Cerodontha (Poemyza) incisa (Meigen)
publication ID |
https://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1051.64603 |
publication LSID |
lsid:zoobank.org:pub:639E252D-4392-4ABB-910B-CEA5D8AD2487 |
persistent identifier |
https://treatment.plazi.org/id/D0BF3A9A-4B5E-FF63-7DE5-D13A1F06B316 |
treatment provided by |
scientific name |
Cerodontha (Poemyza) incisa (Meigen) |
status |
Cerodontha (Poemyza) incisa (Meigen)
Figs 102 View Figures 99–106 , 541-544 View Figures 541–544
Agromyza incisa Meigen, 1830: 182.
Agromyza carbonella Zetterstedt, 1860: 6455. Hendel 1920 [synonymy].
Agromyza graminis Kaltenbach, 1874: 738. Hendel 1920 [synonymy].
Agromyza atra Meigen. Misidentification. Brischke 1881: 53.
Agromyza luctuosa Meigen. Misidentification. Strobl 1893: 134; Melander 1913: 254.
Agromyza angulata Loew. Misidentification. Malloch 1913: 304.
Dizygomyza incisa . Hendel, 1920: 135.
Dizygomyza ( Poëmyza) Dizygomyza incisa . Hendel, 1931: 38.
Phytobia ( Poëmyza) Phytobia incisa . Frick, 1952a: 392, 1959: 381.
Cerodontha (Poemyza) incisa . Nowakowski, 1962: 112, 1967: 651, 1973: 116; Spencer 1969: 128; Spencer and Steyskal 1986b: 95; Benavent-Corai et al. 2005: 12; Scheffer et al. 2007: 771; Papp and Černý 2016: 221; Scheffer and Lonsdale 2018: 87; Eiseman and Lonsdale 2018: 44.
Phytobia incisa . Kania, 1962: 66.
(Fig. 102 View Figures 99–106 ). Wing length 2.3-3.0 mm (♂), 2.6-3.4 mm (♀). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section: 1.7-2.0. Eye height divided by gena height: 6.8-10.7. First flagellomere ovate, slightly longer than high. Arista pubescent. Lunule as high as wide, with dorsum strongly tapering, narrow; minutely pitted. Fronto-orbital plate 1/4 width of frons along most of length, but widening anteriorly to cover base of lunule laterally, sometimes reaching 1/3 width of frons. Cheek evident anteriorly on gena.
Chaetotaxy: Two ori; two ors; slightly decreasing in length anteriorly, sometimes with additional ori on one side. Ocellar and postocellar setae subequal to fronto-orbitals. One strong row of ocellar setulae. One pair of prominent setae apically on each palpus. Four dorsocentral setae decreasing in length anteriorly, with fourth dorsocentral ~ 1/3 length of first dorsocentral; third dorsocentral sometimes also 1/3 length of first dorsocentral, sometimes duplicated (i.e., five dorsocentral setae). Approximately six rows of scattered acrostichal setulae. Acrostichal seta uncommonly present.
Colouration: Setae dark brown. Head dark brown with gena paler brown (excluding ventral margin) and inner margin of ocellar triangle and fronto-orbital plate sometimes narrowly yellow; centre of frons outside ocellar triangle and fronto-orbital plate with dense blackish pits that are also present sparsely on gena centrally; buccal cavity inside clypeus with minute dark brown spicules. Remainder of body mostly dark brown with apex of fore femur light yellow for length not exceeding width of femur apex; apex of mid and hind femora with much narrower brownish to yellowish region; base of fore tibia sometimes narrowly light yellow to yellowish, and fore tibia and tarsus often paler brown, especially on tarsus and apex of tibia; wing veins light brown, becoming yellow to base; halter light yellow; calypter entirely white.
Genitalia: (Figs 541-544 View Figures 541–544 ) Epandrium with shallow supra-anal process. Surstylus directed inwards, fused to epandrium, with scattered short stout setae. Ventral process of subepandrial sclerite short, with broad stout base and narrow apical portion with outer wrinkles. Basiphallus fused to anteroventral margin of phallophorus, developed on left surface of shaft and narrowly along dorsomedial surface where it extends to become a narrow right dorsolateral bar; left distal margin continuing as narrow process flanking paraphallus. Hypophallus flat, broad, M-shaped, with thick basomedial ridge. Paraphallus only present on left side, elongate and directed laterally with margin irregular and base fused to mesophallus. Mesophallus tubular with base slightly swollen and distal section dorsoventrally compressed to narrow point of fusion with distiphallus; apically with bulging bilobed base that partially overlaps stem. Distiphallus tubules question mark-shaped, fused to mesophallus, as long as mesophallus, with narrow sclerotised band along inner-basal surface and band along outer surface that meets small, sclerotised apical cup.
Poaceae - Agropyron , Agrostis , Alopecurus , Ammophila , Anthoxanthum , Avena , Briza , Bromus , Calamagrostis , Cinna , Coix , Dactylis , Deschampsia , Digitaria , Echinochloa , Elymus , Elytrigia , Festuca ; Hierochloe , Holcus , Hordelymus , Hordeum , Leymus , Lolium , Melica , Milium , Molinia , Panicum , Pascopyrum , Phalaris , Phleum , Phragmites , Poa , Secale , Setaria , Trisetum , Triticum , Zea , Zizania ( Frick 1959; Spencer 1969; Spencer and Steyskal 1986b; Eiseman and Lonsdale 2018; Ellis 2021).
Canada: AB, NT, ON, QC, SK, YT. USA: AK, "widespread in the northern 1/2 of the united states" ( Frick 1959), NC, WY. Europe, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Russia, China, Japan, Pakistan ( Papp and Černý 2016).
Type material.
Holotype [incisa]: Germany [not given] (1♂, NMW). [Not examined]
Holotype [ Agromyza graminis ]: Germany [not given]. [Not examined]
Syntypes [ Agromyza carbonella ]: Sweden. Skane [= Scania]: Kungsmarken between Fagelsang [Fogelsang] and Lund; Ostergotland: Bockestad [= Bokestad]. [Not examined]
Additional material examined.
Canada. AB: Banff, Johnston Canyon, 1432 m, 18.vii.1962, K.C. Hermann, CNC481039 (1♂, CNC), BC: Bowser, 5.vi.1955, R. Coyles, CNC481143 (1♀, CNC), Miracle Beach nr. Oyster River, 11.vi.1955, J.R. McGillis, CNC481145 (1♀, CNC), Oliver, 20.vi.1953, J.R. McGillis, CNC481144 (1♀, CNC), Osoyoos, 2 km S, 12.v.1989, A. Borkent, CD1034, CNC481126 (1♀, CNC), Salmon Arm, 6 km E, 28.vii.1989, A. Borkent, CD1061, CNC481125 (1♀, CNC), Summit Lake, Mi 392 Alaska Hwy., 1280 m, 21.vii.1959, R.E. Leech, CNC481147, CNC481149, CNC481150 (3♀, CNC), 31.vii.1959, CNC481148 (1♀, CNC), 1524 m, 6.vii.1959, CNC481146 (1♀, CNC), 1371 m, 2-4.vii.1959, CNC481153 (1♂, CNC), 1280 m, 31.vii.1959, CNC481086, CNC481154 (2♂, CNC), NB: Kouchibouguac N.P., 23.v.1977, Hanley and Cooper, Code-5113Q, CNC481082 (1♂, CNC), NL: St. John’s, Agric. Exp. Sta., 29.vii.1967, J.F. McAlpine, CNC481142 (1♀, CNC), NT: Salmita Mines, 64°5'N, 111°15'W, 4.vii.1953, J.G. Chillcott, CNC481122 (1♀, CNC), Yellowknife, 5.vi.1953, J.G. Chillcott, CNC481121 (1♀, CNC), NS: CBHNt. Pk., French L., slope fen, 24-30.vi.1984, H.J. Teskey, PG633770 View Materials , CNC481083 (1♂, CNC), Cranberry I., Lockeport, 9.viii.1958, J.R. Vockeroth, CNC481124 (1♀, CNC), ON: Belwood, 23.vi.1968, D.H. Pengelly (1♀, DEBU), Ancaster, 26.vi.1955, O. Peck, CNC481114 (1♀, CNC), Atikokan, 4mi E on Hwy. 11, 5.vii.1978, H.J. Teskey, CNC481111 (1♀, CNC), Chatham, 25.vii.1928, Baird, 18333A, CNC481113 (1♀, CNC), Marmora, 2.vii.1952, J.R. Vockeroth, CNC481157 (1♂, CNC), Mer Bleue, 23.viii.2014, O. Lonsdale, CNC380695 (1♀, CNC), Milton, 7161 Appleby Line, 23°28'19"N, 79°54'40"W, 23-25.vii.2015, O. Lonsdale, CNC461884 (1♂, CNC), Ottawa, 695 Malibu Tr., 45°22'16.29"N, 75°42'57"W, 19.vii.2019, O. Lonsdale, leaf mine Triticeae em. 21.vii.2019, CNC1482941 (1♀, CNC), Ottawa, 20 mi NW, 17.v.1963, H. Rutz, CNC481081 (1♂, CNC), Ottawa, C. E. Farm, Arboretum, 29.vii.1962, W.G. Dore, ex leaf mine in Zizania aquatica L. CNC481056-481110, CNC481078, CNC481042 (3♂ 4♀, CNC), Ottawa, Can. Exp. Farm, W.G. Dore, leaf mine in Zizania aquatica var. angustifolia em. 14.vii-18.viii.1962, CNC481043-481055, CNC481057-481075, CNC481077 (13♂ 20♀, CNC), Ottawa, 11.ix.1947, G.E. Shewell, CNC481106 (1♀, CNC), 14.v.1946, A.R. Brooks, CNC481076 (1♂, CNC), Ottawa, marshy river shore, 2.ix.1984, J.R. Vockeroth, CNC481137 (1♀, CNC), 26.viii.1984, CNC481155 (1♂, CNC), Ottawa, damp, second growth Acer - Betula wood, 20.vi.2003, J.R. Vockeroth, CNC481102 (1♀, CNC), 9.viii.1993, CNC481103 (1♀, CNC), 4.vii.2003, CNC481104 (1♀, CNC), 5.vii.1989, CNC481139 (1♀, CNC), Ottawa, 5.vi.1946, G.E. Shewell, CNC481041 (1♂, CNC), 6.v.1987, J.R. Vockeroth, CNC481105 (1♀, CNC), iv-vii.1956, J.R. Vockeroth, CNC481138 (1♀, CNC), Picton, 10.vii.1970, J.F. McAlpine, CNC481140 (1♀, CNC), Port Severn, 3mi N, Black spruce bog, 18.v.1959, J.G. Chillcott, CNC481141 (1♀, CNC), Simcoe, 26.vi.1939, G.E. Shewell, CNC481087 (1♂, CNC), 29.vi.1939, CNC481112 (1♀, CNC), Simcoe, 22.vi.1939, G.E. Shewell, CNC481079 (1♂, CNC), St. Lawrence Is. Nat. Park, McDonald Is., 12.vii.1976, W. Reid, Code 4174-N, CNC481101 (1♀, CNC), 22.viii.1976, Code 4492-V, CNC481100 (1♀, CNC), 5.viii.1976, A. Carter, Code 4334-T, CNC481099 (1♀, CNC), Thornhill, 30.v.1964, J.R. Vockeroth, CNC481080 (1♂, CNC), Wilno, ex Pineus -infested white pine, 16.v.1960, J.F. McAlpine, CNC481156 (1♂, CNC), QC: Abbotsford, 2.vii.1936, G.E. Shewell, CNC481118 (1♀, CNC), 20.viii.1936, CNC481117 (1♀, CNC), Breckenridge, 14.vii.1959, C.H. Mann, CNC481133, CNC481134 (2♀, CNC), Farnham, 7.vii.1937, G.E. Shewell, CNC481084, CNC481119 (1♂ 1♀, CNC), Hemmingford, 8.vii.1925, Hammond, leaf miner in Timothy, CNC481085, CNC481115 (1♂ 1♀, CNC), 9.vii.1925, CNC481116 (1♀, CNC), Kingsmere, 26.v.1958, J.G. Chillcott, CNC481136 (1♀, CNC), Old Chelsea, 16.v.1958, J.R. Vockeroth, CNC481135 (1♀, CNC), SK: 18 km S Maple Creek, by small clear stream, 49°44'31.93"N, 109°28'40.77"W, 10.vii.2005, J. R. Vockeroth, yellow pan trap, CNC287490 (1♂, CNC), Saskatoon, 9.v.1949, A.R. Brooks, CNC481123 (1♀, CNC), YT: North Fork Crossing, mi. 43, Peel Plt. Rd., 1066 m, 3.vii.1962, P.J. Skitsko, CNC481040 (1♂, CNC), Whitehorse, 24.viii.1959, R. Madge, CNC481120 (1♀, CNC). Germany. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Mecklenburg, Rostock 270, 10.viii.1932, H. Buhr, Zea mays CNC481098 (1♂, CNC). Norway. Heia, S. Grong NT, 8.vii.1972, Phalaris erundinacea em. 23.vii.1962,em. 23.vii.1972, CNC481093, CNC481092 (2♀, CNC). Spain. Granada, 700 m, 10.vii.1960, J.R. Vockeroth, CNC481094 (1♀, CNC), Veleta, Sierra Nevada, N. slope, 2800-3000 m, 20.vii.1960, J.R. Vockeroth, CNC481095 (1♀, CNC), 2300-2550 m, 22.vii.1960, J.R. Vockeroth, CNC481097 (1♀, CNC), 2200 m, 30.vii.1960, J.R. Vockeroth, CNC481096 (1♀, CNC). USA. AK: Anchorage, 27.vi.1959, R.S. Bigelow, CNC481130 (1♀, CNC), 29.vi.1959, CNC481129 (1♀, CNC), Big Delta, 18.vi.1951, W.R.M. Mason, CNC481088 (1♂, CNC), Umiat, 11.vii.1959, J.E.H. Martin, CNC481089 (1♂, CNC), 12.vii.1959, CNC481091 (1♂, CNC), 13.vii.1959, CNC481131, CNC481132 (2♀, CNC), 23.vii.1959, R. Madge, CNC481090 (1♂, CNC), CO: Boulder, 1828 m, 4.vi.1961, B.H. Poole, CNC481152 (1♀, CNC), DC: "Dist Columbia", 11.vi.1926, J.M. Aldrich (1♀, USNM), DE: New Castle Co., Port Penn, Port Penn Nature Trail, 7.ix.2006, sweeping, K. Styler (1♀, UDCC), IA: Howard Co., Hayden Prairie State Preserve, 15.vii.2015, em. 30.vii.2015, C.S. Eiseman, ex? Phalaris , #CSE1910, CNC564724 (1♀, CNC), IN: LaFayette, 12.vii.1915, CNC481127 (1♀, CNC), MA: Franklin Co., Northfield, 263 Capt. Beers Plain Rd., 11.vii.2012, em. by 27.vii.2012, C.S. Eiseman, ex Phalaris arundinacea , CNC358500 (1♀, CNC), 276 Old Wendell Rd., 2.viii.2014, em. 11.viii.2014, C.S. Eiseman, ex Phleum pratense , #CSE1302, CNC384827-384829 (1♂ 2♀, CNC), Plymouth Co., West Bridgewater, 41.991852, -71.033550, 7.viii.2013, em. 17.viii.2013, C.S. Eiseman, ex Cinna arundinacea , #CSE816, CNC392642 (1♀, CNC), Bridgewater, 16.viii.2013, em. 18-29.viii.2013, C.S. Eiseman, ex Cinna arundinacea , #CSE826, CNC384722-384724 (2♂ 1♀, CNC), Worcester Co., Phillipston, along Burnshirt River (42.52149046, -72.09219652), 4.vii.2017, em. 15.vii.2017, C.S. Eiseman, ex Calamagrostis canadensis , #CSE3955, CNC939733 (1♂, CNC), MD: Montg. Co., Clarksburg, Little Bennett Reg. Park, 21.ix.1990, W.E. Steiner, M.J. and R. Molineaux (1♂, USNM), Prince Georges Co., Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, 14.vii.1978, W.W. Wirth (1♂, USNM), Montgomery Co., Bethseda, 9.iv.1968, G. Steyskal (1♂, USNM), Bethseda, 27.viii.1981, G.C. Steyskal (1♂, USNM), Mg. Co., 4mi SW of Ashton, 25.iv.1987, G.F. and J.F. Hevel (2♀, USNM), 8.vi.1981, Malaise trap (1♀, USNM), Mg. Co., Camp Springs, 15.ix.1979, Malaise trap, G. Hevel (1♀, USNM), Montgomery Co., Forest Glen, 25.vi.1967, W.W. Wirth (1♀, USNM), Cab. John Br, 14.vi.1913, R.C. Shannon (1♀, USNM), NC: Macon Co., Highlands, Lake Ravenel, 15.vi.1986, Malaise trap, W.W. Wirth (1♀, USNM), Cecil Co., Fair Hill, 771 Hill Top Rd, 22.vii.2003, Malaise trap, M. Spellman (1♀, UDCC), Highlands, Whitesides Cove, 853 m, 11.viii.1957, J.G. Chillcott, CNC481151 (1♀, CNC), NY: Columbia Co., Ghent, Wolfe wild meadow, 17.vii.2015, C. Vispo, Phalaris arundinacea , em. 3.viii.2015, #CSE2172, CNC654350 (1♂, CNC), Payne Co., Mehan, 36.014339°N, - 96.996744°W, 2.vi.2017, em. 21.vi.2017, M.W. Palmer, ex Elymus canadensis , #CSE3935, CNC939907 (1♀, CNC), TN: East Ridge, 9.v.1952, G.S. Walley, CNC481128 (1♀, CNC), WV: Hardy Co., Lost R. St. Pk., 11.vii.1974, G.C. Steyskal (1♂, USNM), Morgan Co., near Great Cacapon, 3.vii.1983, G.F. and J.F. Hevel (1♀, USNM), WY: Battle L. Road, Sierra Madre Range, 2590 m, seepage area, 18.vii.1961, J.G. Chillcott, CNC481038 (1♂, CNC).
Tentatively identified material.
USA. MA: Nantucket Co., Nantucket , Squam Swamp, 27.vii.2017, em. by 22.viii.2017, C.S. Eiseman, ex Juncus tenuis , #CSE4157, CNC939650 (1♀, CNC) .
Cerodontha incisa is a distinct species externally, being relatively large and dark with an entirely white calypter, but the male genitalia reveal a close relationship with C. pygmaea and C. superciliosa , both of which are also quite easily diagnosed externally (see key). All three species have an M-shaped hypophallus with a medial carina, the left paraphallus is present and well-developed (the right paraphallus is also present but smaller in C. superciliosa ), a mesophallus that is bulging basally and compressed distally before it extends into an apical chamber that bulges to extend over the stem. Furthermore, the tubules of the distiphallus are clear with sclerotisation limited to a small apical cup and one pair of lateral bands, the inner of which only extends to the medial curve. The left distal margin of the basiphallus is also extended past the mesophallus, but this is slightly reduced in C. pygmaea , and bifid in C. superciliosa .
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
Family |
SubFamily |
Phytomyzinae |
Genus |
SubGenus |
Cerodontha |
Cerodontha (Poemyza) incisa (Meigen)
Lonsdale, Owen 2021 |
Agromyza angulata
Loew 1869 |
Lioy 1864 |
Agromyza carbonella
Zetterstedt 1860 |
Agromyza incisa
Meigen 1830 |
Agromyza atra
Meigen 1830 |
Agromyza luctuosa
Meigen 1830 |