Periacma rectignatha Wang & Li, 2006

Wang, S. X. & Li, H. H., 2006, Review of the genus Periacma Meyrick (Lepidoptera, Oecophoridae) from China, with descriptions of four new species, Journal of Natural History 40 (41 - 43), pp. 2371-2393 : 2392

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Felipe (2021-08-20 12:05:41, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 05:01:16)

scientific name

Periacma rectignatha Wang & Li

sp. nov.

Periacma rectignatha Wang & Li , sp. nov.

( Figures 32 View Figures 24–32 and 37 View Figures 33–37 )

Holotype: „, China: Mêdog (29 ° 13 9 N, 95 ° 18 9 E), Tibet Autonomous Region, 14 August 2003, coll. Xinpu Wang and Huaijun Xue, genitalia slide No. W03093. GoogleMaps

Description: Male wing expanse: 10.0 mm. Head light yellow. Labial palpus light yellow, second segment with a black ring near end; in female third segment thin and pointed. Antenna yellow; flagellum yellow and brown. Thorax, tegula, and fore wing light yellow, with scattered dark brown scales; tegula with black spot at base. Fore wing lanceolate ( Figure 32 View Figures 24–32 ); costal margin gently arched, with a dark brown patch at base; apex rounded; brown dot at middle and end of cell, and at 2/3 of fold; brown fascia extending from costal 2/3 to tornus; cilia light yellow, mixed with brown at tornus. Hind wing and cilia light gray. Legs whitish, with brown speckles on outside of tibiae and tarsi.

Male genitalia ( Figure 37 View Figures 33–37 ): Uncus short, somewhat trapezoidal, with long setae in basal 2/3; caudal margin almost straight, protruded outward laterally. Gnathos wide, short, with straight anterior margin. Tegumen large, broad, trapezoidal. Valva wide basally, narrow medially, slightly dilated distally, rounded at apex; dorso-proximal process thin, short clubbed. Sacculus simple, wide at base, narrowed to about 2/3; distal 1/3 finger-like, with rounded termination. Vinculum narrow. Saccus triangular. Aedeagus almost parallel-sided except for basal 1/5, with a pointed process distally.

Female: Unknown.

Remarks: This species resembles Periacma spinivalvula sp. nov., but can be separated by the fore wing with three brown dots, the valva without spine at apex, and the aedeagus with only one pointed process distally.

Etymology: The specific name is from the Latin rect- (straight) and gnathus (gnathos), in reference to the straight anterior margin of the gnathos.

Gallery Image

Figures 24–32. Adults of Periacma spp. (24) P. weishana Wang & Li, „; (25) P. kangdingensis Wang & Li, ♀; (26) P. bifurcata Wang & Li, „; (27) P. immaculata Wang & Li, „; (28) P. plumbea Meyrick, „; (29) P. leyensis Wang & Li, sp. n., „; (30) P. latizona Wang & Li, sp. n., „; (31) P. spinivalvula Wang & Li, sp. n., „; (32) P. rectignatha Wang & Li, sp. n., „.

Gallery Image

Figures 33–37. Male genitalia of Periacma spp. (33) P. plumbea Meyrick; (34) P. leyensis Wang & Li, sp. n.; (35) P. latizona Wang & Li, sp. n.; (36) P. spinivalvula Wang & Li, sp. n.; (37) P. rectignatha Wang & Li, sp. n.











