Lethrinus olivaceus Valenciennes, 1830

Mohanty, S R, Patnaik, L & Mohapatra, Anil, 2023, First record of Lethrinus olivaceus Valenciennes, 1830 (Perciformes: Lethrinidae) from the northern east coast of India, Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences 52 (3), pp. 155-157 : 155-156

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.56042/ijms.v52i03.7454



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scientific name

Lethrinus olivaceus Valenciennes, 1830


Lethrinus olivaceus Valenciennes, 1830 View in CoL : Long-face emperor

Materials examined

EBRC/ZSI/F10715, 1 specimen, 415 mm SL. Collection site: Gopalpur coast, Odisha, India .

Diagnostic characters

The species is identified by the presence of the following distinguishing characteristics: Moderately elongated body with depth 3.5 times that of standard length. Head length 0.8 times the depth of the body. Body slender and covered by cycloid scales; anus about the middle of the body; snout pointed with clearly visible lips, its length without lips 0.7 times in cheek height; lateral teeth in jaws conical; cheek devoid of scales; interorbital space convex to flat, operculum scaly towards the posterior end, lateral line slightly curved below the dorsal fin and runs straight towards caudal peduncle with 48 scales; 5½ scale rows between lateral line and base of middle dorsal-fin spines & 17 transverse series of scale rows present in between origin of the anal fin and lateral line. Seven scales on supratemporal patch. These characteristics separates the species from its congener, as described in the discussion. Dorsal fin originates before the level of pectoral fin origin; third dorsal fin spine is the longest among the dorsal spines; pectoral fin originates below the level of opercular margin, and the base of its inner surface lacks scales. The details of morphometric measurements and the meristic formula are provided in Table 1 View Table 1 .


Body light grey with scattered irregular dark blotches in a fresh specimen, and colour becomes whitish towards the ventral side. Wavy dark streaks on the snout were observed at the landing centre but become faded over. Upper jaw slightly reddish. Dorsal, anal fin membrane is pinkish. The membrane between the rays of the pelvic fin with dense melanophores.


The species is distributed in New Caledonia, Thailand, Maldives, Guam, the Philippines, French Polynesia, Australia, Indonesia, and India 7. In India, it is found Wadge Bank 6, 8 off the southern tip of India (Kerela and Tamil Nadu).

Table 1 — Morphometric measurements and meristic counts of Lethrinus olivaceus Valenciennes, 1830 from the Odisha coast

Characters Current Study
Total length, mm 495
Standard length, mm 390
Fork length, mm 105
Meristic counts
Dorsal-fin rays X,9
Anal-fin rays III,8
Pectoral-fin rays 13
Pelvic-fin rays I,5
Supratemporal patch scales 6
Lateral-line scales 49
Scales above lateral line 5
Scales below lateral line 16
Measurements as % of standard length  
Snout length 20.5
Snout length excluding lips 17.4
Head length 36.4
Head width 15.8
Body depth 30.3
Predorsal-fin length 40.8
Dorsal-fin base length 45.4
Prepectoral-fin length 36.9
Pectoral-fin length 20.3
Prepelvic-fin length 20.1
Pelvic fin length 21.0
Preanal length 64.6
Anal-fin base length 16.9
Caudal-fin length 25.9
Caudal-fin median ray length 7.9
1 st dorsal-fin spine length 2 nd dorsal-fin spine length 3 rd dorsal-fin spine length 6.7 10.5 10.8
4 th dorsal spine length 10.5
Pelvic spine length 13.1
1 st anal-fin spine length 3.8
2 nd anal-fin spine length 6.4
3 rd anal-fin spine length 7.9
Caudal-peduncle depth 11.5
Measurements as % of head length
Snout length 56.3
Snout length excluding lips 47.9
Upper-jaw length 34.5
Lower jaw length 33.1
Eye diameter 18.3
Interorbital width 22.5











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