CYPERACEAE (Adams, 1992)

Baksh-Comeau, Yasmin S., Maharaj, Shobha S., Adams, Dennis, Harris, Stephen A., Filer, Denis L. & Hawthorne, William D., 2016, An annotated checklist of the vascular plants of Trinidad and Tobago with analysis of vegetation types and botanical ‘ hotspots’, Phytotaxa 250 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.250.1.1

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name



CYPERACEAE View in CoL View at ENA

Abildgaardia ovata (Burm.f.) Kral , Sida View in CoL 4: 72 (1971) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Open, sandy lawns and pastures and bare ground on dry, scrubby thickets above sea. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Bacolet, Eggers 5468 (K), Sandwith 1870 (K); Scarborough, Broadway s.n. (K), Broadway 4634 (F, K, MO, TRIN 23749), Broadway 9227 (BM, F, K, MO). TRINIDAD: St. Augustine, Adams 14158 (TRIN 21290); Pointe a Pierre, Kalloo 1620 (TRIN 30048). Global range: Widespread in the subtropics and tropics.

Becquerelia cymosa Brongn. View in CoL , in Duperrey, Voy. Monde, Phan. 161. t. 27 (1829) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Woodland islands in savanna, forest undergrowth, marsh forest. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: E Coast; NE Coast-Main Ridge F.R.; Trinidad: Arena-Cumuto; Arima Valley; Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Biche-Poole; Brasso Seco; Catshill-Basse Terre; Central Range; Cumaca; Grande Riviere-Matelot View in CoL ; Guanapo-Chaguaramal; Longdenville-Talparo; Maracas-Tucuche; Matura-Salybia; Rio Claro-Mayaro; Tucker-Mt.Catherine.

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RBS Vegetation Classes: (Sub-)Montane forest (Vegnum 1: 88% RBS samples; Vegnum 2: 38% RBS samples); Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 38% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Morne d’Or, Eggers 5837 (K); Pigeon Hill, Freeman & Williams s.n. (TRIN 11361); Menna, Broadway 4692 (BM, F, K, MO); Roxborough-Parlatuvier Road, Sandwith 1776 (K), Martyn s.n. (TRIN 14741); Roxborough-Bloody Bay Road, Baksh 378 (TRIN 24690). TRINIDAD: Maraval, Hart s.n. (F, TRIN 5363); Tucuche, Raynal 15725 (K, P, TRIN 21524); l’Orange Road, Broadway 5493 (BM, K, MO), Broadway 9228 (BM, K, MO); Arima Pass, Breedlove 19000 (MO); Arima-Blanchisseuse Road, Raynal 15658 (K), Robertson s.n. (TRIN 8177); Morne Bleu Ridge, Jermy 2843 (BM); Aripo, Dannouse s.n. (TRIN 23729); Aripo Savanna, Finlay s.n. (TRIN 3200), Adams 13503 (TRIN 20847); Cumuto, Broadway 7533. (BM, F), Broadway 6916 (BM); Long Stretch, Broadway s.n. (BM), Baker & Simmonds s.n. (TRIN 14087); Quare River, Broadway 7539 (BM); Hollis Reservoir, Philcox & Wood 7414 (K, TRIN 21569); Melajo Forest Reserve, Adams 14032 (TRIN 21328); Central Range Forest Reserve, Broadway 5188 (BM, F, MO); Tamana, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 23728). Global range: Central America (, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru.

Becquerelia tuberculata (Boeck.) H.Pfeiff., Repert. View in CoL Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 18: 379 (1922) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Open sandy savanna and in savanna woodland. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Aripo Savanna, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 602), [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 3199), Broadway s.n. (TRIN 5317), Broadway s.n. (F, TRIN 5332), Alexander s.n. (TRIN 5698), Freeman s.n. (TRIN 8052), Richardson 623 (K, TRIN 17684), Richardson 805 (K, TRIN 17667), Jermy 2301 (BM, MO), Adams 13493 (TRIN 20844); Long Stretch, Baker & Simmonds s.n. (TRIN 14105). Global range: Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Surinam, Brazil.

Bulbostylis capillaris (L.) Kunth ex C.B.Clarke, Fl. Brit. India 6: 652 (1893) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Gravelly open and disturbed sandy areas. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Galera Point, Adams 14196 (TRIN 21297). Global range: Widespread in Central and South America and the Caribbean.

Bulbostylis junciformis (Kunth) C.B.Clarke, Trans. Linn. Soc. London , ser. 2, 4: 512 (1895) Habit: Herb. Habitat: In open well drained stony or sandy savannas; Mauritia View in CoL palm swamps. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: St. Joseph Savanna, Crueger s.n. (TRIN 3283), Broadway s.n. (TRIN 9320), Broadway s.n. (TRIN 9684), Wright s.n. (TRIN 14164), Adams 13472 (K, TRIN 21055), Thomas 2481 (MICH, TRIN 24107); O’Meara Savanna, Adams 13428 (K, TRIN 29930), Ramcharan 82 (TRIN 22307); Erin Savanna, Dale s.n. (TRIN 14108), Richardson 709 (K, TRIN 160521), Purseglove P6510 (IJ, K, TRIN 18173, US), Philcox & Ramcharan 8161 (K, TRIN 23224). Global range: Greater Antilles, Mexico, Central America, Venezuela, Guianas, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay.

Bulbostylis tenuifolia (Rudge) J.F.Macbr., Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11: 5 (1931) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Sandy sites. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Kral (1998; Fl. Venez. Guayana 4: 510) reports this species from Trinidad. Global range: Greater Antilles, Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Peru.

Calyptrocarya glomerulata (Brongn.) Urban, Symb. Antill. View in CoL 2: 169 (1900) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Forest undergrowth; lowland to montane evergreen forests, along streams; marsh forest, palm marsh and disturbed ground. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Aripo Heights; Biche-Poole; Central Range; Longdenville-Talparo; Matura-Salybia; Mt.St.Benedict-Caura; P.O.S.-Santa Cruz; Rio Claro-Mayaro; SW Erin-Guapo; Sangre Grande-Valencia-Orop. RBS Vegetation Classes: (Sub-)Montane forest (Vegnum 2: 13% RBS samples); Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 16% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 5% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Forest Reserve, Caledonia, Broadway 3021 (MO), Broadway 4153 (BM, K, MO); Mt. St. George-Castara Road, Sandwith 1849 (K); Roxborough to Main Ridge Road, Clement & Ryves 343 (BM). TRINIDAD: Arima, Crueger 180 (TRIN 2219), Crueger s.n. (K), McLean s.n. (TRIN 23720); Arima, Davidse 2454 (MO); Aripo Road, Broadway 5405 (BM, F, MO), Broadway 6038 (BM, K); trail to Cerro del Aripo, Baksh 164 (TRIN 24691); Quare Road, Broadway 6672 (BM, K, MO); Quare River, Broadway 9368 (K); Hollis Reservoir, Adams 13584 (TRIN); Valencia, Philcox & Phillips 8348 (K, TRIN 29892); Aripo Savanna, Adams 13505 (K, TRIN 20854); Long Stretch, Broadway 6797 (BM, F, K, MO), Baker & Simmonds s.n. (TRIN 14110); Valencia Forest Reserve, Philcox 7670 (K, TRIN 21570); Valencia to Sangre Grande View in CoL , Raynal 15567 (P, TRIN 21550); Sangre Grande View in CoL , Britton & Hazen 368 (K), Broadway 5699 (BM, F, K, MO), Broadway 9838 (BM, K, MO), Comeau 1072 (TRIN 29773); Melajo Forest Reserve, Adams 14035 (K, TRIN 21329); Matura, Adams 14344 (TRIN 21792); Chaguanas, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 3198). Global range: Southern Mexico, Central America,


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Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay.

Cyperus aggregatus (Willd.) Endl., Cat. Horti Vindob. View in CoL 1: 93 (1842) Syn: Mariscus flavus Vahl Habit View in CoL : Herb. Habitat: Open stony savannas. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Piarco and the Airport, Davidse 2527 (MO); O’Meara Savanna, Adams 13409 (TRIN 20862); Erin Savanna, Richardson 715 (TRIN 16037), Richardson 948 (TRIN 16320); Icacos, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 23757). Global range: Widespread in Central and South America and the Caribbean.

Cyperus alternifolius View in CoL L., Mant. Pl. 28 (1767) Exotic.

Cyperus articulatus L., Sp. Pl. 44 (1753) Habit: Herb. Habitat: In swamp margins, shallow marshes and low-lying pastures, tolerant of slightly brackish conditions. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Caroni. RBS Vegetation Classes: Swamp/marsh (Vegnum 11: 23% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Laventille, Alexander s.n. (TRIN 5967); San Juan, Rankin 305 (TRIN 21626); St. Augustine, Dale s.n. (TRIN 14679, TRIN 20420); Caroni Savanna, Crueger s.n. (K, TRIN 3298); Caroni Swamp, Bacon s.n. (TRIN 23237); Caroni River, Broadway 7477 (BM, K); Churchill-Roosevelt Highway, Davidse 2588 (MO); Point Lisas to Couva, Ramcharan 553 (TRIN 24211); Oropuche Lagoon, Finlay s.n. (TRIN 2082); St. John’s Village, Ramcharan 523 (TRIN 24180); San Jose Lagoon, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 23731); Roussillac Swamp, Ramcharan 457 (TRIN 23133); Icacos Road, Philcox & Gillies 8296 (K, TRIN 29893); Icacos Point, Barnard et al. 163 (RNG); Nariva Swamp, Philcox & Ramcharan 8176 (K, TRIN 23236). Global range: Widespread in the subtropics and tropics.

Cyperus compressus L., Sp. Pl. 46 (1753) Habit: Herb. Habitat: A weed of open sandy pastures, roadsides and waste places, disturbed areas. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Goodwood, Baksh 455 (TRIN 24643); Louis d’Or Bay, Baksh 611 (TRIN 24665); Mount St. George, Clement & Ryves 208 (BM). TRINIDAD: Aripo Savanna, Adams 13752 (TRIN 20834); Waller Field, Adams 13622 (TRIN); Carli Bay, Ramcharan 614 (TRIN 24187); San Fernando, Broadway 8981 (BM); Oropuche Swamp, Ramcharan 625 (TRIN 24179); Cedros, Finlay s.n. (TRIN 2101); Guayaguayare, Adams 13643 (TRIN 20825). Global range: Widespread in the tropics and subtropics.

Cyperus confertus Sw., Prodr. 20 (1788) Habit: Herb. Habitat: A weed of pastures and waste places. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Little Tobago, Purseglove P6350 (K, TRIN 17412). Global range: Greater Antilles, Virgin Islands, Lesser Antilles, Colombia, Venezuela.

Cyperus cyperoides (L.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 3: 333 (1898) Syn: Cyperus sublimis (C.B.Clarke) Dandy ; Mariscus sublimis C.B.Clarke ; Mariscus sumatrensis (Retz.) J.Raynal. Exotic.

Cyperus digitatus Roxb., Fl. Ind. View in CoL 1: 209 (1820) Syn.: Cyperus elatus sensu Hart View in CoL , Cyperus trinidadensis Boeck. Habit View in CoL : Herb. Habitat: Adventive of ditches, wet fields and pond margins, sometimes gregarious in swamps. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: SW Coastal. RBS Vegetation Classes: Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 8: 20% RBS samples) Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: San Juan, Rankin 424 (TRIN 21623); St. Augustine, Ramkissoon s.n. (TRIN 22026); Caroni Savanna, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 4196); Chaguanas, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 4182); Point Lisas to Couva, Ramcharan 562 (TRIN 24206); Bonaventure, Finlay s.n. (TRIN 2096); San Fernando, Broadway 5629 (BM, K); Nariva Swamp, Vesey-Fitzgerald 4213 (BM), Ramcharan 235 (TRIN 21634). Global range: Pantropical.

Cyperus distans View in CoL L.f., Suppl. Pl. 103 (1782) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Damp sandy shaded places and waste ground, disturbed areas associated with savannas. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Bacolet Estate, Purseglove s.n. (K, TRIN 13700); Charlotteville, Baksh 304 (TRIN 24693); Old Providence Road, Baksh 475 (TRIN 24655). TRINIDAD:Maraval, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 2080); Ortinola, Adams 14556 (TRIN 24128); St. Joseph, Hosein s.n. (TRIN 20534); St. Augustine, Dale s.n. (TRIN 14095); Tunapuna, Adams 13788 (TRIN). Global range: Widespread in the subtropics and tropics.

Cyperus elegans L., Sp. Pl. 45 (1753) Syn: Cyperus viscosus Sw. Habit : Herb. Habitat: In salt marshes and saline pastures. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Port of Spain, Broadway 1942 (E). Global range: Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Greater Antilles, Virgin Islands, Lesser Antilles, southern United States Florida,

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Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay.

Cyperus esculentus L. var. esculentus, Sp. Pl. 1: 45 (1753) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Sandy roadsides and cultivated land. IUCN: N/A. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: St. Joseph, Branker & Quan Soon s.n. (TRIN 24553), Harryram s.n. (TRIN 24554); St. Augustine, Ramkissoon s.n. (TRIN 24555). Global range: Widespread in the subtropics and tropics.

Cyperus esculentus L. var. macrostachyus Boeck., Linnaea 36: 291 (1870) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Sandy beaches. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Carli Bay, Ramcharan 567 (TRIN 24204). Global range: Greater Antilles, southern United States (Texas, Florida), Mexico, Central America, Ecuador, Argentina.

Cyperus giganteus Vahl, Enum. Pl. View in CoL 2: 364 (1805) Common name: Mota Grass. Habit View in CoL : Herb. Habitat: Permanent and seasonal deep or shallow swamps, sometimes forming large stands in herbaceous swamp. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Chaguanas-Couva; Nariva. RBS Vegetation Classes: Swamp/marsh (Vegnum 11: 15% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Oropuche Lagoon, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 603); Nariva Swamp, Marshall s.n. (TRIN 12350); Plum Mitan, Ramcharan 197 (TRIN 23125), Ramcharan 442 (TRIN 22119). Global range: Widespread in Central and South America and the Caribbean.

Cyperus haspan View in CoL L., Sp. Pl. 45 (1753) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Ditches and wet depressions, palm marsh and open savanna. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Piarco-Arima. RBS Vegetation Classes: Savanna/plantation (Vegnum 12: 33% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Caroni Savanna, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 4201); Piarco Savanna, Dale s.n. (TRIN 14678), Philcox & Stoelzel 8374 (K, TRIN 29888); Aripo Savanna, Richardson 828 (TRIN 17668), Adams 14566 (MICH, TRIN 24066); Long Stretch, Adams 14021 (TRIN 21344); Melajo Forest Reserve, Adams 14335 (TRIN 21799); Cunupia, Davidse 2607 (MO); Manzanilla-Mayaro Road, Rowlatt 1464 (F, TRIN 29933); Erin Savanna, Purseglove P6513 (IJ, K, NY, TRIN 18176); Icacos, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 2084, US). Global range: Widespread in the subtropics and tropics.

Cyperus imbricatus Retz., Observ. Bot. View in CoL 5: 12 (1788) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Low wet areas. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Caroni River, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 2090); San Fernando, Broadway 6417 (BM, K); Oropuche Lagoon, Raynal 15631 (K, P, TRIN 21546); Moruga River, Farrell s.n. (TRIN 29293). Global range: Widespread in the subtropics and tropics.

Cyperus iria View in CoL L., Sp. Pl. 45 (1753) Exotic.

Cyperus laxus Lam., Tabl. Encycl. , 1: 146 (1791) Syn: Cyperus diffusus Vahl Common Name : Corosil, Corosillo. Habit: Herb. Habitat: Garden weed, roadsides and forest margins in damp shady places. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: SW Icacos-Cedros; San Fernando. RBS Vegetation Classes: Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 7: 30% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Trafalgar, Martyn s.n. (TRIN 14739); Parlatuvier-Roxborough, Martyn s.n. (TRIN 14740); Castara, Baksh 275 (TRIN 24692); Plymouth to Les Coteaux Road, Baksh 623 (TRIN 24682); between Studley Park and Goodwood, Clement & Ryves 248 (BM). TRINIDAD: Port of Spain, Potter 5206 (K); Hololo Pass, St. Anns, Freeman s.n. (TRIN 7559); Cascade Valley, Wood 1722 (K); Maraval Valley, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 2081); Piedra Blanca, Adams 13687 (TRIN); St. Joseph, Hosein s.n. (TRIN 20532); St. Augustine, Purseglove P6201 (K, TRIN 15687), Adams 13517 (TRIN 20857); Caura, Broadway s.n. (K); Blanchisseuse to Morne Gasparee, Adams 13720 (TRIN 20839); Shark River, Broadway 9034 (BM, K); Salibea, Raynal 15560 (K, P, TRIN 21551); Upper Manzanilla, Davidse 2504 (MO); Chaguanas, Dannouse s.n. (TRIN 8261); Caparo Woods, Broadway 7932 (BM); Biche Road, Vesey-Fitzgerald 3573 (TRIN 23737); Nariva Swamp, Ramcharan 158 (TRIN 21647), Ramcharan 405 (TRIN 23732); Cedros, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 8550); Galfat, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 7380, BM). Global range: Greater Antilles, southern Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay.

Cyperus ligularis L., Syst. Nat. (ed.10) 2: 867 (1759) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Sandy waste places near the sea, marsh forest. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: SW Coastal; TRINIDAD: Nariva; North Central Coast; SW Erin-Guapo; SW Icacos-Cedros; Southern Watershed; Trinity Hills. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 4: 1% RBS samples; Vegnum 5: 6% RBS samples); Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 7: 40% RBS samples; Vegnum 8: 40% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Buccoo Bay, Purseglove P6267 (K, TRIN 17331); Roxborough, Broadway 4625 (BM, E); King’s Bay, Philcox & Raynal 7877 (K, TRIN


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21562). TRINIDAD: Chacachacare, Dale s.n. (TRIN 14669), Comeau 1396 (TRIN 32250); Santa Cruz Road, McLean s.n. (TRIN 23758); San Juan, Broadway 6375 (BM, K); St. Joseph, sine coll. (TRIN 3260); St. Augustine, Dale s.n. (TRIN 20417); Tunapuna, McLean s.n. (TRIN 23759); Aripo Savanna, Richardson 625 (K, TRIN 17679), Richardson 756 (K, TRIN 17680), Richardson 2002 (K, TRIN 17681); Valencia, Davidse 2493 (MO); Caroni Swamp, Vesey-Fitzgerald 3498 (TRIN 24026); Caroni Savanna, Dale s.n. (TRIN 14807); Manzanilla-Mayaro Road, Ramcharan 481 (TRIN 23126); Point Lisas to Couva, Ramcharan 548 (TRIN 24212); Point a Pierre, Finlay s.n. (TRIN 2102); Nariva Swamp, Ramcharan 152 (TRIN 21648); Pitch Lake, Freeman s.n. (TRIN 7552), Corsorphine & Corstorphine s.n. (BM), Shepherd & Holliday s.n. (TRIN 14638), Ross s.n. (A, K, TRIN 20029), Philcox 7792 (K, TRIN 21571); Guapo Beach, Williams s.n. (TRIN 23760); Ortoire Ferry, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 5745); Ortoire Bridge, Adams 13656 (K, TRIN 20826); Moruga, Broadway 2389 (E); Palo Seco Bay, Barnard et al. 64 (RNG); Erin Savanna (TRIN 14104); Cedros, King s.n. (TRIN 7206); Icacos, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 23761, Ramcharan 650 (TRIN 24177); Columbus Beach, Carrick 1080 (K); Soldado Rock, Farrell & Quesnel s.n. (TRIN 23161), Aitken s.n. (K, TRIN 18190). Global range: Widespread in the tropics and subtropics.

Cyperus luzulae (L.) Rottb. ex Retz., Observ. Bot. 4: 11 (1786) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides, in ditches in forest undergrowth, palm marsh. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Caroni; Princes Town; SW Erin-Guapo; SW Icacos-Cedros. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 3% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 1% RBS samples; Vegnum 5: 3% RBS samples); Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 7: 10% RBS samples); Swamp/marsh (Vegnum 11: 15% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Frenchfield, Eggers 5531 (K); Caledonia, Martyn s.n. (TRIN 14738); Bloody Bay-Roxborough, Purseglove P6344 (K, TRIN 17406), Barnard et al. 36A (TRIN 21703); Bloody Bay, Barnard et al. 1 (TRIN 21698); Roxborough-Parlatuvier Road, Cowan 1424 (TRIN 16328). TRINIDAD: St. Joseph, Purseglove P6095 (K, TRIN 5583), Purseglove P6174 (TRIN 15660); St. Augustine, Freeman s.n. (TRIN 9009), Dale s.n. (TRIN 20418); Guanapo Heights Road, Adams 13524 (TRIN 20855); Arima-Blanchisseuse Road, Raynal 15505 (P, TRIN 21547); Quare Forests, Broadway 6507 (K); Aripo Savanna, Richardson 622 (K, TRIN 17669), Vesey-Fitzgerald 4678 (BM); Melajo Forest Reserve, Adams 14038 (TRIN 21323); Chaguanas, sine coll. (TRIN 4210); Tabaquite-Rio Claro Road, Broadway 6339 (K); Sadhoo Trace, Vesey-Fitzgerald 3574 (TRIN 23735), Vesey-Fitzgerald 4665 (BM); Nariva Swamp, Ramcharan 245 (TRIN 21632); Ortoire Ferry, Fredholm s.n. (TRIN 5746); Pitch Hill, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 2093); Pitch Lake, Dale s.n. (TRIN 14097); Erin, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 7365); Cedros, King s.n. (TRIN 7221). Global range: Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, southern United States, Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina.

Cyperus mutisii (Kunth) Andersson , Galapagos Veg. 53 (1854) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Shady streamside. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Maraval, Broadway s.n. (K, TRIN 10528); between Arouca and Arima, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 1799); La Florisante, Dale s.n. (TRIN 14668); Spring Hill, Adams 13821 (TRIN). Global range: Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, French Guiana, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia.

Cyperus odoratus L. subsp. odoratus, Sp. Pl. 1: 46 (1753) Syn: Torulinium macrocephalum (Liebm.) C.B.Clarke ; Torulinium macrocephalum (Liebm.) C.B.Clarke var. davidsei C.D.Adams ; Torulinium macrocephalum (Liebm.) C.B.Clarke var. eggersii (Boeck.) C.D.Adams ; Torulinium odoratum (L.) S.S.Hooper subsp. odoratum Habit : Herb. Habitat: Damp grassy places. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: Scarborough-Plymouth; TRINIDAD: Caroni; NW Peninsular corner. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 5: 3% RBS samples); Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 8: 20% RBS samples); Swamp/marsh (Vegnum 11: 8% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: near Hillsborough Dam, Clement & Ryves 408 (BM, TRIN). TRINIDAD: St. Anns, Broadway 5194 (BM); Maracas Bay, Broadway 6076 (K); Ortinola, Adams 14555 (TRIN 24127); San Juan, Adams 13677 (TRIN 20828); St. Joseph, Purseglove P6047 (K, L, TRIN 15532); Tunapuna, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 7322); Caura Road, Adams 14001 (TRIN 22024); Spring Hill, Adams 13819 (TRIN 20850), Adams 13823 (K, TRIN 20849); Melajo Forest Reserve, Adams 14341 (TRIN 21790); San Rafael, Adams 14549 (TRIN 24130); Chaguanas, [Broadway s.n.] (TRIN 4212); Couva to Point Lisas, Ramcharan 572 (TRIN 24201); San Fernando, Broadway 7822 (BM); Upper Manzanilla, Davidse 2503 (MO); Nariva Swamp, Aitken 30 (K, TRIN 18625, US); Pitch Lake, Broadway 9016 (BM); between Guayaguayare and Moruga, Finlay s.n. (TRIN 2087); Cap de Ville to Erin, Broadway 2391 (E); Erin, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 7348); Cedros, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 29911); Icacos Point, Barnard et al. 154 (RNG). Global range: Widespread in the subtropics and tropics.

Cyperus papyrus L., Sp. Pl. 47 (1753) Exotic.

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Cyperus planifolius Rich., Actes Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris View in CoL 1: 106 (1792) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Upper strand of calcareous beaches. IUCN: NE. Star: BU. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Chaguanas-Couva; NW Peninsular corner. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 4: 1% RBS samples); Swamp/marsh (Vegnum 10: 33% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Little Tobago Island, Broadway 4903 (BM, K). Global range: Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Greater Antilles, Virgin Islands, Lesser Antilles, southern United States, Mexico, Central America, Venezuela, Brazil.

Cyperus rotundus View in CoL L., Sp. Pl. 1: 45. 1753) Common Name: Nutgrass. Exotic.

Cyperus simplex Kunth View in CoL , Nov. Gen. Sp. 1: 207 (1816) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Semi-cultivated land, roadsides and damp, shady undergrowth. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: NE Coast-Main Ridge F.R.; TRINIDAD: Arima Valley; Catshill-Basse Terre; Grande Riviere-Matelot View in CoL ; Mt.St.Benedict-Caura; North Central Coast; Southern Watershed; Tabaquite-Brickfield; Trinity Hills. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 4: 9% RBS samples; Vegnum 5: 14% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Mason Hall, Broadway 3039 (E, NY, US); Parlatuvier, Broadway 4604 (BM, E, GH, US); Belmont, Baksh 495 (TRIN 24642). TRINIDAD: Blue Basin, McLean s.n. (TRIN 7714); Santa Cruz, Dannouse s.n. (TRIN 8268); Maracas Falls, Broadway 7263 (BM, K), Shepherd s.n. (TRIN15718); Ortinola, Adams 14092 (TRIN 21326); Mt. St. Benedict, Raynal 15670 (K, P, TRIN 21548); Caura Road, Adams 13999 (K, TRIN 21922); Lopinot Valley, Dale s.n. (TRIN 14088); Lopinot to La Pastora, Adams 13783 (TRIN; Blanchisseuse to Morne Gasparee, Adams 13719 (TRIN 20841); San Rafael, Adams 14557 (TRIN 24129); San Fernando Hill, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 2083). Global range: Southern Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia.

Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb., Descr. Pl. Rar. 21 (1772) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Grassy roadsides, garden weed, disturbed open places, above high water mark on sandy beaches, palm marsh. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Southern Watershed. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 5: 3% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Indian Walk, Eggers 5941 (K); Studley Park, Broadway 4562 (BM, E); King’s Bay, Philcox & Raynal 7882 (K, TRIN 21553); Argyll Bay, Baksh 600 (TRIN 24699); Bloody Bay to Roxborough, Martyn s.n. (TRIN 14749); Bloody Bay, Barnard et al. 3 (TRIN 21700). RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Carenage, Kalloo B1561 (TRIN 29872); Queen’s Park Savanna, Broadway 5142 (BM); St. Anns Savanna, Finlay s.n. (TRIN 2097); St. Joseph, Purseglove P6095 (K, TRIN 15580), Purseglove P6175 (TRIN 15661); St. Augustine, Wright s.n. (TRIN 14162), Dale s.n. (TRIN 14086), Hosein s.n. (TRIN 20530), Cruikshank et al. s.n. (20356), Dingle 97 (TRIN 20161), Walsh-Kemmis s.n., (TRIN 20219), Adams 13519 (TRIN 20856); Arima-Blanchisseuse Road, Raynal 15663 (P, TRIN 21549); Piarco Savanna, Kalloo s.n. (TRIN 20259); Aripo Savanna, Richardson 774 (TRIN 17670); Mora forest, Broadway 7757 (BM); Arena Forests, Broadway 8964 (BM, K); Carli Bay, Ramcharan 6516 (TRIN 24191); San Fernando, Davidse 2577 (MO); La Brea, Barnard et al. 129 (RNG). Global range: Widespread in Central and South America and the Caribbean.

Cyperus surinamensis Rottb., Descr. Pl. Rar. 20 (1772) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Grassy places, often in sandy soil near the sea, garden weed, roadside, palm marsh. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: SW Coastal; TRINIDAD: Caroni; Chaguanas-Couva. RBS Vegetation Classes: Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 8: 20% RBS samples); Swamp/marsh (Vegnum 11: 15% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Bacolet, Eggers 5585 (K, US), Dale s.n. (TRIN 13664); Mason Hall, Philcox & Raynal 7861 (K, TRIN 21557); Moriah, Baksh 257 (TRIN 24694); Bloody Bay to Roxborough, Barnard et al. 36B (TRIN 21692); Crown Point, Clement & Ryves 94 (BM); Mt. St. George, Clement & Ryves 206 (BM). TRINIDAD: St. Joseph, Purseglove P6007 (K, TRIN 14592); St. Augustine, Freeman s.n. (TRIN 9011), Hosein s.n. (TRIN 20421), Dale s.n. (TRIN 20419), Adams 13520 (TRIN); Las Cuevas, Hart s.n. (TRIN 145); O’Meara Savanna, Ramcharan 49 (TRIN 22308), Ramcharan 71 (TRIN 22309); Arima, Dannouse s.n. (TRIN 8251); Aripo Savanna, Richardson 621 (TRIN 17671); Chaguanas, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 4211); Carli Bay, Ramcharan 615 (TRIN 24190); Nariva Swamp, Ramcharan 179 (TRIN 21643), Ramcharan 220 (TRIN 21639), Ramcharan 280 (TRIN 23169); La Brea, Dale s.n. (TRIN 14096), Adams 13570 (TRIN 20861); Moruga, Broadway 2388 (E), Baker s.n. (TRIN 14590); Siparia, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 23724); Cedros, King s.n. (TRIN 7227). Global range: Widespread in Central and South America and the Caribbean.

Cyperus thyrsiflorus Jungh., Linnaea View in CoL 6: 24 (1831) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Sandy cliff-bases, roadside banks and ditches. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Parlatuvier-Roxborough trail, Martyn s.n. (TRIN


Phytotaxa 250 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press • 173 14743); L’Anse Fourmi, Barnard et al. 49 (TRIN 21676); Merchiston Road, near King’s Bay Estate, Broadway 4533 (BM, E, GH, K, MO, NY, US); Little Tobago, Kalloo B1090 (TRIN 22589. TRINIDAD: Without locality, Fendler 892 (K); Maqueripe Bay, on sandy cliff-base, Adams 14131 with M. B. Kalloo (TRIN 21288); Morne Coco Road, Baker s.n. (TRIN 13665); Lopinot to La Pastora, roadside bank, Adams 13785 (K); Arima-Blanchisseuse Road, between Textel and Morne La Croix, roadside bank and ditch, Adams 13982 (K, TRIN 21293); Shark River Forests, road to Matelot via Toco, Broadway 9035 (BM, GH, K); La Retraite, Cedros, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 2091. Global range: Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay.

Diplacrum capitatum (Willd.) Boeck., Linnaea View in CoL 38: 435 (1874) Syn: Diplacrum longifolium (Griseb.) C.B.Clarke ex T.Durand & Schinz Habit View in CoL : Herb. Habitat: Forest streams and ditches, often in standing water; in savannas and palm marsh. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Aripo Savanna, Richardson 779 (K, TRIN 17673); Aripo Savanna, Adams 14573 (TRIN 24040), Baksh 551 (TRIN 24659); Valencia, Britton & Britton 2102 (K, TRIN 9506); Long Stretch, Broadway 6544 (BM, K, MO), Adams 14007 (K, TRIN 21343), Philcox & Stoelzel 8363 (K, TRIN 29889, via Valencia, Broadway 9325 (BM, K); Quare River Forests, Broadway 7544 (BM, K, MO); Mora Forest, Broadway View in CoL 7352 (BM, MO); Melajo Forest Reserve, Adams 14053 (TRIN 21325), Adams 14337 (TRIN 21800). Global range: Widespread in South America.

Diplasia karataefolia Rich., Syn. Pl. 1: 70 (1805) Common name: Go to Hell Grass. Habit: Herb. Habitat: Damp, low-lying parts of forest and open undergrowth, marsh forest. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Arena-Cumuto; Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Aripo Heights; Biche-Poole; Brasso Seco; Central Range; Grande Riviere-Matelot View in CoL ; Longdenville-Talparo; Matura-Salybia; Mt.St.Benedict-Caura; Nariva; Rampanalgas-Toco; SW Erin-Guapo; Tabaquite-Brickfield; Tucker-Mt.Catherine. RBS Vegetation Classes: (Sub-)Montane forest (Vegnum 2: 50% RBS samples); Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 29% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 5% RBS samples); Savanna/plantation (Vegnum 9: 14% RBS samples; Vegnum 12: 33% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Las Cuevas, Hart s.n. (TRIN 142); Maraval, Broadway 7929 (BM, MO); Hart’s Cut, Alexander s.n. (TRIN 6875); Cleaver Rock Road, Dale s.n. (TRIN 14100); Caroni River, Eggers 1447 (K); Arima, Davidse 2458 (MO); Arima, McLean s.n. (TRIN 23739), Broadway s.n. (TRIN 23738); L’Orange Road, Broadway s.n. (BM); between Arima and Aripo Savanna, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 5377); Arima, Britton et al. 595 (K, TRIN 9530); O’Meara Swamp, Ramcharan & Khan 465 (TRIN 23136); Aripo Savanna, Howard 10333 (BM), Adams 13515 (TRIN 20864), Baksh 546 (TRIN 24658); Long Stretch, Baker & Simmonds s.n. (TRIN 14093), Adams 14030 (TRIN 21322); Valencia to Sangre Grande View in CoL , Raynal 15566 (P, TRIN 21539); Sangre Grande View in CoL , Broadway 6105 (BM, K, MO); Matura Forest Reserve, Robertson et al. 8568 (TRIN); Chaguanas, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 3729), [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 3201); Arena Government Forests, Broadway s.n. (BM); Nariva Swamp, Adams 14261 (TRIN 22015). Global range: Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia.

Eleocharis confervoides (Poir.) Steud., Syn. Pl. Glumac. View in CoL 2: 82 (1855). Syn. Websteria confervoides (Poir.) S.S.Hooper. Habit View in CoL : Herb. Habitat: In ditches, ponds and in slow-moving deep or shallow fresh water, in pools in savannas. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Aripo Savanna, Richardson 864 (K, TRIN 17704), Richardson 2016 (TRIN 17702), Richardson 2023 (TRIN 17703), Johnson 766 (BM). Global range: Greater Antilles, Central America, Venezuela, Guyana, French Guiana, Ecuador.

Eleocharis elegans (Kunth) Roem. & Schult., Syst. Veg. View in CoL 2: 150 (1817) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Grassy swamps. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Caroni. RBS Vegetation Classes: Swamp/marsh (Vegnum 11: 8% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Churchill-Roosevelt Highway, Davidse 2586A (MO); Caroni Swamp, Raynal 15580 (P, TRIN 21538. Global range: Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina.

Eleocharis filiculmis Kunth, Enum. Pl. View in CoL 2: 144 (1837) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Wet ground, stream and pondsides, ditches in savanna, palm marsh. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Maracas Falls, Baker s.n. (TRIN 15049); Piarco Savanna, Broadway 9083 (BM, K), Broadway 9329 (BM, K), Dale s.n. (TRIN 14671); road to Aripo Savanna, Hunter s.n. (TRIN 12658), Broadway 9024 (BM, F, K, MO); Aripo Savanna, Simmonds s.n. (K, TRIN 14869), Richardson 782 (K, TRIN 17674), Cumuto, Broadway 6488 (K); Cumuto, Adams 13765 (K, TRIN 20838); Waller Field, Adams 13612 (K, TRIN 20823); Valencia, Davidse 2482 (MO); Long Stretch, Broadway 5484 (BM), Broadway 9324 (BM, K); Guanapo, McLean s.n. (TRIN 23740); Mora Forest, Broadway View in CoL 7351 (BM, K); Icacos Savanna, Finlay s.n. (TRIN 2076). Global range: Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Mexico,

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Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina.

Eleocharis geniculata (L.) Roem. & Schult., Syst. Veg. 2: 150 (1817) Habit: Herb. Habitat: In open sandy flat ground and pockets of humus; in spray under waterfalls; open savanna. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Nariva. RBS Vegetation Classes: Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 7: 10% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Crown Point, Clement & Ryves 93 (BM). TRINIDAD: Scotland Bay, Adams 14109 (TRIN 21347), Philcox 8185 (K, TRIN 23232), Adams 14659 (TRIN 24085); Maracas Falls, [Crueger s.n.] (TRIN 3278), Crueger 110 (TRIN 3274), Finlay s.n. (TRIN 3207), Broadway 5365 (BM), Simmonds s.n. (K, TRIN 15407), Philcox & Wood 7462 (K, TRIN 21565), Philcox & Andrews 7751 (K, TRIN 21564); Aripo Savanna, Philcox 8220 (K, TRIN 23212); Long Stretch, Adams 14028 (TRIN 21300); Chaguanas Road, Kalloo B897 (TRIN 22233); Guanapo, McLean s.n. (TRIN 23741); Matura Forest Reserve, Philcox 8073 (K, TRIN 23219); San Fernando Hill, Comeau 1068 (TRIN 29748); Oropuche Swamp, Ramcharan 621 (TRIN 24183); Forest Reserve, Adams 14116 (TRIN 21296); Manzanilla, Britton s.n. (TRIN 9712, Broadway 5611 (BM, K); San Jose Lagoon, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 23742); Windbelt Forest Reserve, Baker & Simmonds s.n. (K, TRIN 15052); Nariva Swamp, Ramcharan 240 (TRIN 21630); Guayaguayare, Barnard et al. 278 (RNG). Global range: Widespread in the subtropics and tropics.

Eleocharis interstincta (Vahl) Roem. & Schult., Syst. Veg. (ed. 15) 2: 149 (1817) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Damp open savanna, ditches, swamps, ponds, boggy pastures and standing water. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Between Bucco Bay and Les Coteaux, Clement & Ryves 553 (BM). TRINIDAD: Without locality, Fendler 906—BM, K); Cocorite, Fredholm s.n. (TRIN 23743); Marabella, Finlay s.n. (TRIN 3213); Piarco Savanna, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 5276), Lunt s.n. (TRIN 6037), Philcox & Philcox 8215 (K); O’Meara Savanna, Broadway 7145 (K); Aripo Savanna, Philcox & Stoelzel 8361 (K); Waller Field, Adams 13601 (TRIN 20819); Valencia, Davidse 2492 (MO); Long Stretch, Adams 14004 (TRIN 21342); Couva Savanna, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 2077); Guaico-Tamana Road, Baker & Simmonds s.n. (K, TRIN 14990); St. John’s Canal, Philcox et al. 8392 (K, TRIN 29894); Pitch Lake, Freeman s.n. (TRIN 7557), La Brea, Dale s.n. (TRIN 14089); Nariva Swamp, Philcox 8026 (K, TRIN 23230), Ramcharan 234 (TRIN 21638). Global range: Widespread in Central and South America and the Caribbean.

Eleocharis minima Kunth var. bicolor (Chapm.) Svenson, Rhodora View in CoL 39: 219 (1937) Habit: Herb. Habitat: In savannas. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: O’Meara Savanna, Crueger s.n. (K), Britton & Britton 2491 (GH, K, NY); Piarco Savanna, Broadway 2143 (MO). Global range: Southern United States, Mexico, Central America, Venezuela, Guyana, Paraguay.

Eleocharis minima Kunth var. minima, Enum. Pl. View in CoL 2: 139 (1837) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Open sandy ground. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: St. Augustine, Freeman s.n. (TRIN 9001), Dale s.n. (TRIN 14675); Arima Savanna, Crueger s.n. (TRIN 3276B); Siparia, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 7897); Icacos Savanna, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 3214). Global range: Widespread in Central and South America and the Caribbean.

Eleocharis minima Kunth var. oropuchensis (Britton) C.D.Adams, Fl. T. View in CoL & T. 3: 403 (1992) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Damp low-lying places. IUCN: NE. Star: GD. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Oropuche Lagoon, Britton et al. 1155 (GH, NY, TRIN 10037); Windbelt Forest Reserve, Farrell et al. s.n. (TRIN 27570). Global range: Endemic to Trinidad.

Eleocharis mitrata (Griseb.) C.B.Clarke, Consp. Fl. Afr. 5, 1894: 599 (1895) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Open marshy savanna. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Piarco Savanna, Crueger 24 (K, TRIN 3282), Wright s.n. (TRIN 14161), Philcox & Philcox 8212 (K, TRIN 23216). Global range: Greater Antilles, Central America, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Bolivia.

Eleocharis mutata (L.) R.Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. 224 (1810) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Often forming large pure colonies in swamps, in boggy, sometimes brackish ground. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Caroni; SW Erin-Guapo. RBS Vegetation Classes: Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 7: 10% RBS samples); Swamp/marsh (Vegnum 11: 15% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Studley Park, Baksh 590 (TRIN 24676). TRINIDAD: Port of Spain, Davidse 2546 (MO); Churchill-Roosevelt Highway, Davidse 2587 (MO); Caroni Swamp, Freeman s.n. (TRIN 10192), Raynal 15579 (P, TRIN 21544); Chaguanas, [Crueger s.n.] (TRIN 3272); Point Lisas to Couva, Ramcharan 557 (TRIN 24210); South Oropuche, Ramcharan 524 (TRIN


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24214); Roussillac Swamp, Ramcharan 450 (TRIN 23123); Pitch Lake, Adams 13559 (TRIN 20860), Philcox 7790 (K, TRIN 21568), Raynal 15536 (P, TRIN 21545); Cedros Road, Cowan 1323 (TRIN 16241); Cedros, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 8551); Icacos Road, Philcox & Gillies 8297 (K); Nariva Swamp, Ramcharan 178 (TRIN 21644), Philcox & Ramcharan 8177 (K, TRIN 23233). Global range: Widespread in Central and South America and the Caribbean.

Eleocharis nigrescens (Nees) Kunth, Enum. Pl. View in CoL 2: 157 (1837) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Open savanna. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Piarco Savanna, Broadway 2143 (F, MO). Global range: Pantropical.

Eleocharis pachystyla (C.Wright) C.B.Clarke, Symb. Antill. View in CoL 2: 72 (1900) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Wet sandy savannas. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Waterloo Estate, Crueger s.n. (TRIN 1806). Global range: Greater Antilles, southern Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas.

Eleocharis plicarhachis (Griseb.) Svenson, Rhodora View in CoL 31: 158 (1929) Habit: Herb. Habitat: In standing water in savanna and in disturbed areas. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Aripo Savanna, Richardson 660 (K, TRIN 17675), Cumuto, Adams 13734 (K, TRIN 20831), Barnard et al. 393 (TRIN 21400), Philcox & Philcox 8223 (K, TRIN 23215), Thomas 2494 (MICH, TRIN 24094), Rowlatt 1454 (BM, F, TRIN 28828). Global range: Greater Antilles, southeastern Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina.

Eleocharis retroflexa (Poir.) Urban, Symb. Antill. View in CoL 2: 165 (1900) Habit: Herb. Habitat: In swampy ditches and marshy places. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Diego Martin, Crueger s.n. (K); St. Augustine, Britton et al. 954 (K); Arima Savanna, Crueger s.n. (TRIN 3276A; Aripo Savanna, Alexander s.n. (TRIN 5689); Long Stretch, Adams 14019 (TRIN 21298); Oropuche Guacharo Cave, Broadway 7920 (BM, K). Global range: Widespread in the subtropics and tropics.

Fimbristylis annua (All.) Roem. & Schult., Syst. Veg. View in CoL 2: 95 (1817) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Disturbed areas. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Without locality, Davidse 2483 (MO). Global range: United States, Central America, Venezuela, Guyana, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru.

Fimbristylis autumnalis View in CoL (L.) Roem. & Schult., Syst. Veg. 2: 97 (1817) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Open sandy ground. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Caparo Valley, Farrell s.n. (TRIN 24393); Moruga Road, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 9293). Global range: Widespread in the subtropics and tropics.

Fimbristylis complanata (Retz.) Link, Hort. Berol. View in CoL 1: 292 (1827) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Low-lying open savanna, disturbed area. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Caroni Savanna, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 4202); Piarco Savanna, Dale s.n. (TRIN 14676); O’Meara Savanna, Adams 13432 (TRIN 20863); Aripo Savanna, Adams 14568 (MICH, TRIN 24065); California, Broadway View in CoL 7835 (BM, MO). Global range: Widespread in the subtropics and tropics.

Fimbristylis cymosa R.Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. 228 (1810) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Open flat sandy or stony ground, roadsides, savannas, upper beaches, palm marsh. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Little Rockley Bay, Philcox & Raynal 7832 (K, TRIN 21559); Pigeon Point, Barnard et al. 51 (TRIN 21686); Speyside, Ryves & Clement 213 (K). TRINIDAD: Chacachacare, Richardson 877 (K, TRIN 15970), Comeau 1380 (TRIN 32234); Scotland Bay, Adams 14662 (TRIN 24086); Morne Catherine, Adams 14626 (TRIN 24088); Galera Point, Kalloo B923 (TRIN 29876); Waller Field, Adams 13616 (TRIN 20821); Aripo Savanna, Richardson 745 (K, TRIN 17677); Manzanilla, Baker s.n. (TRIN 14101); Manzanilla-Mayaro Road, Ramcharan 323 (TRIN 22166); Carlsen Field, Cowan & Foster 1236 (TRIN 16203); Mayaro, Kalloo B848 (K, TRIN 18861); Oropuche Lagoon, Cowan & Forster 1249 (TRIN 16221); South Oropuche Swamp, Ramcharan 622 (TRIN 24184, UMO 167665); Guayaguayare, Adams 13633 (TRIN); Moruga, Purseglove s.n. (IJ, K, NY, TRIN 18127), Adams 14144 (K, TRIN 21354). Global range: Widespread in the subtropics and tropics.

Fimbristylis dichotoma (L.) Vahl, Enum. Pl. 2: 287 (1805) Syn: Fimbristylis diphylla Vahl Habit : Herb. Habitat: Roadside savanna margin, ditches, waste places, a ubiquitous weed. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Adelphi, Broadway 3520 (BM); Roxborough, Broadway 3632 (BM, E); Bacolet, Purseglove P6216 (K,

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TRIN 17280); Mt. St. George-Castara Trace, Thomas 2455 (MICH, TRIN 24102); Moriah, Baksh 258 (TRIN 24632). TRINIDAD: Scotland Bay, Philcox & Olivier 8189 (K, TRIN 23231); Tucker Valley, Adams 14134 (K, TRIN 21351); St. Augustine, Freeman s.n. (TRIN 9019); Arima-Blanchisseuse Road, Raynal 15643 (K); O’Meara Savanna, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 9326); Waller Field, Adams 13624 (TRIN 20818); Aripo Savanna, Webster et al. 9638 (TRIN 19204); Cumuto, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 10178); Long Stretch, Adams 14022 (K, TRIN 21324); Matura Forest Reserve, Philcox et al. 8071 (K, TRIN 23211); Chaguanas, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 4209); Nariva Swamp, Ramcharan 142 (TRIN 21567); Rio Claro, Mota s.n. (TRIN 23744); Pitch Lake, Crueger s.n. (K); Erin Savanna, Philcox & Ramcharan 8143 (K, TRIN 23222). Global range: Widespread in the subtropics and tropics.

Fimbristylis ferruginea (L.) Vahl, Enum. Pl. 2: 291 (1805) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Ditches, brackish swampy riversides, mangrove margins. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Caroni; Chaguanas-Couva; SW Icacos-Cedros. RBS Vegetation Classes: Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 7: 10% RBS samples); Swamp/ marsh (Vegnum 10: 67% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Plymouth and Grafton Roads, Broadway 3127 (BM, E, MO); Buccoo Bay, Sandwith 1670 (K); Buccoo, Purseglove P6266 (IJ, K, NY, TRIN 17330, US); Bacolet Estate, Dale s.n. (TRIN 13663). TRINIDAD: Chacachacare, Richardson 875 (K, TRIN 15969), Comeau 1381 (TRIN 32235); Maracas Bay, Adams 13711 (TRIN 20842); Port of Spain, Davidse 2545 (MO); Claxton Bay to Savonetta, Ramcharan 584 (TRIN 24197); Manzanilla, Britton 2175 (TRIN 9713); Cedros, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 23747); Icacos, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 23748). Global range: Widespread in the subtropics and tropics.

Fimbristylis littoralis Gaudich., Voy. Uranie, Bot. 413 (1829) Habit: Herb. Habitat: In standing water, swampy ditches and pond margins. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Caroni; Chaguanas-Couva. RBS Vegetation Classes: Swamp/marsh (Vegnum 11: 15% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Tobago Forest Reserve, Clement & Ryves 450 (BM). TRINIDAD: Blanchisseuse, Davidse 2479 (MO); St. Joseph, Purseglove P6177 (TRIN 15663); St. Augustine, Hosein s.n. (TRIN 20423); Piarco Savanna, Alexander s.n. (TRIN 5177), Philcox & Philcox 8218 (K, TRIN 23214); O’Meara Savanna, Ramcharan 72 (TRIN 22306); Aripo Savanna, Adams 13735 (TRIN 20832), Adams 14571 (MICH, TRIN 24064); Long Stretch, Adams 14020 (TRIN 21304); Chaguanas, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 4181); Carapichaima, Dannouse s.n. (TRIN 8279); Couva to Point Lisas, Ramcharan 573 (TRIN 24200); Southwest Oropuche Lagoon, Adams 14115 (TRIN 21294); Nariva Swamp, Ramcharan 143 (TRIN 21637), Philcox 8030 (K, TRIN 23225); Pitch Lake, Freeman s.n. (TRIN 7555). Global range: Widespread in the subtropics and tropics.

Fimbristylis spadicea (L.) Vahl, Enum. Pl. 2: 294 (1805) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Saline flatlands, brackish grassland near mangrove and waste ground associated with sandy beaches. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Chacachacare, Dale s.n. (TRIN 23751); St. Joseph’s Road, Crueger s.n. (TRIN 3271); Mouth of Couva River, Ramcharan 566 (TRIN 24205); Point Lisas, Adams 14698 (TRIN 24074); Pointe a Pierre, Finlay s.n. (TRIN 2075); Roussillac Swamp, Ramcharan 454 (TRIN 23167); Guapo Beach, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 3161); Ortoire Ferry, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 5740); Guayaguayare, Adams 13653 (TRIN 20827). Global range: Widespread Central and South America and the Caribbean.

Fuirena umbellata Rottb., Descr. & Icon. 70, t.19 (1773) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Ditches, marshes and wet savannas, standing water and disturbed areas. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Cocorite, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 2223); Piarco Savanna, Britton & Hazen 710 (K); O’Meara Road junction, Ramcharan & Khan 444 (TRIN 23164); Caroni Savanna, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 4203); Aripo Savanna, Richardson 551 (TRIN 17678), Adams 13741 (TRIN 20833); Cunupia, Davidse 2604 (MO); Manzanilla, Dannouse s.n. (TRIN 6714); Carapichaima, Dannouse s.n. (TRIN 8271); Nariva Swamp, Aitken 10 (IJ, K, TRIN 18594, US); Cedros Road, Cowan & Forster 1322 (TRIN 16240). Global range: Widespread in the subtropics and tropics.

Hypolytrum longifolium (Rich.) Nees subsp. longifolium, Linnaea View in CoL 9: 288 (1834) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Forest undergrowth. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Aripo Heights; Brasso Seco; Central Range; Mt.St.Benedict-Caura; P.O.S.-Santa Cruz. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 5% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 3% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Mt. St. George-Castara Trace, Cowan 1510 (TRIN 16369). TRINIDAD: Scotland Bay, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 1895); Caura Road, Dale s.n. (TRIN 14937); Matura, Adams 14343 (TRIN 21789); Chaguanas, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 3718); Caparo, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 23753); Ortoire-Nariva Windbelt Forest Reserve, Ramcharan 185 (TRIN 21286); Bois Neuf Hill, Ramcharan 193, -20 (TRIN 21278). Global range: Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia.

Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb., Descr. Icon. Rar. Pl. 13 (1773) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Garden weed, grassy roadsides


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and marshy pool margins. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Scarborough, Eggers 5525 (K), Culloden, Broadway 4514 (BM, F); Studley Park, Baksh 592 (TRIN 24674); Roxborough to Main Ridge Road, Clement & Ryves 341 (BM). TRINIDAD: Diego Martin, Shepherd s.n. (K, TRIN 15822, TRIN 15823); Port of Spain, Broadway 7175 (BM, F, K); St. Augustine, Baker s.n. (TRIN 14631), Adams 13301 (TRIN 24115); Arima-Blanchisseuse Road, Adams 13797 (K, TRIN 22020); Aripo Savanna, Adams 13755 (TRIN 24117); Sangre Grande , Baker & Simmonds s.n. (TRIN 14114); Chaguanas, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 4180B). Global range: Widespread in the subtropics and tropics.

Kyllinga nemoralis (J.R.Forst. & G.Forster) Dandy ex J.B.Hutchinson, Fl. W. Trop. Africa ed.1, 2: 487 (1936) Exotic.

Kyllinga odorata Vahl, Enum. Pl. 2: 382 (1805) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Weed of grassy places. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Scarborough, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 23754); Hillsborough Dam, Baksh 523 (TRIN 24653); Hope Estate, Baksh 524 (TRIN 246545). TRINIDAD: St. Joseph, Purseglove P6140 (K, TRIN 15625); St. Augustine, Wright s.n. (TRIN 14166), Adams 13303 (TRIN 24114); Lance Mettan, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 8411); Cedros, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 8552). Global range: Widespread in the subtropics and tropics.

Kyllinga pumila Michx., Fl. Bor. - Amer. 1: 28 (1803) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Low ground by roadside, grassy places; among rocks in waterfall spray zones. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Mason Hall, Broadway 4508 (BM, F); Roxborough-Bloody Bay Road, Baksh 331 (TRIN 24631). TRINIDAD: Ortinola, Adams 14554 (TRIN 24130); Maracas, Broadway 6965 (BM, F, K, MO), St. Augustine, Freeman s.n. (TRIN 9008); Chaguanas, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 4180A); Shadoo Trace, Vesey-Fitzgerald 4670 (BM); Aripo Savanna, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 23755); Arima Valley Road, Shepherd s.n. (TRIN 15824); Arima-Blanchisseuse Road, Adams 13796 (TRIN 22022); Quare Road, Broadway 6056 (BM, K). Global range: Widespread in the Americas.

Kyllinga tibialis Ledeb., Diss. Bot. Pl. Doming. 6 (1805) Habit: Herb. Habitat: In deep soft maritime sands. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: La Brea, Finlay s.n. (TRIN 3217); Irois, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 7264); Cedros, Crueger s.n. (K, TRIN 2225); Cedros, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 8865); Icacos Point, Barnard et al. 149 (TRIN 21377); Columbus Bay, Adams 14278 (TRIN 22025). Global range: Cayman Islands, Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Central America, Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador.

Lagenocarpus guianensis (Lindl.) Nees ex Nees, Linnaea 9: 304 (1834) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Sandy savannas, palm marsh and palm islands. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Santa Cruz, Dannouse s.n. (TRIN 8249); Piarco, Alexander s.n. (TRIN 4670); Aripo Savanna, Richardson 802 (TRIN 17706), Richardson 819 (K, TRIN 17705), Davidse 2551 (MO); Cumuto, Broadway 6931 (K). Global range: Greater Antilles, Central America, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia.

Lagenocarpus rigidus (Kunth) Nees subsp. rigidus, Fl. Bras. 2: 167 (1842) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Open sandy savanna. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Aripo Savanna, Freeman s.n. (TRIN 9085), Broadway s.n. (K). Global range: Venezuela, Suriname, Brazil.

Lagenocarpus rigidus (Kunth) Nees subsp. tremulus (Nees) T.Koyama & Maguire, Mem. New York. Bot. Gard. 12: 41 (1965) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Open savanna. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Piarco Savanna, Hart s.n. (TRIN 4669); Aripo Savanna, Adams 13489 (TRIN 20858), Freeman s.n. (TRIN 9085), Richardson 518 (K, TRIN 17711), Barnard et al. 384 (TRIN 21399). Global range: Greater Antilles, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil.

Lipocarpha humboldtiana Nees, Linnaea 9: 287 (1834) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Wet savannas, Mauritia View in CoL palm swamps, river banks. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Without locality, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 3203). Global range: Southern Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Surinam, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina.

Lipocarpha micrantha (Vahl) G.C.Tucker, Arb. 68: 410 (1987) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Silty roadside. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Port of Spain, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 1431); St. Augustine, Baker s.n. (TRIN 14107), Adams 14118 (TRIN); Tunapuna, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 7313); Piarco Savanna, Broadway 2132 (F, MO); Waller Field, Adams 13615 (TRIN 20820); San Fernando, Broadway s.n. (BM); Cunapo Junction Road,

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Johnson s.n. (TRIN 28929); Sangre Grande , Johnson 78 (TRIN 29864); Icacos, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 3219. Global range: Widespread in the Americas.

Oxycaryum cubense (Poepp. & Kunth) Palla, Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math. - Naturwiss. 79: 169 (1908) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Floating in swamps, marshes, ponds and in wet grassy places, sometimes forming sudd islands. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Caroni River, Britton & Britton 2891 (TRIN 10531); Nariva Swamp, Ramcharan 147 (TRIN 21636); Pitch Lake, sine coll. (K); Cedros, Broadway 7931 (BM, MO). Global range: Antilles, southern United States, Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Paraguay.

Pleurostachys puberula Boeck. View in CoL , Flora 63: 453 (1880) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Undergrowth of submontane and montane forests. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Maracas, Crueger s.n. (TRIN 3286); Tucuche, Crueger 166 (TRIN 3241), Broadway s.n. (TRIN 5247), Britton & Freeman s.n. (TRIN 9104), Broadway 5652 (BM, K), Raynal 15723 (K, P, TRIN 21541), Adams 14089 (K, TRIN 21353). Global range: Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, French Guiana, Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia.

Pycreus flavescens (L.) Rchb., Fl. Germ. Excurs. 1: 72 (1830) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Open waste ground, roadsides, along streams. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: St. Clair, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 23763). Global range: Cosmopolitan.

Pycreus polystachyos P.Beauv., Fl. Oware 2: 48 (1816) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Roadside weed, sandy pastures and beaches above high water mark, wet fields; disturbed areas associated with savannas. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Nariva; SW Erin-Guapo. RBS Vegetation Classes: Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 7: 20% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: King’s Bay, Philcox & Raynal 7881 (K, TRIN 21552); Studley Park, Baksh 591 (TRIN 24675); Plymouth, Clement & Ryves 635 (BM). TRINIDAD: Blanchisseuse, Davidse 2476 (MO); St. Augustine, Britton et al. 952 (K); Arouca, Dannouse s.n. (TRIN 23764); Aripo Savanna, Richardson 624 (TRIN 17682), Adams 13757 (TRIN 20837); Caroni Swamp, Bacon s.n. (TRIN 23247); Carapichaima, Dannouse s.n. (TRIN 23769); Manzanilla, Baker s.n. (TRIN 14090); Couva to Point Lisas, Ramcharan 570 (TRIN 2420); Nariva Swamp, Ramcharan 243 (TRIN 21631); Mayaro, Finlay s.n. (TRIN 2086); Ortoire Ferry, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 5744); Oropuche Swamp, Ramcharan 623 (TRIN 24185); Roussillac Swamp, Ramcharan 452 (TRIN 23124); Pitch Lake, Finlay s.n. in (TRIN 2079), Hekking s.n. (TRIN 23770), Adams 13555 (TRIN 20830); Guapo Beach, Williams s.n. (TRIN 23768); Icacos, Finlay s.n. (TRIN 2088). Global range: Widespread in the subtropics and tropics.

Pycreus pumilus (L.) Nees, Linnaea 9: 283 (1834) Exotic.

Remirea maritima Aubl., Hist. Pl. Guiane 45 (1775) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Upper sea beaches. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Maracas Bay, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 3515), Williams et al. s.n. (TRIN 23771); Santa Cruz, Dannouse s.n. (TRIN 6869); Manzanilla Beach, Hunter s.n. (TRIN 12647); Upper Manzanilla, Davidse 2501 (MO); Mayaro, [Crueger s.n.] (TRIN 2224). Global range: Pantropical on sandy shores.

Rhynchospora aripoensis Britton, Bull. Torrey Bot. View in CoL Club 48: 327 (1922) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Savanna. IUCN: CR. Star: BK. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Aripo Savanna, Britton & Britton 2934 (K, NY, TRIN 10039). Global range: Endemic to Trinidad.

Rhynchospora barbata (Vahl) Kunth, Enum. Pl. View in CoL 2: 290 (1837) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Open savannas, palm marsh and disturbed areas associated with savannas. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Arena-Cumuto. RBS Vegetation Classes: Savanna/plantation (Vegnum 9: 14% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: St. Anns, Dannouse (TRIN 8265); Piarco Savanna, [Hart s.n.] (TRIN 4661), Alexander s.n. (TRIN 5161), Britton et al. 81 (K, TRIN 23772); O’Meara Savanna, Adams 13430 (TRIN 20981); Arima Savanna, Crueger 176 (TRIN 3232), Broadway s.n. (TRIN 5307), Richardson 512 (K, TRIN 17688), Cowan & Richardson 1151 (TRIN 16001), Adams 11307 (TRIN), Philcox & Gillies 8282 (K, TRIN 29896); Erin Savanna, Cowan & Forster 1290 (TRIN 16182), Richardson 710 (TRIN 16042). Global range: Greater Antilles, southern Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia.

Rhynchospora brevirostris Griseb., Cat. Pl. Cub. View in CoL 246 (1866) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Open savannas and pastures.


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IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Aripo Savanna, Davies s.n. (TRIN 29103), Adams 14705 (TRIN 24135), Rowlatt 1456 (F, TRIN 28832); Guapo Beach, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 1882). Global range: Widespread in the subtropics and tropics.

Rhynchospora cephalotes (L.) Vahl, Enum. Pl. 2: 237 (1805) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Hillside and savanna thickets, palm marsh, disturbed areas associated with savannas. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Arena-Cumuto; Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Longdenville-Talparo; Manzanilla-Fishing Pond; NW Peninsular Corner; P.O.S.-Santa Cruz; Rampanalgas-Toco; SW Icacos-Cedros; San Fernando; Sangre Grande-Valencia-Orop.; Tucker-Mt.Catherine. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 11% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 8% RBS samples; Vegnum 5: 3% RBS samples); Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 7: 30% RBS samples); Swamp/marsh (Vegnum 11: 8% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: St. Anns, Broadway 5255 (BM, MO); St. Augustine, Adams 13338 (TRIN 20980), Raynal 15665 (P, TRIN 21536); Arima, Eggers 1455 (K); Arima-Blanchisseuse Road, Raynal 15507 (P, TRIN 21535); Arima Valley, Smith 10102 (K); Piarco Savanna, sine coll. (TRIN 4668); O’Meara Savanna, Ramcharan 68 (TRIN 22320); Waller Field, Howard 10313 (BM, MICH), Purseglove P6398 (IJ, K, NY, US); Aripo Savanna, Richardson 504 (K, TRIN 17687); Valencia, Davidse 2485 (MO); Valencia Forest Reserve, Philcox 7675 (K, TRIN 21566); Long Stretch, Broadway s.n. (BM); Balandra Bay, Freeman s.n. (TRIN 23775); Guapo Beach, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 9120); Granville Bay, Barnard et al. 109 (RNG); Erin Savanna, Purseglove P6507 (TRIN 23107). Global range: Greater Antilles, Southern Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia.

Rhynchospora ciliata (Vahl) Kük., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. View in CoL 56: 16 (1921) Syn: Rhynchospora trichodes C.B.Clarke Habit View in CoL : Herb. Habitat: Open pastures and sandy or silty roadsides. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Piarco-Arima; San Fernando. RBS Vegetation Classes: Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 7: 10% RBS samples); Savanna/plantation (Vegnum 12: 33% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Cleaver Wood, Dale s.n. (TRIN 14112); Churchill-Roosevelt Highway, Dale s.n. (TRIN 14113); Waller Field, Adams 13980 (TRIN 21305). Global range: Lesser Antilles, Mexico, South America.

Rhynchospora colorata View in CoL (L.) H.Pfeiff., Repert. Sp. Nov. Regni Veg. 38: 89 (1935) Exotic.

Rhynchospora comata (Link) Roem. & Schult., Mant. Syst. Veg. View in CoL 2: 50 (1824) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Hillside thickets. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Aripo Heights; Mt.St.Benedict-Caura. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 2% RBS samples); Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 7: 10% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Teteron Bay, Broadway 6743 (BM, K, MO); Maracas, Crueger s.n. (K, TRIN 3234); Maracas Falls, Baksh & Comeau s.n. (TRIN 29934); St. Augustine, Adams 13337 (TRIN); Guanapo River Valley, Raynal 15607 (P, TRIN 21534); Guanapo Road, Barnard et al. 233 (MO, RNG); Cleaver Wood, Dale s.n. (TRIN 29912); Arima, McLean s.n. (TRIN 29913), Dannouse s.n. (TRIN 29914). Global range: Greater Antilles ( Jamaica), Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Peru.

Rhynchospora contracta (Nees) J.Raynal View in CoL , Adansonia View in CoL n.s. 17: 277 (1978) Habit: Herb. Habitat: In shallow silt on roadsides. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Near Easterfield, Clement & Ryves 709 (BM). TRINIDAD: Waller Field, Adams 13970 (K, TRIN 21341), Adams 14161 (TRIN 21289). Global range: Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, southern United States, Mexico, Central America, Venezuela, French Guiana, Ecuador, Argentina.

Rhynchospora corymbosa (L.) Britton, Trans. New York Acad. Sci. 11: 84 (1892) Syn: Rhynchospora aurea Vahl Habit : Herb. Habitat: Fresh water swamps, roadside ditches and pools. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; SW Icacos-Cedros. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 2% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 1% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: O’Meara Swamp, Ramcharan & Khan 466 (TRIN 23122); Caparo, Adams 14216 (TRIN 22027); Arima, Dannouse s.n (TRIN 23777); Melajo Forest Reserve, Adams 14336 (TRIN 21796, UMO 167850); Oropuche Lagoon, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 1883); Pitch Lake, Bromfield s.n. (K), Howard 10396 (BM), Hekking 1379 (TRIN 23778), Adams 13560 (TRIN 20859); La Brea, Kalloo B 963 (TRIN 21605); Nariva Swamp, Aitken 5 (K, TRIN 18843, US); Manzanilla-Mayaro Road, Ramcharan 428 (TRIN 22118). Global range: Widespread in the subtropics and tropics.

Rhynchospora curvula Griseb., Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 574 (1864) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Open savannas in regularly

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waterlogged places. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Aripo Savanna, Britton et al. 282 (K), Britton et al. 2003 (K), Richardson 527 (K, TRIN 17690), Cowan & Richardson 1148 (TRIN 16000), Adams 11311 (TRIN 22021), Davidse 2557 (MO), Raynal 15749 (P, TRIN 23235); Cumuto, Adams 13746 (TRIN). Global range: Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil.

Rhynchospora ebracteata (Standl.) H.Pfeiff., Repert. View in CoL Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 18: 238 (1921) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Clearings and disturbed areas in or near upland forests, in mostly shaded areas. IUCN: VU. Star: BK. Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Morne d’Or, Eggers 5820 (K); Lot 42, Broadway 4455 (BM, E, F, GH, NY, US); Mt. St. George-Castara Road, Sandwith 1845 (K), Main Ridge, Cowan 1526 (GH, NY, TRIN 16368, US). Global range: Endemic to Tobago.

Rhynchospora emaciata (Nees) Boeck., Vidensk. Meddel. Naturhist. Foren. Kjøbenhavn 1869: 149 View in CoL (1870) Habit: Herb. Habitat: On hog wallow ridges near forest islands in savanna, damp grassy roadsides and standing water in savannas. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Aripo Savanna, Adams 14581 (TRIN 24038), Broadway 2386 (E, MO), Adams 13747 (K, TRIN 21041), Thomas 2489 (MICH, TRIN 24097); Cumuto, Broadway s.n. (K), Johnson 1013 (BM); Long Stretch, Baker & Simmonds s.n. (TRIN 14111). Global range: Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, French Guiana, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina.

Rhynchospora filiformis Vahl, Enum. Pl. View in CoL 2: 232 (1805) Habit: Herb. Habitat: On rises of hog wallows in open savannas. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Arena-Cumuto. RBS Vegetation Classes: Savanna/plantation (Vegnum 9: 14% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: St. Joseph, Dannouse s.n. (TRIN 23783); Piarco Savanna, Alexander s.n. (TRIN 5174), Dale s.n. (TRIN 14672); O’Meara Savanna, Carrick 1123 (K); Arima, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 1889); Aripo Savanna, Adams 14575 (TRIN 24039), Richardson 526 (K, TRIN 17701), Richardson 846 (TRIN 17692); Long Stretch, Baker & Simmonds s.n. (TRIN 14098); Carapichaima, Dannouse s.n. (TRIN 8277). Global range: Widespread through Central and South America and the Caribbean.

Rhynchospora globosa (Kunth) Roem. & Schult., Syst. Veg. View in CoL 2: 89 (1817) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Open savannas, open woodlands, disturbed areas associated with savannas. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Piarco Savanna, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 5295, TRIN 5296); O’Meara Savanna, Broadway 2394 (E); Aripo Savanna, sine coll. (TRIN 1886), Howard 10488 (BM), Richardson 525 (K, TRIN 17693), Cowan & Richardson 1149 (TRIN 15999), Raynal 15757 (P, TRIN 21533). Global range: Greater Antilles, southern Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina.

Rhynchospora hirsuta (Vahl) Vahl, Enum. Pl. View in CoL 2: 231 (1805) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Damp open savannas. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Aripo Savanna, Alexander s.n. (TRIN 5699), Britton et al. 276 (K), Richardson 508 (K, TRIN 17699), Rowlatt 1457 (F, TRIN 28830); Waller Field, Cock s.n. (TRIN 29923); Long Stretch, Adams 14027 (TRIN 21299); Carapichaima, Dannouse s.n. (TRIN 8278). Global range: Greater Antilles, Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil.

Rhynchospora holoschoenoides (Rich.) Herter, Revista Sudamer. Bot. View in CoL 9: 157 (1953) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Open savannas, wet fields. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Manzanilla-Fishing Pond. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 2% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Piarco Savanna, Alexander s.n. (TRIN 5162), Broadway s.n. (TRIN 5281, TRIN 5300); O’Meara Savanna, Purdie 128 (K), Broadway 7149 (BM, K, MO); Aripo, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 5329); Quare Road, Broadway 6049 (BM, K, MO); Aripo Savanna, Cowan & Richardson 1150 (TRIN 16022), Raynal 15514 (P, TRIN 21531), Adams 13497 (TRIN 20845); Cumuto, Broadway 5721 (BM, K, MO); Valencia Forest Reserve, Philcox 7676 (K); Long Stretch, Baker & Simmonds s.n. (TRIN 14109); Sangre Grande View in CoL , Broadway 5389 (BM, MO); Pitch Lake, Finlay s.n. (TRIN 1887). Global range: Widespread through the subtropics and tropics.

Rhynchospora ierensis C.D.Adams, Phytologia View in CoL 63: 298 (1987) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Open, stony savanna. IUCN: EN. Star: BK. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Icacos, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 1891); Erin Savanna, Philcox & Ramcharan 8146 (K, TRIN 23229, Atkins s.n. (BM, TRIN 24035). Global range: Endemic to Trinidad. Rhynchospora longibracteata Boeck., Linnaea View in CoL 37: 534 (1872) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Open savanna, in flooded channels between ridges. IUCN: NE. Star: BU. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Aripo Savanna, Adams 13499 (TRIN 20846), [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 1894), Broadway s.n. (TRIN 5330), Freeman s.n. (TRIN 8053), Broadway s.n. (TRIN 23780), Richardson 522 (K, TRIN 17700), Raynal 15755 (K, P, TRIN 21537); Long Stretch, Adams 14015


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(TRIN 21306); Erin Savanna, Richardson 721 (TRIN 16051). Global range: Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Brazil.

Rhynchospora longiflora C.Presl, Symb. Bot. View in CoL 1: 41 (1831) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Undergrowth in montane forest. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Without locality, [Crueger s.n.] (TRIN 3285); Tucuche, [Crueger s.n.] (TRIN 3230), sine coll. (TRIN 3236), Britton & Freeman s.n. (TRIN 9106), Broadway 5650 (BM, K, MO), Dale s.n. (TRIN 14502). Global range: Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Mexico.

Rhynchospora nervosa (Vahl) Boeck. subsp. ciliata (G.Mey.) T.Koyama, Madroño View in CoL 20: 254 (1970) Common Name: Star Grass, Wild Pied Poule. Habit: Herb. Habitat: Grassy roadsides, fields and waste places, sandy beach above high water mark, disturbed areas. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): Tobago: Government Stock Farm, Martyn s.n. (TRIN 14751); Bacolet, Sandwith 1751 (K); King’s Bay, Philcox & Raynal 7883 (K, TRIN 21560); Mt. St. George-Castara Trace, Thomas 2459 (MICH, TRIN 24104); Roxborough-Parlatuvier Road, Cowan 1415 (TRIN 23782). TRINIDAD: St. Joseph Savanna, Thomas 2465 (MICH, TRIN 24099); St. Augustine, Crosby 11 (MO); Guanapo Heights Road, Adams 13362 (TRIN); Arima-Blanchisseuse Road, Raynal 15502 (K, P, TRIN 21530); O’Meara Savanna, Ramcharan 43 (TRIN 22319). Global range: Widespread in Central and South America and the Caribbean.

Rhynchospora nervosa (Vahl) Boeck. subsp. nervosa, Fl. Less. Antill. View in CoL 3: 307 (1979) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Savannas and open pastures. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: St. Anns, Broadway 5326 (BM, F, K, MO, NY); St. Joseph Savanna, Adams 13476 (TRIN 21047), Thomas 2466 (MICH, TRIN 24098); Aripo Savanna, Richardson 633 (TRIN 17672); Erin Savanna, Cowan & Forster 1302 (TRIN 16194), Richardson 700 (TRIN 16043). Global range: Widespread in Central and South America and the Caribbean.

Rhynchospora polyphylla Vahl, Enum. Pl. View in CoL 2: 230 (1805) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Grassy and steep earth banks and banks bordering forests, exposed hilltops. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Bacolet River, Eggers 5695 (K); Belmont, Broadway 2965 (BM); The Widow, Broadway 8017 (M); Lambeau Hill, Sandwith 1654 (K); Parlatuvier-Roxborough trail, Martyn s.n. (TRIN 14742); Roxborough-Bloody Bay Road, Purseglove P6339 (IJ, K, NY, TRIN 17401, US), Barnard et al. 35 (TRIN 21677), Baksh 363 (TRIN 24629); Roxborough to Main Ridge Road, Clement & Ryves 344 (BM). TRINIDAD: St. Ann Hills, sine coll. (TRIN 3290); Morne Catherine, Adams 14627 (TRIN 24090); Tucuche, Baker s.n. (K, TRIN 14641), Raynal 15739 (P, TRIN 21526); Morne Gasparee to Verdant Vale, Adams 13725 (TRIN 20840); Mt. Aripo, Freeman & Bradway s.n. (TRIN 12296). Global range: Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia.

Rhynchospora radicans (Schltdl. & Cham.) H.Pfeiff. subsp. microcephala (Bertero ex Spreng.) W.W.Thomas, Mem. View in CoL New York Bot. Gard. 37: 60 (1984) Habit: Herb. Habitat: In ditches in partial shade, roadsides in forests. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: near Caledonia, Broadway 4551 (BM); Roxborough-Bloody Bay Road, Purseglove P6320 (K, TRIN 17383, Baksh 370 (TRIN 24695). TRINIDAD: St. Anns Valley, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 1881, TRIN 1884); Maracas Waterfall, Britton et al. 1646 (K), Shepherd s.n. (TRIN 15719); Tucuche, Adams 14077 (TRIN 21338); Arima Valley Road, Shepherd s.n. (K, TRIN 15827); Guanapo Heights Road, Adams 13536 (TRIN 20851); Cumaca Road, Dale s.n. (TRIN 14354); Tamana, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 23786); South Cunapo Road, Vesey-Fitzgerald 4668 (BM). Global range: Southern Mexico, Central America, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia.

Rhynchospora radicans (Schltdl. & Cham.) H.Pfeiff. subsp. radicans, Repert. View in CoL Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 38: 93 (1935) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Damp, open areas. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Roxborough to Main Ridge Road, Clement & Ryves 342 (BM). TRINIDAD: St. Anns, Broadway 9129 (BM, MO); Tucuche, Broadway 7104 (BM); Quare Road, Broadway 6050 (BM, K, MO); Oropuche River, Adams 14304 (TRIN 22259), Adams 14305 (TRIN 22028). Global range: Greater Antilles, Southern Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia.

Rhynchospora rugosa (Vahl) Gale, Rhodora View in CoL 46: 275 (1944) Syn: Rhynchospora ferruginea Roem. & Schult. View in CoL ; Rhynchospora glauca Vahl Habit View in CoL : Herb. Habitat: Open savannas and roadsides, open grassy areas slopes in forest areas, disturbed ground. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Tobago Forest Reserve to Bloody Bay road, Clement & Ryves 506 (BM). TRINIDAD: St. Joseph Savanna, Kalloo B1221 (TRIN 28867); Mt. Tabor,

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Raynal 15680 (P, TRIN 21527); Piarco Savanna, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 5303); between Piarco village and airport, Davidse 2530 (MO); O’Meara Savanna, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 9324), Britton & Hazen 1565 (K); Arima Valley Road, Shepherd s.n. (K, TRIN 15825); Cumaca Road, Baksh 587 (TRIN 24656); New Road to Oropuche River, Adams 14302 (TRIN 22041); Waller Field, Adams 13603 (TRIN 20824); Arima Savanna, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 1892); Aripo Savanna, Adams 13507 (TRIN 20852), Broadway s.n. (TRIN 5337), Webster et al. 9636. (TRIN 19203), Richardson 753 (K, TRIN 17691), Raynal 15515 (P, TRIN 21525); Long Stretch, Broadway 9328 (BM, K); Sangre Grande , Broadway 5390 (BM, MO); Melajo Forest Reserve, Adams 14043 (TRIN 21330); Manzanilla, sine coll. (TRIN 6715); Erin Savanna, Cowan & Forster 1296 (TRIN 16190). Global range: Widespread in Central and South America and the Caribbean.

Rhynchospora tenerrima Nees ex Spreng., Syst. Veg. (ed. 16) 4: 26 (1827) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Banks of water channels. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Waller Field, Baranowski s.n. (TRIN 24746), Ryves 33 (K); Aripo Savanna, Johnson 1186 (BM, TRIN). Global range: Widespread in Central and South America and the Caribbean.

Rhynchospora tenuis Link, Jahrb. Gewächsk. 1: 76 (1820) Habit: Herb. Habitat: On hog wallow ridges in open savanna. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Aripo Savanna, Adams 14582 (TRIN 29924), Thomas 2485 (BM, MICH, TRIN 29925), Johnson 1014 (BM). Global range: Widespread in Central and South America and the Caribbean.

Rhynchospora triflora Vahl, Enum. Pl. View in CoL 2: 232 (1805) Habit: Herb. Habitat: In open low-lying savanna. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Piarco-Arima. RBS Vegetation Classes: Savanna/plantation (Vegnum 12: 33% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Piarco Savanna, Purdie 26 (K), Dale s.n. (TRIN 23787); Piarco Airport, Johnson 947 (BM); O’Meara Savanna, Davidse 2600 (MO). Global range: Widespread in the subtropics and tropics.

Scleria bracteata Cav., Icon. View in CoL 5: t. 457 (1799) Common Name: Razor Grass. Habit: Herb. Habitat: Open savannas, particularly at the transition to woody vegetation and palm marsh. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Mt.St.Benedict-Caura; P.O.S.-Santa Cruz; Piarco-Arima; SW Erin-Guapo; SW Icacos-Cedros; Sangre Grande-Valencia-Orop. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 3% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 1% RBS samples; Vegnum 5: 3% RBS samples); Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 7: 10% RBS samples); Savanna/plantation (Vegnum 12: 67% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Monos Island, Ewan 17051 (BM); St. Anns, Broadway 9154 (MO); Mount St. Benedict, Wright s.n. (TRIN 14163); St. Joseph Savanna, Thomas 2470 (MICH, TRIN 24110); Arima, Dannouse (TRIN 8275); Piarco Savanna, Fredholm s.n. (TRIN 4671); between Piarco village and airport, Davidse 2525 (MO), Cope et al. s.n. (TRIN 23079); O’Meara Savanna, Adams 13431 (TRIN), Ramcharan 19 (TRIN 22313); Aripo Savanna, Richardson 571 (TRIN 17683), Raynal 15516 (P, TRIN 21528); Guapo, Dannouse s.n. (TRIN 8279); Erin Savanna, Purseglove P6511 (K, TRIN 18174), Baksh 65 (TRIN 24635). Global range: Southern Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay.

Scleria distans Poir., Encycl. 7: 4 (1806) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Open sandy and clay savannas. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: St. Joseph Savanna, Wright s.n. (TRIN 14165), Philcox 8108 (K, TRIN 23226); Mausica Savanna, Williams s.n. (TRIN 12589), Baker s.n. (TRIN 14094); O’Meara Savanna, Davidse 2596 (MO), Adams 13406 (TRIN), Ramcharan 53 (TRIN 22314); Piarco Airport, Johnson 955 (BM); Aripo Savanna, Baksh 428 (TRIN 24640); Waller Field, Adams 13610 (TRIN 23791); La Brea , [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 1878); Erin Savanna, Cowan & Forster 1289 (TRIN 16187), Richardson 711 (K, TRIN 16053), Purseglove P6509 (K, TRIN 23695), Philcox & Ramcharan 8144 (K, TRIN 23228); Icacos Savanna, Crueger 60 (TRIN 1734). Global range: Widespread in the subtropics and tropics.

Scleria eggersiana Boeck., Beitr. Kenntn. Cyper. 2: 41 (1890) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Gregarious in thickets at swamp margins. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Golden Grove, Broadway 4011 (F). TRINIDAD: Nariva Swamp, Ramcharan 198 (TRIN 21635), Adams 14239 (TRIN 22019), Adams 14256 (TRIN 22016). Global range: Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, southern Mexico, Central America, Venezuela, Guyana, Surinam, Ecuador.

Scleria hirtella Sw., Prodr. 19 (1788) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Open grassy savanna. IUCN: LC. Star: GN.


Phytotaxa 250 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press • 183 Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Road to Hollis Reservoir, Johnson 860 (BM); Piarco Airport, Johnson s.n. (BM); Aripo Savanna, Richardson 690 (K, TRIN 17685). Global range: Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Mexico, Central America, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay.

Scleria latifolia Sw., Prodr. 18 (1788) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Margins of submontane woodland. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: E Coast; NE Coast-Main Ridge F.R.; TRINIDAD: Arena-Cumuto; Arima Valley; Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Aripo Heights; Biche-Poole; Brasso Seco; Catshill-Basse Terre; Central Range; Cumaca; Grande Riviere-Matelot ; Longdenville-Talparo; Matura-Salybia; Mt.St.Benedict-Caura; Nariva; Rampanalgas-Toco; SW Erin-Guapo; SW Icacos-Cedros; Sangre Grande-Valencia-Orop.; Tabaquite-Brickfield; Trinity Hills; Tucker-Mt.Catherine. RBS Vegetation Classes: (Sub-)Montane forest (Vegnum 1: 13% RBS samples; Vegnum 2: 50% RBS samples); Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 29% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 19% RBS samples); Savanna/plantation (Vegnum 9: 43% RBS samples); Swamp/marsh (Vegnum 11: 8% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Belmont, Broadway 4057 (D, E, F, NY); Menna, Broadway 4755 (D, E, F, M, NY, US); Mt. St. George-Castara Road, Sandwith 1850 (K), Thomas 2452 (MICH, TRIN 24101); Roxborough-Bloody Bay Road, Baksh 327 (TRIN 24633); Roxborough to Main Ridge Road, Clement & Ryves 349 (BM). TRINIDAD: St. Anns Valley, [Finlay s.n.] (NY, TRIN 1875, US); Tucuche, Broadway s.n. (NY, TRIN 5253), Britton & Freeman s.n. (TRIN 9105); Arima, Dannouse s.n. (TRIN 8250); Arima Valley-Blanchisseuse Road, Broadway 5503 (BM, K), Williams s.n. (TRIN 10107), Shepherd s.n. (K, TRIN 15829), Adams 14169 (TRIN 21352); O’Meara Swamp, Ramcharan & Khan 467 (TRIN 23121); Aripo Savanna, Howard 10336 (BM), Adams 13513 (TRIN); Valencia Forest Reserve, Philcox 7668 (K, TRIN 21563); Long Stretch, Broadway 9327 (BM, K); Valencia to Sangre Grande, Raynal 15565 (K, P, TRIN 21529); Tabaquite, Cowan & Forster 1339 (TRIN 16255); Nariva Swamp, Ramcharan 188 (TRIN 21288); Princes Town, Fredholm s.n. (TRIN 23792); Pitch Lake, Finlay s.n. (TRIN 3340, US). Global range: Widespread in Central and South America and the Caribbean.

Scleria lithosperma (L.) Sw., Prodr. 18 (1788) Habit: Herb. Habitat: On rocky ground in woodlands. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Gasparee; Monos; NW Peninsular corner. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 5: 6% RBS samples); Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 6: 20% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Chacachacare, Finlay s.n. (TRIN 1874); Monos, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 7427); Teteron Bay, Broadway 6742 (BM, K, MO); Gasparee, Purdie 170 (TRIN 1737), Britton 469 (K, NY, TRIN 9461); Point Gourde, Broadway 8076 (K, MO), Philcox 8080 (K, TRIN 23227), Ramcharan 606 (TRIN 24195); St. Anns, [Crueger s.n.] (TRIN 3268); Trinity Hills, Jermy 11059 (BM). Global range: Widespread in the subtropics and tropics.

Scleria macrophylla J.Presl & C.Presl, Reliq. Haenk. 1: 200 (1828) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Open or partially shaded swamps, in tangled undergrowth at swamp margin. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Nariva Swamp, Ramcharan 199 (TRIN 21642), Adams 14364 (TRIN 22062); Pitch Lake, [Finlay s.n.] (NY, TRIN 1871, US). Global range: Greater Antilles, southern Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay.

Scleria melaleuca Rchb. ex Schltdl. & Cham., Linnaea View in CoL 6: 29 (1831) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Forest margin, roadside banks in partial shade, on rocks in rivers; disturbed areas associated with savannas. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: NE Coast-Main Ridge F.R.; SW Coastal; Scarborough-Plymouth; TRINIDAD: Arena-Cumuto; Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Biche-Poole; Brasso Seco; Chaguanas-Couva; Grande Riviere-Matelot View in CoL ; Longdenville-Talparo; Manzanilla-Fishing Pond; Matura-Salybia; Mt.St.Benedict-Caura; NW Peninsular Corner; Nariva; North Central Coast; P.O.S.-Santa Cruz; Princes Town; Rampanalgas-Toco; Rio Claro-Mayaro; SW Erin-Guapo; SW Icacos-Cedros; San Fernando; Sangre Grande-Valencia-Orop.; Southern Watershed; Tabaquite-Brickfield; Trinity Hills; Tucker-Mt.Catherine. RBS Vegetation Classes: (Sub-)Montane forest (Vegnum 1: 13% RBS samples); Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 16% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 24% RBS samples; Vegnum 5: 36% RBS samples); Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 7: 70% RBS samples); Savanna/plantation (Vegnum 9: 71% RBS samples); Swamp/marsh (Vegnum 11: 15% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Bacolet, Sandwith 1617 (K); Parlatuvier-Roxborough trail, Martyn s.n. (TRIN 14750); Hillsborough East River, Philcox & Raynal 7911 (K, TRIN 21561); Hillsborough Dam Road, Baksh 471 (TRIN 24645); Mt. St. George, Clement & Ryves 211 (BM); Roxborough to Main Ridge Road, Clement & Ryves 345 (BM). TRINIDAD: St. Anns, Broadway 8956 (K, MO); Ortinola Estate, Britton & Hazen 245 (GH, K, NY, US); saddle to Piedra Blanca, Adams 13689 (TRIN); St. Joseph, Purseglove P6176 (K, L, TRIN 15662); Guanapo Heights Road, Adams 13531 (TRIN 21052), Adams 13535 (K, TRIN 21051); Arima, Davidse 2457 (MO); Arima-Blanchisseuse Road, Raynal 15503

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(P, TRIN 21606); Quare Road, Broadway 6051 (BM, K, MO); Mt. Aripo, Cowan 1374 (TRIN 16140); Sadhoo Trace, Vesey-Fitzgerald 4669 (BM); Manzanilla Bay, Ramcharan 342 (TRIN 22188); Point Radix, Ramcharan 360 (TRIN 23166); Princes Town, Broadway. s.n. (TRIN 9294); Austin South Trace, Barnard et al. 169 (RNG, TRIN 21379); Cedros, King s.n. (TRIN 7107); Irois, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 7260). Global range: Widespread in the tropics and subtropics.

Scleria microcarpa Nees ex Kunth, Enum. Pl. View in CoL 2: 341 (1837) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Swampy pastures and thickets. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots : TRINIDAD: Chaguanas-Couva. RBS Vegetation Classes: Swamp /marsh (Vegnum 11: 8% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Couva Savanna, [Finlay s.n.] ( TRIN 3212 About TRIN ); Nariva Swamp, Ramcharan 176 ( TRIN 21646 About TRIN ); La Brea, Finlay s.n. ( TRIN 1876 About TRIN ); Pitch Lake, Freeman s.n. ( TRIN 7554 About TRIN ); Cedros Swamp, Kalloo B965 ( K, TRIN 21602 About TRIN ). Global range: Greater Antilles , Lesser Antilles , southern Mexico , Central America , Colombia, Venezuela , Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay .

Scleria mitis P.J.Bergius, Kongl. Vetensk. Acad. Handl. View in CoL 26: 145, t. 5 (1765) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Swampy thickets at savanna margins, open low-lying ground. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Maracas Bay, Broadway 6075 (BM, K, MO); O’Meara Savanna, Britton & Britton 2510 (GH, K, NY, TRIN 10532, US); road to North Aripo Savanna, Baksh 567 (TRIN 24725); Valencia Road, Broadway 7731 (BM, K, MO, NY); Melajo Forest Reserve, Adams 14051 (TRIN 21340); Tamana, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 23790); Cap de Ville, Broadway 2217 (F, MO, US); Cedros, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 23789). Global range: Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay.

Scleria orchardii C.D.Adams, Phytologia View in CoL 63: 299 (1987) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Margins of submontane forests. IUCN: CR. Star: BK. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Morne Bleu, Williams s.n. (TRIN 11495); Las Lapas Trace, Adams 13803 (TRIN 20848), Adams 14806 (BM, K, MO, TRIN 29929). Global range: Endemic to Trinidad.

Scleria reticularis Michx., Fl. Bor. View in CoL - Amer. 2: 167 (1803) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Open low-lying savanna. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Piarco Savanna, Britton & Britton 2480 (GH, NY, TRIN 9473, TRIN 10529, US), Dale s.n. (TRIN 24028). Global range: Widespread in the Americas.

Scleria secans (L.) Urban, Symb. Antill. 2: 169 (1900) Syn: Scleria flagellum Sw. Habit : Herb. Habitat: Hillside thickets, forest margins, on exposed banks in forests. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: NE Coast-Main Ridge F.R.; TRINIDAD: Arena-Cumuto; Arima Valley; Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Aripo Heights; Brasso Seco; Catshill-Basse Terre; Cumaca; Longdenville-Talparo; Manzanilla-Fishing Pond; Maracas-Tucuche; Matura-Salybia; Mt.St.Benedict-Caura; NW Peninsular Corner; Nariva; North Central Coast; P.O.S.- Santa Cruz; Rampanalgas-Toco; SW Erin-Guapo; SW Icacos-Cedros; Sangre Grande-Valencia-Orop.; Trinity Hills; Tucker-Mt.Catherine. RBS Vegetation Classes: (Sub-)Montane forest (Vegnum 1: 13% RBS samples; Vegnum 2: 50% RBS samples); Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 44% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 20% RBS samples; Vegnum 5: 3% RBS samples); Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 7: 10% RBS samples); Savanna/plantation (Vegnum 9: 57% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Roxborough-Bloody Bay Road, Baksh 354 (TRIN 24697); Roxborough to Main Ridge Road, Clement & Ryves 346 (BM). TRINIDAD: St. Anns, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 3843); St. Augustine, Adams 13334 (TRIN); Aripo Savanna, Howard 10308 (BM); Cumaca Road, Adams 14328 (TRIN 21794); Arima-Blanchisseuse Road Broadway 5921 (BM, K, MO); Las Lapas Trace, Adams 14807 (TRIN 24696); Balandra Bay, Britton et al. 421 (K, NY, TRIN 9524); Nariva Swamp, Ramcharan 399 (TRIN 21818, UMO 167846); Cedros, Barnard et al. 133 (RNG). Global range: Widespread in Central and South America and the Caribbean.


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Baksh-Comeau, Yasmin S., Maharaj, Shobha S., Adams, Dennis, Harris, Stephen A., Filer, Denis L. & Hawthorne, William D. 2016

Rhynchospora colorata

1935: 89

Pycreus pumilus

Nees 1834: 283

Fimbristylis autumnalis

Roem. & Schult. 1817: 97

Cyperus rotundus

1753: 45
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