Rhinolophus hipposideros (Borkhausen, 1797)

Godlevska, L., Rebrov, S., Vorobei, P., Savchenko, M. & Panchenko, P., 2022, Bats Of Central Ukraine: A Synopsis, Zoodiversity 56 (3), pp. 203-232 : 222-227

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.15407/zoo2022.03.203

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Rhinolophus hipposideros (Borkhausen, 1797)


Rhinolophus hipposideros (Borkhausen, 1797) View in CoL

The distribution of the species within the region is restricted to its southern part, to the Dniester subregion ( fig. 22), where it was recorded in 10 study localities in different seasons of the year. All found roosts, both winter and summer, were underground. The maximum counted number per one hibernaculum was 167 individuals ( Godlevska et al., 2010). Maternity colonies were revealed in three underground sites; the largest counted ca. 50 adult females (ibid; Annex) .

Chiropterofauna of subregions, seasonality of species occurrence, their reproductive status

The summary on bat species’ occurrence by subregions, seasons, and their reproductive status is presented in table 1.

In total, in the ZMF-subregion, 17 bat species were recorded; in the ZFS-subregion, 15. The difference concerns two species: E. nilssonii and M. mystacinus s. s. The former is known by records in few study localities of the ZMF-subregion; the latter was found there only once. P. austriacus is the new species for the ZMF-subregion. N. lasiopterus is an extremely rare species, which was recorded only twice in the ZMF-subregion during the last two decades. In the rest, species composition and reproductive status of species of these subregions are pretty similar.

The highest number of species (in total, 23) was recorded in the Dniester subregion, which is the smallest by area. Here, so-called cave species ( R. hipposideros , M. blythii , M. myotis ) and M. bechsteinii , species of M. mystacinus morphogroup, P. pipistrellus s. s. were found.

Winter occurrence of 17 species in the region was established with direct observations. Occurrence,in winter, of three species of M.mystacinus morphogroup: M.alcathoe , M. aurascens and M. mystacinus s. s. is presumed.Winter records for four, known to be long-distance migrants ( Hutterer et al., 2005), species ( P. nathusii , P. pygmaeus , N. leisleri , N. lasiopterus ) are not known in the study region; it is presumed to be out of their winter range.

During the last two decades (and in general), reproduction was confirmed for 20 bat species in the study region. So far, there are no data on breeding of four species ( E. nilssonii , M. myotis , M. aurascens , M. mystacinus ) in the region. In the case of the first two species, the region seems to be on the edge of their main distribution ranges. In M. aurascens and M. mystacinus the breeding in the region is presumed; given their sedentary.

Distribution of species, their prevalence and abundance

In total, by results of1999–2021 study, the most common, by the number of localities,species are: E.serotinus , N.noctula , M.daubentonii , P.nathusii , P.auritus and P. pygmaeus . Other species were found in a fewer number of localities. The species N. lasiopterus , M. myotis , E. nilssonii , P. pipistrellus s. s., M. blythii , M. bechsteinii have the restricted distribution (see Species accounts). They are known from the least (among other species) number of localities ( fig. 23 View Fig ).

In general, our own results on the prevalence of species ( fig. 23 View Fig , a) correspond to the broader array of data ( fig. 23 View Fig , b). The only species with a considerable difference in a number of localities (by own vs. sum of all data) is V. murinus . The majority of known localities of this species are in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. There, the species is regularly found in summer ( Gashchak et al., 2009; 2013) in contrast to the biggest part of the study region (see V. murinus species account).

The most prevalent species have, in general, the highest abundance. In particular, the quantitative representativeness of these species among netted bats during the breeding season was high in all three subregions (fig. 24).

Bat roosts

In total, in the course of our study within the region, we revealed and/or examined 108 underground bat shelters; with the length of a few meters to over 10 km each ( Godlevskaya, 2007; Godlevska et al., 2010; 2012; 2016; Annex). Data on two underground bat roosts for the same time period are available in publications of other authors ( Smirnov & Smirnov, 2007; Bugaichenko, 2019).

During 1999–2021, in underground shelters of two not-cave subregions (ZMF and ZFS), we revealed eight bat species: B. barbastellus , E. serotinus , M. brandtii , M. dasycneme , M. daubentonii , M. nattereri , P. auritus , and P. austriacus . They exhaust the full list of bat species been recorded in underground sites of the not-cave (NC) subregions.

In summer, in underground sites of this, not-cave, part of the region, we found bats in comparatively low numbers. Maternity colonies in underground structures of the NC subregions were observed only in one species, P. auritus , in two objects (Godlevska et al., 2016; Annex). Also breeding females of M. daubentonii were caught at the entrance to one semiunderground object (Annex).

In the NC part of the region, in 1999–2021, we examined 50 underground hibernacula: in the ZMF-subregion, 34; in the ZFS-subregion, 16. The maximum bats’ number per one underground hibernaculum in the NC subregions was 356 individuals: in DMS 47- P1-2, Kyiv (Annex). However, the median value of bats’ number per one underground hibernaculum was 4 individuals (N av = 42 ind.). In winter aggregations in underground hibernacula of the NC subregions, M. daubentonii predominated considerably ( fig. 25 View Fig , А).

Notably, the biggest portions (96 %) of counted hibernating bats in the NC subregions were revealed in less than a half of underground hibernacula (43 %). The largest complex of underground hibernacula in the NC subregions is represented by the drainage mine systems (DMS) in Kyiv. The general number of bats counted in DMSs (18 objects in different years) amounts ca. 76 % of all bats in underground hibernacula in not-cave subregions. About 20 % of counted bats hibernating underground in the not-cave part of the region were found in four other objects in the ZMF-region (tree, military; one, a tunnel of unclear purpose). And only 4 % of bats were counted in the rest (56 %) of the examined underground hibernacula of this, not cave, part of the study region.

More bat species were revealed in underground sites of the Dniester, cave, subregion, where there are many extended underground objects, diverse by structure and microclimate ( Godlevska et al., 2010; 2012). There, R. hipposideros , M. blythii , M. myotis , M. bechsteinii , and species of M. mystacinus morphogroup and P. pipistrellus s. s. are added to the list of species roosting underground ( fig. 25 View Fig , B).

In summer, in examined underground cavities of the Dniester subregion, maternity colonies of R. hipposideros (four sites) and P. austriacus (three sites) were recorded. As well,

specimens 250 200









specimens 100 50






Fig. 24. Quantitative representativeness of species among netted bats during breeding season in 1999–2021 in subregions: A, Dniester River, DRS (n ind = 265); B, forest-steppe, ZFS (n ind = 1097); C, mixed forests, ZMF (n ind = 1007). I — all netted specimens; II — bats netted remotely of identified roosts. Results of catchings at underground sites in the DRS were not included. Only own data were used.

breeding females of M. blythii and P. auritus were netted at the entrances to mines, that indirectly indicates the using such objects by these species as maternity.

In winter, in the DRS-subregion, 26 underground hibernacula were inspected. The maximum number of bats per one underground hibernaculum was 371 individuals: in VRB1-mine, Vinnytsya Region ( Godlevska et al., 2012). In comparison with the not-cave subregions, the median value of bats’ number per one underground hibernaculum was higher: 30 individuals (with N av = 68 ind.). Dominant species (by the number of individuals) were R. hipposideros and M. daubentonii . However, the distribution of counted individuals by species in the Dniester region is less sharp than in not-cave subregions ( fig. 25 View Fig , B).

Overground bat roosts in the study region include various cavities in man-made structures, trees, and, probably, in rock and soil outcrops.


In the warm period of the year, we revealed 162 overground bat roosts (67, in trees; 95, in man-made structures). For 135 of them, at least one species of sheltered bats was identified; for 27, the species of sheltered bats was not identified or identified only to a genus (e. g. Nyctalus , P. nathusii / P. kuhlii ; etc.). In total, roosts of 14 species were localised (fig. 26). In general, these species are the all ones with localised summer overground roosts during the last two decades of the bat survey in the region.

The largest number of such roosts, in the warm period of the year, was found for four species: E. serotinus , N. noctula , P. nathusii , P. pygmaeus , which are among the most frequent and abundant species in the region (see above). Roosts of six species ( M. daubentonii , N. noctula , N. leisleri , P. auritus , P. pygmaeus , P. nathusii ) were found in tree cavities. N. leisleri was found roosting only in trees; N. noctula , almost solely. In overground sections of various man-made structures, roosts of 13 species were revealed. Among them, eight species were revealed roosting only in the man-made structures (fig. 26).

In winter, we localised overground bat roosts only in buildings ( Godlevska, 2015 a; Annex; L. Godlevska, comm.) where four species ( N. noctula , P. kuhlii , E. serotinus , V. murinus ) were regularly found. These four species also predominate by the number of calls to contact centres, both within the study region and Ukraine overall (Godlevska, 2012 b,


2015 b; Prylutska & Vlaschenko, 2013; Panchenko & Godlevska, 2018). N. noctula is known as the species forming large hibernation colonies in hundreds of specimens in multi-storey buildings in settlements ( Godlevska, 2015 a). P. kuhlii hibernate in cavities of overground sections of buildings in groups or colonies with a number up to 150 individuals (see P. kuhlii species account). Numerous and regular records of E. serotinus and V. murinus in inner rooms of buildings are the evidence of their wintering in cavities of these structures. Of the four species mentioned, three are “new” in winter in the region: N. noctula , V. murinus , due to the expansion of their winter range; P. kuhlii , due to the expansion of the general range.

In buildings, in the inner rooms of their overground sections, there were few records of single specimens of P. austriacus and Plecotus sp. ( Ruzhilenko et al., 1998; Bilushenko, 2009; Annex). That may be considered as the evidence of roosting of long-eared bats in buildings in winter as well. There were also two records of single specimens of B. barbastellus in overground sections of buildings (see the species account).

Few records of solitary bats in hollow trees in the winter period concern, mainly, the autumn (October) or spring (March) seasons ( Abelentsev & Popov, 1956; Sologor, 1973). These seasons in certain years may be characterised by rather high temperatures, and, correspondingly, such shelters may be transit or temporal. The only mention in publications of bats ( N. noctula ) in hollow trees during the main winter period in the region, namely in the cities of Kyiv and Cherkasy, concerns the last decade ( Bilushenko, 2015). It can not be ruled out that the warming of winters allow bats, at present, to hibernate in trees in the regions (earlier) characterised by low temperatures and long periods of frosts ( Babichenko et al., 2003). However, only further research will show whether the wintering of bats, particularly N.noctula , in trees is constant, or such shelters are satellite to those already known in buildings.

One more type of conditionally overground roosts in crevices of rock or soil outcrops is not studied enough. In the borders of the study region, there were two records of bats at the surface of outcrops in the late winter period: in the middle of March. In particular, on the 15th of March 2008, few specimens of E. serotinus were observed at ledges of granite rocks ( Zagorodniuk & Kalinichenko, 2008). The single specimen of B. barbastellus was found at the loess wall of a ravine on the 7th of March 1992 ( Ruzhilenko et al., 1998).













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