Amplirhagada intermedia, (SOLEM, 1981)

Köhler, Frank & Johnson, Michael S., 2012, Species limits in molecular phylogenies: a cautionary tale from Australian land snails (Camaenidae: Amplirhagada Iredale, 1933), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (Zool. J. Linn. Soc.) 165 (2), pp. 337-362 : 352-354

publication ID 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2011.00810.x


persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Amplirhagada intermedia



FIGURES 7I–P View Figure 7 , 14 View Figure 14 , 15 View Figure 15

Hadra (Hadra) imitata Smith, 1894: 92 View in CoL (partim).

Amplirhagada alta intermedia Solem, 1981: 270– 271 View in CoL , fig. 59e (partim).

Type locality: Western Australia, Kimberley, Bonaparte Archipelago, South Maret Island (~ 14°26′S, 124°59′E) GoogleMaps .

Material studied: Holotype WAM S14444 View Materials (dried, worn shell) . Non-type material. WAM S33003 View Materials , WAM S33005 View Materials -7 About WAM , WAM S33013 View Materials -4 About WAM , WAM S42939 View Materials -4 About WAM , AM C.470986-90 ( Table 1) .

Taxonomic remarks: Based on similar shells, Solem (1981) subsumed material from various places on remote islands and the mainland under one polytypic species, Amplirhagada alta . Next to the nominate form from Corneille Island, Admiralty Gulf, he assigned specimens from Crystal Creek, Mitchell species are island endemics with ranges smaller than 20 km in diameter ( Köhler, 2010a, 2011a, b), these localities are considerably distant from each other (e.g. Corneille Island – South Maret Island – 90 km, with several islands in between that harbour different species). Therefore, the three subspecies named by Solem (1981) are elevated to the rank of distinct species. They are probably restricted to the immediate vicinity of their respective type localities.

Plateau, Kimberley mainland, to A. alta crystalla Solem, 1981 and specimens from South Maret (type locality), North Maret, and East Montalivet Island to A. alta intermedia Solem, 1981 . As demonstrated herein, a similar shell does not necessarily indicate close relationships. Although most Amplirhagada Diagnosis: Shell ( Fig. 7I–P View Figure 7 ) variable in elevation and colour; broadly conical with low to moderately elevated spire; periphery rounded to slightly compressed ( Table 3). Teleoconch smooth with regular, faint axial growth lines only. Umbilicus 50–100% concealed by columellar reflection. Background colour and base crème, with well-developed brown subsutural and mid-whorl bands, rarely bands blending into each other, covering upper part of shell in brown suffusion; lip colour white ( Table 4). Aperture simple, slightly to well expanded, slightly reflected, with weak or wanting basal node. Genital anatomy ( Figs 14 View Figure 14 , 15 View Figure 15 ). Penis tubular, long, straight; vas deferens entering penial sheath near apical end, penial retractor muscle short; penial verge moderate in length (1/4 length of penial chamber), pointed; inner penial wall with narrow, rounded, regularly corrugated main pilaster, comprising more than posterior half of penial wall, segments resembling completely fused pustules, supporting two to three little hooks per segment; entire surface of inner penial wall with dense, elongated, rhomboid pustules. Vagina rather short (shorter than penis), inflated; bursa copulatrix moderately long, wide, extending to anterior end of spermoviduct, with weakly inflated head.

ferentiation in shells and genital anatomy, which is more or less consistent. Shells from Natfi Island much flatter with fewer whorls (similar to A. montalivetensis ). However, Natfi Island specimens not differentiated in genital anatomy or mitochondrial markers from topotypic specimens. Shell similar to A. turbinensis and A. berthierana , but penial wall anatomy different (see below).

Distribution: South Maret, North Maret, and Natfi Islands only ( Fig. 6 View Figure 6 ).


FIGURE 7T–U View Figure 7

Amplirhagada berthierana Köhler, 2010a: 244 View in CoL View Cited Treatment , figs 39–41.

Type locality ( Fig. 1): Western Australia, Kimberley, Bonaparte Archipelago, Berthier Island , 14°29′49″S, 124°59′34.1″E GoogleMaps .

Comparative remarks: Shell similarly variable in shape and colour as A. ambulator , but shell never beehive-shaped with whorls not as flattened in crosssection but more rounded, separated by deeper suture; differing from A. fitzpatricki by more conspicuous banding, absence of axial ribs. Present species particularly differing from the former species in inner penial wall structure. Supporting regular, dense pustulation. Considerable genetic structuring between North and South Maret Islands not accompanied by similar dif-

Material studied: Holotype WAM S34611 View Materials ( Fig. 7U View Figure 7 ) . Paratypes AM C.463754, WAM S33029 View Materials ( Table 1) .

Diagnosis: Shell ( Fig. 7T–U View Figure 7 ) globose to broadly conical with medium high spire, thick, periphery evenly rounded ( Table 3); background and ventral colour crème, with well-marked brown, sub-sutural, and mid-whorl bands; outer lip white; teleoconch with axial growth lines only. Umbilicus 50–80% concealed by columellar reflection ( Table 4). Aperture simple, slightly to well expanded, slightly reflected, with weak or wanting basal node. Genital anatomy. Penis inflated, moderately long, straight; vas deferens entering penial sheath apically, penial retractor muscle moderate in length; penial verge rather short (1/6 length of penial chamber), elongately rounded; inner penial wall with narrow, regularly corrugated main pilaster, tapering in prominence and thickness towards both ends; entire inner penial wall with dense, indistinct, small pustules. Vagina short (shorter than penis), inflated; bursa copulatrix moderately long, wide, extending to anterior end of spermoviduct, with weakly inflated head ( Köhler, 2010a).

Comparative remarks: Material studied here is topotypic. Large, almost globose shell not conspicuously differing from other species, such as A. ambulator or A. intermedia . However, penial charaters such as large, smooth, corrugated main pilaster and fine pustulation of entire penial wall are characteristic for only this species. Only in A. intermedia has the entire penial wall much larger, longer and rhomboid pustules.

Distribution: Berthier Island only ( Fig. 6 View Figure 6 ).


Western Australian Museum


Australian Museum














Amplirhagada intermedia

Köhler, Frank & Johnson, Michael S. 2012

Amplirhagada berthierana Köhler, 2010a: 244

Kohler F 2010: 244

Amplirhagada alta intermedia

Solem A 1981: 271

Hadra (Hadra) imitata

Smith EA 1894: 92
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