Inodesmus Cook, 1896

Romero-Rincon, Juan & Alvear, Santiago, 2024, On the identity of the enigmatic millipede genus Inodesmus Cook, 1896 (Polydesmida: Haplodesmidae), Zootaxa 5437 (3), pp. 433-440 : 435-436

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5437.3.8

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scientific name

Inodesmus Cook, 1896


Genus Inodesmus Cook, 1896 View in CoL

Inodesmus View in CoL : Cook 1896: 25; Attems 1898: 255; Jeekel 1971: 310; Loomis 1975: 172; Hoffman 1980: 184, 1999: 483.

Agathodesmus View in CoL : Silvestri 1910: 362; Attems 1914: 282, 1940: 487; Brölemann 1916: 547, 587; Jeekel 1971: 310, 1982: 11, 1983: 146, 1985: 51, 1986: 6; Hoffman 1980: 184; Mesibov 2009: 92 View Cited Treatment , 2013: 35 View Cited Treatment ; Romero-Rincon & Douch 2024: 3 New synonymy.

Atopogonus View in CoL : Carl 1926: 386; Attems 1940: 477; Verhoeff 1941: 406; Jeekel 1971: 314, 1984: 88, 1986: 46; Hoffman 1980: 186, 1999: 480; Golovatch et al. 2001: 185, 2009: 2, 44; Mesibov 2009: 92 (synonymized).

Type species. Inodesmus jamaicensis Cook, 1896 , by original designation.

Species included:

I. adelphus ( Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. aenigmaticus ( Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. agnus ( Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. anici ( Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. baccatus ( Carl, 1926) View in CoL comb. nov.; I. bonang ( Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. bucculentus ( Jeekel, 1986) comb. nov.; I. carorum ( Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. chandleri ( Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. gayundah ( Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. hahnensis ( Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. jamaicensis Cook, 1896 ;

I. johnsi ( Mesibov, 2009) comb. nov.; I. kerensis ( Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. kirrama ( Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. millaa ( Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. morwellensis ( Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. parapholeus ( Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. quintanus ( Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.; I. sagma ( Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.;

I. steeli ( Silvestri, 1910) comb. nov.;

I. summus ( Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.;

I. urbanus ( Romero-Rincon & Douch, 2024) comb. nov.;

I. yuccabinensis ( Mesibov, 2013) comb. nov.

Diagnosis. Small polydesmidans with head plus 19 or 20 rings; head and telson facing downwards; metatergites with numerous tubercles varying in size and arrangement. Tergite 2 notably enlarged and extended anterolaterally, with large tubercles along its edges. Segments 3–19/20 lacking paranota, but pseudo-paranota may be formed by metatergal tubercles above leg bases. This genus differs from other haplodesmids mainly in its gonopod configuration: gonopods without cannula or prostatic groove; telopodite bends sharply midway along its length. Proximal portion of telopodite sub-cylindrical with an apical tab before the bend. Three apical setae grouped below apical tab. Distal portion of the telopodite with two branches directed posterobasally or laterobasally, which may be further subdivided into lobes or branches.

Distribution: Australia, New Caledonia, and Jamaica.












Inodesmus Cook, 1896

Romero-Rincon, Juan & Alvear, Santiago 2024


Mesibov, R. 2009: 92
Golovatch, S. I. & Hoffman, R. L. & Knapinski, S. & Adis, J. 2001: 185
Hoffman, R. L. 1999: 480
Jeekel, C. A. W. 1986: 46
Jeekel, C. A. W. 1984: 88
Hoffman, R. L. 1980: 186
Jeekel, C. A. W. 1971: 314
Verhoeff, K. W. 1941: 406
Attems, C. 1940: 477
Carl, J. 1926: 386


Romero-Rincon, J. & Douch, J. K. 2024: 3
Mesibov, R. 2013: 35
Mesibov, R. 2009: 92
Jeekel, C. A. W. 1986: 6
Jeekel, C. A. W. 1985: 51
Jeekel, C. A. W. 1983: 146
Jeekel, C. A. W. 1982: 11
Hoffman, R. L. 1980: 184
Jeekel, C. A. W. 1971: 310
Attems, C. 1940: 487
Brolemann, H. W. 1916: 547
Attems, C. 1914: 282
Silvestri, F. 1910: 362


Hoffman, R. L. 1999: 483
Hoffman, R. L. 1980: 184
Loomis, H. F. 1975: 172
Jeekel, C. A. W. 1971: 310
Cook, O. F. 1896: 25
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