Baksh-Comeau, Yasmin S., Maharaj, Shobha S., Adams, Dennis, Harris, Stephen A., Filer, Denis L. & Hawthorne, William D., 2016, An annotated checklist of the vascular plants of Trinidad and Tobago with analysis of vegetation types and botanical ‘ hotspots’, Phytotaxa 250 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.250.1.1

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scientific name




Calathea altissima (Poepp. & Endl.) Körn., Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou View in CoL 35: 141 (1862) Common Name: Alluya, Suthani, Topitambo. Habit: Herb. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Arena-Cumuto; Biche-Poole; Brasso Seco; Catshill-Basse Terre; Central Range; Longdenville-Talparo; Mt.St.Benedict-Caura; North Central Coast; Princes Town; Rio Claro-Mayaro; SW Erin-Guapo; SW Icacos-Cedros; Southern Watershed; Tabaquite-Brickfield; Trinity Hills; Tucker-Mt.Catherine. RBS Vegetation Classes: (Sub-)Montane forest (Vegnum 1: 13% RBS samples); Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 6% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 39% RBS samples; Vegnum 5: 6% RBS samples); Savanna/plantation (Vegnum 9: 29% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Oropuche Cave, sine coll. (TRIN 14778), sine coll. (TRIN 15363); Cumuto, sine coll. (TRIN 14982); Cedros, sine coll. (TRIN 7097). Global range: Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia.

Calathea casupito (Jacq.) Schult., Prim. Fl. Esseq. View in CoL 10 (1818) Common name: Cachez-vous. Habit: Herb. Habitat: In undergrowth of submontane forests. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: NE Coast-Main Ridge F.R.; TRINIDAD: Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Brasso Seco; Longdenville-Talparo; Maracas-Tucuche; Rio Claro-Mayaro; SW Erin-Guapo; Southern Watershed; Trinity Hills. RBS Vegetation Classes: (Sub-)Montane forest (Vegnum 1: 38% RBS samples); Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 6% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 5% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Pigeon Peak, Gregson 117 (TRIN). TRINIDAD: Maracas Falls, sine coll. (TRIN 13948); Tucuche, sine coll. (TRIN 608); Arima, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 2883); Arima Valley, Graham 431 (K, TRIN); Morne Bleu, Broadway 6153 (BM), Broadway 6215 (BM, K. TRIN); Arima-Blanchisseuse Road, Hombersley s.n. (BM), Simmonds 24 (TRIN 13943), Broadway 5673 (K), Simmonds s.n. (TRIN 14905); Aripo, sine coll. (TRIN 1503); Aripo Heights, Britton & Freeman 2360 (GH, NY), Broadway s.n. (TRIN 9909). Global range: Central America, Guyana, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru.

Calathea latifolia (Willd. ex Link) Klotzsch, Faun. & Fl. Guiana, Reis. Br.- Guiana 3: 918 (1848) Habit: Herb. Habitat: In low-lying wet ground, in partial shade. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Chancellor Road, Broadway 7399 (BM); Laventille, Broadway 7737 (BM); Maracas Valley Road, Kennedy 1700 (BM); St. Augustine, Simmonds 11 (TRIN 13945). Global range: Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador.

Calathea legrelleana (Linden) Regel, Gartenflora View in CoL 28: 301 (1897) Syn: Calathea allouia (Aubl.) Lindl. Exotic. View in CoL

Calathea lutea (Aubl.) Schult., Mant. View in CoL 1: 8 (1822) Common name: Cachibou, Duckna, Soharee, Soharie, Suhari. Habit: Herb. Habitat: Forest and swamp lands. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: NE Coast-Main Ridge F.R.; TRINIDAD: Arena-Cumuto; Catshill-Basse Terre; Central Range; Princes Town; Rio Claro-Mayaro; SW Erin-Guapo; SW Icacos-Cedros; San Fernando; Southern Watershed; Tabaquite-Brickfield; Trinity Hills. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 5% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 12% RBS

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samples; Vegnum 5: 17% RBS samples); Savanna/plantation (Vegnum 9: 14% RBS samples); Swamp/marsh (Vegnum 11: 15% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Great Dog River, Eggers 5755 (K). TRINIDAD: Mt. Pleasant, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 2880); Sangre Grande , Britton & Hazen 382 (K); Cocal, sine coll. (TRIN 5739); Nariva Swamp, Freeman & Williams (TRIN 11997); Point Fortin, Broadway 9097 (BM, K); near Ortoire Ferry, Simmonds 31 (TRIN 13944); Cedros, sine coll. (TRIN 7119). Global range: Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Mexico, Central America (Belize to Panama), Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia.

Calathea macrosepala K.Schum., Pflanzenr. IV , 48(Heft 11): 84 (1902) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Semi-weedy plant of grassy places. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: St. Anns, sine coll. (TRIN 1508); Maracas Valley, sine coll. (TRIN 13946); St. Augustine, sine coll. (TRIN 13947). Global range: Mexico, Central America (Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua to Panama), Peru.

Calathea riedeliana (Didr.) K.Schum., Pflanzenr. 48: 105 (1902) Habit: Herb. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Platanal Valley, Simmonds 5, (TRIN 13950) Oropouche Cave, Simmonds s.n. (TRIN 15363); Cumuto, Simmonds s.n. (TRIN 14982). Global range: Brazil.

Calathea sciuroides Petersen, Vid. Meddel. Naturh. Foren. 1889: 329 (1889) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Swamps and sheltered places near water, in low-lying land. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Central Range; Longdenville-Talparo. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 4: 3% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: St. Anns, Broadway 7425 (BM); Irois, Prestoe 3 (K); Cupar Grange, Finlay s.n. (TRIN 2888). Global range: Guyana, Brazil.

Calathea zebrina (Sims) Lindl., Bot. Regist. 14: sub. t.1210 (1828) Exotic.

Ctenanthe pilosa (Schauer) Eichler, Abh. Königl. Akad. Wiss. View in CoL Berlin 1883: 83 (1884) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Swamp. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Nariva Swamp, Quesnel s.n. (TRIN 30457), Quesnel s.n. (TRIN 28129). Global range: Venezuela, Brazil.

Ischnosiphon arouma (Aubl.) Körn., Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou View in CoL 35: 88 (1862) Common name: Arouma, Gouti Bush, Terite, Tirite. Habit View in CoL : Herb. Habitat: Forests. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Arena-Cumuto; Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Aripo Heights; Biche-Poole; Brasso Seco; Catshill-Basse Terre; Central Range; Cumaca; Grande Riviere-Matelot View in CoL ; Guanapo-Chaguaramal; Longdenville-Talparo; Maracas-Tucuche; Matura-Salybia; Mt.St.Benedict-Caura; Nariva; North Central Coast; P.O.S.-Santa Cruz; Princes Town; Rampanalgas-Toco; Rio Claro-Mayaro; SW Erin-Guapo; SW Icacos-Cedros; Tabaquite-Brickfield; Trinity Hills; Tucker-Mt.Catherine. RBS Vegetation Classes: (Sub-)Montane forest (Vegnum 1: 13% RBS samples; Vegnum 2: 25% RBS samples); Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 33% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 42% RBS samples); Savanna/plantation (Vegnum 9: 57% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Maracas, Broadway 6133 (BM, K); Caura Valley, sine coll. (TRIN 13934); Arima, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 1501); Arima-Blanchisseuse Road, sine coll. (TRIN 13935), Raynal 15642 (K); Chaguanas, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 2879. Global range: Lesser Antilles, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Guianas, Peru.

Maranta arundinacea View in CoL L., Sp. Pl. 2 (1753) Exotic.

Maranta gibba Sm., Cycl. (Rees) 22 (1819) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Open woodland. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: NE Coast-Main Ridge F.R.; TRINIDAD: Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Catshill-Basse Terre; Central Range; Longdenville-Talparo; Manzanilla-Fishing Pond; Mt.St.Benedict-Caura; NW Peninsular Corner; North Central Coast; P.O.S.-Santa Cruz; Princes Town; Rio Claro-Mayaro; SW Erin-Guapo; Southern Watershed; Tabaquite-Brickfield; Tucker-Mt.Catherine. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 3% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 30% RBS samples; Vegnum 5: 25% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Cradley, Eggers 5724 (K); Morne d’Or, Eggers 5816 (K); Roxborough-Parlatuvier Road, Sandwith 1768 (K); above Speyside, Clement & Ryves 594 (BM). TRINIDAD: Scotland Bay, Adams 14100 (TRIN); Maqueripe, Britton et al. 196 (TRIN); Mt. St. Benedict, Raynal 15671 (BM); Arima-Blanchisseuse Road, Broadway 9365 (K); Guanapo Heights Road, Adams 13357 (TRIN); Toco, sine coll. (TRIN 13942); Tabaquite, Broadway s.n. (BM); Central Range Forest Reserve, sine coll. (TRIN 14756); San Fernando Hill, sine coll. (TRIN 14829); Plum Road, sine coll. (TRIN 12151); Nariva Swamp, Adams 14252 (TRIN); Moruga, sine coll. (TRIN 7916); Trinity Hills, Jermy 11007 (BM); Palo Seco, sine coll. (TRIN 10885). Global range: Lesser Antilles,


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Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Surinam, Ecuador, Peru.

Monotagma spicatum (Aubl.) J.F.Macbr., Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. View in CoL ser. 11: 14 (1931) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Forests, marsh forest, in palm-mixed forest. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Biche-Poole; Brasso Seco; Catshill-Basse Terre; Central Range; Cumaca; Grande Riviere-Matelot View in CoL ; Longdenville-Talparo; Manzanilla-Fishing Pond; Matura-Salybia; Mt.St.Benedict-Caura; Nariva; Rampanalgas-Toco; Rio Claro-Mayaro; SW Erin-Guapo; Sangre Grande-Valencia-Orop.; Trinity Hills. RBS Vegetation Classes: (Sub-)Montane forest (Vegnum 1: 38% RBS samples; Vegnum 2: 25% RBS samples); Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 40% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 12% RBS samples); Savanna/plantation (Vegnum 12: 33% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Maraval, sine coll. (TRIN 5560); Las Lapas Road, Broadway s.n. (BM); Aripo Savanna, Adams 13514 (TRIN); Long Stretch, sine coll. (TRIN 13937); Sangre Grande View in CoL , Broadway 5387 (BM); Arena Forest Reserve, Jermy 10829 (BM); Matura, sine coll. (TRIN 13936); Moruga, sine coll. (TRIN 3858). Global range: Lesser Antilles, Central America, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Peru.

Myrosma cannifolia View in CoL L.f., Suppl. 80 (1782) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Denuded hillsides. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Central Range; Mt.St.Benedict-Caura; Trinity Hills. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 2% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 1% RBS samples; Vegnum 5: 6% RBS samples); Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 7: 10% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: St. Anns, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 1504); St. Joseph, sine coll. (TRIN 1505), sine coll. (TRIN 13951, Adams 13474 (TRIN); St. Augustine, sine coll. (TRIN 12704). Global range: Antilles, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia.

Stromanthe tonckat (Aubl.) Eichler, Abh. Königl. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 80 (1884) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Clearings and pathsides in montane forests. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: E Coast; NE Coast-Main Ridge F.R.; TRINIDAD: Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Brasso Seco; Guanapo-Chaguaramal; Maracas-El-Tucuche; NW Peninsular Corner; Nariva; SW Icacos-Cedros; Tabaquite-Brickfield. RBS Vegetation Classes: (Sub-)Montane forest (Vegnum 1: 38% RBS samples); Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 8% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 7% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Roxborough-Parlatuvier Road, Sandwith 1768 (K); Tobago Forest Reserve, Clement & Ryves 444 (BM). TRINIDAD: St. Anns, Crueger s.n. (K); Maracas, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 1502); Maracas Valley, sine coll. (TRIN 13939); Tucuche, sine coll. (TRIN 5212, sine coll. (TRIN 13677, Jermy 11238 (BM), Adams 14084 (TRIN); Mt. St. Benedict, Raynal 15671 (K); Morne Bleu, sine coll. (TRIN 11546); Arima-Blanchisseuse Road, Riley 79 (BM, K), Broadway 5501 (BM), Broadway 8933 (BM, K), sine coll. (TRIN 13938). Global range: Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Bolivia.

Thalia geniculata L., Sp. Pl. 1193 (1753) Syn: Thalia trichocalyx Gagnep. Habit : Herb. Habitat: Ditches at the edges of swamps, riverside swamps, pond margins. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Nariva. RBS Vegetation Classes: Swamp/marsh (Vegnum 11: 8% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Caroni Savanna Road, sine coll. (TRIN 15104); Oropuche Lagoon, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 2890); Nariva Swamp, Adams 14251 (TRIN); Madras Settlement Road, sine coll. (TRIN 15102); Cedros, Broadway 9107 (BM). Global range: Widespread in Central and South America and the Caribbean.













Baksh-Comeau, Yasmin S., Maharaj, Shobha S., Adams, Dennis, Harris, Stephen A., Filer, Denis L. & Hawthorne, William D. 2016

Monotagma spicatum (Aubl.) J.F.Macbr., Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot.

J. F. Macbr. 1931: 14

Calathea legrelleana (Linden)

Regel 1897: 301

Ctenanthe pilosa (Schauer) Eichler, Abh. Königl. Akad. Wiss.

Eichler 1884: 83

Calathea altissima (Poepp. & Endl.) Körn., Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou

Poepp. & Endl. 1862: 141

Ischnosiphon arouma (Aubl.) Körn., Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou

Aubl. 1862: 88
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