Ceratotingis spatula ( Monte, 1945 ) Costa, 2009

Costa, Sara Itzel Montemayor and Luiz Antônio Alves, 2009, Systematic revision of Macrotingis and phylogenetic analysis of the genera Macrotingis and Ceratotingis (Heteroptera: Tingidae), European Journal of Entomology 106 (4), pp. 631-642 : 639

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.14411/eje.2009.079



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scientific name

Ceratotingis spatula ( Monte, 1945 )

comb. nov.

Ceratotingis spatula ( Monte, 1945) comb. n.

( Figs 2G View Fig , 3G View Fig , 4G View Fig , 5G and 5C View Fig )

Tigava spatula Monte, 1945: 250 View in CoL ; Drake & Ruhoff, 1965: 389.

Diagnosis. General colour yellowish brown. Cuticle anterodorsal to eyes with same characteristics as the rest of the head. Occipital spines gradually diverging. Segment Iapproximately four times longer than the head. Hood moderately developed. Median pronotal carina same height along all its length except at the apex where it is lower. Paranota with one row of areolae. Mesosternal lamina subparallel. Costal area with one row of areolae.

Total body length (male holotype and female paratype, respectively): 5.105.10.

Type material examined. Holotype: ♂, Brasil, Goiás, Rio Verde , 19.i.1945, Carvalho col., ( MNRJ) ; Allotype, female, Brasil, Goiás, Rio Verde , 19.i.1945, Carvalho col. ( MNRJ) .

Distribution ( Fig. 7 View Fig ). Brazil ( Monte, 1945).

Discussion. Ceratotingis spatula was previously placed in the genus Tigava . The members of the genus Tigava have the bases of segment I adjacent, a cylindrical segment IV, segment Iand IV of the same length, median spine is short and directed forwards, occipital spines are subparallel and run close to the surface of the head, a generally short rostrum that does not extend beyond the prosternum, a low hood that scarcely projects over the head and low pronotal carinae.

In C. spatula , like in other species of Ceratotingis , the bases of segment Iare widely separated, segment IV is spatuliform, segment Iis much longer than segment IV, median spine is long and directed forward, occipital spines form an angle with the surface of the head, the rostrum is long and reaches at least the posterior half of the mesosternum, the hood is well developed, projects over the head and the pronotal carinae are high. Ceratotingis spatula is the sister group of C. costarriquense , C. rafaeli and C. zeteki ; and like the first two species has a uniseriated costa on which, like the latter species, the occipital spines gradually diverge and a median pronotal carina of the same height along its entire length.

Ceratotingis spatula can be distinguished from the rest of the Ceratotingis by its rostrum, which reaches the metasternum, a lower hood, paranota with only one row of areolae, shortness and shape of the discoidal area and the portion of the inner discoidal vein that reaches the subcostal vein is curved whereas in all other Ceratotingis it is rect.

Up to now this is the only species of the genus in South America and there is a large gap in the distribution between the Central American species and C. spatula ( Fig. 7 View Fig ). Probably this is a consequence of the lack of field work in this area as the range of the genus should be much wider than that recorded.


Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Cristovao, Universidade do Rio Janeiro, Museu Nacional


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro














Ceratotingis spatula ( Monte, 1945 )

Costa, Sara Itzel Montemayor and Luiz Antônio Alves 2009

Tigava spatula

DRAKE C. J. & RUHOFF F. A. 1965: 389
MONTE O. 1945: 250
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