Desikachary 1988: pl. 583, figs 2–4, 6, 7); BM Adams F 16! (ex W. A. Firth) (figured in Desikachary 1988: pl. 583, fig. 1); BM Adams GC 1450! (ex W. A. Firth) (Fig. 9 J View Figure 9 ).

MAURITIUS • Rodriguez (Île Rodriguez); Stub NHM I 6 (see Fig. 10 A – F View Figure 10 ).


Valves lunate, occasionally fusiform, length 60–65 μm, width 20–25 μm, width ± constant, forming less convex ventral margin. Each valve with two transapical ribs dividing valve into three ± equal parts. Ribs evident externally by clear area, extending through to entire mantle, indicating it as part of valve. Internally raised by 2–3 μm tapering towards mantle edge. Areolae ± round, radiating from eccentric hyaline centre. Rimoportulae absent. Cribra detail not visible or preserved. Girdle unknown.


Bristol Museum


National University of Shandong


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


Goucher College


University of Nottingham