Aegognathus dulima Cáceresı Ríos-Málaver & Grossiı, 2019Aegognathus arnaudi Cáceresı Ríos-Málaverı Grossiı, 2019

Ríos-Málaver, Juan Sebastián Dueñas Cáceres ı Cristóbal & Grossi, Paschoal Coelho, 2019, Taxonomic contribution on the Andean species of Aegognathus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) with two new species from Colombia and Peru, JOURNAL OF NATURAL HISTORY 53 (35), pp. 2145-2164 : 2150-2155

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scientific name

Aegognathus dulima Cáceresı Ríos-Málaver & Grossiı Aegognathus arnaudi Cáceresı Ríos-Málaverı Grossiı

new species

Aegognathus dulima Cáceresı Ríos-Málaver & Grossiı new species

(Figs. 1B; 4Bı D; 5B)

Holotype male labelled: Colômbiaı Tolimaı Ibaguéı Termales el Ranchoı Cañon del Río Combeimaı 31.viii.2014 ı 04° 36 ʹ 57.64 ” N; 075° 20 ʹ 15.45 ” Wı 2987 mı luminosa – Y. Gutiérrez & I. C. Ríos-Málaver. 13 ( CERPE)

Diagnosis. Body blackı with distinct bluish and reddish reflections. Head setose along the anterior margin. Eyes slightly emarginate; mandibles dorsally carinate at the baseı wavy internallyı with a subtriangular median tooth and two rounded basal teeth. Three longitudinal costae over the elytra. Abdominal ventrites with yellowish setaeı especially along ventrite V; Ventrite I-IV with wrinkled lateral margins. Genitalia small when compared with other Aegognathus speciesı with a short and flat everted sac.

Description Holotype (Figure 1B) Male. Size: Total Length. 12.5 mm. Total Width. 4.4 mm Colour: Head black; pronotum mainly blackı with dark-red spots over sidesı and blue reflections along median groove; elytra bluish to somewhat purpleı with reddish longitudinal lines. Venter almost entirely blackı mentumı trochanters and coxaeı with dark-red tones. Head: form transverse. Surface shagreenedı apparently smoothı with small yellowish setae. Anterior margin emarginateı with an interrupted line of yellowish setae; ocular canthus only reaching the first half of eye. Temporal process reduced. Mandibles as long as head and first third of pronotumı strongly incurvedı with a dorsal carina at base; wavy internal faceı with two rounded basal teethı and a median subtriangular acute toothı apex concave. Antennae 10 segmentedı lamellae with yellowish setae over distal region. Pronotum: Surface shagreened; anterior angles slightly rounded. Border completeı except for the median region over posterior marginı with a continuous band of yellowish setae along anterior and posterior margins. Disc with a longitudinal groove. Elytra: Longitudinal costae distinctı one along sutureı and two near the posterior edge but not reaching it; surface with large puncturesı denseı with small yellowish simple setaeı getting more distinct and erect posteriorly; epipleuron strongly and uniformly punctateı punctures coarseı with yellowish and erect to curved setae. Legs: Protibiae externally serrateı with several teeth along marginı increasing in size distallyı inner margin with one apical tooth and one spur. Mesotibiae with three external median teethı increasing in size distally; apex with four apical teeth and two spurs. Metatibiae with one external median tooth; apex as mesotibiae. Venter: Mentum trapezoidalı transverseı with a transverse grooveı moderately punctateı with small yellowish appressed setae. Gena punctate with a posterior carinaı densely punctateı with yellowish setae especially along prosternum. Prosternum with two continuous bands of setae along anterior and posterior margins. Mesoventrite with a group of setae densely distributed posteriorly. Metaventrite punctateı with yellowish appressed setae. Discrimen present as a continuous sutureı ending into a longitudinal posterior groove. Abdominal ventrites with yellowish setaeı especially along ventrite V; Ventrite I-IV with wrinkled lateral margins. Punctures moderate to coarse and somewhat dense. Genitalia (Figure A4(bıd)): Aedeagus symmetricı rounded proximallyı slightly divergent distally. Basal piece subtriangular; 2.0 times longer than parameres; Median lobe almost cylindricalı with slightly concave lateral margins; sides setose; cross bar ‘ X ’ shapedı on dorsal view with broader lobes over posterior portion (Figure A5(b)). Parameres in ventral viewı with inner margins slightly convex; almost straight on lateral view slightly rounded distally with an almost truncate posterior marginı setose. Internal sac 2.6 shorter than parameres and basal piece length togetherı poorly sclerotised; wider proximallyı narrower distally with two strap like sclerites joined at apical thirdı narrower distallyı with a cylindrical projection until the gonopore.

Female. Unknown.


the specific epithet makes allusion to the ancestral name of ‘ El nevado del Tolima ’ volcanoı where the specimen was collected. ‘Dulima’ is the name that was given to this mountain by the ‘ Pijaoı ’ an indigenous group that inhabited the region in the pre- Columbian period. The name represents the goddess from the snow-covered peaks that protected the indigenous groupı it is used hereı as a noun in apposition.

Distribution. Northern Central Cordillera of Colombiaı Páramo province ( Morrone 2015)

Remarks. According to the original description made by Van De Poll (1886) ı Agognathus leuthneri was the first species described from Colombiaı howeverı the current infomartion places this species in Equadorı making A. dulima the first species described for Colombia. The specimen presents unique characteristics such as the dorsal carina present at the base of mandiblesı internal face of mandibles wavyı and the particularly small genitalia when compared with other members of the genusı showing a short and flat everted internal sac that lacks pigmentation.

Aegognathus arnaudi Cáceresı Ríos-Málaverı Grossiı new species

(Figs. 2A-D; 3B; 6A-D)

Holotype male labelled

Peruı Region de Junínı Satipo Provinceı Arpayoı −11.457 / -76.643 ı 1800 mı 26 – 28.ix. 2008ı fermented bait in canopyı J.M. Zevallos et Aguilar colls. – 1 3 ( CERPE).


8♀ 163 all from Peru labelled: 1♀ same data as Holotype ( CERPE). 4♀ 43 same data as Holotype (MJPC). 2♀ 4 3 labelled as Holotype except by ii.2008 ( CERPE). 53 labelledı San Martin de Pangoaı Arpayoı Satipoı 2000 mtsı ii.2008 (RMKC). 1♀ 13 labelledı Región de Junínı Satipo Provinceı Arpayoı 1800mı 26 – 28 ix. 2008ı local collectors (LBC). 13 labelledı Selva Centralı 2012ı local collectors (LBC).

Diagnosis. Species very close to Aegognathus waterhousei ı but differing in few characteristics. Body black with some bluish reflections present at elytra. Abdominal ventrites with a somewhat continuous carina along sides and lacking the setose tubercles present at the last abdominal ventrite in A. waterhousei . Big aedeagus when compared with other Aegognathus speciesı cross bar slightly lobed posteriorly with no acuminate projections.

Description Holotype (Figure 2A). Size: Total Length. 26 mm Total Width. 10 mm. Colour: On dorsal view entirely blackı sometimes with some dark-red small areas; elytra with buish reflectionsı presenting yellowish tones due to the presence of setae. Ventrally mainly blackı except for some small areas over the genaı gulaı coxaeı Femora and the posterior portion of metaventrite that are dark red. Head: Form transverse. Surface shagreenedı apparently smooth with small yellowish setae mainly distributed over the anterior regionı emarginate. Ocular canthus covering the eye by a third. Temporal process presentı roundedı somewhat lamellated. Mandibles as long as the head and the first half of pronotumı strongly bent inwardsı with three rounded basal teethı a median acute to slightly rounded tooth that gets narrower distallyı truncate to rounded apex. Pronotum: Surface apparently smoothı shagreened; anterior angles acuminateı emarginate posteriorly; border complete except for the median portion at the anterior marginı with a continuous band of transparent to somewhat white setae along anterior and posterior margins. Disc with a longitudinal grooveı not easily distinguished in some individuals. Elytra: Surface punctateı punctures coarseı denseı with yellowish dendritic setae becoming more distinct posteriorly; epipleuron strongly and uniformly punctateı punctures moderate to large and somewhat denseı with yellowish small setae. Legs: Protibiae externally serrateı with several teeth increasing in size distally. Mesotibiae with one external median tooth. Metatibiae unarmed. Venter: Mentum trapezoidalı surface minutely punctate with yellowish to somewhat white apressed setaeı also with a transversal groove near the labrum. Gena smoothı densely punctate with yellowish setae especially over prosternumı median and posterior region of mesoventriteı along sides of metaventrite and abdominal ventritesı especially along the last one. Prosternum with a band of yellowish setae at the anterior margin. Discrimen present as continuous sutureı ending into a longitudinal groove at the posterior end. Abdominal ventrites with large puncturesı moderately punctateı with a somewhat continuous setose carina along sides and a distinct transverse one at ventrite V (Figure A3(b)). Genitalia (Figure A6(a-c)): Aedeagus symmetricı longer when compared with other Aegognathus speciesı narrower basallyı almost truncate at the anterior marginı somewhat concave posteriorly. Basal piece 2.0 times longer than the parameresı somewhat rectanguları wider close to the median lobe and a bit narrower over the anterior region; sinuous on lateral view. Median lobe almost cylindricalı on dorsal view with ‘ X ’ shaped cross barı posterior portion of cross bar slightly lobed (Figure A6(b)). Parameres setoseı internal margins slightly concave distallyı on lateral view straight basally getting somewhat concave apically; on dorsal view somewhat sinuous. Internal sac almost as long as the basal piece and parameres togetherı with two strap-like sclerites that end at the beginning of the apical thirdı dark at apexı with a sinuous flame-like projectionı with the gonopore at apex.

Paratypes male (figure 2Bı C)

Size: Total length. 17 – 25.1 mm. Total width: 4 – 9 mm. As Holotype except for being smaller. Bluish reflections along elytra less distinct or absent in smaller specimens. Mandibles very similar except for the median tooth which is slightly reduced or absent in the smallest males. Transverse carina at ventrite V reduced or absent.

Paratypes female (Figure 2D)

Size: Total length. 13.2 – 14.5 mm. Total width. 4 – 6 mm Colour: On dorsal view black with some bluish reflections mainly along elytra. Ventrally black with few dark-red regions. Head: Form smaller than male headsı length about a halfı not including the mandibles; anterior angles distinct; surface strongly punctate; somewhat rectanguları emarginate; temporal process absent; mandibles reduced being as big as the first half of the headı with acuminate apex and a median laminar teethı asymmetricalı broader than the one on right mandible with three distinct pits. Pronotum: Surface strongly punctateı bordered all aroundı lateral margins somewhat convergent and rounded anteriorlyı posterior margin as wide as elytra. Elytra: Surface strongly punctateı with small yellowish erect setaeı mainly along the posterior region. Legs: Armature as males except for presenting one median tooth at metatibiae. Venter: as males except for presenting more distinct punctures along the whole venter; gena with a group of strong punctures; discrimen present as a continuous suture at the metaventrite. Abdominal ventrites with coarse and dense to moderate puncturesı uniformly distributedı with yellowish appressed setae. Genitalia (Figure A6(d)): Gonostyli symmetricı slightly prolonged laterallyı irregular along the posterior marginı with some distinct setae. Accessory glandı ovalı slightly smaller than the gonocoxites. Bursa copulatrix uniformly broadı cylindrical. Spermatheca narrowı C-shaped with sclerotised apex. Spermathecal gland absent. Supra anal projection subtrianguları with somewhat acuminate end.


The specific epithet is a tribute to Mr Patrick Arnaud who has contributed to the taxonomic knowledge of Scarabaeoideaı with a special focus on to the Andean Lucanidae during the last decade.

Distribution. Central Cordillera of Peruı Páramo province ( Morrone 2015)

Remarks. This is the seventh species of this genus described for Peruı and it was previously misidentified as Aegognathus waterhousei ı but after some careful examinationı details showed it to be a different speciesı whichı according to the collection dataı seems to be sympatric. The first feature that came to our attention is a conical tubercle on each side of the last ventrite present in A. waterhousei ı and lacking in the new species (Figure A3(aıb))ı which only presents the lateral and transverse carinaı with tufts of setaeı a feature shared by only these two species. Alsoı male genitalia are different between these two speciesı even if both present a strongly sclerotisedı slender aedeagusı longer when compared with other Aegognathus species. In the new species the apex of internal sac is less pigmentedı and the pigmentation extension shorter than in A. waterhousei . In additionı it lacks the acuminate projections at the posterior margin of cross bar struts.

Key to Andean Region Aegognathus Leuthner species

1. Body apparently uniformly blackı at least along head and pronotum but showing some small dark-red spots ventrally and dorsally with bluish or reddish reflections along elytra. ........................................................................................................................................... 2. Body with distinctly black and red to orange spots. ............................................................. 4.

2. Last Ventrite with two conical tubercles at both sidesı and dense yellowish setae. Male aedeagi slenderı strongly sclerotisedı with setose median lobe at sidesı X shaped dorsal cross bar presenting two acuminate projections near the median axis. Female unknown. ............................................... ............................................... A. waterhousei Leuthner. Last ventrite with no lateral tuberclesı presenting or not a somewhat continuous lateral carina along abdominal ventrites. Different genitalia. ............................................ 3.

3. Elytra showing bluish reflections and reddish longitudinal costae. Mandibles with a dorsalı basal carinaı inner margin wavy. Median tooth almost trianguları apex emarginateı slightly bifurcated. Aedeagus shortı weakly sclerotisedı with a somewhat flatı short everted sac. Female unknown. ................... ................... A. dulima . Body mainly black. Mandibles not wavy internallyı and with no dorsal carina at base. Females entirely blackı sometimes showing bluish reflections along elytra; elytra entirely punctateı with no traces of carina; left mandible showing a transverse laminar tooth presenting one bigger pit and two smaller at base. Abdominal ventrites presenting a lateral longitudinal carinaı borderedı resembling a continuous line along lateral margins. Male genitalia elongateı somewhat slenderı strongly sclerotisedı presenting a cylindrical and somewhat long internal sac. .................. .................. A. arnaudi .

4. Heads as wide as elytraı mandibles somewhat cylindricalı strongly curved inwards with a media tooth pointing upwards in major males (not present or reduced in small specimens)ı females with laminar median tooth; Ocular canthus angulatedı especially in femalesı sometimes rounded sometimes emarginate. ................................................... 5. Males with head and pronotum robustı wider than elytra. Mandibles shortı wide and somewhat flattenedı rectangular in cross sectionı all teeth pointing to the median axis of the bodyı never longer than mandible width; females with ocular canthi distinctly rounded. Gena strongly carinate in males and strongly punctate in females. Male genitalia with an internal sac subconical at apexı medially concave. ................................... ............................................................................................................ A. aguirei Arnaud & Bomans.

5. Body entirely bicolouredı with black and orange marks. Elytra presenting 2 – 4 orange longitudinal striaeı some costae. Male genitalia with parameres apically roundedı dorsally with concave posterior margin. ............................ A. soulai Arnaud & Bomans. Body bicoloured with black and dark red spots. Elytra without distinct costaeı even with longitudinal red striae. Genitalia different from above .............................................. 6.

6. Male mandibles with truncate apexı dorsal angle slightly elongateı rounded; preapex in medium and major males with a small tooth. Female mandibles dorsally carinate along the external and internal margins; ocular canthi quadrate. Male second abdominal ventrite without transverse wrinkles along lateral margins. ............................................. .............................................................................................................. A. similis Arnaud & Bomans. Mandibles with rounded or acuminate apexı secondı or second and third abdominal ventrites presenting wrinkles along lateral margins. ............................................................. 7.

7. Second and third abdominal ventrites presenting transverse wrinkles. Elytra uniformly punctateı punctures elongate to coalescent; colour pattern almost uniform from darkish red to black with no distinct area of costate or subcostate striae. ......................... ........................................................................................................ A. confusus Arnaud & Bomans. Only second abdominal ventrite with transverse wrinkles. Elytra bicolouredı with punctures not uniformly distributedı sometimes with longitudinal costae; elytral punctures circular and coalescent. ................................................................................................ 8.

8. Male mandibles more abruptly incurvedı with a somewhat sharp apexı with a preapical transverse longitudinal carina. Pronotum and elytra showing distinctly long yellowish setaeı densely distributed along elytra; setae longer than twice a puncture diameter; setae in females distinctly broader. Female elytra with disc bicoloured. Male genitalia with X shaped; dorsal cross bar poorly lobedı but broader at posterior portion. .............................................................. A. damasoi Arnaud & Bomans. Male mandibles gradually incurvedı with truncate to rounded apexı preapical carina absent. Yellowish setae mainly along elytraı but shortı as long as a punctate diameter. Female elytral disc almost uniformly blackı setae slenderı hair-like. Male genitalia with X-shaped dorsal crossbar with broader posterior lobes. ...... A. leuthneri Van de Poll.

Aegognathus arnaudi Cáceresı Ríos-Málaverı Grossiı new species

(Figs. 2A-D; 3B; 6A-D)

Holotype male labelled

Peruı Region de Junínı Satipo Provinceı Arpayoı −11.457 / -76.643 ı 1800 mı 26 – 28.ix. 2008ı fermented bait in canopyı J.M. Zevallos et Aguilar colls. – 1 3 ( CERPE).


8♀ 163 all from Peru labelled: 1♀ same data as Holotype ( CERPE). 4♀ 43 same data as Holotype (MJPC). 2♀ 4 3 labelled as Holotype except by ii.2008 ( CERPE). 53 labelledı San Martin de Pangoaı Arpayoı Satipoı 2000 mtsı ii.2008 (RMKC). 1♀ 13 labelledı Región de Junínı Satipo Provinceı Arpayoı 1800mı 26 – 28 ix. 2008ı local collectors (LBC). 13 labelledı Selva Centralı 2012ı local collectors (LBC).

Diagnosis. Species very close to Aegognathus waterhousei ı but differing in few characteristics. Body black with some bluish reflections present at elytra. Abdominal ventrites with a somewhat continuous carina along sides and lacking the setose tubercles present at the last abdominal ventrite in A. waterhousei . Big aedeagus when compared with other Aegognathus speciesı cross bar slightly lobed posteriorly with no acuminate projections.

Description Holotype (Figure 2A). Size: Total Length. 26 mm Total Width. 10 mm. Colour: On dorsal view entirely blackı sometimes with some dark-red small areas; elytra with buish reflectionsı presenting yellowish tones due to the presence of setae. Ventrally mainly blackı except for some small areas over the genaı gulaı coxaeı Femora and the posterior portion of metaventrite that are dark red. Head: Form transverse. Surface shagreenedı apparently smooth with small yellowish setae mainly distributed over the anterior regionı emarginate. Ocular canthus covering the eye by a third. Temporal process presentı roundedı somewhat lamellated. Mandibles as long as the head and the first half of pronotumı strongly bent inwardsı with three rounded basal teethı a median acute to slightly rounded tooth that gets narrower distallyı truncate to rounded apex. Pronotum: Surface apparently smoothı shagreened; anterior angles acuminateı emarginate posteriorly; border complete except for the median portion at the anterior marginı with a continuous band of transparent to somewhat white setae along anterior and posterior margins. Disc with a longitudinal grooveı not easily distinguished in some individuals. Elytra: Surface punctateı punctures coarseı denseı with yellowish dendritic setae becoming more distinct posteriorly; epipleuron strongly and uniformly punctateı punctures moderate to large and somewhat denseı with yellowish small setae. Legs: Protibiae externally serrateı with several teeth increasing in size distally. Mesotibiae with one external median tooth. Metatibiae unarmed. Venter: Mentum trapezoidalı surface minutely punctate with yellowish to somewhat white apressed setaeı also with a transversal groove near the labrum. Gena smoothı densely punctate with yellowish setae especially over prosternumı median and posterior region of mesoventriteı along sides of metaventrite and abdominal ventritesı especially along the last one. Prosternum with a band of yellowish setae at the anterior margin. Discrimen present as continuous sutureı ending into a longitudinal groove at the posterior end. Abdominal ventrites with large puncturesı moderately punctateı with a somewhat continuous setose carina along sides and a distinct transverse one at ventrite V (Figure A3(b)). Genitalia (Figure A6(a-c)): Aedeagus symmetricı longer when compared with other Aegognathus speciesı narrower basallyı almost truncate at the anterior marginı somewhat concave posteriorly. Basal piece 2.0 times longer than the parameresı somewhat rectanguları wider close to the median lobe and a bit narrower over the anterior region; sinuous on lateral view. Median lobe almost cylindricalı on dorsal view with ‘ X ’ shaped cross barı posterior portion of cross bar slightly lobed (Figure A6(b)). Parameres setoseı internal margins slightly concave distallyı on lateral view straight basally getting somewhat concave apically; on dorsal view somewhat sinuous. Internal sac almost as long as the basal piece and parameres togetherı with two strap-like sclerites that end at the beginning of the apical thirdı dark at apexı with a sinuous flame-like projectionı with the gonopore at apex.

Paratypes male (figure 2Bı C)

Size: Total length. 17 – 25.1 mm. Total width: 4 – 9 mm. As Holotype except for being smaller. Bluish reflections along elytra less distinct or absent in smaller specimens. Mandibles very similar except for the median tooth which is slightly reduced or absent in the smallest males. Transverse carina at ventrite V reduced or absent.

Paratypes female (Figure 2D)

Size: Total length. 13.2 – 14.5 mm. Total width. 4 – 6 mm Colour: On dorsal view black with some bluish reflections mainly along elytra. Ventrally black with few dark-red regions. Head: Form smaller than male headsı length about a halfı not including the mandibles; anterior angles distinct; surface strongly punctate; somewhat rectanguları emarginate; temporal process absent; mandibles reduced being as big as the first half of the headı with acuminate apex and a median laminar teethı asymmetricalı broader than the one on right mandible with three distinct pits. Pronotum: Surface strongly punctateı bordered all aroundı lateral margins somewhat convergent and rounded anteriorlyı posterior margin as wide as elytra. Elytra: Surface strongly punctateı with small yellowish erect setaeı mainly along the posterior region. Legs: Armature as males except for presenting one median tooth at metatibiae. Venter: as males except for presenting more distinct punctures along the whole venter; gena with a group of strong punctures; discrimen present as a continuous suture at the metaventrite. Abdominal ventrites with coarse and dense to moderate puncturesı uniformly distributedı with yellowish appressed setae. Genitalia (Figure A6(d)): Gonostyli symmetricı slightly prolonged laterallyı irregular along the posterior marginı with some distinct setae. Accessory glandı ovalı slightly smaller than the gonocoxites. Bursa copulatrix uniformly broadı cylindrical. Spermatheca narrowı C-shaped with sclerotised apex. Spermathecal gland absent. Supra anal projection subtrianguları with somewhat acuminate end.


The specific epithet is a tribute to Mr Patrick Arnaud who has contributed to the taxonomic knowledge of Scarabaeoideaı with a special focus on to the Andean Lucanidae during the last decade.

Distribution. Central Cordillera of Peruı Páramo province ( Morrone 2015)

Remarks. This is the seventh species of this genus described for Peruı and it was previously misidentified as Aegognathus waterhousei ı but after some careful examinationı details showed it to be a different speciesı whichı according to the collection dataı seems to be sympatric. The first feature that came to our attention is a conical tubercle on each side of the last ventrite present in A. waterhousei ı and lacking in the new species (Figure A3(aıb))ı which only presents the lateral and transverse carinaı with tufts of setaeı a feature shared by only these two species. Alsoı male genitalia are different between these two speciesı even if both present a strongly sclerotisedı slender aedeagusı longer when compared with other Aegognathus species. In the new species the apex of internal sac is less pigmentedı and the pigmentation extension shorter than in A. waterhousei . In additionı it lacks the acuminate projections at the posterior margin of cross bar struts.

Key to Andean Region Aegognathus Leuthner species

1. Body apparently uniformly blackı at least along head and pronotum but showing some small dark-red spots ventrally and dorsally with bluish or reddish reflections along elytra. ........................................................................................................................................... 2. Body with distinctly black and red to orange spots. ............................................................. 4.

2. Last Ventrite with two conical tubercles at both sidesı and dense yellowish setae. Male aedeagi slenderı strongly sclerotisedı with setose median lobe at sidesı X shaped dorsal cross bar presenting two acuminate projections near the median axis. Female unknown. ............................................... ............................................... A. waterhousei Leuthner. Last ventrite with no lateral tuberclesı presenting or not a somewhat continuous lateral carina along abdominal ventrites. Different genitalia. ............................................ 3.

3. Elytra showing bluish reflections and reddish longitudinal costae. Mandibles with a dorsalı basal carinaı inner margin wavy. Median tooth almost trianguları apex emarginateı slightly bifurcated. Aedeagus shortı weakly sclerotisedı with a somewhat flatı short everted sac. Female unknown. ................... ................... A. dulima . Body mainly black. Mandibles not wavy internallyı and with no dorsal carina at base. Females entirely blackı sometimes showing bluish reflections along elytra; elytra entirely punctateı with no traces of carina; left mandible showing a transverse laminar tooth presenting one bigger pit and two smaller at base. Abdominal ventrites presenting a lateral longitudinal carinaı borderedı resembling a continuous line along lateral margins. Male genitalia elongateı somewhat slenderı strongly sclerotisedı presenting a cylindrical and somewhat long internal sac. .................. .................. A. arnaudi .

4. Heads as wide as elytraı mandibles somewhat cylindricalı strongly curved inwards with a media tooth pointing upwards in major males (not present or reduced in small specimens)ı females with laminar median tooth; Ocular canthus angulatedı especially in femalesı sometimes rounded sometimes emarginate. ................................................... 5. Males with head and pronotum robustı wider than elytra. Mandibles shortı wide and somewhat flattenedı rectangular in cross sectionı all teeth pointing to the median axis of the bodyı never longer than mandible width; females with ocular canthi distinctly rounded. Gena strongly carinate in males and strongly punctate in females. Male genitalia with an internal sac subconical at apexı medially concave. ................................... ............................................................................................................ A. aguirei Arnaud & Bomans.

5. Body entirely bicolouredı with black and orange marks. Elytra presenting 2 – 4 orange longitudinal striaeı some costae. Male genitalia with parameres apically roundedı dorsally with concave posterior margin. ............................ A. soulai Arnaud & Bomans. Body bicoloured with black and dark red spots. Elytra without distinct costaeı even with longitudinal red striae. Genitalia different from above .............................................. 6.

6. Male mandibles with truncate apexı dorsal angle slightly elongateı rounded; preapex in medium and major males with a small tooth. Female mandibles dorsally carinate along the external and internal margins; ocular canthi quadrate. Male second abdominal ventrite without transverse wrinkles along lateral margins. ............................................. .............................................................................................................. A. similis Arnaud & Bomans. Mandibles with rounded or acuminate apexı secondı or second and third abdominal ventrites presenting wrinkles along lateral margins. ............................................................. 7.

7. Second and third abdominal ventrites presenting transverse wrinkles. Elytra uniformly punctateı punctures elongate to coalescent; colour pattern almost uniform from darkish red to black with no distinct area of costate or subcostate striae. ......................... ........................................................................................................ A. confusus Arnaud & Bomans. Only second abdominal ventrite with transverse wrinkles. Elytra bicolouredı with punctures not uniformly distributedı sometimes with longitudinal costae; elytral punctures circular and coalescent. ................................................................................................ 8.

8. Male mandibles more abruptly incurvedı with a somewhat sharp apexı with a preapical transverse longitudinal carina. Pronotum and elytra showing distinctly long yellowish setaeı densely distributed along elytra; setae longer than twice a puncture diameter; setae in females distinctly broader. Female elytra with disc bicoloured. Male genitalia with X shaped; dorsal cross bar poorly lobedı but broader at posterior portion. .............................................................. A. damasoi Arnaud & Bomans. Male mandibles gradually incurvedı with truncate to rounded apexı preapical carina absent. Yellowish setae mainly along elytraı but shortı as long as a punctate diameter. Female elytral disc almost uniformly blackı setae slenderı hair-like. Male genitalia with X-shaped dorsal crossbar with broader posterior lobes. ...... A. leuthneri Van de Poll.

Key to Andean Region Aegognathus Leuthner species

1. Body apparently uniformly blackı at least along head and pronotum but showing some small dark-red spots ventrally and dorsally with bluish or reddish reflections along elytra. ........................................................................................................................................... 2. Body with distinctly black and red to orange spots. ............................................................. 4.

2. Last Ventrite with two conical tubercles at both sidesı and dense yellowish setae. Male aedeagi slenderı strongly sclerotisedı with setose median lobe at sidesı X shaped dorsal cross bar presenting two acuminate projections near the median axis. Female unknown. ............................................... ............................................... A. waterhousei Leuthner. Last ventrite with no lateral tuberclesı presenting or not a somewhat continuous lateral carina along abdominal ventrites. Different genitalia. ............................................ 3.

3. Elytra showing bluish reflections and reddish longitudinal costae. Mandibles with a dorsalı basal carinaı inner margin wavy. Median tooth almost trianguları apex emarginateı slightly bifurcated. Aedeagus shortı weakly sclerotisedı with a somewhat flatı short everted sac. Female unknown. ................... ................... A. dulima . Body mainly black. Mandibles not wavy internallyı and with no dorsal carina at base. Females entirely blackı sometimes showing bluish reflections along elytra; elytra entirely punctateı with no traces of carina; left mandible showing a transverse laminar tooth presenting one bigger pit and two smaller at base. Abdominal ventrites presenting a lateral longitudinal carinaı borderedı resembling a continuous line along lateral margins. Male genitalia elongateı somewhat slenderı strongly sclerotisedı presenting a cylindrical and somewhat long internal sac. .................. .................. A. arnaudi .

4. Heads as wide as elytraı mandibles somewhat cylindricalı strongly curved inwards with a media tooth pointing upwards in major males (not present or reduced in small specimens)ı females with laminar median tooth; Ocular canthus angulatedı especially in femalesı sometimes rounded sometimes emarginate. ................................................... 5. Males with head and pronotum robustı wider than elytra. Mandibles shortı wide and somewhat flattenedı rectangular in cross sectionı all teeth pointing to the median axis of the bodyı never longer than mandible width; females with ocular canthi distinctly rounded. Gena strongly carinate in males and strongly punctate in females. Male genitalia with an internal sac subconical at apexı medially concave. ................................... ............................................................................................................ A. aguirei Arnaud & Bomans.

5. Body entirely bicolouredı with black and orange marks. Elytra presenting 2 – 4 orange longitudinal striaeı some costae. Male genitalia with parameres apically roundedı dorsally with concave posterior margin. ............................ A. soulai Arnaud & Bomans. Body bicoloured with black and dark red spots. Elytra without distinct costaeı even with longitudinal red striae. Genitalia different from above .............................................. 6.

6. Male mandibles with truncate apexı dorsal angle slightly elongateı rounded; preapex in medium and major males with a small tooth. Female mandibles dorsally carinate along the external and internal margins; ocular canthi quadrate. Male second abdominal ventrite without transverse wrinkles along lateral margins. ............................................. .............................................................................................................. A. similis Arnaud & Bomans. Mandibles with rounded or acuminate apexı secondı or second and third abdominal ventrites presenting wrinkles along lateral margins. ............................................................. 7.

7. Second and third abdominal ventrites presenting transverse wrinkles. Elytra uniformly punctateı punctures elongate to coalescent; colour pattern almost uniform from darkish red to black with no distinct area of costate or subcostate striae. ......................... ........................................................................................................ A. confusus Arnaud & Bomans. Only second abdominal ventrite with transverse wrinkles. Elytra bicolouredı with punctures not uniformly distributedı sometimes with longitudinal costae; elytral punctures circular and coalescent. ................................................................................................ 8.

8. Male mandibles more abruptly incurvedı with a somewhat sharp apexı with a preapical transverse longitudinal carina. Pronotum and elytra showing distinctly long yellowish setaeı densely distributed along elytra; setae longer than twice a puncture diameter; setae in females distinctly broader. Female elytra with disc bicoloured. Male genitalia with X shaped; dorsal cross bar poorly lobedı but broader at posterior portion. .............................................................. A. damasoi Arnaud & Bomans. Male mandibles gradually incurvedı with truncate to rounded apexı preapical carina absent. Yellowish setae mainly along elytraı but shortı as long as a punctate diameter. Female elytral disc almost uniformly blackı setae slenderı hair-like. Male genitalia with X-shaped dorsal crossbar with broader posterior lobes. ...... A. leuthneri Van de Poll.

Morrone JJ. 2015. Biogeographical regionalisation of the Neotropical region. Zootaxa. 3782: 1 - 110. doi: 10.11646 / zootaxa. 3782.1.1

Van De Poll JRH. 1886. Description of a second species of the Lucanoid genus Aegognathus Leuthner 29: tijdschrift voor Entomologie. 29: 153 - 154.


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium











