Azteca jelskii Emery

Longino, J. T., 2007, A taxonomic review of the genus Azteca (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Costa Rica and a global revision of the aurita group., Zootaxa (1491), pp. 1-63 : 60

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scientific name

Azteca jelskii Emery


Azteca jelskii Emery   HNS 1893

Azteca jelskii Emery   HNS 1893:338. Syntype workers: French Guiana, Cayenne (Jelski) [ MCSN] (examined).

Azteca tonduzi var. columbica Forel   HNS 1912:51. Syntype workers: Colombia, Ouriheka [=Orihueca] near Rio Frio (Forel) [ MHNG] (examined). NEW SYNONYMY

Range. Northern South America to Peru, Bolivia.

Biology. The types of columbica   HNS were collected on a live tree that also contained a nest of Dolichoderus decollatus   HNS (Forel 1912). Doug Yu's Manu collection was from a carton nest on Inga stipulacea . In Venezuela I collected a nest in a dead vine stem, and a polygynous nest with many dealate queens in a dead Cecropia branch.

Comments. Azteca jelskii   HNS is a South American version of A tonduzi   HNS . The only difference is that the scape and tibiae of A jelskii   HNS lack erect setae. The scape and tibiae of A tonduzi   HNS have an inconspicuous but distinct series of short erect setae. There is variation in queen head size in South America. A queen from Venezuela is smaller than queens of A tonduzi   HNS (HLA 1.01mm versus 1.10-1.16mm, respectively); two queens, one from Peru and one from Bolivia are similar in size to A. tonduzi   HNS queens (HLA 1.16-1.17mm).

Additional material examined. BOLIVIA: Beni: Cavinas , Feb 1922 (M. B. Lopez) - alate queen [ USNM] ; PERU: Madre de Dios: Manu National Park , 12°S, 71°W, 400m , Sep-Nov 1994 (D. Yu) - alate queen, worker GoogleMaps ; Cocha Totora, Manu National Park , 25 Oct 1986 (D. W. Davidson) - worker [ LACM] ; San Martín: La Perla, 21km NNE Tarapoto , 6°19'S, 76°17'W, 220m , 23 Aug 1986 (P. S. Ward) - alate queen [ UCDC] GoogleMaps ; TRINIDAD: no specific locality (Urich) - worker [ MCZC] ; VENEZUELA: Puerto Cabello (A. Forel) - worker [ MHNG] ; Barinas: Ticoporo , 8°02'N, 70°46'W, 240m , 28 Aug 1987 (J. Longino) - workers, queens GoogleMaps .


Italy, Genova, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale "Giacomo Doria"


Switzerland, Geneva, Museum d'Histoire Naturelle


USA, Washington D.C., National Museum of Natural History, [formerly, United States National Museum]


USA, California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History


USA, California, Davis, University of California, R.M. Bohart Museum of Entomology


USA, Massachusetts, Cambridge, Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology

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