ALYSIINAE (Marshall, 1888)

Papp, J., 2009, Braconidae (Hymenoptera) From Korea Xxiii. Subfamilies Agathidinae And Alysiinae, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 55 (3), pp. 235-261 : 236-237

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12584709

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scientific name




Chorebus (Stiphrocera) agraules (NIXON,1945) – 2 ff: No. 376. – Until now known from England, Germany, Hungary and European Russia. New to the fauna of Korea.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) albipes (HALIDAY, 1839) – 1 f: Prov. Kangwon, Mt Kumgang, 25 IX 1994, leg. MÉSZÁROS et ZOMBORI.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) alecto (MORLEY, 1924) View in CoL – 1 f: No. 288. – Distributed in the Palaearctic Region, nearest to Korea known in Far East of Asiatic Russia ( TOBIAS 1998: 376). New to the fauna of Korea.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) andizhanicus ( TOBIAS, 1966) View in CoL – 1 m: No. 225. 1 f: No. 381. – Hitherto known in three countries: Uzbeghistan (locus typicus) and Mongolia. New to the fauna of Korea.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) avestus ( NIXON, 1944) – 1 f: No. 920. – In the western Palaearctic Region widely distributed ( SHENEFELT 1974: 1039, TOBIAS 1986: 193). New to the fauna of Korea.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) dagda (NIXON, 1943) View in CoL – 1 m: No. 281. – In Europe found in eight countries, nearest to Korea in Ukraine. New to the fauna of Korea.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) endymion GRIFFITHS, 1967 View in CoL – 1 m: No. 374. 1 m: No 376. – Described from Germany, reported from Far East of Asiatic Russia. New to the fauna of Korea.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) enephes (NIXON, 1945) View in CoL – 1 m: No. 305. 1 m: No. 376. – In Europe known in five countries: Great Britain, Sweden, Germany, Poland and Hungary; not yet recorded from Russia. New to the fauna of Korea.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) ergias (NIXON, 1945) – 2 ff: No. 281. 2 mm: No.282. – Described from Sweden, reported from Hungary. New to the fauna of Korea.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) flavipes (GOUREAU, 1851) – 1 m: No. 376. – Widely distributed in the Palaearctic Region, nearest to Korea known in Mongolia and Far East of Asiatic Russia. New to the fauna of Korea.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) ganesus (NIXON, 1945) – 1 f: No. 281. 1 f: No. 374. – Known sporadically in Sweden, Germany and Russia, nearest to Korea in Far East of Asiatic Russia. New to the fauna of Korea.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) granulosus TOBIAS, 1998 View in CoL – 1 f: No. 230. – Described from and hitherto known only from Far East of Asiatic Russia. New to the fauna of Korea.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) lar (MORLEY, 1924) View in CoL 2 mm: No. 164. 2 m: No. 175. 1 m: No. 225. 1 f: No. 331. 1 f: No. 698. – Widely though sporadically distributed in the Palaearctic Region ( TOBIAS 1998: 357). New to the fauna of Korea .

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) nanus (NIXON, 1943) View in CoL – 1 f: No. 317. 1 f: No. 347. – In Europe known in eight countries ( SHENEFELT 1974: 1056, PAPP 2005 b: 146). New to the fauna of Korea.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) ninellus (NIXON, 1945) – 1 f: No. 381. – Distributed in Europe ( England, Sweden, Germany, European Russia) and Asiatic Russia (Primorski krai, Sakhalin). New to the fauna of Korea.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) ovalis (MARSHALL, 1896) – 1 f: No. 281. 1 f: No. 282. 1 f: 293. – In Europe widely though less frequently distributed. Reported from Asiatic Russia ( TOBIAS 1998: 375). New to the fauna of Korea.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) peremtor TOBIAS, 1998 – 1 m: No. 282. 1 f + 1 m: No. 293. 1 f: No. 374. – Described recently from Asiatic Russia (Primorski krai). New to the fauna of Korea.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) pseudomisellus GRIFFITHS, 1968 View in CoL – 1 f: No. 439. – Described from Germany, reported from Hungary and Far East of Asiatic Russia. New to the fauna of Korea.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) spenceri GRIFFITHS, 1964 – 1 f + 1 m: No. 193. – Sporadically known in England, Scotland, Hungary and European Rusia (Leningrad district). New to the fauna of Korea.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) thisbe ( NIXON, 1937) View in CoL – 1 m: No. 376. – In Europe known from four countries: England, Germany, Switzerland and European Russia. New to the fauna of Korea.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) tumidus ( TOBIAS, 1966) View in CoL – 1 f: No. 494. – Distributed in Turkmenia and Mongolia. New to the fauna of Korea.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) turcomanus ( TOBIAS, 1966) View in CoL – 1 f: No. 288. – Described from Turkmenia ( TOBIAS 1966: 125), reported from Hungary ( PAPP 2005 b: 147). New to the fauna of Korea.

Chorebus (Chorebus) uliginosus (HALIDAY, 1839) View in CoL – 1 m: No. 1000. 1 f: No. 1002. – Reported recently from Korea ( PAPP 2007: 9).

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) veratri GRIFFITHS, 1968 View in CoL – 1 f: No. 376. – Described from Germany ( GRIFFITHS 1968 a: 32), reported from the Asiatic Russia (Kamchatka, Primorski krai; TOBIAS 1998: 371). New to the fauna of Korea.

Chorebus (Phaenolexis) xiphidius GRIFFITHS, 1967 View in CoL – 1 f: No. 274. 1 m: No. 376. – Reported recently from Korea ( PAPP 2007: 9).

Dacnusa (Dacnusa) maculipes THOMSON, 1895 View in CoL – 1 f: No. 196. – Frequent to common in the Palaearctic Region.













Papp, J. 2009

Chorebus (Chorebus) uliginosus (HALIDAY, 1839)

PAPP, J. 2007: 9

Chorebus (Phaenolexis) xiphidius

PAPP, J. 2007: 9

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) alecto (MORLEY, 1924)

TOBIAS, V. I. 1998: 376

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) avestus ( NIXON, 1944 )

TOBIAS, V. I. 1986: 193
SHENEFELT, R. D. 1974: 1039

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) veratri

TOBIAS, V. I. 1998: 371
GRIFFITHS, G. C. D. 1968: 32

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) turcomanus ( TOBIAS, 1966 )

PAPP, J. 2005: 147
TOBIAS, V. I. 1966: 125
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