Pectinaria Savigny, 1818

Hutchings, P. & Peart, R., 2002, A Review of the Genera of Pectinariidae (Polychaeta) Together with a Description of the Australian Fauna, Records of the Australian Museum 54, pp. 99-127 : 110-111

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Pectinaria Savigny


Pectinaria Savigny View in CoL in Lamarck, 1818

Tables 4, 6

Pectinaria Savigny View in CoL in Lamarck, 1818: 348.– Hartman, 1941: 329.– Fauchald, 1977: 120.– Hartman, 1959: 479.– Holthe, 1986: 20–21.

Diagnosis. Rim of cephalic veil with numerous long cirri. Cephalic veil completely free from operculum, forming a dorsal semi-circular lobe covering the bases of numerous peristomial palps. Raised opercular margin smooth. Chaetigers 1 to 3 (segments 5 to 7) with notopodia and notochaetae only, chaetigers 4 to 16 biramous with notopodia, neuropodia, notochaetae and neurochaetae, chaetiger 17 with notopodia and notochaetae only (17/13). Two types of notochaetae, smooth and serrated (or plumose). Neurochaetal uncini with major teeth arranged in two rows. Posterior 5 segments fused to form a flattened plate or scaphe and distinctly separated from the abdomen.

Type species. Nereis cylindraria belgica Pallas, 1766 , designated by Hartman (1959).

Remarks. Savigny worked at the Museum d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris. He wrote a description of the genus Pectinaria in 1809 and completed the plates in 1812, but it was not until 1822, that the manuscript was published with no major modifications. During the intervening years, Lamarck, who also worked at the Museum in Paris and was the superior of Savigny, had access to this unpublished manuscript and he published the name Pectinaria in 1818. Some workers have therefore quoted the authority of the genus as Lamarck (Lucas & Holthuis, 1975) but because Savigny actually made the description, we therefore quote it as Savigny in Lamarck, 1818. Another complication is that Leach (1816) described the genus Cistena and referred Nereis cylindraria Pallas to his new genus, and Lucas & Holthuis (1975) believed that this was a reference to the var. belgica . Lagis koreni is the only common pectinariid on the west coast of Holland where Pallas worked. Lucas & Holthuis (1975) designated a lectotype of Pallas’s Nereis cylindraria belgica . The name koreni Malmgren, 1866 , as published in the combination Lagis koreni , then became a junior subjective synonym of the name belgica Pallas, 1766 , the type species of Pectinaria ( Nereis cylindraria belgica ). The synonymising of P. koreni and P. belgica was objected to by Nielsen et al. (1977) who made a submission to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature to stabilise the names of Pectinaria belgica ( Pallas, 1766) and Pectinaria koreni ( Malmgren, 1866) . They provided evidence that both names had been used by marine biologists for over 100 years, and their submission was accepted ( Nielsen et al., 1977). For further details, see Lucas & Holthuis (1975) and Nielsen et al. (1977).

Twenty species of Pectinaria have been described, including four species originally described as Cistenides that we have transferred to Pectinaria . Two additional species are described in this paper. The major diagnostic features of these species are given in Table 4. Several of these species are poorly described and, in some cases, characters states have had to be assigned from non-type material.

no holotype designated, rather a range from the type series.

n. r. character not recorded.

Based on original description.

* Only a selection of records are given based on the literature to indicate distribution of species, however distributions outside the region of the type locality require verification.

g [ ehlersi ] Recorded from Puerto Harberton, Argentina (as Pectinaria belgica by Ehlers, 1901 — fide Hessle, 1917); Puerto Harberton & Ultima Esperanza, Argentina ( Nilsson, 1928); Strait of Magellan, shallow to 300 m, 485 m, Drake Passage 384–494 m ( Hartman, 1966b; 1967).

h [ granulata ] Recorded from Arctic Sea ( Hessle, 1917; Nilsson, 1928); northern USSR ( Annenkova, 1929), east Greenland, Iceland, Faeroes, Finnmark, Spitzbergen ( Holthe, 1986).

i [ hyperborea ] Recorded from Norway ( Hessle, 1917); northern Arctic Seas, Northern Japan, Atlantic Ocean ( Nilsson, 1928); Bering Sea, Spitzbergen, Siberia ( Annenkova, 1929 —this record indicates the presence of 2–3 rows of teeth on the uncini which puts this in the genus Pectinaria ); Japan, NW Europe, North Atlantic, Arctic (Imajima & Hartman, 1964); east Greenland, Iceland, the Faeroes, Finnmark, Spitzbergen ( Holthe, 1986).

j [ okudai ] Known only from original material collected by Okuda (1938) and recorded as Pectinaria sp.












Pectinaria Savigny

Hutchings, P. & Peart, R. 2002


Holthe, T 1986: 20
Fauchald, K 1977: 120
Hartman, O 1959: 479
Hartman, O 1941: 329
Lamarck, J 1818: 348
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