Aegognathus waterhousei Leuthner, 1883

Ríos-Málaver, Juan Sebastián Dueñas Cáceres ı Cristóbal & Grossi, Paschoal Coelho, 2019, Taxonomic contribution on the Andean species of Aegognathus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) with two new species from Colombia and Peru, Journal of Natural History 53 (35), pp. 2145-2164 : 2148-2150

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Valdenar (2020-02-11 22:07:59, last updated by Admin 2022-06-30 19:11:22)

scientific name

Aegognathus waterhousei Leuthner, 1883


Aegognathus waterhousei Leuthner, 1883

( Figs. 1A View Figure A ; 3A View Figure A ; 4 View Figure A A, C; 5A)

Type material ( Figure A1 View Figure A (a)). Holotype male examined by pictures labelled: (a) white typed and green bordered label, ‘ Peru /79 17 ’; (b) white type label, ‘ 162 ’ (c) illegible (d) red-circled label; ‘ Type ’, (e) White typed, handwritten label, ‘ Aegopsis [sic] waterhousei Type. 1 ♂ ’ ( NHM).

Additional material. Peru, Arpayo, Satipo, Junín, ii. 2008, G. Pross. 1♂ ( CERPE)

Diagnosis. Body entirely black with some bluish and reddish reflections. Head and pronotum finely punctate. Mandibles with truncate to rounded apex. Elytra strongly punctate with yellowish scale-like setae. Last abdominal ventrites carinate along lateral margins, also presenting a transverse carina on the anterior margin of ventrites III-V. Last abdominal ventrite presenting two lateral tubercles with a group of setae at the apex. Aedeagus almost four times longer than wide, cross bar ‘ X ’ shaped with two acuminate projections at the posterior margin.

Redescription Holotype. Size: Total length. 29 mm Total width. 9 mm. Colour: Body surface dorsally black at first sight, with some small dark-red areas, one near base of mandibles and three along pronotum. Elytra mainly black, with black-red tones across the posterior portion. Legs with some dark-red tones on femora. In ventral view black, with dark-red areas on gena, near base of mandibles, canthus, mentum, gula, coxae and along lateral margins of abdominal ventrites. Head: Shape transverse; surface shagreened, apparently glabrous but presenting small yellowish to somewhat white setae; temporal process present, rounded, mainly visible in lateral and ventral view.Mandibles as long as the head and first half of pronotum, strongly bent inwards with an almost truncate to rounded apex; with a median strong upwards directed tooth, rounded at apex; basally with three unequal teeth. Pronotum: Surface shagreened, with a longitudinal weak discal groove, almost glabrous except for sides; anterior angles almost acute; posterior angles somewhat sinusoidal. Elytra: Surface uniformly punctate, punctures coarse, dense, with erect yellowish dendritic setae, becoming longer and denser posteriorly; epipleural punctures large and dense, with small yellowish setae. Legs: Protibiae externally serrate with four strong distal teeth, one apical inner tooth. Mesotibiae and metatibiae with four distal teeth. Venter: Mentum trapezoidal, with a transverse anterior groove, punctate with small yellow appressed setae. Gena finely punctate presenting a transverse but curved posterior carina. Prosternum with a continuous line of yellowish setae over the anterior margin; surface punctate with strongly curved, to appressed setae, strongly punctate over the anterior region. Mesoventrite punctate, with small appressed setae; punctures denser at the median region. Metaventrite less punctate than prosternum and mesoventrite; discrimen present as a continuous line from the posterior margin of mesocoxae to the posterior margin of metaventrite, forming an oval groove. Abdominal ventrites with fine to moderate punctures; surface sparsely to moderately punctate; margins slightly carinate, last ventrite more densely punctate with a group of apical setae. Ventrites III-V presenting a transverse carina located at the anterior margin, carina stronger on ventrite V; ventrite V with two lateral conical tubercles, with tufts of setae at apex ( Figure A3 View Figure A (a)). Genitalia ( Figure A4 View Figure A (a,c)): Aedeagus symmetric, very elongate, distinctly slender; basal piece somewhat rectangular, sides concave over the anterior region, convex posteriorly, with rounded angles; disc with a distinct translucent area; 2.0 times longer than the paramere length. Median lobe almost cylindrical, lateral margins setose; cross bar X-shaped ( Figure A5 View Figure A (a)), with two somewhat acuminate projections at posterior region near median axis. Parameres in lateral view concave, with rounded apex. Internal sac 1.5 times shorter than parameres and basal piece together, with a paired longitudinal strap-like sclerites, widened distally, ending just before the apex. Apex cylindrical, completely covered by microspicules, giving a sclerotised appearance, bulbous, with a tubular distal expansion ending in the gonopore.

Additional material

One specimen, same data as holotype, except for 27 mm in length and 8.8 mm in width, presenting bluish reflections along elytral disc but also presenting the black-red tones across posterior region. Additionaly minor males remain unknown.

Description female

Unknown to us, but given the similarity between males of one of the new species described below, we expect the same similarity among females, with the possibility to have mixed females of A. waterhousei and females of the new species described in this article, within collections.

Distribution. Central Cordillera of Peru, Páramo province ( Morrone 2015)

Morrone JJ. 2015. Biogeographical regionalisation of the Neotropical region. Zootaxa. 3782: 1 - 110. doi: 10.11646 / zootaxa. 3782.1.1

Gallery Image

Figure A1. (a) Aegognathus waterhousei, Holotype male in dorsal view. (b) Aegognathus dulima, holotype male in dorsal view. Scale bar 5 mm

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Figure A3. Detail of abdominal ventrite V. (a) Aegognathus waterhousei. (b) Aegognathus arnaudi n.sp. Scale bar 5 mm.

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Figure A4. Male genitalia. (a) Aegognathus waterhousei ventral view. (b) Aegognathus dulima n.sp. ventral view. (c) A. waterhousei lateral view. (d) A. dulima n.sp. lateral view. Scale bar 1 mm.

Gallery Image

Figure A5. Cross bar struts dorsal view. (a) A. waterhousei. (b) A. dulima n.sp. Scale bar 1 mm.


University of Nottingham











