Notophthiracarus zebra ( BALOGH, 1962 )

Mahunka, S., 2009, Oribatid Mites From The Vohimana Reserve (Madagascar) (Acari: Oribatida) I., Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 55 (2), pp. 89-122 : 92

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12584807


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scientific name

Notophthiracarus zebra ( BALOGH, 1962 )


Notophthiracarus zebra ( BALOGH, 1962) View in CoL

( Figs 1–5 View Figs 1–5 )

Neither BALOGH in his original description, nor NIEDBAŁA (2004) in his re-description gave precisely the characteristic details of special sculptura, and hence the given figures are somewhat misleading. Therefore I think the following notes are necessary:

Behind the lateral carina the surface of the prodorsum is smooth, while the rostral area is ornamented by polygonal sculpture. In the strongly outlined cell-like fields oval or polygonal areas differentiate. In the middle field there are longitudinal polygonal fields, they possess thin margins, while the basal surface is ornamented by longitudinal wrinkles, and there are small alveolies in them. The surface of the notogaster is ornamented by parallel lines, and these form a fingerprint-like pattern in lateral view. Among the parallel lines there are small alveolies, and their shape is very discernible on the dorsal surface.

The prodorsal setae – with the exception of minute lamellar setae – are rod-shaped, their distal end is narrowing, and their distal half is sparsely aciculate. The stalk of the sensillus is long and arched, its distal quater is widened, its border is scalpel-like, and the border is also aciculate.

On the basis of genital setae the placement of the species is rather problematic (whether it belongs to the genus Hoplophorella BERLESE, 1923 or Notophthiracarus RAMSAY, 1966 ), to solve this problem further investigations are necessary.

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