Piscicola, Jueg & Zettler, 2015

Jueg, Uwe & Zettler, Michael L., 2015, Distribution and ecology of leeches (Hirudinea) in brackish waters of the German Baltic, Ecologica Montenegrina 2 (1), pp. 42-50 : 49

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.37828/em.2015.2.4

persistent identifier


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scientific name


sp. nov.

Piscicola View in CoL View at ENA sp. nov.

During our study we found several specimens of the genus Piscicola at the Adlergrund/Rønnebank between the Islands of Rugia and Bornholm belonging to none of described species. We are quite sure that this is a new species for science. The species have a flatted body predominantly dark pigmented. Elucidations are visible at the sucker and gonophores. A detailed description will be follow later in a separate publication.

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