Nipponodipogon shimizui Loktionov, Lelej & Xu

Loktionov, Valery M., Lelej, Arkady S. & Xu, Zai-fu, 2017, Discovery of the genus Nipponodipogon Ishikawa in the Oriental region, with description of two new species from China (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae), ZooKeys 692, pp. 103-127 : 113-123

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ZooKeys by Pensoft (2017-08-21 22:01:33, last updated 2024-11-27 17:40:07)

scientific name

Nipponodipogon shimizui Loktionov, Lelej & Xu

sp. n.

Nipponodipogon shimizui Loktionov, Lelej & Xu View in CoL sp. n. Figs 23, 24-27, 28-32, 33, 34-38, 39-43

Material examined.

Holotype. CHINA: ♀, Guangdong, Nanling, 8-17.VIII.2010, Hua-yan Chen, yellow pan traps, No. 2016001839 (SCAU). Paratypes. CHINA: 3 ♀, with the same data as holotype, No. 2016001836, 2016001840 and 2016001842 (SCAU); 1 ♀, with the same data as holotype, No. 2016001837 (IBSS); 1 ♀, Guangdong, Nanling, 5-7.VI.2010, Hua-yan Chen, No. 2016000023 (SCAU); 1 ♂, Yunnan, Lushui, 19.VII.2006, Zai-fu Xu, No. 2016000326 (SCAU).


Female. Outer apicoventral corner of metafemur produced triangularly (Fig. 30). T1 with distinct petiole basally (Fig. 28). Crossvein 2rs-m almost straight or sometimes barely curved; crossvein 3rs-m straight or almost straight (Fig. 31). Mesoscutum raised along midline (Fig. 29). Head and mesosoma matt; metasoma somewhat polished. Male. T1 distinctly petiolate basally (Fig. 38). F3-F11 not produced triangularly beneath, not forming serrated profile. Propodeum polished, without any striae (Fig. 38). Subbasal portion of hypopygium with angulate sublateral carina (Fig. 42, arrow).


Female. Body length 5.2-6.4 mm; fore wing length 4.3-5.1 mm. Head, mesosoma and metasoma black; sometimes clypeus along anterior margin dark brown; antenna black, except F3-F10 muddy yellow ventrally and scape yellowish-brown ventrally; mandible brownish subapically. Legs yellowish-brown or brown with procoxa laterally, profemur externally, meso- and metafemur, tibiae apically and tarsi somewhat darker (Fig. 23). Fore wing weakly infuscate, with weak subbasal and preapical fuscous bands (Fig. 31). Hind wing weakly infuscate (Fig. 32).

Head and mesosoma matt. Frons, vertex and mesosoma, except propodeum, finely and densely punctate. Pronotum laterally and finely striate and punctate. Mesopleuron with denser and coarser punctures then on disc of pronotum. Upper mesopleuron rugose. Metapleuron finely and densely striate. Lateral side of metanotum with several regular oblique striae. Propodeum strongly and densely punctate with fine transverse rugae posteriorly. Metasoma somewhat polished, except T6 and S6 matt. T1-T5 with fine punctures; T6 finely shagreened, without distinct setiferous pores; S6 less shagreened, than T6, with scattered setiferous pores located posteriorly and postero-laterally; S1-S5 with somewhat larger punctures than on T1-T5. S1 with several longitudinal rugae medially. Transverse groove on S2 gently arcuate.

Body with gray pubescence mostly short, but longer on propodeum posterolaterally. Body without setae except the following: upper frons sometimes with one long erect setae; clypeus with a few long suberect setae anteriorly; S2-S5 with scattered long or short erect setae posteriorly; T6 and S6 with denser long erect pale setae.

Width of head in frontal view 1.1 –1.2× its height. Vertex weakly convex between eye tops (Fig. 25). Upper frons gently convex (Fig. 26). Frons with indistinct median line and fine elongate concavity medially. Supra-antennal area of frons produced anteriorly into a frontal ledge overhanging the antennal radicle (Fig. 26). Inner orbits weakly convergent above and subparallel below (Fig. 25). Half of MID 1.3 –1.6× eye width. Ocelli large, slightly raised; ocellar triangle barely acute-angled (Fig. 24); POD/OOD=0.6-0.8. Posterior margin of vertex roundly concave (dorsal view) (Fig. 24). Clypeus convex medially with distinct concavity basolaterally; anterolateral corner broadly rounded; anterior margin almost straight or weakly emarginate medially; width 2.7 × its length. Apical margin of labrum broadly rounded. Mandible with large subapical tooth and indistinct basal tooth. Maxillary cardines with two tufts of thin, light brown bristles. Malar space short. Gena narrowing posteriorly (Fig. 24, dorsal view; Fig. 26, lateral view). Antenna short, stout, and thickened toward middle of flagellum; F1-F4 distinctly widening toward apex; apex of apical flagellomere pointed; F1 length 0.90 –0.95× F2 length; F1 length 2.2 –2.6× its width and 0.5 × UID.

Pronotum with anterior declivity flattened, not distinctly differentiated from dorsum; dorsum in dorsal view slightly narrowing anteriorly; shoulder gently rounded; juncture between dorsal and lateral faces narrowly and roundly raised; posterior margin weakly and arcuately emarginate medially (Fig. 24). Mesoscutum slightly sloped anteriorly; disc along median line slightly convex; posterolateral margin not reflexed; parapsidal sulcus finely impressed. Discs of mesoscutellum and metanotum barely raised above level of mesoscutum and propodeum (Fig. 29). Metapostnotum narrow and practically linear, deeply sunken between metanotum and propodeum (Fig. 28). Propodeum evenly convex with flattened posterior declivity not well differentiated from dorsum (Fig. 29).

Fore wing (Fig. 31) with SMC2 receiving crossvein 1m-cu at almost middle; SMC3 1.2 –1.5× longer than SMC2 on vein M, and 0.8 –1.1× longer than SMC2 on vein Rs; receiving crossvein 2m-cu at almost middle; crossvein 2rs-m almost straight or sometimes barely curved; crossvein 3rs-m straight, sometimes barely curved; crossvein cu-a barely postfurcal. Hind wing (Fig. 32). Outer apicoventral corner of metafemur produced triangularly (Fig. 30). Claws symmetrical with large subapical inner tooth. T1 distinctly petiolate (Fig. 28). S6 with a longitudinal median rounded carina posteriorly.

Male. Body length 3.8 mm; fore wing length 3.4 mm. Body black; antenna black with scape brown ventro-apically and flagellum indistinctly brownish ventrally; mandible brown subapically; protibia and protarsi brown; spurs of tibia brown (Fig. 33). Fore wing weakly infuscate, with darker apical portion, fuscous band indistinct (Fig. 37). Hind wing weakly infuscate. Body mostly punctate and somewhat polished. Frons, discs of pronotum, mesoscutum, mesoscutellum, metanotum finely and densely punctate. Pronotum laterally polished and indistinctly punctate. Mesopleuron with coarser punctures than frons. Upper mesopleuron without striate. Lateral side of metanotum with several regular oblique striae. Metapleuron indistinctly punctate. Propodeum basolaterally polished with fine punctures larger than on frons, without any striae. Metasomal segments finely punctate. S1 with several longitudinal rugae basally. Transverse groove on S2 weak. S6 lacking setiferous pores posteromedially (Fig. 39). Body with gray pubescence mostly short, but longer on lower face, clypeus, and propodeum posteriorly. Body without setae except upper frons with one long erect setae and clypeus with a few long suberect setae anteriorly.

Width of head in frontal view 1.1 × its height. Vertex moderately convex between eye tops (Fig. 35). Upper frons gently convex (Fig. 36). Frons without median line, with indistinct elongate concavity medially. Supra-antennal area of frons produced anteriorly into weak frontal ledge overhanging antennal radicle (Fig. 36). Inner orbits subparallel above and barely convergent below (Fig. 35). Half of MID 1.6 × eye width. Ocelli large, noticeably raised; ocellar triangle right-angled (Fig. 34); POD/OOD=0.9. Posterior margin of vertex straight (dorsal view) (Fig. 34). Clypeus weakly convex medially; anterolateral corner rounded; anterior margin broadly rounded. Mandible with subapical tooth. Malar space short. Gena weakly narrowing posteriorly (Fig. 34, dorsal view; Fig. 36, lateral view). Antenna shortened; flagellum filiform; flagellomeres indistinctly convex ventrally, not forming triangle projection; apex of apical flagellomere pointed; F1 length 1.0 × F2 length; F1 length 1.8 × its width and 0.3 × UID.

Pronotum with anterior declivity weakly concave, more differentiated from dorsum than in female; dorsum in dorsal view narrowing anteriorly; shoulder gently rounded; juncture between dorsal and lateral faces roundly raised; posterior margin arcuately emarginate. Parapsidal sulcus finely impressed. Discs of mesoscutellum and metanotum somewhat stronger raised above level of mesoscutum and propodeum than in female. Metapostnotum longer and not deeply sunken between metanotum and propodeum, as in female; somewhat narrowing in middle; metapostnotum length 0.25 × metanotum length medially. Propodeum evenly convex with posterior declivity not differentiated from dorsum; posterior surface evenly convex.

Fore wing (Fig. 37). Claws symmetrical with small subapical inner tooth. T1 distinctly petiolate (Fig. 38). S6 deeply and arcuately emarginate posteriorly; lateral hook barely curved and pointed to apex (Fig. 39). Exposed portion of hypopygium stick form, compressed laterally, narrow and widened apically (ventral view); subbasal portion extended laterally, with short stout erect spines on two angulate sublateral carinae (Figs 42, 43). Paramere broadly widened basally and strongly narrowing toward apex (lateral view), with long bristles, longer bristle 0.7 × longer than paramere; volsella broad apically (lateral view) (Figs 40, 41).


The female of new species is similar to those of Nipponodipogon kurilensis , N. sudai and N. orientalis sp. n. by having outer apicoventral corner of metafemur produced triangularly (Fig. 30) and T1 petiolate basally (Fig. 28), but can be distinguished from them by following characters: posterolateral portion of propodeum with fine transverse striae and punctures (Figs 27-29) (vs with strong transverse rugae in N. orientalis sp. n. (Figs 5, 7)); mesosoma completely black (Figs 23, 29) (vs completely yellow orange in N. orientalis sp. n. (Figs 1, 7)); T6 matt and shagreened, without distinct setiferous pores (vs somewhat polished, not shagreened, with distinct scattered setiferous pores in N. orientalis sp. n.); vertex between eye tops slightly convex (Fig. 25) (vs distinctly convex in N. kurilensis ( Shimizu et al. 2015: fig. 3A)); petiole of T1 long (Fig. 28) (vs very short in N. kurilensis ( Shimizu et al. 2015: fig. 3D)); head and mesosoma matt, metasoma somewhat polished (vs head and mesosoma somewhat polished, metasoma distinctly polished in N. kurilensis ); mesoscutum raised along midline (Fig. 29) (vs not raised in N. sudai ( Shimizu et al. 2015: fig. 8D)); crossvein 3rs-m almost straight (Fig. 31) (vs gently or moderately curved in N. sudai ( Shimizu et al. 2015: fig. 9J)); propodeum anteromedially punctate (Fig. 28) (vs not punctate in N. sudai (Fig. 44)).

Male of new species is closely related to that of N. orientalis sp. n. by having some morphological characters including shape of hypopygium and genitalia, but can be easily distinguished in having propodeum without any striae posterolaterally (Fig. 38) (vs with fine transverse striae posterolaterally in N. orientalis sp. n. (Fig. 15)); exposed portion of hypopygium noticeably wider in lateral view (Fig. 43) (vs narrow in N. orientalis sp. n. (Fig. 22); subbasal portion of hypopygium in ventral view with angulate sublateral carina (Fig. 42, arrow) (vs with round sublateral carina in N. orientalis sp. n. (Fig. 21, arrow)); and S6 without setiferous pores posteromedially (Fig. 39) (vs with setiferous pores in N. orientalis sp. n. (Fig. 18)). Male of new species is also similar to that of N. sudai in having petiole in T1 basally (Fig. 38), but can be separated in having F3-F11 not producing triangularly beneath, not forming serrated profile (vsF3-F11 produced triangularly beneath, forming serrated profile in N. sudai ); lateral hook on S6 claw-like, weakly curved and pointed to apex (Fig. 39) (vs lateral hook on S6 strongly compressed laterally and thin, subtriangular in profile in N. sudai (Fig. 46)); and exposed portion of hypopygium without long erect setae (Figs 42, 43) (vs with long erect setae in N. sudai (Fig. 48)).

Sex association.

In spite of females and males were collected in different locations (one male in Yunnan and six females in Guangdong), we consider that they are opposite sexes of the same species. Male S6 of new species lacks setiferous pores posteromedially (Fig. 39), which correlates with female S6 of similar condition medially (vs with scattered setiferous pores in male and female of Nipponodipogon orientalis sp. n.).


It is a pleasure to name this species after the well-known taxonomist Dr. Akira Shimizu (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan).


China (Guangdong, Yunnan).