Baksh-Comeau, Yasmin S., Maharaj, Shobha S., Adams, Dennis, Harris, Stephen A., Filer, Denis L. & Hawthorne, William D., 2016, An annotated checklist of the vascular plants of Trinidad and Tobago with analysis of vegetation types and botanical ‘ hotspots’, Phytotaxa 250 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.250.1.1

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scientific name




Calophyllum calaba View in CoL L., Sp. Pl. 1: 514. 1753. Syn: Calophyllum brasiliense var. antillanum (Britton) Standl. Exotic. View in CoL

Calophyllum inophyllum View in CoL L., Sp. Pl. 513 (1753) Exotic.

Calophyllum lucidum Benth. Common name: Galba, Santa Maria. Exotic.

Clusia aripoensis Britton, Bull. Torrey Bot. View in CoL Club 50: 53 (1923) Common name: Matapal. Habit: Tree. Habitat: Montane forest. IUCN: EN. Star: BK. MAT Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Grande Riviere-Matelot View in CoL ; Matura-


Phytotaxa 250 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press • 151 Salybia. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Arima-Blanchisseuse Road, near 10.5 m.p., Broadway 5527 (BM); Las Lapas Road, Broadway 5958 (BM); Aripo Heights, Broadway s.n. (NY, TRIN 9785). Global range: Endemic to Trinidad.

Clusia flavida (Benth.) Pipoly, Fl. Venez. Guayana View in CoL 4: 272 (1998) Syn: Havetia flavida Benth. View in CoL ; Havetiopsis flavida (Benth.) Planch. & Triana Habit View in CoL : Shrub or small tree. Habitat: Lowland to montane evergreen and semideciduous and seasonally flooded forests, and palm marsh. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Brasso Seco; Gasparee; Longdenville-Talparo; Rio Claro-Mayaro. RBS Vegetation Classes: (Sub-)Montane forest (Vegnum 1: 38% RBS samples); Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 2% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 1% RBS samples); Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 6: 10% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD:Aripo Savanna, Williams s.n. (TRIN); Mora Forest, Broadway View in CoL s.n. (TRIN 11722). Global range: Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, French Guiana, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia.

Clusia intertexta Britton, Bull. Torrey Bot. View in CoL Club 50: 52 (1923) Common name: Mountain Mangrove, Mountain Mangue. Habit: Tree. Habitat: Frequent in the canopy of montane rain forest and dominant in elfin woodland. IUCN: CR. Star: BK. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Brasso Seco. NEL Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N. RBS Vegetation Classes: (Sub-)Montane forest (Vegnum 1: 13% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Aripo Heights, Broadway 7406 (BM), Broadway s.n. (NY, TRIN 9786, US). Global range: Endemic to Trinidad.

Clusia minor View in CoL L., Sp. Pl. 1: 510 (1753) Habit: Tree. Habitat: Forests. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: NW Peninsular Corner; Nariva. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 4: 1% RBS samples); Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 6: 10% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Cinnamon Hill, Eggers 5666; Montpelier, Broadway 3115 (BM); Sandy River Valley, Sandwith 1681 (K); Roxborough to Main Ridge Road, Clement & Ryves 292 (BM). TRINIDAD: Arena forests, Broadway 6504 (BM). Global range: Greater Antilles, Virgin Islands, Lesser Antilles, Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia.

Clusia nemorosa G.Mey., Prim. Fl. Esseq. 203 (1818) Habit: Tree. Habitat: Lowland forest edges, rocky places, marsh forest and palm marsh. IUCN: NE. Star: BU. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Arena-Cumuto; Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; P.O.S.-Santa Cruz; Sangre Grande-Valencia-Orop. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 3% RBS samples; Vegnum 5: 3% RBS samples); Savanna/plantation (Vegnum 9: 14% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Caroni River, Britton & Hazen 730 (NY); Aripo Savanna, Schwab 111 (BM); Long Stretch, Broadway 9109 (BM). Global range: Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil.

Clusia palmicida Rich. ex Planch. & Triana, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. View in CoL sér. 4, 13: 326 (1860) Syn: Clusia martinii Sagot Common name: Agali, Arali, Autograph Tree, Figuier, Ingratos, L’aglie, Matapal, Matapalo, Parrot Apple, Scotch Attorney, Scotchman, Scotchman Hugging Creole, Scottish Attorney. Habit: Tree. Habitat: Forest undergrowth and thickets, lowland rain forest, lower montane rain forest, xerophytic rain forests, palm marsh. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: NE Coast-Main Ridge F.R.; TRINIDAD: Arena-Cumuto; Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Cumaca; Grande Riviere-Matelot View in CoL ; P.O.S.-Santa Cruz; Princes Town; Rampanalgas-Toco; Southern Watershed; Tabaquite-Brickfield; Trinity Hills. NEL Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: North Central Coast; Rio Claro-Mayaro. MAT Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Matura-Salybia. RBS Vegetation Classes: (Sub-)Montane forest (Vegnum 1: 13% RBS samples; Vegnum 2: 13% RBS samples); Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 13% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 4% RBS samples; Vegnum 5: 17% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Easterfield, Broadway 4601 (BM); Roxborough, Philcox 7062 (NY). TRINIDAD: Monos Island, Ewan 17049 (BM); Mt. St. Benedict, Broadway 9165 (BM); Arima-Blanchisseuse Road, near 10 m. p., Broadway 5663 (BM); Hollis Reservoir, Adams 13595 (TRIN); Arena forests, Broadway 6501 (BM); Mora forest, Broadway View in CoL 6633 (BM); Toco Road, Howard 10360 (BM); Aripo Heights, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 9788). Global range: Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru.

Clusia rosea Jacq., Enum. Syst. Pl. Carib. View in CoL 34 (1760) Common Name: Agali, Arali, autograph Tree, Figuier, Ingratos, Matapal, Matapalo, Parrot Apple, Scotch Attorney Scotchman, Scotchman Hugging Creole, Scottish Attorney. Exotic.

Clusia tocuchensis Britton, Bull. Torrey Bot. View in CoL Club 48: 333 (1922) Common name: Matapal, Mountain Mangrove.

152 • Phytotaxa 250 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press View in CoL


Habit: Tree. Habitat: Forest. IUCN: EN. Star: BK. MAT Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Grande Riviere-Matelot ; Matura-Salybia. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Tucuche, Britton et al. 1247 (GH, NY, TRIN, US); Aripo Heights, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 9787). Global range: Endemic to Trinidad..

Garcinia dulcis (Roxb.) Kurz, J. Asiat. Soc. Beng. 43: 11, 88 (1874) Exotic.

Garcinia humilis (Vahl) C.D.Adams, Phytologia View in CoL 20: 312 (1970) Syn: Rheedia lateriflora View in CoL L.; Rheedia sieberi Choisy Common View in CoL name: Hatstand Tree, Napoleon’s Button. Habit: Tree. Habitat: Evergreen seasonal forest, lower montane forest. IUCN: NE. Star: BU. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Manzanilla-Fishing Pond; Tucker-Mt.Catherine. PSP Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Arena-Cumuto; Catshill-Basse Terre; Central Range; Matura-Salybia; Rio Claro-Mayaro; Southern Watershed; Trinity Hills. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 3% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 1% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Siparia, Rogers s.n. (TRIN 8391). Global range: Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Central America, Guyana.

Garcinia indica Choisy, Prodr. View in CoL 1: 561 (1824) Exotic.

Garcinia macrophylla Mart. , Flora 24 Beibl. 35 Syn: Rheedia macrophylla (Mart.) Planch. & Triana Common Name : Soiebo. Exotic.

Garcinia madruno (Kunth) Hammel, Ann. View in CoL Missouri Bot. Gard. 76: 928 (1989) Syn: Rheedia acuminata (Ruiz & Pav.) Planch. & Triana View in CoL ; Rheedia madruno (Kunth) Planch. & Triana Common View in CoL name: Wild Pomme Rose, Wild Primrose. Habit: Tree. Habitat: Forests. IUCN: NE. Star: BU. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Arena-Cumuto; Arima Valley; Aripo Heights; Biche-Poole; Catshill-Basse Terre; Central Range; Cumaca; Grande Riviere-Matelot View in CoL ; Longdenville-Talparo; Manzanilla-Fishing Pond; Matura-Salybia; Mt.St.Benedict-Caura; Nariva; Princes Town; Rampanalgas-Toco; Rio Claro-Mayaro; SW Erin-Guapo; Southern Watershed; Trinity Hills. NEL Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Tucker-Mt.Catherine. RBS Vegetation Classes: (Sub-)Montane forest (Vegnum 2: 13% RBS samples); Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 38% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 31% RBS samples); Swamp/marsh (Vegnum 11: 8% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Blanchisseuse Reserve, Brooks s.n. (TRIN 12482); Maracas Bay, Williams et al. s.n. (TRIN 11251); Quare Reservoir, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 11951); Oropuche, de Verteuil s.n. (TRIN 7055). Global range: Lesser Antilles, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia.

Garcinia mangostana View in CoL L., Sp. Pl. 443 (1753) Exotic.

Garcinia morella (Gaertn.) Desr., Encycl. Méth. Bot. View in CoL 3: 701 (1792) Exotic.

Garcinia spicata (Wight & Arn.) Hook. View in CoL f, J. Linn. Soc. 14: 486 (1875) Exotic.

Garcinia xanthochymus Hook. View in CoL f ex T.Anderson, Fl. Brit. India 1: 269 (1874) Exotic.

Mammea americana View in CoL L., Sp. Pl. 512 (1753) Common Name: Mamee Apple. Exotic.

Marila grandiflora Griseb., Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 111 (1860) Common name: Coco Mangue, Red Mangue, Wild Cocoa. Habit: Tree. Habitat: Streams and edges of ravines, evergreen seasonal to lower montane forests. Star: GD. PSP Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Arena-Cumuto; Central Range; Matura-Salybia; Rampanalgas-Toco; Sangre Grande-Valencia-Orop. NEL Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N. Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Roxborough-Parlatuvier Road, Sandwith 1928 (K). TRINIDAD: Arima-Blanchisseuse Road, Adams 13799 (TRIN). Global range: Northern South America.

Mesua ferrea L., Sp. Pl. (ed. 2) 1: 734 (1762) Common Name: Ironwood, Negeswar. Exotic.

Symphonia globulifera L.f., Suppl. Pl. 302 (1782) Syn: Moronobea coccinea Aubl. Common name: Yellow Mangrove, Yellow Mangue. Habit: Tree. Habitat: Palm marsh, swampy parts of seasonal and lower montane to montane forests and savanna margins. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Arena-Cumuto; Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Aripo Heights; Biche-Poole; Brasso Seco; Catshill-Basse Terre; Central Range; Cumaca; Maracas-Tucuche; Matura-Salybia; Mt.St.Benedict-Caura; Nariva; Rio Claro-Mayaro; SW Erin-


Phytotaxa 250 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press • 153 Guapo; Sangre Grande-Valencia-Orop.; Trinity Hills; Tucker-Mt.Catherine. PSP Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Rampanalgas-Toco. MAT Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Grande Riviere-Matelot. RBS Vegetation Classes: (Sub-)Montane forest (Vegnum 1: 75% RBS samples; Vegnum 2: 13% RBS samples); Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 35% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 5% RBS samples); Savanna/plantation (Vegnum 9: 14% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Long Stretch, Adams 14016 (TRIN); Caroni River, Britton & Hazen 735 (NY); Rio Claro-Mayaro Road, Swabey s.n. (TRIN 12235). Global range: Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia.

Tovomita eggersii Vesque, Epharmosis View in CoL 3: 19 (1892) Syn: Tovomita amazonica Griseb. Common View in CoL name: Coco Mangue, Cocoa Mangue, Red Mangue. Habit: Tree. Habitat: Evergreen seasonal, marsh and lower montane forests. IUCN: NE. Star: GD. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Arena-Cumuto; Arima Valley; Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Aripo Heights; Biche-Poole; Brasso Seco; Cumaca; Grande Riviere-Matelot View in CoL ; Guanapo-Chaguaramal; Maracas-Tucuche; Matura-Salybia; Mt.St.Benedict-Caura; P.O.S.-Santa Cruz; Rampanalgas-Toco; SW Erin-Guapo; Tucker-Mt.Catherine. NEL Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: North Central Coast; Sangre Grande-Valencia-Orop. RBS Vegetation Classes: (Sub-)Montane forest (Vegnum 1: 38% RBS samples; Vegnum 2: 38% RBS samples); Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 44% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Tucuche, Adams 14090 (TRIN); Piarco, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 2518). Global range: Venezuela, Guyana.













Baksh-Comeau, Yasmin S., Maharaj, Shobha S., Adams, Dennis, Harris, Stephen A., Filer, Denis L. & Hawthorne, William D. 2016

Garcinia spicata (Wight & Arn.)

Wight & Arn. 1875: 486

Garcinia xanthochymus

Hook. 1874: 269

Calophyllum calaba

Britton 1753: 514
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